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探讨了3维空间下实验变异函数的计算方法,给出了具体的计算步骤。在搜索域参数中引入了三个容差变量,尽可能多地搜索样品对,确保计算结果具有统计学意义。根据给出的计算方法,运用C#语言开发了3维变异函数计算工具。  相似文献   

变差函数作为一种有效的结构特征描述方法,在高分遥感影像居民区提取中有较好的应用。然而,现有利用变差函数进行居民区提取的方法大多采用基于像元的移动窗口,当数据量较大时,计算效率较低,实用性较差,并且针对不同数据源描述纹理结构特征时选取参数的稳健性和有效性较差。为此,采用基于变差函数和格网划分的方法进行居民区的有效提取。首先,将原始影像规则划分为较小的格网单元,作为后续影像处理的基本单元;然后,依据选取的目标与背景样本计算纹理差值曲线,并基于该曲线选取最优纹理结构的特征描述参数;最后,利用计算得到的纹理特征从高分影像中提取居民区。实验结果表明,上述算法在对多种高分影像数据提取居民区时,具有更好的空间结构特征描述能力和较高的计算效率。  相似文献   

基于变差函数的遥感影像纹理特征提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遥感影像有着丰富的纹理信息,准确地提取纹理特征对于影像的分割和分类至关重要。基于变差函数的遥感影像纹理特征提取是一种比较实用的且处于探索阶段的影像纹理分析方法。文中通过实例对提取的方法进行了研究,并通过不同变异方向纹理图像的分析比较,阐述了纹理特征准确提取应正确选取的3个因子、不同计算方向对纹理图像生成结果的影响,实验和分析还表明了变差函数法是遥感图像纹理特征提取的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

遥感影像有着丰富的纹理信息,准确地提取纹理特征对于影像的分割和分类至关重要.基于变差函数的遥感影像纹理特征提取是一种比较实用的且处于探索阶段的影像纹理分析方法.文中通过实例对提取的方法进行了研究,并通过不同变异方向纹理图像的分析比较,阐述了纹理特征准确提取应正确选取的3个因子、不同计算方向对纹理图像生成结果的影响,实验和分析还表明了变差函数法是遥感图像纹理特征提取的一种有效手段.  相似文献   

本文选取江西省86个气象站点2008年的年降水量数据,基于地统计学理论对数据进行探索性空间数据分析,得出该组气象数据插值的理论最优模型。采用不同全局趋势及变差函数模型进行插值,通过交叉性检验证实了该理论模型的有效性。最终结果显示,采用3次函数剔除全局趋势并以球状模型作为变差函数模型的考虑高程的Co-Kriging方法插值结果最优。  相似文献   

基于遥感技术的变化检测是遥感应用的一个重要方面.传统基于遥感的变化检测方法一般是利用光谱信息,较少注意多时相图像间的光谱特征相关关系分析.本文运用地统计学的伪交叉变差函数(Pseudo Cross Variogram)计算多时相图像纹理,定量表达多时相图像间的空间相关关系,并将得到的多时相纹理信息与光谱信息一起用于多时相变化检测.实验结果表明,加入多时相纹理信息可以显著提高变化检测精度,是一种有效的方法.  相似文献   

鞠旭照 《地图》1992,(3):12-16
本文讨论了计算地球椭球体表面积的方法。此方法与以往教科书和文章中所提供的方法不同。我们把计算地球表面积的被积函数不展成级数,进行了完整的积分。积分结果编成程序并在Super—PC/AT机上进行计算实验。实验表明,计算结果的精度依赖于SIN、LOG、SQR函数的精度和表达式形式。最后找到了一种较好的计算地球表面积的方法,其结果与已发表的1:10000比例尺的面积数据相比较,绝对误差不超过0.01平方公里。采用计算机技术进行面积量算,证明这种绝对误差完全能满足《土地利用现状调查技术规程》的要求。  相似文献   

空间结构特征是高分影像最显著的特征之一,高分影像的各种地物类型都表现出不同的结构特征,这些结构既包括纹理的、几何的,也包括空间关系的,有效地利用高分影像的结构特征可以弥补光谱特征进行分类的不足.本文以高分影像的空间结构特征建模与信息的提取为主题,主要研究了空间自相关统计量的计算和利用空间自相关统计量对图像进行处理,以及基于空间半变差函数高分影像样本的空间结构信息提取,最后以空间自相关统计量与空间半变差函数所提取得空间结构信息为特征进行神经网络分类.  相似文献   

变差函数和神经网络结合的遥感影像分类方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出利用地统计学变差函数对遥感影像纹理信息进行提取,将变差函数得到的纹理信息与光谱信息相结合,运用神经网络进行分类的遥感影像分类方法。将该分类方法应用于试验区,并与最大似然法的分类结果进行对比分析,结果表明,该方法具有较高的分类精度。  相似文献   

结合遥感数据与地统计学方法的海岸线超分辨率制图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张旸 《遥感学报》2010,14(1):157-172
使用黄河三角洲海岸Landsat卫星遥感数据,基于研究区域低分辨率6波段的海陆类型软分类结果及其变差函数,以高分辨率8波段的指示变差函数为精细尺度先验信息模型,采用数据探索性分析、协同指示克里格和序贯指示协同模拟技术,生成海陆类型发生概率模拟图像,通过等值线法提取海岸线空间分布特征。实验表明,基于地统计学方法的超分辨率制图技术在低分辨率遥感数据中融合高分辨率空间结构先验模型,可以较好表达精细尺度上的海岸线空间分布特征,同时保持原始数据的海陆类型组分信息及其空间结构特征。地统计学方法集成多尺度乃至多源空间信息的潜力通过海岸线超分辨率制图形式得到展示。  相似文献   

Area-to-point (ATP) kriging is a common geostatistical framework to address the problem of spatial disaggregation or downscaling from block support observations (BSO) to point support (PoS) predictions for continuous variables. This approach requires that the PoS variogram is known. Without PoS observations, the parameters of the PoS variogram cannot be deterministically estimated from BSO, and as a result, the PoS variogram parameters are uncertain. In this research, we used Bayesian ATP conditional simulation to estimate the PoS variogram parameters from expert knowledge and BSO, and quantify uncertainty of the PoS variogram parameters and disaggregation outcomes. We first clarified that the nugget parameter of the PoS variogram cannot be estimated from only BSO. Next, we used statistical expert elicitation techniques to elicit the PoS variogram parameters from expert knowledge. These were used as informative priors in a Bayesian inference of the PoS variogram from BSO and implemented using a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. ATP conditional simulation was done to obtain stochastic simulations at point support. MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) atmospheric temperature profile data were used in an illustrative example. The outcomes from the Bayesian ATP inference for the Matérn variogram model parameters confirmed that the posterior distribution of the nugget parameter was effectively the same as its prior distribution; for the other parameters, the uncertainty was substantially decreased when BSO were introduced to the Bayesian ATP estimator. This confirmed that expert knowledge brought new information to infer the nugget effect at PoS while BSO only brought new information to infer the other parameters. Bayesian ATP conditional simulations provided a satisfactory way to quantify parameters and model uncertainty propagation through spatial disaggregation.  相似文献   

Previously, we developed an integrated software package called ICAMS (Image Characterization and Modeling System) to provide specialized spatial analytical functions for interpreting remote sensing data. This paper evaluates three fractal dimension measurement methods that have been implemented in ICAMS: isarithm, variogram, and a modified version of triangular prism. To provide insights into how the fractal methods compare with conventional spatial techniques in measuring landscape complexity, the performance of two spatial autocorrelation methods, Moran's I and Geary's C, is also evaluated. Results from analyzing 25 simulated surfaces having known fractal dimensions show that both the isarithm and triangular prism methods can accurately measure a range of fractal surfaces. The triangular prism method is most accurate at estimating the fractal dimension of surfaces having higher spatial complexity, but it is sensitive to contrast stretching. The variogram method is a comparatively poor estimator for all surfaces, particularly those with high fractal dimensions. As with the fractal techniques, spatial autocorrelation techniques have been found to be useful for measuring complex images, but not images with low dimensionality. Fractal measurement methods, as well as spatial autocorrelation techniques, can be applied directly to unclassified images and could serve as a tool for change detection and data mining.  相似文献   

It is well known that terrain may vary markedly over small areas and that statistics used to characterise spatial variation in terrain may be valid only over small areas. In geostatistical terminology, a non-stationary approach may be considered more appropriate than a stationary approach. In many applications, local variation is not accounted for sufficiently. This paper assesses potential benefits in using non-stationary geostatistical approaches for interpolation and for the assessment of uncertainty in predictions with implications for sampling design. Two main non-stationary approaches are employed in this paper dealing with (1) change in the mean and (2) change in the variogram across the region of interest. The relevant approaches are (1) kriging with a trend model (KT) using the variogram of residuals from local drift and (2) locally-adaptive variogram KT, both applied to a sampled photogrammetrically derived digital terrain model (DTM). The fractal dimension estimated locally from the double-log variogram is also mapped to illustrate how spatial variation changes across the data set. It is demonstrated that estimation of the variogram of residuals from local drift is worthwhile in this case for the characterisation of spatial variation. In addition, KT is shown to be useful for the assessment of uncertainty in predictions. This is shown to be true even when the sample grid is dense as is usually the case for remotely-sensed data. In addition, both ordinary kriging (OK) and KT are shown to provide more accurate predictions than inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolation, used for comparative purposes.  相似文献   

基于Kriging方法的空间数据插值研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
介绍了Kriging插值方法及其实质,提出一种变异函数理论模型参数估计的新方法,给出变异函数理论模型有效性评定的统计指标,并通过算例予以验证。最后,通过实例与反距离加权法相比较,证实Kriging插值的优越性。  相似文献   

Most geospatial phenomena can be interpreted probabilistically because we are ignorant of the biophysical processes and mechanisms that have jointly created and observed events. This philosophy is important because we are certain about the phenomenon under study at sampled locations, except for measurement errors, but, in between the sampled, we become uncertain about how the phenomenon behaves. Geostatistical uncertainty characterization is to generate random numbers in such a way that they simulate the outcomes of the random processes that created the existing sample data. This set of existing sample is viewed as a partially sampled realization of that random function model. The random function’s spatial variability is described by a variogram or covariance model. The realized surfaces need to honour sample data at their locations, and reflect the spatial structure quantified by the variogram models. They should each reproduce the sample histogram representative of the whole sampling area. This paper will review the fundamentals in stochastic simulation by covering univariate and indicator techniques in the hope that their applications in geospatial information science will be wide-spread and fruitful. Supported by the National 973 Program of China (No. 2006CB701302).  相似文献   

本文基于空间统计学提出了新的纹理周期性和相似性度量。实验表明,用纹理的周期值、周期性成分所占比例、周期性成分所占比例的变化率以及周期复杂度等多个参数可以提供较多的纹理周期性信息。虽然对周期性纹理分析,室穴模型是一个合适的选择,但该模型的实际拟合还存在一些困难。  相似文献   

For obtaining maps of good precision by the spatial inference method, the distribution of sampling sites in geographical and feature space is very important. For a regional variable with trends, the predicting error comes from trend estimation, variogram estimation and spatial interpolation. Based on the cLHS (conditioned Latin hypercube Sampling) method, a sampling method called scLHS (spatial cLHS) considering all these three aspects with the help of ancillary data is proposed in this article. Its advantage lies in simultaneously improving trend estimation, variogram estimation and spatial interpolation. MODIS data and simulated data were used as sampling fields to draw sample sets using scLHS, cLHS, cLHS with x and y coordinates as covariates, simple random and spatial even sampling methods, and the distribution and prediction errors of sample sets from different methods were evaluated. The results showed that scLHS performed well in balancing spreading in geographic and feature space, and can generate points pairs with small distances, and the sample sets drawn by scLHS produced smaller mapping error, especially when there were trends in the target variable.  相似文献   

降水数据空间插值的时间尺度效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了克里金插值法的前提条件和基本原理,进行了对降水数据的插值试验,发现了时间尺度的改变比变异函数模型的改变对降水数据插值结果精度的影响更大。  相似文献   

Average variograms to guide soil sampling   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To manage land in a site-specific way for agriculture requires detailed maps of the variation in the soil properties of interest. To predict accurately for mapping, the interval at which the soil is sampled should relate to the scale of spatial variation. A variogram can be used to guide sampling in two ways. A sampling interval of less than half the range of spatial dependence can be used, or the variogram can be used with the kriging equations to determine an optimal sampling interval to achieve a given tolerable error. A variogram might not be available for the site, but if the variograms of several soil properties were available on a similar parent material and or particular topographic positions an average variogram could be calculated from these. Averages of the variogram ranges and standardized average variograms from four different parent materials in southern England were used to suggest suitable sampling intervals for future surveys in similar pedological settings based on half the variogram range. The standardized average variograms were also used to determine optimal sampling intervals using the kriging equations. Similar sampling intervals were suggested by each method and the maps of predictions based on data at different grid spacings were evaluated for the different parent materials. Variograms of loss on ignition (LOI) taken from the literature for other sites in southern England with similar parent materials had ranges close to the average for a given parent material showing the possible wider application of such averages to guide sampling.  相似文献   

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