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为了解我国ASTER GDEM数据高程精度,在考虑空间分布的情况下,选取我国东部辽宁、山东、浙江和海南4个地区的平原、丘陵、山地等作为典型研究区,并以1∶5万DEM为假定真值、以1∶25万DEM为参照,通过DEM面误差可视化分析和DEM面误差信息熵模型等方法对ASTER GDEM数据的高程精度做了分析。结果表明:ASTER GDEM数据高程误差在整个地图上分布是否均匀与其高程精度高低无决定关系;在山地和丘陵地形研究区,其数据高程精度要高于SRTM DEM和1∶25万DEM。总体来看,中国东部地区ASTER GDEM数据高程精度整体上要高于SRTM DEM和1∶25万DEM,但低于1∶10万DEM。  相似文献   

本文根据太湖地区地形特点,选择典型试验区,并以1∶50 000DEM为假定真值,通过DEM面误差可视化分析、DEM面误差谱、面误差信息熵模型、中误差模型等方法对SRTM DEM数据高程精度质量做了分析。结果表明太湖地区SRTM DEM高程精度质量要高于1∶250 000DEM,并低于1∶100 000DEM。在分级为1m的情况下,DEM面误差图能较好地描述太湖山地地区山脊线、山谷线的走势。  相似文献   

为了评价国产资源三号测绘卫星DSM数据精度,在顾及地貌类型的情况下,以涵盖平原、台地、丘陵等地貌的高海拔山区为研究案例,并以1∶1万实测地形图DEM为假定真值,以90m分辨率SRTM DEM为评价参照,从高程精度和地形描述精度两个方面,对15m分辨率ZY-3DSM进行精度评价分析。研究结果表明:ZY-3DSM高程精度优于SRTM DEM,前者高程中误差仅为后者的1/6;就地形描述精度来讲,ZY-3DSM与SRTM DEM相比,其地形描述精度更接近理论值,前者RMS Et实际值仅为理论值0.99倍,而后者的实际值却是理论值5.13倍。由此看来,ZY-3DSM数据精度整体上高于SRTM DEM。  相似文献   

为探究ASTER GDEMV3、SRTM1 DEM和AW3D30 DEM 3种开源DEM数据的高程精度,本文以高精度ICESat-2 ATLAS测高数据为参考数据,利用GIS统计分析、误差相关分析及数理统计对DEM的高程精度进行对比评价。结果表明:①AW3D30的质量最稳定;SRTM1 DEM在平原精度最高;在高原山地精度由高到低依次为AW3D30 DEM、ASTER GDEMV3、SRTM1 DEM。②DEM数据高程精度受地表覆盖影响较大,且与地形因素密切相关,在相同地表覆盖的两个研究区中DEM数据高程精度表现情况不一致,SRTM在平原地表覆盖下精度表现最好,平均误差为3.15 m,AW3D30 DEM在山地地表覆盖下精度表现最好,平均误差为7.61 m。③坡度对DEM数据的高程精度影响较大,在两个研究区3种DEM数据的高程误差均随坡度的增加而增加;坡向对DEM数据的高程精度影响较小,未发现明显的规律。  相似文献   

为利用多源DEM开发出质量更高的DEM,有必要研究数据源的误差特性,本文提出了利用傅里叶变换的多源DEM融合评价数据源的频率误差特性方法。以某实验样区为实验对象,取相同位置的航天飞机雷达地形测绘任务数字高程模型数据(SRTM DEM)与1∶50 000地面高程库数据,并以控制点数据作为参考数据,通过重采样、数据配准、系统误差消除等步骤形成融合数据源,利用傅里叶变换作低通与高通滤波融合,选择不同的截止频率得出不同的融合效果,从而判断SRTM DEM的频率误差特性。实验结果表明SRTM在采用低频信息时,融合效果优于采用高频信息,SRTM的误差更多的表现在高频特性上。  相似文献   

SRTM(1″)DEM在流域水文分析中的适用性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高精度的数字高程模型(digital elevation model,DEM)数据是流域水文分析应用的基础。美国地质调查局新发布了全球高分辨率数字高程数据产品,其空间分辨率为1″(约为30 m)。为评价该数据在流域水文分析中的适用性,以鹤壁汤河流域为实验区,以机载LiDAR DEM数据为参考,统计了SRTM(1″)数据的高程误差,分析了坡度、坡向、地表覆盖等对误差的影响;在基于地形的水文分析中,统计分析了SRTM(1″)数据误差对地形湿度指数、坡度坡长因子以及汇流动力指数等地形指数计算的影响;最后选取流域汇水区面积、最长水流路径长度、形状系数、弯曲度系数等流域特征参数对两种DEM数据提取结果进行了对比。研究表明SRTM(1″)DEM数据具有较高的精度,原始数据均方根误差为5.98 m,在消除平面位移误差后减小为4.32 m。基于地形的水文分析表明SRTM DEM与LiDAR DEM计算结果具有一定的差异,地形湿度指数平均值略高,坡度坡长因子和汇流动力指数平均值偏低,离散度偏小,这与SRTM DEM在微地貌以及高坡度地形区存在失真相关。两种DEM数据提取流域特征参数差异较小。上述研究表明SRTM DEM(1″)数据在流域水文分析中具有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

为了利用航天飞机雷达地形测绘任务数字高程模型(SRTM DEM)与先进星载热反射和反辐射仪数字高程模型(ASTER DEM)的互补信息,提出基于小波分析的多源DEM数据融合方法,以我国秦岭典型高山峡谷地貌类型区为试验样区,选取相同位置的SRTM DEM与ASTER DEM数据,通过重采样、数据配准等步骤形成融合数据源;对小波分解的低频系数作基于邻域像素关联性的融合,高频系数采用像素点绝对值取大的融合,生成融合DEM。并把融合前与融合后的数据分别与1∶5万高程库数据作精度比较,总体统计与抽样检查表明融合DEM精度较源数据均得到了提高。该融合技术为应用SRTM DEM与ASTER DEM生成精度和可靠性更高的DEM产品提供了可行方案。  相似文献   

中国地区30 m分辨率SRTM质量评估   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高分辨率、高质量地形数据有利于地震、火山与滑坡地质灾害等环境变化相关的研究。2014年9月,美国国家地理空间情报局宣布30 m分辨率的SRTM DEM数据逐步向全球用户免费开放。本文对中国境内最新发布的SRTM DEM开展了质量评估与验证工作,讨论了传感器波长、植被覆盖、影像数量等影响DEM质量的关键因素。研究结果表明,30 m分辨率的SRTM DEM高程精度(10 m)与SRTMX DEM相当,并优于ASTER GDEM v2、SRTM v4.1和SRTM v3。  相似文献   

作为我国首颗民用立体测绘卫星数据产品,ZY-3 DSM对于我国地学分析具有极其重要的作用。本文在顾及地貌情况前提下,选取云南省高海拔山区为试验区,辅以1∶10 000野外实测地形图DEM为参考值,将分辨率为15 m的ZY-3 DSM与90 m的SRTM DEM从高程精度和地形精度进行较为全面的数据质量比较。结果表明:ZY-3 DSM在高程精度和地形精度均有更好的表现。总体看来,ZY-3 DSM数据质量更高,具有更广泛的利用价值。  相似文献   

小波派生多尺度DEM的精度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴勇  汤国安  杨昕 《测绘通报》2007,(4):38-41,45
利用陕北5 m分辨率DEM数据为基本数据,对Haar小波派生出一系列更低分辨率DEM进行复合精度分析。通过等高线套合、数据中误差以及表面重合指数等方法,分析其高程采样误差与空间分布;通过分析对比其在所提取的地面坡度、沟谷网络等地形因子上的差异,分析其地形描述误差。研究结果显示:小波派生多尺度DEM在精度的颓减上呈现指数形的变异规律,当达到三级重构DEM(40 m分辨率)时,其精度仍优于1:5万(25 m分辨率)DEM。该结果对于实现地形的有效简化与掌握多尺度DEM不确定性规律具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

以浙江省瓯江流域为例,基于SWBD修复的SRTM DEM数据,采用Arc Hydro Tools水文分析工具自动提取瓯江水系,并分地貌、分河流等级地定量评价水系数据精度,开展1∶250 000水系自动更新的可行性研究。结果表明:①SWBD修复的SRTM DEM的空白区域面积为54.78 km2,有效地弥补了SRTM DEM的数据缺失,进而提高了水系提取的准确度和精度;②与1∶250 000水系数据相比,基于SWBD修复后的SRTM DEM,在小起伏山、中起伏低山、低海拔丘陵上提取的水系数据精度高于其他地貌,而干流、一级支流、二级支流的精度又高于三级支流;③以资源三号卫星ZY-3遥感影像为参照,从水系上采集同名点反复比较点位精度后发现,利用SRTM DEM提取的水系符合制图规范和测绘内业规范(限差1 mm),可以满足1∶250 000水系自动更新的要求。  相似文献   

由于数据获取与后期处理方式不同,先进星载热发射和反射辐射仪全球数字高程模型(advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer global digital elevation model,ASTER GDEM)和航天飞机雷达地形测绘任务(shuttle radar topography mission,SRTM)数据在高程精度上存在差异,采用弹性反馈(resilient backpropagation,RProp)神经网络算法对二者进行融合处理,实现优势互补以提升高程精度。选取两个黄土丘陵沟壑地貌样区分别用于模型建立与效果验证,1∶10 000高程精度为参考数据,在建模样区应用RProp神经网络算法构建ASTER GDEM高程校正模型、SRTM1高程校正模型、ASTER GDEM与SRTM1高程融合模型,同时应用误差反向传播(back propagation,BP)神经网络建立ASTER GDEM与SRTM1高程融合模型,将这些模型的高程精度优化效果进行对比,并在验证样区检验RProp融合模型的可行性。结果表明,RProp融合模型的高程校正效果整体上优于ASTER GDEM高程校正模型、SRTM1高程校正模型和BP神经网络融合模型,高程均方根误差分别降低6.81 m、0.34 m与0.19 m,具有良好的适用性与误差校正效果。  相似文献   

Accuracy assessment of GDEM,SRTM, and DLR-SRTM in Northeastern China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper compares the accuracy of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM), Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) C-band and German Aerospace Centre (DLR)-SRTM X-band digital elevation models (DEMs) with the Ziyuan 3 (ZY-3) stereoscopic DEM and ground control points (GCPs). To date, the horizontal error of these DEMs has received little attention in accuracy assessments. Using the ZY-3 DEM as reference, this study examines (1) the horizontal offset between the three DEMs and the reference DEM using the normalised cross-correlation method, (2) the vertical accuracy of those DEMs using kinematic GPS data and (3) the relationship between the three DEMs and the reference ZY-3 DEM. The results show that the SRTM and DLR-SRTM have greater vertical accuracy after applying horizontal offset correction, whereas the vertical accuracy of the ASTER GDEM is less than the other two DEMs. These methods and results can be useful for researchers who use DEMs for various applications.  相似文献   

Digital elevation model (DEM) data of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) are distributed at a horizontal resolution of 90 m (30 m only for US) for the world, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) DEM data provide 30 m horizontal resolution, while CARTOSAT-1 (IRS-P5) gives 2.6 m horizontal resolution for global coverage. SRTM and ASTER data are available freely but 2.6 m CARTOSAT-1 data are costly. Hence, through this study, we found out a horizontal accuracy for selected ground control points (GCPs) from SRTM and ASTER with respect to CARTOSAT-1 DEM to implement this result (observed from horizontal accuracy) for those areas where the 2.6-m horizontal resolution data are not available. In addition to this, the present study helps in providing a benchmark against which the future DEM products (with horizontal resolution less than CARTOSAT-1) with respect to CARTOSAT-1 DEM can be evaluated. The original SRTM image contained voids that were represented digitally as ?140; such voids were initially filled using the measured values of elevation for obtaining accurate DEM. Horizontal accuracy analysis between SRTM- and ASTER-derived DEMs with respect to CARTOSAT-1 (IRS-P5) DEM allowed a qualitative assessment of the horizontal component of the error, and the appropriable statistical measures were used to estimate their horizontal accuracies. The horizontal accuracy for ASTER and SRTM DEM with respect to CARTOSAT-1 were evaluated using the root mean square error (RMSE) and relative root mean square error (R-RMSE). The results from this study revealed that the average RMSE of 20 selected GCPs was 2.17 for SRTM and 2.817 for ASTER, which are also validated using R-RMSE test which proves that SRTM data have good horizontal accuracy than ASTER with respect to CARTOSAT-1 because the average R-RMSE of 20 GCPs was 3.7 × 10?4 and 5.3 × 10?4 for SRTM and ASTER, respectively.  相似文献   

Digital elevation models (DEMs) are essential to various applications in topography, geomorphology, hydrology, and ecology. The Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) DEM data set is one of the most complete and most widely used DEM data sets; it provides accurate information on elevations over bare land areas. However, the accuracy of SRTM data over vegetated mountain areas is relatively low as a result of the high relief and the penetration limitation of the C-band used for obtaining global DEM products. The objective of this study is to assess the performance of SRTM DEMs and correct them over vegetated mountain areas with small-footprint airborne Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) data, which can develop elevation products and vegetation products [e.g., vegetation height, Leaf Area Index (LAI)] of high accuracy. The assessing results show that SRTM elevations are systematically higher than those of the actual land surfaces over vegetated mountain areas. The mean difference between SRTM DEM and Lidar DEM increases with vegetation height, whereas the standard deviation of the difference increases with slope. To improve the accuracy of SRTM DEM over vegetated mountain areas, a regression model between the SRTM elevation bias and vegetation height, LAI, and slope was developed based on one control site. Without changing any coefficients, this model was proved to be applicable in all the nine study sites, which have various topography and vegetation conditions. The mean bias of the corrected SRTM DEM at the nine study sites using this model (absolute value) is 89% smaller than that of the original SRTM DEM, and the standard deviation of the corrected SRTM elevation bias is 11% smaller.  相似文献   

针对数字高程模型数据源不同会带来一定的不确定性和差异性的问题,选取德国某露天矿为实验区,以高精度DEM数据TanDEM-X为参照,对比了SRTM、AW3D30、ASTER GDEM与TanDEM-X数据的高程精度,分析了DEM数据的差异。结果表明:(1)露天矿区的开采和复垦活动明显地体现在了不同时期获取的DEM高程变化中;(2)在非采矿区,不同DEM数据之间具有较好的一致性,TanDEM-X数据与其他数据的高差均方根误差分别为2.64 m、5.88 m、2.99 m;(3)DEM空间分辨率越高提取得到坡度最值越大,地形描述准确性越高。研究结果为露天矿区DEM应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The DEM of the Bhuj earthquake affected area of 50 x 50 km was generated using the ERS-1/2 SAR tandem data (May 15—16,1996). Region growing algorithm coupled with path following approach was used for phase unwrapping. Phase to height conversion was done using D-GPS control points. Geocoding was done using GAMMA software. A sample data of DEM of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) of the Bhuj area is made available by DLR Germany. The intensity image, DEM and Error map are well registered. The spatial resolution of this DEM is about 25 m with height accuracy of a few meters. The DEM derived through ERS SAR data is prone to atmospheric affects as the required two images are acquired in different timings where as SRTM acquired the two images simultaneously. An RMS height error of 12.06 m is observed with reference to SRTM though some of the individual locations differ by as much as 35 m.  相似文献   

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