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At present China is facing challenges from economic globalization, ecological economy and knowledge economy in its process of economic development. The following ideas may be heuristic in establishing China’s regional development strategies: 1) In locating industries, the impact of industries on the eco-environment should be fully considered. 2) Industrial restructuring should be focused on the restructuring of products, not on the restructuring of the three traditional industries (primary, secondary and tertiary industries). 3) The establishment of key industries should be focused on large-scale corporations or famous brand products, not on a particular industrial sector. 4) The complementarity and cooperation between the east and the west of China should be on products and markets, not on natural resources. The advantages in natural resources for the west of China can not be over-estimated. The advantages in products and market potentials for the west of China may be explored.  相似文献   

llNTRODUCTION with a hlgherpercentage ofmlnorlty people.The aim o且the paper Is to trace out the ways ofnarrowing the gapsIn this paper,the central and western parts o且 between minority regions and eastern developed regions乙hlna mainly cover eight minority provinces and regions and of safeguarding social stability In China.(the bye autonomous regions of Inner Mongolia。Guangxi,Tibet,Xinjiang and Ningxia,and thr。e 2 CHAHA…  相似文献   

There is a great difference in starting conditions among Hainan Island, the special economic zones and the economic and technological development zones in China, and "the Four Small Dragons" of Asia. Hainan's major superiority is superiority of the special economic zone. The superiority includes two main parts of natural resources and geographical location. In order to give play to the superiority it is necessary to develop the export-oriented economy. As for giving full play to the location superiority, it must be solved that the problems on the investment, the talent and the development models. It is very important to rely on the superiority of natural resources to develop the products which is necessary for our country and can replace the imports. The rational adjustment on the economic departments in Hainan Province comprises two aspects. The departments of exploiting natural resources must enlarge the processing depth of agricultural products and industrial raw materials, and increase the additiona  相似文献   

China is a country with a vast marine territory whose area covers one third of the total land territory area. With the exploitation of marine resources and the development of marine economy, marine economic regions have been formed gradually. We shouldn’t ignore them when we divide economic regions throughout the whole nation, especially in our country. In this paper, we’ Il expand division principles, practice and methods of marine comprehensive economic region. Liaoning Province, facing the Yellow Sea and the Bohai sea, is not only a part of Round-the-Bohai Sea Economic Region, but a part of national marine econemic region. Through evaluating marine resources of Liaoning, and analyzing development of marine economy, composition of marine industries and distributional characteristic of marine economy, Liaoning marine region is divided into Bohai Sea marine economic region and Yellow Sea marine economic region based on differences of marine economy. Thereby we go further into the formation of regional marine economic region and distributional mechanism of regional marine economy. Foundation item: Subsidized by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(49671022). Biography: ZHANG Yao-guang(1934–), male, a native of Shanghai City, professor. His research interest includes marine economic geography.  相似文献   

基于海洋产业结构理论,总结了我国海洋产业结构的发展趋向,分析了海域资源配置与海洋产业结构的关联,以及海洋产业结构对海域资源配置的影响。研究表明,我国海洋产业结构相对协调,但海洋传统产业占海洋产业的比重较高。在海域资源配置的过程中,应在发挥传统海洋产业优势的同时,积极引导新兴海洋产业的发展。  相似文献   

建国以来,以矿产资源为依托辽宁省建立了国内首屈一指的重工业基地。矿业在辽宁经济中发挥着重要的作用。本世纪末,辽宁矿业面临了一系列的困难,诸如资源匮乏、开采难度加大等等,但同时也面临经济增长、对外开放等发展机遇。依据辽宁省的基本省情,在新世纪应继续将矿产资源产业作为主导产业,在政策上给予大力度的倾斜。其主要措施是加大资源勘查投入,将现有产业组织进行重组,加大对外开放力度,用高科技改造传统产业,在辽宁东部山区建立矿产资源经济特区。  相似文献   

For almost three decades, China has been undergoing significant transition from a planned economy to a market economy. Fast-paced economic growth and urbanization, interacting with market-oriented reforms in land re- sources allocation, have caused profound spatial restructuring of Chinese cities. This paper examines urban expansion and land use reconfiguration in Shanghai’s central city from 1979 to 2002, with a special focus on the effect of the adoption of the land-leasing system in 1988. The empirical research, which employs GIS-based spatial analysis tech- niques to explore land use data for multiple years, indicates fundamental changes in the spatial characteristics of urban development in Shanghai after this important land policy reform.  相似文献   

Analysis on poverty in mountain areas based on off-farm industries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reveals that agricultural growth trend in China is strongly correlated with the growth of off-farm industries-the curve of net income from off-farm industries reflects the general characteristics of net income of households. That means the increase of net income of farm households is chiefly from off-farm industries,more than from agriculture. The authors therefore conclude that the “poverty“ in mountain areas or the gap between mountain areas and plain areas lies in the underdevelopment of off-farm industries in mountain areas. Finally, the authors make suggestions of strategic adjustment of economic structure: 1) present situation of mountain areas in China should be fully considered; 2) a full industrial system is not our desire; 3) advantageous industries should be promoted to create famous products; 4) industrialization and urbanization in mountain areas should be promoted and so on.  相似文献   

节能降耗,任重道远——漫长的循环经济之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"十五"期间,我国国民经济保持高速增长,但是,高能耗、高物耗、污染重的粗放经济增长方式没有得到根本转变。在工业领域,能源消费超常规增长,能源结构仍然以煤炭为主,能源消耗量大,污染物排放量大。而生态农业建设虽然部分地缓解了农村经济发展与环境保护之间的矛盾,但其只是在低层次上实现了物质能量的循环,废弃物利用率较低,有机农业发展缓慢。如果继续沿袭传统的以资源的大量消耗为代价实现工农业现代化的发展模式,是难以持续的。为了减轻经济增长对资源供给的压力,必须大力发展循环经济,实现资源的高效利用和循环利用。本文从六个方面分析了目前我国发展循环经济的主要措施、存在的问题及解决的途径:加强对太阳能的利用,重视多晶硅规模生产技术的自主研发;发展风力发电,培育风电设备制造产业;利用秸秆发电,发展可部分替代传统化石能源的生物质能源;推动以节能、节地、节水、节材和环保为核心的绿色建筑技术发展;节水与集雨;加强土壤污染监测与防治,通过人工方法修复天然的生态系统。通过分析,作者认为,发展循环经济是缓解资源约束矛盾、节能降耗的根本出路,在我国任重而道远。  相似文献   

Based on the research on the rural living standard in China in terms of annual net income per capita, we define six types of village-level economy, i.e. "to be extremely poor", "to make a basic living", "to dress warmly and eat one's fill", "to try to enrich (to disengage poverty)", "to be well-off" and "to be affluent". The data of average annual net income of all the 292 villages between 1990 and 2004 in rural Gongyi City, Henan Province were collected, verified and classified. By using standard deviation, coefficient of variation and regression analysis, it is found that the Gongyi's rural economy has boosted up remarkably from the relative-poverty and absolute-poverty stages in 1990 to the well-off in 2004. However, the absolute differences between villages present a trend of enlargement, while the relative differences fluctuating. On the other hand, spatial analysis of village-level economy shows that most villages with relatively high economic development level were located along national expressway and most villages with absolute-poverty lay in remote mountainous areas in 1990. Since the 1990s, the rapid urbanization and industrialization have had strongly positive effects on rural economic growth. Initial economic foundation, natural resources and traditional techniques also contribute to village economy. From the perspective of geography, villages with location advantages, such as near urban center or industrial parks, have more chances for their economic development and the "core-periphery" economic structure has been presented in the process of rural development.  相似文献   

1 Introduction It is indisputable that the urbanization has been consid- ered as an important indicator for evaluating a nation’s or a region’s modernization and industrialization. Therefore, the issue of urbanization will arouse wide and remarkable concern in both domestic and international geography in the 21st century. From a comprehensive survey of the development of urbanization all over the world, some successful modes of urbanization, such as the American mode and the Japanese mode, …  相似文献   

临沂市矿产资源丰富,具有种类多、储量大的优势,近年来矿产资源勘查、开发和利用成效明显,矿业经济已经成为全市经济社会发展的支柱性产业之一。但是,资源后备不足、集约化开发程度不够、矿山地质环境恢复治理难度大等问题仍然比较突出。针对这些问题,通过对临沂市矿产资源开发利用情况调查研究,从加大地质找矿力度、加快矿业结构调整、培育壮大龙头企业、强化开发秩序监管、强化矿产地质环境保护等方面提出了具体对策。  相似文献   

矿产资源的开发对沂水区域经济拉动作用明显,矿业经济已成为支柱产业之一。但存在资源保障能力、开发利用水平及产品结构调整等问题,影响"十二五"期间该产业持续健康发展。因此必须制定有效对应措施,提高资源综合利用率,变资源优势为产业优势。  相似文献   

A key target of the overall strategy implementation for regional development since the 18th Party Congress of China has involved taking measures to narrow regional disparities. This is because resource-based cities' economic development has fallen below general levels due to resource exhaustion and an unbalanced industrial structure, among other factors. Further, an economic gap has long existed between Northeast China's large number of resource-based cities and non-resource-based cities. This article comprehensively studies the economic convergence of Northeast China's resource-based cities and non-resource-based cities from 1996 to 2015 by using a dynamic panel to analyze not only the economic development of different industries and types of cities, but also the main factors that influence economic development. The empirical results demonstrate that economic convergence exists in both resource-based and non-resource-based cities, but the economic gap between them has clearly narrowed since the implementation of a strategy to revitalize the Northeast's old industrial base. Shrinking cities are the fastest to converge, as mature cities are slower and regenerating cities are the slowest; regarding industry structure, the secondary industry dominates the economy in mature and shrinking cities, and the tertiary industry in regenerating cities. The primary stimulus in resource-based cities' economic development involves upgrading the industrial structure and investing in human capital. As China faces a ‘new normal' economy, resource-based cities in Northeast China should restructure the economy and perfect their market system to avoid again widening the economic gap.  相似文献   

长江三角洲土地资源遥感动态分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
对土地资源需求的增长与有限的土地资源量之间的矛盾 ,是长江三角洲区域经济持续发展的主要矛盾之一。随着长江三角洲区域经济的快速发展 ,城市化、工业化进程加快 ,土地资源在高强度的开发中发生快速变化。在经济发展的同时 ,人与土地资源的矛盾更加尖锐 ,成为当前制约国民经济持续、协调发展的重要因素。长江三角洲地区是我国经济高度发达的地区之一 ,也是我国历史上少有的大面积粮食高产、稳产区。本文在利用遥感和 GIS技术对 1985~ 2 0 0 0年间全区土地资源进行动态分析 ,特别是在对耕地资源数量的定量分析基础上 ,结合区域土地资源的结构变化特点 ,深入研究其时空过程及动态变化规律 ,探索长江三角洲地区耕地动态平衡的措施与土地资源合理利用的对策 ,为区域农业持续发展服务。  相似文献   

西北农牧交错带生态环境脆弱,区位特殊性和生态重要性使其在我国社会经济发展和生态环境保护方面具有重要战略意义。通过对该区域进行土地利用优化配置,使有限的土地资源支撑起生态环境保护和经济发展的重任是本文的出发点。多目标遗传算法和FLUS模型的应用可以从多方面(数量结构、空间布局、综合效益)完善土地利用优化配置,为土地利用优化配置提供更多的选择方案。本文选用多目标遗传算法和FLUS模型对该区域进行2025年的土地利用变化模拟,通过设置自然发展、生态保护优先、经济发展优先、生态-经济均衡4种情景,探讨了如何在兼顾生态环境保护与社会经济发展的情况下进行土地利用的优化配置。结果表明,基于生态-经济均衡情景下的优化方案,土地利用类型的数量结构和空间布局更为合理,其综合效益优于另外3种情景。该情景在合理限制经济发展速度的前提下,使生态建设获得稳定发展,其经济效益较生态保护优先情景下增长了8.96%,生态效益较经济发展优先情景下增长了0.77%,在生态保护与经济发展2种目标之间达到平衡,为西北农牧交错带的土地利用规划提供了决策辅助。  相似文献   

In China, systematic studies on economic base of a single city are very weak. Based on the 1990 census and relevant statistics during 1990 – 1994, a comparative study is conducted on Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin. The major conclusions are as follows: (1) Beijing is not only the national political and cultural center, but also the national economic center, viz the commercial service center and the low water-consuming, light polluting, external economy-typed and knowledge-intensive manufacturing industrial center, which is appropriate for Beijing’s comparative advantage. (2) The high water-consuming, heavy polluting and regional market-oriented industry is overdeveloped as far as Beijing’s scarce water and other natural resources are concerned. (3) Beijing’s industrial base is smaller, more regional market-based, and the service base is more diverse, larger and more national market-based than Shanghai’s and Tianjin’s. (4) With the development of socialist market economy and implement of sustainable development strategy, the external economy-typed and knowledge-intensive manufacturing industry with lower input of water and less environmental pollution, and information-intensive service industries will centralize further, and the industry with higher input of water and/or severe environmental pollution will decentralize.  相似文献   

Mountain regions play an increasingly essential role in global sustainable development, and the related sustainable development issues have attracted increasing attention. There are obvious vertical spatial differentiation phenomena in both natural and socio-economic fields with altitude being a key factor affecting the economic development of mountain regions. However, the exact influence of altitude is still unknown. Based on the county scale, this paper used the gravitational potential energy model to evaluate the effects of altitude on economic development in China. The results indicate that the high-altitude areas were the depression areas of county economic development, and county economic density showed a decreasing trend with the increase of altitude. County economic density respectively decreased by 0.10%, 0.04% and 0.02% with every 1% increase in altitude in 2000, 2005 and 2010. Here we demonstrate that high altitude has negative effect on county economy, although the negative effect presented a downward trend. The results also showed that increasing capital and labor investments could reduce the negative effect of high altitude on county economy. In 2010, with every 1% increase in capital and labor density, county economic density increased by 0.62% and 0.83%, respectively. The effects of altitude were the results of multidimensional factors. The fundamental approach to reduce the negative effects of high altitude is to combine the ecological environment and resources to develop characteristic industries. The construction of infrastructure should be strengthened, which can promote the occurrence of the contra-flow of people, logistics and capital, and promote the balanced development of county economy.  相似文献   

本文多方面系统地分析了中国西部地区的经济态势,从生产总值、产业结构(第一产业、工业、矿产、能源,第三产业等)以及生态环境等,论述西部的经济开发。  相似文献   

劳动密集型产业的发展对于当前我国这样一个科技落后、建设资金不足而劳动力资源极为丰富的国家来说,具有极为重要的意义。要结合我国经济发展阶段和国情,正确认识发展劳动密集型产业的重要性,充分利用当前我国发展劳动密集型产业的有利条件,切实采取有力措施,促进劳动密集型产业的发展。  相似文献   

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