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This study develops improved Soil Moisture Proxies (SMP) based suspended sediment yield (SMPSY) models corresponding to three antecedent moisture conditions (AMCs) (i.e., AMC-I-AMC-III) by coupling the improved initial abstraction (Ia-λ) model, the SMA procedure and the SMP concept for modelling the rainfall generated suspended sediment yield. The SMPSY models specifically incorporate a watershed storage index (S) model to accentuate the transformation from storm to storm and to avoid the sudden jumps in sediment yield computation. The workability of the SMPSY models is tested using a large dataset of rainfall and sediment yield (98 storm events) from twelve small watersheds and a comparison has been made with the existing MSY model. The goodness-of-fit (GOF) statistics is evaluated in terms of the Nash Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), and error indices, i.e., root mean square error (RMSE), normalized root mean square error (nRMSE), standard error (SE), mean absolute error (MAE), and RMSE-observations standard deviation ratio (RSR). The NSE values vary from 74.31% to 96.57% and from 75.21% to 91.78%, respectively for the SPMSY and MSY model. The NSE statistics indicate that the SMPSY model has lower uncertainty in simulating sediment yield as compared to the MSY model. The error indices are lower for the SMPSY model than the MSY model for most of the watersheds. These results show that the SMPSY model has less uncertainty and performs better than the MSY model. A sensitivity analysis of the SMPSY model shows that the parameter β is most sensitive followed by parameter S, α and A. Overall, the results show that the characterization of soil moisture variability in terms of SMPs and incorporation of improved delivery ratio and runoff coefficient relationship improves the simulation of the erosion and sediment yield generation process.  相似文献   
多尺度邻域特征下的机载LiDAR点云电力线分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用机载激光雷达技术三维测量精度高且获取快速的优点进行电力线自动分类提取已成为点云数据处理与电力应用的重要领域。针对电力线分类模型的自动化和高精度需求,本文提出了基于三维多尺度邻域特征的机载LiDAR点云电力线分类提取模型框架,主要包括4个步骤:电力线候选点滤波、多尺度邻域类型选取、形状结构特征提取和支持向量机分类。通过对2个复杂城市区域的试验数据集和8种不同邻域类型的详细结果对比分析,发现基于多尺度圆球邻域形状结构特征的分类模型结果准确率、召回率和质量分别达到97%、94%和93%,同时整体处理时间在2个试验数据中分别从366、256 s减少到274、160 s。试验结果表明,该方法在多种复杂城市场景中能够实现机载LiDAR数据的电力线较高精度分类提取。  相似文献   
进入新时代以来,海洋经济已成为国民经济的重要增长极。厦门市作为首批海洋经济创新发展示范区,可以利用地方立法权进行体制创新,以法律手段解决海洋产业发展中的问题。文章基于厦门海洋经济发展的大背景下,结合海洋经济发展所取得的成果、面临的挑战等,对立法进行可行性分析,为解决厦门海洋经济发展不平衡不充分、部分传统产业持续下行和海洋高新产业发展不足等问题并提出以下立法建议:①明确海洋经济的发展定位;②形成规划体系及结构布局;③建立激励机制和配套措施;④形成金融支持服务体系;⑤制定协调发展的保障性措施;⑥明确对台合作及国际化发展的内容。  相似文献   
干热岩钻探关键技术探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
干热岩是国际公认的高效低碳清洁能源,近年来,随着国家对清洁能源勘探开发的提倡和支持,国内开展了一些干热岩勘探工作。干热岩钻探是前期获取地质资料进行资源量计算及后期开发利用的关键部分。现阶段国内在干热岩钻探工艺技术方面还没有形成体系,大多借用石油钻井行业及地质钻井行业的一些工艺技术,但干热岩钻探钻遇地层温度普遍较高,且大部分孔段均为坚硬的花岗岩地层,因此如何在高温环境下保持钻井液性能,保证其携带岩屑及维护孔壁稳定的功效,在坚硬的花岗岩层中如何提高钻进效率,实现高效钻进,钻遇破碎地层时如何维护孔壁稳定,实现护壁堵漏等问题,该文结合国内已施工的部分干热岩钻探工程,对国内干热岩钻探所采取的工艺技术进行了探索,研制了抗高温配方的钻井液,使用转盘回转+孔底动力钻具复合钻进,在钻井液中加入抗高温封堵剂,可有效提高干热岩钻探效率,以期促进干热岩钻探工艺技术的研究、应用和推广。  相似文献   
黄朝煊  袁文喜  胡国杰 《岩土力学》2021,(1):113-124,134
目前通过对软土地基预加固处理来提高桩基水平承载力已被工程界认可,但如何在工程前期设计过程中估算软土地基预处理后桩基水平承载力提高值仍是技术难点。基于此,参考Bowles[1]的地基土水平抗力计算式,同时考虑成层软土地基预排水固结处理影响,通过数学推导,推求出根据原状软土室内土工试验抗剪强度指标及预加固处理时间,估算软土地基预处理后桩基水平承载力提高值的实用计算方法。考虑桩侧土弹塑性屈服影响,推导出成层软土中水平受荷桩弹塑性解析解及塑性区深度的计算式,给出了桩顶水平位移、桩身最大弯矩的无量纲计算式及相关计算源代码。依托于浙江省某水闸桩基工程案例,根据提出的计算方法对桩基水平承载力、桩顶水平位移及桩身最大弯矩等性状进行预估计算,并与地基预处理前、后现场试桩检测值进行验证对比,认为桩基水平承载力、桩顶水平位移及桩身最大弯矩等预估计算成果与工程现场试桩的检测值较接近,对类似工程设计具有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   
2011年山东省地矿局在山东省利津县实施了国内第一个干热岩调查评价项目,采用转盘回转钻进,但钻效低、能耗高。为提高在高温硬岩条件下的钻进效率、缩短钻井周期、降低生产成本,2015年在福建省漳州市实施的中国地质调查局东南沿海深部地热HDR-1干热岩科学钻探工程井(井深4000.86 m,孔底温度109 ℃)和2017年在青海省共和县完成的GR1干热岩科学勘探井(井深3705 m,孔底温度236 ℃),在施工中均探索使用了“转盘+螺杆钻具”复合钻进工艺,并在高温取心段首次测试应用了“转盘+涡轮钻具”复合取心钻进工艺,取得了良好的效果并就下一步研究方向提出了意见和建议,为螺杆钻具和涡轮钻具的深入研究提供了宝贵的高温施工经验,也将为我国干热岩科学钻探与深部地热资源勘探提供新的技术支撑。  相似文献   
石圣  赵德军  蒋祥  翁新海  陈伟 《矿物岩石》2021,41(1):106-115
西藏山南地区洛扎县雄曲河拉康段在600 m距离内出露温泉4处,仅1处位于河谷右岸;平硐勘查显示两岸岩性、产状、构造一致,地热异常却仅在左岸平硐内部显著,右岸平硐地热异常不明显。本次研究以此异常为出发点,通过片麻状花岗岩不同切面导热实验、片麻状花岗岩与板岩相同切面导热实验,温泉水δ~2H,δ~(18)O同位素测试分析等方法,探究该处河谷两侧地热异常的成因,得出以下结论:1、该处地热资源为干热岩型地热资源,热源是深部岩浆,氢氧同位素显示温泉热水来源于大气降水;2、片麻状花岗岩平行和垂直片麻理方向存在导热各向异性,当温度恒定时平行于片麻理方向比垂直于片麻理方向温度高5.5%~6.0%;3、河流的下切作用使得两岸岩体覆盖程度存在差异,导致两岸地热异常不均。本次研究成果可以为深切峡谷地区寻找浅层干热岩、干热岩发电与水力发电共同开发提供一定启示。  相似文献   
内蒙古西乌珠穆沁旗布敦乌拉矿区多为第四系覆盖。在该矿区多金属勘查中,依据土壤地球化学圈定的矿化异常布置激电中梯测量,圈定1处激发极化率异常区,长度约890m,宽度约520m,位于已知断层F 1与推断断层F 2之间。采用可控源音频大地电磁测深剖面对该激电异常进行探测,解释视充电率多峰异常与反演电阻率高低跳跃对应区域为矿致异常区。通过钻探验证,发现银多金属矿床资源储量523.93万t,取得了良好的地质找矿效果。  相似文献   
随着大规模的风电并网,风电所具有的间歇性与随机性对电力系统的稳定性产生了很大的影响,风电功率预测成为当前解决该问题重要的方式之一.本文利用长短期记忆(LSTM)网络良好的时序记忆特性,将小波分解技术与LSTM深度网络结合,提出基于小波长短期记忆网络的风电功率超短期概率预测模型.首先通过小波分解技术将原始时间序列进行平稳化处理,再建立各子序列样本的LSTM网络预测模型,借助最大似然估计法估计预测误差的高斯分布函数,最终实现对未来4 h时刻的风电功率概率区间预测.最后,采用中国东北某风电场数据对所提方法进行算例分析,结果表明,将小波分解与深度学习方法结合可以较好地提高预测的精度,提高概率预测的区间可靠性.  相似文献   
Renewable energy curtailment is a critical issue in China, impeding the country’s transition to clean energy and its ability to meet its climate goals. This paper analyzes the impacts of more flexible coal-fired power generation and improved power dispatch towards reducing wind power curtailment. A unit commitment model for power dispatch is used to conduct the analysis, with different scenarios demonstrating the relative impacts of more flexible coal-fired generation and improved power dispatch. Overall, while we find both options are effective in reducing wind power curtailment, we find that improved power dispatch is more effective: (1) the effect of ramping down coal-fired generators to reduce wind power curtailment lessens as the minimum output of coal-fired generation is decreased; and (2) as a result, at higher wind capacity levels, wind curtailment is much more significantly reduced with improved power dispatch than with decreased minimum output of coal-fired generation.

Key policy insights

  • China should emphasize both coal power flexibility and dispatch in its policies to minimize renewable power curtailment and promote clean energy transition.

  • China should accelerate the process of implementing spot market and marginal cost-based economic dispatch, while making incremental improvements to the existing equal share dispatch in places not ready for spot market.

  • A key step in improving of dispatch is incorporating renewable power forecasts into the unit commitment process and updating the daily unit commitment based on the latest forecast result.

  • China should expand the coal power flexibility retrofit programme and promote the further development of the ancillary service market to encourage more flexibility from coal-fired generation.

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