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SAR干涉测量的相干性特征分析及积雪划分   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
雪盖面积是高山地区和季节雪盖区水文,气象模型的重要输入因子.SAR干涉测量不仅能够生成高精度的DEM,而且能够通过重复轨道雷达信号的相干性来探测地表覆盖的变化.通过分析比较四景重复轨道ERS-1/2的SAR图像发现,裸岩,裸地,灌丛等未受到扰动的地表相干性高,湖面,雪盖等变化明显的地表相干性低.积雪覆盖后的表面,其相干性急剧隐低,利用其相干性特征可以进行积雪划分.根据上述特性,利用地物的散射强度和SAR重复轨道的相干测量进行雪盖划分,分类精度达到82%,结果表明利用SAR干涉测量的相干性特征进行雪盖制图是可行的.  相似文献   

利用MTSAT-2静止气象卫星数据开展了中国区域的雪盖监测研究,结合MODIS雪盖产品及站点雪深观测数据对判识结果进行对比分析和验证。首先,根据MTSAT-2静止气象卫星数据特点,进行角度效应校正及多时相数据合成,以减少云对图像的影响;其次,根据多个雪盖判识因子建立中国区域雪盖判识算法;最后,对比分析2011年1月份MTSAT-2和MODIS雪盖判识结果,并使用站点观测数据进行精度验证。研究表明:(1)MTSAT-2雪盖判识受云影响比例约30%,MODIS雪盖产品受云影响比例约60%,MTSAT-2去云效果明显。(2)无云情况下,MTSAT-2雪盖判识和MODIS雪盖产品判识精度均高于92%;有云覆盖时,MTSAT-2判识精度约65%,优于MODIS雪盖产品35%的判识精度。(3)MTSAT-2静止气象卫星在保持高积雪判识精度的前提下,可以更有效减少云对雪盖判识影响,实时获取更多地表真实信息。该研究对中国区域雪盖信息准确监测、气候变化研究以及防灾减灾等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

选取2018年10月1日—2019年4月30日作为积雪研究期,利用青藏高原地区118个气象台站的积雪观测数据,对风云三号C星(FY-3C)多仪器融合的雪盖(multi-sensor synergy snow cover,MULSS_SNC)和微波成像仪的雪水当量(microwave radiation imager snow water equivalent,MWRIX_SWE)产品进行评估,以了解产品的区域可靠性。结果表明:MULSS_SNC和MWRIX_SWE雪盖判识准确率分别为87.18%和72.32%,召回率分别为66.67%和49.63%,误判率分别为12.81%和27.68%,漏判率分别为33.33%和50.37%;对于积雪混合像元或积雪深度不足0.5 cm的卫星像元,MULSS_SNC和MWRIX_SWE都倾向于无雪判识,1 cm以下雪盖漏判率高达60%以上; MULSS_SNC在积雪深度达2 cm以上时,召回率可达到89.09%,而MWRIX_SWE产品在积雪深度达5 cm以上时,积雪判识召回率才达到63.37%。MWRIX_SWE反演的青藏高原地区雪深与地面观测值误差很大,不存在线性正相关关系,不建议直接使用。  相似文献   

基于NDVI背景场的雪盖制图算法探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
梁继  张新焕  王建 《遥感学报》2007,11(1):85-93
NDSI算法提取MSS雪盖面积时,受到MSS影像缺少短波红外波段的局限。为充分精确提取MSS影像的雪盖面积,本文探索一种以NDVI为背景场的雪盖制图新思路。该方法首先在辐射校正时利用6S模型反演地表反射率,然后根据各地物的光谱特性差异和NDVI特性差异,在ENVI软件SPECTRAL模块中创建冰雪光谱阈值查找表。通过ETM+和TM影像的三个例证,详细阐明该算法流程以及查找表的创建,并以NDSI对其雪盖制图进行精度验证。结果一致表明,与常规的分类方法(最大似然法)相比较,本文探索的NDVI背景场算法有更高的总体精度和Kappa系数。  相似文献   

青藏高原近30年来现代冰川的演化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青藏高原现代冰川总的演化特征是面积在不断缩小,厚度在不断减薄,冰储量在不断降低。冰川演化具有阶段性、地域性不同的特点。从20世纪60年代末期至80年代末期,青藏高原现代冰川的面积稍有增加,因为增加的冰川很少。从20世纪80年代末期开始,青藏高原现代冰川面积明显减少,减少的速度也在加快,尤其是毗邻塔里木盆地的冰川分布区及喜马拉雅山地区。青藏高原不同山系现代冰川的演化也不同——帕米尔高原现代冰川面积的减少最为明显,其次是喜马拉雅山和祁连山等地;羌塘高原和昆仑山地区现代冰川的面积减少较小;其他山系现代冰川面积的减少介于二者之间。  相似文献   

以1960~1970年间1∶10万比例尺地形图、1975年MSS数据和2000年前后ETM数据为信息源,采用现代遥感技术,按自然山系对青藏高原现代冰川面积进行调查,基本查明了各山系内现有冰川的面积以及近30 a来冰川面积减少的数量:青藏高原现有冰川面积46 887.23 km2,减少了3 941.68 km2,年均减少131.4 km2。  相似文献   

组合VLBI和SLR数据估计的全球板块运动参数   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙付平  赵铭 《测绘学报》1997,26(1):20-25,32
本文组合应用VLBI和SLR数据导出了一个完全基于空间技术实测数据的现时板块运动模型,称为SGPMM1。SGPMM1与地学板块运动模型NUVEL-1的比较指出:空间大地测量数据估计的板块运动总体上与地学估计值一致。经过地磁极倒转时间尺度修正,并考虑到冰斯后地壳回弹的影响,空间大地测量数据估计的北美,欧亚和澳大利亚板块之间的相对运动速率与地学估计值有极好的一致,但太平洋板块相对于北美、欧亚和澳大利亚  相似文献   

青藏高原是中国湿地分布较为集中的地区之一,也是全球变化的敏感区。了解青藏高原湿地分布与变化对湿地保护和全球变化研究具有重要意义。基于Landsat 8 OLI(operation land imager)数据,使用面向对象分类方法和人工解译相结合的方式得到2016年青藏高原湿地分布数据,结合2008年湿地分类数据以及高程、流域界线等辅助数据,分析了青藏高原的湿地分布现状和2008—2016年的湿地变化情况。结果表明:①2016年青藏高原研究区湿地总面积为115584 km2。其中,湖泊湿地面积为48737 km2,沼泽湿地面积为34698 km2,河流湿地面积为15927 km2,洪泛湿地面积为15035 km2,人工湿地面积为1188 km2。②2008—2016年,青藏高原湿地总面积增加3867 km2,主要表现为湖泊、河流和洪泛湿地的增加,但同时沼泽湿地减少5799 km2。③青藏高原的湿地分布与变化表现出显著的区域差异性。自然湿地的分布及面积变化集中在4~5km高程范围内,而人工湿地的变化则集中在2~4 km高程范围内;湖泊和洪泛湿地的增加集中在内流区,河流的增加及沼泽的减少集中在外流区。④青藏高原的气温和降水均呈上升趋势,与湿地总体变化呈正相关;各流域冰川面积的变化与湿地变化也具有相关性;人为因素对青藏高原的湿地变化以消极作用为主。该研究为青藏高原环境变化研究与湿地保护提供了有益支持。  相似文献   

中国地质调查局青藏高原生态地质环境遥感调查与监钡4成果显示,近30年来青藏高原冰川年均减少131.4平方公里,而且有加速消减的趋势。在不考虑全球气候加速变暖的前提下,预计到2050年青藏高原冰川面积将减少到现有面积的72%.2090年将减少到现有面积的50%。  相似文献   

根据重新归算1962—1982年地球自转参数研究工作中的有关数据,对大西洋两侧北美、欧亚两大板块间的经度变化率和板块间的相对运动进行了测定。所得结果和空间技术、地球物理学的有关测量结果基本相符。  相似文献   

Snow effects on alpine vegetation in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding the relationships between snow and vegetation is important for interpretation of the responses of alpine ecosystems to climate changes. The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is regarded as an ideal area due to its undisturbed features with low population and relatively high snow cover. We used 500 m Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) datasets during 2001–2010 to examine the snow–vegetation relationships, specifically, (1) the influence of snow melting date on vegetation green-up date and (2) the effects of snow cover duration on vegetation greenness. The results showed that the alpine vegetation responded strongly to snow phenology (i.e., snow melting date and snow cover duration) over large areas of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Snow melting date and vegetation green-up date were significantly correlated (p < 0.1) in 39.9% of meadow areas (accounting for 26.2% of vegetated areas) and 36.7% of steppe areas (28.1% of vegetated areas). Vegetation growth was influenced by different seasonal snow cover durations (SCDs) in different regions. Generally, the December–February and March–May SCDs played a significantly role in vegetation growth, both positively and negatively, depending on different water source regions. Snow's positive impact on vegetation was larger than the negative impact.  相似文献   

Effect of dust storm on ocean color and snow parameters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study clearly shows the influence of dust storms on chlorophyll bloom in the offshore region of the Arabian Sea, with a time lag of few days, during the pre-monsoon season. Various satellite derived parameters over the Arabian Sea, Himalayan and Tibet snow covered regions show large changes due to the influence of dust storms. The MODIS snow albedo gives unreliable values under the influence of dust storms due to increase in the aerosol loading over these regions and snow albedo product must be used in combination with snow pixel counts during the dust storm season. A detailed study is required for the quantitative evaluation of dust storms on the chlorophyll blooms in the Arabian Sea region and on the snow parameters in the Himalayan region.  相似文献   

Snow cover monitoring in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is very important to global climate change research. Because of the geographic distribution of ground meteorological stations in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is too sparse, satellite remote sensing became the only choice for snow cover monitoring in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. In this paper, multi-channel data from Visible and Infrared Radiometer (VIRR) on Chinese polar orbiting meteorological satellites Fengyun-3(FY-3) are utilized for snow cover monitoring, in this work, the distribution of snow cover is extracted from the normalized difference snow index(NDSI), and the multi-channel threshold from the brightness temperature difference in infrared channels. Then, the monitoring results of FY-3A and FY-3B are combined to generate the daily composited snow cover product. Finally, the snow cover products from MODIS and FY-3 are both verified by snow depth of meteorological station observations, result shows that the FY-3 products and MODIS products are basically consistent, the overall accuracy of FY-3 products is higher than MODIS products by nearly 1 %. And the cloud coverage rate of FY-3 products is less than MODIS by 2.64 %. This work indicates that FY-3/VIRR data can be reliable data sources for monitoring snow cover in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

本文简要叙述了利用气象卫星资料进行积雪监测的可行性和复杂性;以改进的甚高分辨率扫描辐射仪(AVHRR)资料为例综述了遥感监测积雪的原理、方法和资料处理过程;分析了计算结果,并探讨了未来积雪监测的发展。  相似文献   

近10年新疆积雪面积时空变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域尺度积雪信息的时空监测对确定雪灾的影响范围及灾情等级划分具有重要意义。本文利用近10年的MODIS积雪产品,按月最大面积的规则合成;分析了新疆积雪覆盖面积的时空变化特征,结果表明:时间上,新疆积雪面积有减少的趋势。空间上,近10年新疆积雪季节内永久性积雪覆盖区域主要分布在阿勒泰山脉、天山北麓及沿昆仑山脉西南部。其中天山及阿尔泰山之间的河谷及盆地的草原积雪面积波动主导了新疆整体积雪总面积的波动。  相似文献   

Understanding the spatially and temporally non-uniform water availability trends is key to assess changes of tropical and subtropical ecosystem productivity. However, their detailed spatial-temporal patterns and the relative role of local to the overall trend are not well known. This study provides a comprehensive investigation in characteristics of the time-varying water availability trend using the ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) method based on state-of-the-art satellite microwave observation derived microwave integrated drought index (MIDI) from 1998 to 2016. The results indicated an increased area with wetting trend since 1998, and the overall water availability reversed a drying tendency to a wetting trend around 2005. Also, the Northern Hemisphere became wetter and the Southern Hemisphere became dryer in 2016, demonstrating a transformation of favorable climate from the Southern Hemisphere to the Northern Hemisphere. Spatial patterns of the trend shape determined spatial distributions of the trend contributions, showing an opposite contribution between subtropics and tropics. Additionally, tropical rainforests and shrublands governed the overall trend reversely. This analysis helps to understand the non-uniform patterns of water availability trend and related ecosystem productivity over tropics and subtropics.  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) snow cover information acquisition of the high precision spatial and temporal characteristics is of great significance for the research on its land surface atmosphere coupled system and global climate change effects. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer (MODIS) daily snow cover products (MOD10A1 and MYD10A1) have been widely used in long time series of spatial and temporal variation analysis, but they are limited to be used because of high cloud cover ratio. In this paper, a 7-day rolling combination algorithm was presented to eliminate cloud obscuration, and the whole cloud amount falls below 7 %. The ground station in situ measurements verify that the overall precision is more than 90 %. The presented algorithm guaranteed the same spatial resolution and temporal resolution, and has higher precision than products MOD10A1 and MYD10A1. The MODIS 7-day rolling combination snow cover datasets products were obtained between 2003 and 2014 in the QTP, and the snow cover area of spatial and temporal variation was analyzed. The change characteristics of snow cover duration was also studied combining with the Digital Elevation Model data. Results show that the snow cover area of the whole QTP has a slowly decreased trend, but increases in autumn. Thus, the snow cover proportion of annual periodic and unstable in different elevations has the highest correlation with area of the elevation.  相似文献   

青藏高原那曲地区MODIS 地表温度估算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王宾宾  马耀明  马伟强 《遥感学报》2012,16(6):1289-1309
地表温度是区域和全球尺度陆面过程研究中的一个关键参数,利用遥感卫星资料反演得到的地表温度数据在气象、水文和生态领域研究中有重要作用.本文基于改进后的针对MODIS 数据的分裂窗口算法,对MODIS L1B 卫星数据进行实用而简便的云检测处理,并根据青藏高原陆地、水体和冰雪等常见下垫面状况的遥感影像分类结果,反演得到了2007-01-03 、04-18 、06-12 和10-02 四日的无云下垫面地表温度.最后,将Sobrino 结果在青藏高原那曲地区与MODIS 日地表温度产品及CAMP/Tibet 观测站地表温度数据进行了对比验证分析.结果表明,该方法得到的地表温度结果与MODIS 数据产品具有较好的一致性,并且地表温度结果与地面观测数据(去除可疑点后)的平均误差仅为1.435 K .  相似文献   

Four up-to-date daily cloud-free snow products – IMS (Interactive Multisensor Snow products), MOD-SSM/I (combination of the MODIS and SSM/I snow products), MOD-B (Blending method basing on the MODIS snow cover products) and TAI (Terra–Aqua–IMS) – with high-resolutions over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) were comprehensively assessed. Comparisons of the IMS, MOD-SSM/I, MOD-B and TAI cloud-free snow products against meteorological stations observations over 10 snow seasons (2004–2013) over the QTP indicated overall accuracies of 76.0%, 89.3%, 92.0% and 92.0%, respectively. The Khat values of the IMS, MOD-SSM/I, MOD-B and TAI products were 0.084, 0.463, 0.428 and 0.526, respectively. The TAI products appear to have the best cloud-removal ability among the four snow products over the QTP. Based on the assessment, an I-TAI (Improvement of Terra–Aqua–IMS) snow product was proposed, which can improve the accuracy to some extent. However, the algorithms of the MODIS series products show instability when identifying wet snow and snow under forest cover over the QTP. The snow misclassification is an important limitation of MODIS snow cover products and requires additional improvements.  相似文献   

基于遥感的植被年际变化及其与气候关系研究进展   总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61  
马明国  王建  王雪梅 《遥感学报》2006,10(3):421-431
植被具有明显的年际变化和季节变化特点,对植被的动态监测可以从一定程度上反映气候变化的趋势,因此监测植被动态变化以及分析这种变化与气候的关系已经成为全球变化研究的一个重要领域.随着遥感卫星获得长时间系列逐日观测数据,许多国际组织和机构制定了全球卫星数据接收、处理和生成数据集计划,所产生的标准数据集则极大地促进了该项研究.大量研究在全球尺度、洲际尺度(北美洲和欧亚大陆)以及区域尺度上广泛开展.在阅读国内外大量文献的基础上,比较分析了常用于植被监测的卫星传感器和主要数据集,汇总了植被年际变化及其与气候关系研究的主要研究方法和研究结果.结果表明近20年来全球植被活动明显增强,表现为北半球普遍存在增加的趋势,南半球干旱半干旱区出现降低的植被光合作用,但这些变化因空间位置不同和研究尺度不一样体现出不同的动态变化特征.气温和降水是影响植被变化的最主要的因素.  相似文献   

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