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The study of residential differentiation in nineteenth‐century cities has generally been pursued without reference to Australian examples due to a lack of suitable data sources and a tendency to assume ‘New World’ models for the antipodean case. This study of late nineteenth‐century Fremantle, Western Australia, utilises data drawn from contemporary municipal ratebooks in a comprehensive analysis of residential space at the micro‐scale of individual lots. Conducted at three time intervals during a period of in‐migration and urban transformation, the analysis reveals the distinctiveness of one Australian urban experience during an era of ‘compressed development’. Residential differentiation is shown to exist both between and within occupational status groups, reflecting subtle differences in tenancy status, dwelling type and lot densities. With population increase and the onset of industrialisation, many of these differentials can be seen to disappear, particularly between middling status groups. Drawing upon additional evidence from other researchers, it is possible to construct a schematic model of antipodean urban development to represent more precisely the period in Australian cities prior to large‐scale suburbanisation.  相似文献   

We study the changing volumes and costs of the energy resources available in the coming century as a result of exploration, technical progress, and consumption. The most reliable and well-documented information involves fossil fuels, which account for nearly 80 percent of the energy mix today. Known and presumed resources are fairly well ranked by cost, and we can estimate future developments. We present two consumption scenarios: the more contrasted reference case and the ecologically driven case presented by the World Energy Council at its last congress (1992). Our scenarios take into account the twofold goal set forth at the Rio summit: to achieve sustainable development and to minimize the climatic effects of pollutant emissions.We show that the most cost-effective mineral resources, including uranium, will run out only gradually in the next century according to these hypotheses. As a result, marginal cost will grow relatively slowly. However, we presuppose a tough policy on curbing consumption and using renewable sources of energy.We point out the need for better cost ranking of energy saving and energy switch possibilities. Additionally, the ecological impact and cost of corrective measures will have to be evaluated. We believe that the medium- and long-term difficulties will stem chiefly from the contradiction between low energy prices and the commitments required. The danger of geopolitical tension will remain a serious concern.  相似文献   

俄罗斯和澳大利亚农业比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俄罗斯和澳大利亚的自然禀赋相近,然而两国农业发展水平差距巨大。澳大利亚是高效农业,商品化、国际化程度高,有3/4的“富余”产品出口国外;俄罗斯则自给不足,肉、奶、蛋、土豆等依赖进口。本文从土地所有权、农业生产主体和农业生产分工三个角度出发,分析造成俄、澳农业劳动生产率差距的原因,探讨提高土地利用率、规模与效率以及市场对组织生产的调节作用等问题。  相似文献   

福建省新世纪可持续发展的问题与对策   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
福建省是我国沿海地区改革开放以来经济发展迅速的省区之一。可持续发展作为我国跨世纪的基本战略,对21世纪福建省经济和社会同人口、资源、生态环境的协调发展具有重要的指导意义。本文对影响福建省今后20年可持续发展的若干重大问题,如经济的可持续发展、投资环境建设与扩大对外开放、城镇化与大中小城市的协调发展、自然资源的合理开发利用、环境保护与生态建设以及缩小区域发展差距等问题作了较深入的分析,并提出相应的对策  相似文献   

世纪之交东北亚经济格局的变化   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
进入21世纪,地缘政治已服从于地缘经济。东北亚地区的经济格局因此发生了重大变化,表现为资源领事程度加深,内部存在明显梯度差异,发展潜力巨大,整体经济融合等特点。由于存在着许多不确定因素,本文还对未来东北亚经济格局进行多方案预测。  相似文献   

构筑唐山21世纪交通体系与特色经济格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张世奇 《地理研究》1999,18(2):148-151
唐山是全国运输网的枢纽地区之一和全国国土重点开发区的重要组成部分,文中通过对唐山现有交通基础设施的总体状况进行概括和评价,指出了其对未来经济发展所构成的制约和潜在的优势;从区位影响、经济布局、城镇体系和产业结构调整等方面,论述了大交通体系对唐山特色经济格局形成的战略影响。根据唐山区位优势、资源分布特点,面对生产要素配置市场化、经济发展区域化和个性化的大趋势,对构筑唐山交通体系提出了相应的建设性意见与对策。  相似文献   

唐山是全国运输网的枢纽地区之一和全国国土重点开发区的重要组成部分,文中通过对唐山现有交通基础设施的总体状况进行概括和评价,指出了其对未来经济发展所构成的制约和潜在的优势;从区位影响、经济布局、城镇体系和产业结构调整等方面,论述了大交通体系对唐山特色经济格局形成的战略影响。根据唐山区位优势、资源分布特点,面对生产要素配置市场化、经济发展区域化和个性化的大趋势,对构筑唐山交通体系提出了相应的建设性意见与对策。  相似文献   

20世纪以来东北城市的发展及其历史作用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
东北地区城市的产生与发展有着悠久的历史,并形成特有的文化,但由于历史的原因,城市发展水平长期落后于中原地区。东北地区近现代城市的产生与发展是近100年的事情。20世纪以来,东北地区经历了清政府的移民实边,俄、日等帝国主义的殖民侵略与掠夺开发,新中国成立后的工业化重点发展。伴随着经济的发展和经济结构的剧烈变革,东北城市发展进入鼎盛时期,并后来居上成为我国除几个直辖市外,城市化水平最高的地区。与全国其他地区城市相比,东北城市发展有着特定的社会政治与经济背景,但也清晰而集中地反映了城市化与交通发展、工业化相互促进,同步发展的特征。本文试图把东北地区近百年来城市的发展置于区域社会政治与经济发展的进程中进行考察,着重探讨东北辽宁、吉林、黑龙江三省城市发展的动因,同时阐明它的发展对区域经济及全国经济产生的影响,分析当前存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

Recent decades have seen substantial growth across many developed-world countries of right-wing populist political parties whose policies oppose immigration and multiculturalism as threats to the majority way of life there. These are exemplified in Australia by Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party, which was successful at elections there at the turn of the twenty-first century and again in 2016. Part of this party’s rhetoric focuses on the geography of immigrant groups in Australia’s cities, with claims that their members live in ghettos. Is that factually correct? Using data from the 2011 Australian census this paper analyses the distribution of Asians and Muslims (the two groups picked out by One Nation and its leader) at four spatial scales within the country’s 11 largest urban areas. It finds no evidence at all of intensive residential segregation of Muslims, and although there are concentrations of Asians—notably in Sydney and Melbourne—most residents claiming Asian ancestry live in neighbourhoods and suburbs where they form a minority (in many cases a small minority) only of the local population.  相似文献   

20世纪中国气候变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studies on the 20th century climate change in China have revealed that under the background of global warming over the past century,climate in China has also experienced significant change with mean annual temperature increased by about 0.5 °C.More reliable results for the latter part of the 20th century indicate that the largest warming occurred in Northwest China,North China and Northeast China,and the warming in winter is most significant.Although no obvious increase or decrease trends were detected for mean precipitation over China in the past half century,regional differences are very distinct.In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River,precipitation increased,while that in the Yellow River Basin markedly decreased.Studies suggest that climate change in China seems to be related not only with the internal factors such as ENSO,PDO,and the others,but also with the anthropogenic effects such as greenhouse gas emissions,and land use.The future climate change studies in China seem to be important in narrowing understanding the nature of China's climate change and its main causes,since it is significant for projection and for impact assessment of climate change in the future.  相似文献   

近代旅游业经过了半个多世纪的发展历程,到20世纪70年代后期,以休闲与文化等精神性旅游需求为特征的旅游者不断涌现,传统旅游资源难以满足现代旅游者的需求,以彝人古镇为例,模仿式旅游资源随之应运而生。尽管学者们对旅游古镇的研究已经司空见惯,不论研究内容,还是研究视角,都具有多样性,但是,模仿式古镇已经超出了传统资源的地域性和文化原真性范畴,从真实性视角对模仿式古镇进行研究成了一个新颖而深刻的问题;彝人古镇是模仿式的、没有原生文化系统的、却以彝族文化为依托的创造性景观,尽管不是真实的传统古镇,却给游客真实的旅游体验,受到旅游者的青睐,可见,真实性是可以创造的,但只有遵循传统文化内涵的创造,才能更好地发挥旅游活动中的文化传播作用。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionFujian province is one of the coastal provinces in Southeast China with superior location, abundant natural resources, vast mountain area, but less land to support a big population. Thanks to the location near Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, and the situation connecting the relatively developed regions of the Yangtse delta and the Zhujiang delta, and owing to the exertion of advantageous geo-location and overseas blood relations, the export-oriented open economy developed very fa…  相似文献   


This paper describes an empirical case study of the Subiaco town centre in Western Australia. The research method employs geospatial mapping of archival and contemporary data sources to explore the town centre's changing spatial structure and high street morphology at the micro-scale over the past century. Once a thriving retail and business centre, Subiaco's (and possibly the state's), premier retail high street destination is now being compromised as the disruptive influence of online retailing gains further traction in the marketplace. Retail disruption provides the paper's conceptual foundation. Agents of disruption include the processes of creative destruction and innovation diffusion, which together with macro-economic factors help to explain the centre's evolution over time and space. The paper examines changes in the town centre's morphological character including residential gentrification, a growing dominance of fast food outlets, an overabundance of comparison stores and a more gendered offering in retail and personal services establishments. The paper also refers to the potential of the town centre to regain its past residential status as a means of fostering economic growth and renewal and suggests that this will only be achieved with radical intervention at the policy and planning level.  相似文献   

试论区域持续发展中的资源导向模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
区域作为地球表面的一部分 ,包含若干地理环境内容 ,具有一定的环境结构 ,同时区域又是各种资源的承载体 ,必然具有资源结构 ,区域的资源结构与环境相互交错形成区域特有的资源——环境结构。两大类资源即自然资源和人文资源与自然、人文环境相互作用共同构成了区域的多种资源——环境结构类型 ,不同的结构类型对区域发展的作用不同 ,但只有占主导地位的结构类型才有可能对区域发展起导向作用。基于此 ,本文用可持续发展的观点 ,提出了区域持续发展的三种资源导向模式 ,即自然资源导向型、人文资源导向型和资源综合导向型 ,并对每种模式进行了详细的分析和进一步的划分 ,最后对不同类型资源导向模式的动态转化进行了分析。  相似文献   

This paper considers the likely future population in Australia to 2050 and is cast within the context of environmental limitations, to which Griffith Taylor alerted the nation in the 1920s and 1930s, and for which he was vilified in several quarters. While acknowledging the relative accuracy of his long-range forecasts, the arguments here depart from environmental determinism, although varying sets of environmental ethics and values are considered in relation to Australia's global responsibilities and international commitments. It is argued that an increase in population to 26 million by 2050 will not place severe stresses on the physical environment, provided environmental and resource management strategies are put firmly in place, and if consumption and resource use practices are significantly modified. An ideological linkage exists between a resurgent Australian nationalism and a number of environmental perspectives, but one which rejects growth and biological diversity among humans while embracing environmentalism. This inward-looking nationalism–environmentalism is seen as harmful both to Australia's moral integrity as a nation, and in local and world citizenship.  相似文献   

冯克鹏  田军仓  沈晖 《干旱区地理》2019,42(6):1239-1252
采用K-means聚类分区,Sen’s斜率估计,Kendall-Tau非参数检验等方法,分析和讨论了近半个世纪(1960—2015年)我国西北地区不同区域的气温变化特征。发现近半个世纪西北地区气温保持了持续的显著上升,年均最低气温上升速率高于年均气温和年均最高气温。从空间的角度来看,新疆北疆地区的东北部,内蒙古北部、西部中东部,甘肃中部、西部,青海北部、中部,宁夏中部、北部地区以及陕西北部是升温最快的区域。虽然西北地区气温总体是上升趋势,但在时间上并不均匀一致。从1998年开始,西北地区气温升温减缓,部分地区出现了下降趋势。近半个世纪西北地区季节气温与年际气温变化趋势并不一致,变暖减缓在该地区不同季节的响应不同。1998—2015年,冬季是增温幅度最小的季节,多数子区冬季存在升温趋势减缓,甚至转为下降趋势。  相似文献   

The rate of recession of Niagara Falls (Horseshoe and American Falls) in northeastern North America has been documented since the 19th century; it shows a decreasing trend from ca. 1 m y− 1 a century ago to ca. 0.1 m y− 1 at present. Reduction of the flow volume in the Niagara River due to diversion into bypassing hydroelectric schemes has often been taken to be the factor responsible, but other factors such as changes in the waterfall shape could play a role and call for a quantitative study. Here, we examine the effect of physical factors on the historically varying recession rates of Niagara Falls, using an empirical equation which has previously been proposed based on a non-dimensional multiparametric model which incorporates flow volume, waterfall shape and bedrock strength. The changes in recession rates of Niagara Falls in the last century are successfully modeled by this empirical equation; these changes are caused by variations in flow volume and lip length. This result supports the validity of the empirical equation for waterfalls in rivers carrying little transported sediment. Our analysis also suggests that the decrease in the recession rate of Horseshoe Falls is related to both artificial reduction in river discharge and natural increase in waterfall lip length, whereas that of American Falls is solely due to the reduction in flow volume.  相似文献   

花信风与我国公元六世纪气候的重建   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张福春 《地理研究》1999,18(2):143-147
对宋朝程大昌的《二十四番花信风》的历史渊源进行了考征,认为它是出自六世纪(南朝梁时)的"荆楚岁时记".它也是一种重要的物候学文献和物候历,进而根据它推测了当时的气候。经对比分析显示,六世纪冬春季的开花现象比现在早1~2候,而晚春与初夏的开花现象与现在差不多,说明当时冬春季比现代温暖,而夏季温度与现代差不多。  相似文献   

为了研究近50 a来土壤加速侵蚀的状况和原因,收集了四川西昌大箐梁子1957年、1979年、2000年航空影像,应用立体像对获取高程信息生成DEM,并利用DEM纠正航片获取正射影像。同时,利用三期正射影像获取土地利用变化和沟谷变化信息,通过野外调查与验证,分析了沟谷形成、发育特点及与坡耕地增长的密切关系。研究表明,西昌大箐梁子沟谷发育,到1957年已形成部分稳定或半稳定冲沟,1970年代后期,大量草地被开垦为耕地,且多为坡耕地,土壤抗蚀能力降低,土壤侵蚀由此加剧,沟蚀增强,人为加速了沟谷侵蚀的发育。  相似文献   

19世纪以来基督教新教在广东的空间扩散模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
薛熙明  朱竑  陈晓亮 《地理研究》2010,29(2):303-312
地理环境往往会对宗教的扩散和分布产生重要影响。扩散是宗教地理研究关注的一个重要方面,而对具体宗教扩散模式的研究在国内尚属薄弱。对基督教新教自19世纪初传入广东后的空间扩散形态进行分析,发现存在着多种扩散模式。其中,点轴式迁移扩散最为普遍,但中间障碍的存在常常使发展轴线发生变换;等级扩散呈现出按照人口分布规模、交通地重要性和行政等级的特征;传染扩散模式随着媒介的变化而不断演进;依托海岛的跳板式扩散则是沿海地区基督教扩散的特殊形式。这些模式虽是从经典文化扩散模式演化而来,但在具体特征上已有显著变化。研究试图对传统的文化扩散模式进行重新解读,并为"腹地-口岸-市场"的文化扩散理论提供成熟案例。  相似文献   

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