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中国海洋倾废历史与管理现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了我国海洋倾废的历史、发展过程和管理现状,分析了海洋倾倒的现状和面临的困难。文章还提出通过高新技术把疏浚泥迅速转化为再生资源进行利用和污染土无害化处理技术,从根本上减少疏浚泥海洋倾倒的数量和缓减海洋倾倒区紧张的状况,减少对海洋环境的污染。  相似文献   

为将疏浚泥转化为可再利用的材料,以减少疏浚泥海洋倾倒量,利用烧结技术将疏浚泥转 化为建筑材料———轻质陶粒进行再利用,把掺疏浚泥的混合料投入应用性试生产。结果表明,当 混合料中疏浚泥与黏土的比例达到1∶2或1∶3时,烧结温度1160℃,焙烧效果较好,所得陶粒的 颗粒密度较低;陶粒产品的表观密度<450kg/m3,筒压强度>1.2MPa,产品性能符合国家标准;生 产成本基本上没有增加,并可节约耕地,产生一定的环境效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

分析汕尾电厂临时倾倒区2006年倾倒的疏浚泥对所在海域水质、沉积物、生物群落及生物质量等的影响。结果表明,在倾倒过程中,海水中悬浮物、石油类的含量增加,属第三类海水水质;倾倒活动改变了生物群落的水环境,使群落种数减少,多样性、均匀度和丰度降低。倾倒活动结束1个月后,除海水中悬浮物的含量仍属第三类海水水质外,其他污染物含量均符合第二类海水水质标准,底栖生物恢复较缓慢。疏浚泥倾倒对海区沉积物质量和海洋生物质量的影响较小。  相似文献   

掌握澳门附近海域沉积物的污染状况及特征,对于合理安排澳门海洋海岸工程疏浚泥的海洋倾倒,防止造成海洋污染有十分重要的意义。根据1997—1999年连续三年对澳门附近主要区域的海洋沉积物采样测定结果,通过分析认为澳门附近海域沉积物污染具有下列特征:1)沉积物中重金属和油类含量普遍较高,除了总Hg外均高于珠江口海区的其他港口;2)沉积物中污染物的分布受人类活动的影响明显,澳门内港受船只排污、码头作业、陆地工业和生活污水排放的影响,是澳门附近海域沉积物污染最为严重区域;3)受水质交换的影响明显,澳门外港、路环岛东北等区域受珠江径流影响水质交换较快,沉积物中污染物的含量较低,而内港由于水质交换较差,沉积物中污染物的含量相对较高;4)与沉积物的成分组成(吸附)有关,大部分污染物与沉积物中粉砂有较好的相关性,表明粉砂对污染物质有较广泛性的吸附能力,尤其是Cu、Zn、Cd、油类、有机质。  相似文献   

澳门附近海域沉积物污染状况及特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
掌握澳门附近海域沉积物的污染状况及特征,对于合理安排澳门海洋海岸工程疏浚泥的海洋倾倒,防止造成海洋污染有十分重要的意义。根据1997—1999年连续三年对澳门附近主要区域的海洋沉积物采样测定结果,通过分析认为澳门附近海域沉积物污染具有下列特征:1)沉积物中重金属和油类含量普遍较高,除了总Hg外均高于珠江口海区的其他港口;2)沉积物中污染物的分布受人类活动的影响明显,澳门内港受船只排污、码头作业、陆地工业和生活污水排放的影响,是澳门附近海域沉积物污染最为严重区域;3)受水质交换的影响明显。澳门外港、路环岛东北等区域受珠江径流影响水质交换较快,沉积物中污染物的含量较低,而内港由于水质交换较差。沉积物中污染物的含量相对较高;4)与沉积物的成分组成(吸附)有关。大部分污染物与沉积物中粉砂有较好的相关性。表明粉砂对污染物质有较广泛性的吸附能力,尤其是Cu、Zn、Cd、油类、有机质。  相似文献   

【目的】提供海洋环境中微型塑料污染治理的研究思路,促进海洋微型塑料持续污染问题的改善。【方法】综述了目前海洋微型塑料的种类、调查方法、统计与鉴定方法、毒理研究。【结果】目前大部分研究只是针对其在海洋环境中的含量和分布进行调查,这不能从本质上解决目前已经存在的大量微型塑料带来的海洋生态危害问题,海洋微型塑料的分类和调查方法还需不断完善,海洋微型塑料污染的治理和生态危害估算方式还需不断创新。【结论】对现有的微型塑料对海洋生态的影响提出减少海洋微型塑料污染的有效途径。  相似文献   

黄河水利委员会提出了“维持黄河健康生命”的治河新理念,把维持黄河健康生命作为黄河开发与管理的终极目标。“堤防不决口,河道不断流,污染不超标,河床不抬高”是实现其终极目标的4个主要标志。河床不抬高就要通过综合措施解决泥沙问题,包括上中游拦减人黄泥沙,中下游采取人工调控水沙“关系”,在黄河下游挖河疏浚。在黄河下游窄河道特别是在河口地区挖河疏浚,减少其对下游河道的反馈影响,是维持黄河健康生命的重要措施之  相似文献   

海洋动物体石油烃污染评价标准参考值的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,国内外尚无颁布任何海洋生物石油污染评价标准,为了满足海洋生物石油污染评价的需要,本文采用综合分析与毒理学分析相结合的方法,探讨和提出了海洋动物石油污染评价标准参考值,海洋鱼类、贝类和甲壳类的石油污染评价标准参考值(干重)分别为15、70 和25 m g/kg。  相似文献   

海洋动物体石油烃污染评价标准参考值的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,国内外尚无颁布任何海洋生物石油污染评价标准,为了满足海洋生物石油污染评价的需要,本文采用综合分析与毒理学分析相结合的方法,探讨和提出了海洋动物石油污染评价标准参考值,海洋鱼类、贝类和甲壳类的石油污染评价标准参考值(干重)分别为15、70和25mg/kg。  相似文献   

土地是社会发展的基础要土素,近年来沿海发达地区日益增长的土地需求与土地供给的现状产生了很大的矛盾,因此滨海城市往往把滩涂围垦土地视作重要的后备土地资源。目前滩涂围垦土地的获取方式主要分为人工促淤和吹填等方式,沿海地区往往把港口、航道疏浚及河道清淤工程得到的疏浚产物投入围垦区以同时解决这些疏浚物的消纳去向问题。  相似文献   

In order to explore the mineral resources buried in sea mud,it is necessary to use seabed resistivity measuring equipment,which works closer to the sediments than ordinary ship-based geophysical measuring equipment. Because of the harsh environment of seafloor,high pressure and highly conductive seawater,marine magnetotelluric method developed slowly. The sea floor environment is similar to the environment of logging, According to the design of dual lateral logging equipment,a new equipment for seafloor electrical resistivity measurement is designed. Four 3D FEM models that contain resistivity abnormal targets are built to test the ability of this equipment to locate different shape of shallow buried resistivity abnormal targets in sea mud. The authors propose the method to correct the response curve while the bottom surface of this equipment is suspended or not parallel to the seafloor. The resistivity of targets can be calculated accurately.  相似文献   

Ocean waves alter the roughness of sea surface, and sea spray droplets redistribute the momentum flux at the air-sea interface. Hence, both wave state and sea spray influence sea surface drag coefficient. Based on the new sea spray generation function which depends on sea surface wave, a wave-dependent sea spray stress is obtained. According to the relationship between sea spray stress and the total wind stress on the sea surface, a new formula of drag coefficient at high wind speed is acquired. With the analysis of the new drag coefficient, it is shown that the drag coefficient reduces at high wind speed, indicating that the sea spray droplets can limit the increase of drag coefficient. However, the value of high wind speed corresponding to the initial reduced drag coefficient is not fixed, and it depends on the wave state, which means the influence of wave cannot be ignored. Comparisons between the theoretical and measured sea surface drag coefficients in field and laboratory show that under different wave ages, the theoretical result of drag coefficient could include the measured data, and it means that the new drag coefficient can be used properly from low to high wind speeds under any wave state condition.  相似文献   

It is apparent that there is a difference between mud coasts and sand coasts in such aspects as sediment components, hydrodynamics of nearshore waters, and the formative process in configuration, and profile. The intensity distribution of waves affecting the mud flats in Lianyungang, and the conditions determining tidal water levels, are discussed in this paper. A mathematical model which describes the erosion process of mud flats has been derived on the basis of the results of tests for the mud process in seawater. The model is satisfactory for the actual mud flat profile change in Lianyungang with artificial mud discharges.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONItwasgenerallyconsideredpreviouslythatthecorrosionofsteelinseamudwasnotserious.However,itwaslaterfoundthatthecorrosionrateofsteelinsomeseamudwashigherthanthatinseawater(King,1980;Sehmide,1982;Guoetal.,1997;Hou,1998).Therearesomereportsthatthecorrosionr…  相似文献   

潍坊北部海咸水入侵特征及现状评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
潍坊北部是我国典型的海咸水入侵区,通过资料收集、海咸水入侵专项调查、地质环境监测与实验、样品分析测试和室内综合分析研究,基本查清了海咸水入侵发展及演化历史。工作区海咸水入侵发展过程可划分为发生和发展、快速发展、慢速发展和稳定发展4个阶段,目前处于稳定发展期。利用2012年水质测试结果,选取Cl-、矿化度、SO2-4,rHCO-3/rCl-,K+等指标作为评价因子,运用模糊数学的方法,对潍坊北部海(咸)水入侵区入侵程度的现状做出综合评价;结合工作区海咸水入侵的特征和现状,针对性地提出了今后的防治重点和对策。  相似文献   

In the present study, the applicability of the wet waste collected from shrimp(Litopenaeus vannamei) to the culture of sea cucumber(Stichopus monotuberculatus) was determined. The effects of dietary wet shrimp waste on the survival, specific growth rate(SGR), fecal production rate(FPR), ammonia- and nitrite-nitrogen productions of sea cucumber were studied. The total organic matter(TOM) level in the feces of sea cucumber was compared with that in corresponding feeds. Diet C(50% wet shrimp waste and 50% sea mud mash) made sea cucumber grow faster than other diets. Sea cucumber fed with either diet D(25% wet shrimp waste and 75% sea mud mash) or sole sea mud exhibited negative growth. The average lowest total FPR of sea cucumber occurred in diet A(wet shrimp waste), and there was no significant difference in total FPR between diet C and diet E(sea mud mash)(P > 0.05). The average ammonia-nitrogen production of sea cucumber in different diet treatments decreased gradually with the decrease of crude protein content in different diets. The average highest nitrite-nitrogen production occurred in diet E treatment, and there was no significant difference in nitrite-nitrogen production among diet A, diet B(75% wet shrimp waste and 25% sea mud mash) and diet C treatments(P > 0.05). In each diet treatment, the total organic matter(TOM) level in feces decreased to different extent compared with that in corresponding feeds.  相似文献   

High frequency ground wave radar (HFGWR) has unique advantage in the survey of dynamical factors, such as sea surface current, sea wave, and sea surface wind in marine conditions in coastal sea area. Compared to marine satellite remote sensing, it involves lower cost, has higher measuring accuracy and spatial resolution and sampling frequency. High frequency ground wave radar is a new land based remote sensing instrument with superior vision and greater application potentials. This paper reviews the development history and application status of high frequency wave radar, introduces its remote-sensing principle and method to inverse offshore fluid, and wave and wind field. Based on the author's "863 Project", this paper recounts comparison and verification of radar remote-sensing value, the physical calibration of radar-measured data and methods to control the quality of radar-sensing data. The authors discuss the precision of radar-sensing data's inversing on offshore fluid field and application of the assimilated data on assimilation.  相似文献   

Since the last rising of sea level, two branches of the Kuroshio, the Huanghai (Yellow Sea) coastal current (HCC; mainly cold water mass) and the Changjiang River outflow have controlled the modern dynamic deposition in the East China Sea. There are three depositing areas on the sea-bed under the above currents: a relict sand area un der the Taiwan Warm Current and the Huanghai Warm Current at the south-eastern area, the about 60 km2 round mud bank under the Huanghai Coastal Current at the northern area and the large subaqueous delta of mainly fine sand and silt under the Changjiang discharge flow in its estuary and the large narrow mud bank under the Zhejiang-Fujian Coastal Current, another round mud bank under the Changjiang discharge flow off Hangzhou Bay. The relict sand area has a coarsesand block under the Taiwan Warm Current bypassing Taiwan at the northern part of the island. The two round mud banks were formed in relatively static states by an anticlockwise converging cyclonic eddy. The coarsesand block was formed by a clockwise diverging cyclonic eddy. This new dynamic deposition theory can be used to explain not only the dynamic deposition process of clay, but also the patchy distribution of sediments on the shelves of the world ocean s.  相似文献   

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