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王璞珺  陈桐  张立斌  高翔  高有峰 《沉积学报》2017,35(5):1063-1077
通过国内外资料调研和1950年以来我国相关实验室的考证,研究我国沉积学相关实验室及其仪器设备的历史和现状,揭示存在问题,提出相关建议。数据主要源于三方面,包括国内外数据库6个,国内外沉积学相关实验室官方网站102个以及国内外搜索引擎5个。对访问和调研结果进行统计分析,研究我国沉积学相关实验室及仪器设备的种类、数量及其地区和年代分布,并与国外相关实验室进行对比分析,探索我国沉积学的发展历程、现状和存在问题,并据此展望我国沉积学的未来发展趋势。结果显示,我国沉积学发展经历了1950—1980年的起步阶段,1980—2010年的快速发展阶段,以及2010年以来的稳步提升阶段。作为研究陆表岩石—水—大气—生物相互作用的过程、结果和机制的专门学科,沉积学与资源、环境、全球变化等人类面临的重大挑战都密切相关。我国的沉积学研究长期以来,一直是化石能源与沉积矿产、海洋过程与资源、区域环境和可持续发展等,事关国计民生的相关基础科学研究的重要组成部分。然而,从分析结果看,作为一个重要的地学基础学科,我国沉积学目前面临着以下问题:1)迄今全国还没有一个专门化的沉积学实验室;2)专门用于沉积学研究的实验仪器和设备很少;3)目前与沉积学相关的实验室分布过于集中,实验室与所研究的对象(自然界典型的沉积过程)相互脱离的现象日趋明显且不断加剧。由此可见,一方面我国的沉积学在国民经济和社会发展中发挥着重要的基础研究作用,另一方面相关支撑条件又相对薄弱且存在理论与实际相脱离的趋势。这些问题无疑将会阻碍我国沉积学未来的健康发展。通过此次“中国沉积学发展战略”调研,进一步摸清了家底、理清了问题、看到了不足,希望在此与同行分享我们的调研成果,同时更希望引起相关专家和管理部门的注意,在条件允许时能够不失时机地解决影响我国沉积学发展的上述瓶颈问题。  相似文献   
刺参对人工礁体设计关键指标的选择性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用平均聚集率(Mean Attractive Rate,MAR)作为统计分析指标,研究了仿刺参(Apostichopusjaponicas Selenka)对人工礁体结构设计关键指标(孔径、间隙、颜色、夹角)的选择性及其行为特性。结果表明:(1)随着实验时间延长,仿刺参在礁体模型上的聚集数量呈上升趋势;(2)礁体模型在自然光照条件下的聚参效果优于黑暗条件下的聚参效果(P<0.05);(3)孔径组各水平间聚参效果比较:2 cm>4 cm、16 cm>8 cm(P<0.05),4 cm与16 cm间差异不显著;间隙组各水平间聚参效果比较:2 cm>4 cm>6 cm>8 cm(P<0.05);颜色组各水平间聚参效果比较:黑色、蓝色、红色>绿色>白色>透明(P<0.05),黑色、蓝色、红色间差异不显著;夹角组各水平间聚参效果比较:15°>30°>45°、60°>90°、120°(P<0.05),45°与60°差异不显著,90°与120°差异不显著。说明仿刺参适应礁体模型需要一定时间,呈负趋光性。10 g至30 g的仿刺参,对设计指标为2 cm孔径、2 cm间距、深色、15°夹角的人工礁体,具有较好地选择性。  相似文献   
水生动物行为生态学是动物行为生态学的重要分支,对理解水生动物的生存行为机制、指导渔业生产和保护濒危水生动物具有重要意义。近年来,随着新型研究技术和手段的出现,水生动物行为生态学在短时间内得到了迅速发展。水生动物行为多种多样,本文主要综述了水生动物行为生态学的研究方法与手段,探讨了水生动物运动行为、摄食行为、繁殖行为和集群行为等方面的研究进展,并展望了水生动物行为生态学的研究与应用前景,以期为水生动物行为生态学研究与应用提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
There is substantial individual variation in the growth rates of sea cucumber Apostiehopus japonicus individuals. This necessitates additional work to grade the seed stock and lengthens the production period. We evaluated the influence of three culture methods (free-mixed, isolated-mixed, isolated-alone) on individual variation in growth and assessed the relationship between feeding, energy conversion efficiency, and individual growth variation in individually cultured sea cucumbers. Of the different culture methods, animals grew best when reared in the isolated-mixed treatment (i.e., size classes were held separately), though there was no difference in individual variation in growth between rearing treatment groups. The individual variation in growth was primarily attributed to genetic factors. The difference in food conversion efficiency caused by genetic differences among individuals was thought to be the origin of the variance. The level of individual growth variation may be altered by interactions among individuals and environmental heterogeneity. Our results suggest that, in addition to traditional seed grading, design of a new kind of substrate that changes the spatial distribution of sea cucumbers would effectively enhance growth and reduce individual variation in growth of sea cucumbers in culture.  相似文献   
Sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus(Selenka), is a commercially important marine species in China. Among the differently colored varieties sold in China, white and purple sea cucumbers have the greatest appeal to consumers. Identification of the pigments that may contribute to the formation of different color morphs of sea cucumbers will provide a scientific basis for improving the cultivability of desirable color morphs. In this study,sea cucumbers were divided into four categories according to their body color: white, light green, dark green, and purple. The pigment composition and contents in the four groups were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). The results show that the pigment contents differed significantly among the white, lightgreen, dark-green, and purple sea cucumbers, and there were fewer types of pigments in white sea cucumber than in the other color morphs. The only pigments detected in white sea cucumbers were guanine and pteroic acid.Guanine and pteroic acid are structural colors, and they were also detected in light-green, dark-green, and purple sea cucumbers. Every pigment detected, except for pteroic acid, was present at a higher concentration in purple morphs than in the other color morphs. The biological color pigments melanin, astaxanthin, β-carotene, and lutein were detected in light-green, dark-green, and purple sea cucumbers. While progesterone and lycopene,which are also biological color pigments, were not detected in any of the color morphs. Melanin was the major pigment contributing to body color, and its concentration increased with deepening color of the sea cucumber body. Transmission electron microscopy analyses revealed that white sea cucumbers had the fewest epidermal melanocytes in the body wall, and their melanocytes contained fewer melanosomes as well as non-pigmented pre-melanosomes. Sea cucumbers with deeper body colors contained more melanin granules. In the body wall of dark-green and purple sea cucumbers, melanin granules were secreted out of the cell. The results of this study provide evidence for the main factors responsible for differences in coloration among white, light-green, darkgreen, and purple sea cucumbers, and also provide the foundation for further research on the formation of body color in sea cucumber, A. japonicus.  相似文献   
海洋微塑料污染的生物效应研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘香  茹小尚  张立斌 《海洋科学》2021,45(3):122-133
微塑料是粒径小于5mm的各类塑料碎片的总称。在环境领域中,微塑料污染已经成为人们的关注热点。近年来,海洋环境中微塑料污染日益严峻,其引发的生物与环境问题也备受关注。本文系统总结了海洋微塑料污染的生物效应研究进展,介绍了微塑料的定义、来源、分类、分布特征等研究现状,分析了微塑料对海洋环境中海水水质和沉积环境的影响,综述了微塑料对海洋生物的毒性效应,并基于研究进展提出了未来需关注的研究方向,以期为海洋微塑料对环境与生物的影响研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
部分水生经济动物具有性别二态性,这种特性与养殖品质、商业价值相关。与哺乳动物不同,水生动物不具有明显的性征,在育种时难以识别亲本性别,会造成额外的劳动力和培育成本。该文主要围绕水生经济动物性别遗传基础及其鉴定方式,综述了水生经济动物的性别二态现象、常见的性别鉴定方式以及决定基因,以期为种质资源保护和良种选育提供理论参考。  相似文献   
我国刺参种业态势分析与技术创新展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刺参为我国重要的海水养殖对象,而种业是刺参产业链条健康发展的基础环节,但仍存在野生种质资源匮乏、良种不足及良种覆盖率低的现状。本文综述了当前我国刺参种业现状与态势,重点比较分析了“东科1号”等6个已育成良种的特点,提出了在全球气候变化现状下未来刺参种业的发展趋势,并针对刺参产业发展需求,提出了应用现代遗传技术实现性状精准高效选育等未来刺参育种技术体系创新发展方向,以期为我国刺参种业转型升级提供参考。  相似文献   
王婷  茹小尚  张立斌 《海洋科学》2022,46(7):95-104
海上风电具有就近消纳方便、发电效率高和不消耗化石能源等特点,在低碳经济发展背景下,加快海上风电开发已成为全球各国促进能源结构转型与可持续发展的普遍共识。但海上风电在建设及运营过程中所产生的噪音和磁场对海洋环境和生物的影响尚不明确。本文系统梳理了全球海上风电发展现状,分析了海上风电开发对海洋生态环境与生物资源的综合影响,从生理、行为和分子三个层面重点分析了海上风电所产生的噪音和磁场对海洋生物的潜在影响,以期为科学利用海上风电提供参考。  相似文献   
本文利用强氧化剂臭氧 O3 对空气中的冠状病毒进行杀灭试验。经不同臭氧浓度、湿度、温度处理灭活的冠状病毒于 1 0日龄鸡胚培养一代 ,进行对流免疫电泳试验检测。结果表明 ,臭氧浓度在高于 2 0 .3mg/ m3 ,作用时间超过 1 5 min时就可将病毒完全杀灭。湿度和温度对臭氧的杀毒效果也有显著影响 ,即湿度越大灭活效果越好 ,温度越高杀毒效果越明显  相似文献   
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