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The aim of this paper is to show a climatology of Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCS) in the NE of the Iberian Peninsula, on the basis of meteorological radar observations. Special attention was paid to those cases that have produced heavy rainfalls during the period 1996–2000. Identification of the MCS was undertaken using two procedures. Firstly, the precipitation structures at the lowest level were recognised by means of a 2D algorithm that distinguishes between convective and non-convective contribution. Secondly, the convective cells were identified using a 3D procedure quite similar to the SCIT (Storm Cell Identification and Tracking) algorithm that looks for the reflectivity cores in each radar volume. Finally, the convective cells (3D) were associated with the 2D structures (convective rainfall areas), in order to characterize the complete MCS. Once this methodology was presented the paper offers a proposal for classifying the precipitation systems, and particularly the MCS. 57 MCS structures were classified: 49% of them were identified as linearly well-organised systems, called TS (39%), LS (18%) and NS (43%). In addition to the classification, the following items were analysed for each MCS found: duration, season, time of day, area affected and direction of movement, and main radar parameters related with convection. The average features of those MCS show an area of about 25000 km2, Zmax values of 47 dBz, an echotop of 12 km, the maximum frequency at 12 UTC and early afternoon and a displacement towards E-NE. The study was completed by analysing the field at surface, the presence of a mesoscale low near the system and the quasi-stationary features of three cases related with heavy rainfalls. Maximum rainfall (more then 200 mm in 6 h) was related with the presence of a cyclone in combination with the production of a convective train effect.  相似文献   
A reactive flow model of the geothermal reservoir Waiwera, New Zealand   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
A numerical model of the complex interaction between fluid flow, heat transfer, and chemical reactions of the shallow, coastal, hydrothermal system of Waiwera (New Zealand) is used to test the proposed conceptual model of the field.Due to declining water levels, resulting from over-exploitation during the 1970s, the objective here was to set up a coupled fluid flow and heat transfer model to help in enabling a predictive and sustainable use of the resource. The presented conceptual model of the area is based on hydraulic, thermal, and chemical field observations, which date back as far as 1863. The numerical simulations were carried out with the reactive transport code SHEMAT.The inflow of geothermal water at the bottom of the reservoir prevents seawater from entering the aquifer. If seawater intrusion occurs, it is due to over-exploitation and happens in the upper parts of the aquifer. This is in contrast to common seawater-freshwater interfaces where seawater intrudes at the bottom. The numerical investigations emphasize that, after modifications of the production regime in the late 1980s, the system is recovering again.Additionally, geochemical calculations have been conducted to answer the question if dissolution or precipitation reactions might change the hydraulic properties of the geothermal aquifer. Mixing of fresh, geothermal, and seawater, although each of them in thermodynamic equilibrium with calcite, lead to calcite precipitation or dissolution. Nevertheless, the simulations show that the hydraulic properties of the aquifer are not significantly affected by dissolution or precipitation.
Resumen Se ha utilizado un modelo numérico de la interacción compleja entre el flujo de fluidos, la transferencia de calor y las reacciones químicas del sistema hidrotermal costero poco profundo de Waiwera (Nueva Zelanda) con el objeto de probar el modelo conceptual del área propuesto. Debido a los niveles de agua decrecientes, el objetivo de este trabajo es establecer un modelo pareado del flujo de aguas y de la transferencia de calor para colaborar en el uso predecible y sostenible del recurso. El modelo conceptual del área presentado está basado en observaciones de terreno hidráulicas, termales y químicas que datan de 1863. Las simulaciones se llevaron a cabo con el código de transporte reactivo SHEMAT. El influjo de agua geotermal al fondo del reservorio impide que el agua de mar entre en el acuífero. Si la intrusión de agua de mar se presenta, esto sucede a causa de la sobreexplotación y ocurre en las partes superiores del acuífero. Esto contrasta con las interfaces comunes de agua de mar-agua dulce donde la intrusión del agua de mar se da al fondo. Las investigaciones numéricas enfatizan que el sistema se está recuperando de nuevo luego de las modificaciones al regimen de producción a fines de los 80. Adicionalmente, los cálculos geoquímicos están dirigidos a contestar si las reacciones de disolución o precipitación pueden cambiar las propiedades hidráulicas del acuífero geotérmico. La mezcla de agua dulce, geotermal y de mar causa precipitación o disolución de calcita a pesar de que cada una de ellas se encuentra en equilibrio termodinámicao con la calcita. Sin embargo, las simulaciones muestran que las propiedades hidráulicas del acuífero no son afectadas siginificativamente por la disolución o precipitación.

Résumé Un modèle numérique de linteraction complexe entre lécoulement de leau, le transfert de chaleur et les réactions chimiques du système hydrothermal côtier peu profond de Waiwera (Nouvelle-Zélande) est utilisé afin de tester le modèle conceptuel. Lobjectif est de bâtir un modèle couplé découlement et de transfert de chaleur afin dencourager une approche prévisioniste et une utilisation durable de la ressource en réponse à des niveaux deau en déclin qui résultent dune surexploitation depuis les années 1970. Le modèle conceptuel présenté est basé sur des observations de terrain concernant lhydraulique, la température et la composition chimique de laquifère, des observations qui peuvent dater daussi loin que 1863. Les simulations numériques ont été réalisées avec le modèle de transport SHEMAT. Lentrée deau géothermale à la base du réservoir préviens lintrusion deau de mer dans laquifère. Si lintrusion deau de mer a lieu, elle est due à la surexploitation qui a lieu dans la partie supérieure de laquifère. Cette situation est lopposée des interfaces eau de mer - eau douce traditionnelles où leau de mer pénètre par la base. Les simulations numériques suggèrent que suite aux modifications du régime de production à la fin des années 1980, le système récupère. De plus, des calculs géochimiques ont été effectués afin de répondre à la question à savoir si les réactions de dissolution et de précipitation changent les propriétés hydrauliques de laquifère géothermal. Le mélange de leau douce, leau géothermale et leau de mer, même si elle sont tous en équilibre thermodynamique avec la calcite, provoque la dissolution ou précipitation de la calcite. Néanmoins, les simulations montrent que les propriétés hydrauliques de laquifère ne sont pas significativement affectées par la dissolution ou la précipitation.
An increase in salinity and change from oxic to anoxic conditions are observed in the Upper subaquifer of the Judea Group in the Kefar Uriyya pumping field at the western foothills of the Judea Mountains, Israel. Hydrogeological data indicate that the change, which occurs over a distance of only a few kilometers, coincides with a transition from confined to phreatic conditions in the aquifer. The deterioration in the water quality is explained as a result of seepage of more saline, organic-rich water from above, into the phreatic "roofed" part of the aquifer. The latter is derived from the bituminous chalky rocks of the Mount Scopus Group, which confine the aquifer in its southeastern part. In this confined part, water in perched horizons within the Mount Scopus Group cannot leak down and flow westward while leaching organic matter and accumulating salts. However, upon reaching the transition area from confined to phreatic conditions, seepage to the Judea Upper subaquifer is possible, thereby allowing it to be defined as a leaky aquifer. The incoming organic matter consumes the dissolved oxygen and allows bacterial sulfate reduction. The latter accounts for the H2S in the aquifer, as indicated by sulfur isotopic analyses of coexisting sulfate and sulfide. Thus, from an aquifer management point of view, in order to maintain the high quality of the water in the confined southeastern part of the Kefar Uriyya field, care should be taken not to draw the confined-roofed transition area further east by over pumping. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
The use of ultrasonic anemometers under cloudy weather conditions is often doubted, even rejected or not discussed in the literature. To investigate the influence of liquid water content on the behaviour of sonic anemometers a small intercomparison experiment using an ultrasonic anemometer, a fast response propeller anemometer, and a Particulate Volume Monitor was performed at the German Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus near the top of Mt. Zugspitze. The results obtained under different conditions (dry/cloudy) give no significant hint on such an influence.  相似文献   
The hydro-meteorological characteristics of the flood from August 2002, which affected a great part of the Czech territory, particularly the Vltava and Labe river basin, were compared with corresponding conditions during similar flood events in the summer seasons of 1997, 1890, 1897 and 1903. The comparison shows analogies in synoptic conditions and causal precipitation heights. The heaviest precipitation fell in the area of a considerable horizontal pressure gradient on the rearward side of the cyclone which advanced very slowly to the north-east across Central Europe and created conditions for the transport of moist air as well as for an organized long-term updraft enhanced in orographically exposed regions. The varying features of the individual events were based on the spatial–temporal distribution of causal precipitation and also on the very different saturation of the catchments. It was chiefly the extraordinary time concentration of precipitation together with the highest catchment saturation that made the flood in 2002 the most extreme.The extremeness of meteorological fields during two episodes in July 1997 was compared with two episodes in August 2002 with the aid of the reanalysis data from ECMWF. The first episode in 1997 and the second episode in 2002 were the most similar and more extreme in terms of the large-scale fields of basic meteorological quantities. The similar features of these episodes are specifically an intensive influx of moisture into Central Europe and intensive upward motions in the precipitation area. The extremeness of upper- and low-level potential vorticity fields was evaluated to diagnose the behavior of the cyclone and frontal precipitation bands accompanying it. The suitable spatial configuration of positive upper- and low-level potential vorticity anomalies induced an additional amplification of upward motions in the precipitation area that apparently contributed to triggering the heavy precipitation over Central Europe. On the whole, quantities reached more extreme values during the second episode in 2002.  相似文献   
天气和气候的时间序列特征分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
本文从天气和气候资料出发,提出气候的q阶(0≤q≤1)微商是天气,而天气可以近似为白噪声.在此基础上,利用描述自相似非马尔可夫随机过程的时间分数维扩散方程的分析成果,并结合时间序列的相关性分析,从理论上进一步指出气候信号的记忆性好于天气信号,且其概率密度分布的尾巴比较长.  相似文献   
岑俏霖 《广西气象》2005,26(2):58-59
介绍了在百色电视天气预报栏目开展广告经营中,以心理营销为切入口的工作思路与体会。  相似文献   
2005年8月21日桂西大暴雨天气分析与降水模拟   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
利用常规、红外云图、雷达资料对2005年8月21日发生在桂西的大暴雨天气过程进行诊断分析,发现造成桂西这次强降雨主要直接影响系统来自低层切变线、高空低槽和地面静止锋。低层切变线是引发此次强降水的主要系统。低层低涡是在桂西强降水发生后才逐渐发展起来的。采用非静力中尺度数值模式(MM5)对这次大暴雨过程进行初步模拟试验,结果表明模式对这次强降水的雨带分布、暴雨中心强度及其位置的模拟也与实况较为接近。  相似文献   
论江西气象综合观测体系改革与建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了江西现有的气象综合观测体系,并就江西气象综合观测体系改革与建设的内容进行了论述,认为江西气象综合观测体系的改革与建设,应按照中国气象局调整“国家气候观象台、国家气象观测站、区域气象观测站”3类台站布局,构建“国家气候监测网、国家天气观测网、国家专业气象观测网和区域气象观测网”的总体要求,坚持全面性、开放性、可行性和连续性相统一的原则,根据一站多用、一站多能和一体化、集约化的原则,结合江西经济社会发展、国家安全和可持续发展的实际需要,对全省各台站进行统筹规划、科学布局,形成一站多点、一站多能、满足多轨道业务需求的综合气象观测网。  相似文献   
吕宝凤  李文铅  夏斌 《新疆地质》2005,23(4):391-395
柴窝堡凹陷位于博格达山和伊连哈比尔尕山之间,是在海西早期褶皱岩系基础上发育起来的山间盆地.经历了裂谷与前陆盆地、坳陷型盆地和再生前陆盆地等几个不同类型原型盆地的叠合,上二叠统一中生界以陆相沉积为主,生、储、盖、输导、圈闭等基本成藏要素都具备,诸成藏要素综合配套的结果,形成以次生、混源、复合型的油气藏为主,上二叠统自生、自储、自盖型组合最有意义,中部的柴窝堡褶皱构造带是油气成藏的有利区带.  相似文献   
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