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Twenty spinel peridotite xenoliths from Pliocene alkali basaltic tuffs and lavas of the western Pannonian Basin (Hungary) have been analysed for bulk rock major and trace elements, electron probe mineral compositions, and REE and Sr, Nd isotopes on separated and leached clinopyroxenes. The xenoliths are texturally diverse, including protogranular, porphyroclastic, equigranular and poikilitic textures which can generally be correlated with geochemical features. Protogranular xenoliths are relatively undepleted in Ca, Al, Ti and Na, whereas poikilitic xenoliths are more refractory. LREE-depleted patterns. and MORB-like Nd and Sr values are associated with protogranular peridotites. In contrast, xenoliths with complex textures are generally LREE-enriched. Much of the isotopic variation in the suite (Sr=–20.4 to +10.4, +Nd=+1.8 to +13.7) can be related to interaction between protogranular mantle and melts resembling the host alkali basalts, but a third (high Sr) component may be due to Miocene subduction beneath the region.  相似文献   
Summary Ultramafic xenoliths from the basaltic tuff of Kapfenstein (Graz Basin) are mainly protogranular and protogranular- to- porphyroclastic spinel lherzolites. In addition to these common rocks, a coarse-grained spinel harzburgite and a heterogeneous spinel peridotite consisting of a clinopyroxene-poor harzburgite and a clinopyroxene-rich lherzolite have been found. Interstitial amphiboles (pargasite and kaersutite) are present in most xenoliths. The magmatic activity which brought these xenoliths to the surface is part of the Plio-Pleistocene extension-related alkali basalt volcanism which took place in the Carpatho-Pannonian Region, post-dating the subduction-related calc-alkaline volcanism which formed the Inner Carpathian arc.Mineralogical and bulk geochemical data for Kapfenstein xenoliths are similar to those for other sub-continental shallow mantle xenolith suites. Correlation diagrams for major and trace elements indicate that their chemical variations are related to different degrees of partial melting due to the extraction of mafic melts. Rare earth element (REE) patterns of separated clinopyroxenes from the xenoliths are generally light rare earth element (LREE)-depleted, although LREE-enriched and more complex patterns have also been found.87Sr/86Sr and143Nd/.144Nd isotopic ratios of separated clinopyroxenes vary between 0.70193 and 0.70330 (Sr, = – 36.4 to –17.0) and 0.512824 and 0.513589 (NdNd = 4.2 to 18.l), respectively. The highest87Sr/86Sr and lowest1443Nd/144Nd.Nd ratios occur in those samples which have the most refractory character and also have the most unusual REE patterns. REE determined by ion microprobe on separated interstitial amphibole grains indicate equilibrium with the host peridotite in most of the xenoliths but disequilibirum conditions have been observed, including some extreme LREE enrichments.Striking textural and some geochemical and isotope geochemical similarities have been recognised between Kapfenstein xenoliths and those from the Eastern Transylvanian Basin, both of which are situated on the edges of the diapiric upwelling located in the central part of the Pannonian Basin. The deformation, depletion and enrichment processes which occurred in these two areas are thought to be similar. The LREE-enriched interstitial amphiboles and the presence of cross-cutting amphibole veins suggest that the shallow depleted lithospheric mantle beneath the Graz Basin has been affected by metasomatising events related to the mafic alkaline host magmas rather than by subduction-related fluids or melts.
Spinel-peridotit Xenolithe von Kapfenstein (Grazer Becken, Ostösterreich): Eine geochemische und petrologische Studie
Zusammenfassung Die ultramafischen Xenolithe aus dem Basaltuff von Kapfenstein (Grazer Becken) bestehen großteils aus protogranularem und porphyroklastischem Spinell-Lherzolith. Abgesehen von diesen weitverbreiteten Gesteinen wurden auch ein grobköringer Spinell-Harzburgit und ein heterogener Spinell-Peridotit, der aus einem Klinopyroxen-armen Harzburgit und einem Klinopyroxen-reichen Lherzolith besteht, gefunden. Interstitielle Amphibole (Pargasit und Kaersutit) sind in den meisten Xenolithen vorhanden. Die magmatischen Prozesse, die diese Xenolithe an die Erdoberfläche befördeten, stehen mit dem mit Extension assoziierten Alkali-Basalt-Vulkanismus, der während des Pliozän/ Pleistozäns dem durch Subduktion ausgelösten Kalk-alkalischen Vulkanismus des inneren Karpathenbogens folgte, in Zusammenhang.Die mineralogischen und geochemischen Vollanalysen der Kapfensteiner Xenolithe sind mit den Daten von anderen Gruppen von subkontinentalen Xenolithen des oberen Mantels vergleichbar. Korrelationsdiagramme für Haupt- und Spurenelemente zeigen, daß die chemische Variation auf verschiedene Grade von Teilschmelzbildung zurück-zuführen ist. Die Verteilungsmuster der Seltenen Erden in Klinopyroxenen der Xenolithe sind generall LREE-verarmt, aber LREE angereichte und kompliziertere Verteilungsmuster kommen vor. Die87Sr/86Sr und143Nd/144Nd Isotopenverhältnisse der Klinopyroxene schwanken zwischen 0.70193 und 0.70330 (Sr = von – 36.4 bis –17.0), beziechungsweise zwischen 0.512854 und 0.513589 (Nd=von –4.2 bis 18.l). Die höchsten87Sr/86Sr und niedrigsten143Nd/144Nd Isotopenverhältnisse treten in den Proben mit dem stärksten refraktären Charakter und den ungewöhnlichsten REE-Verteilungsmustern auf. Die mittels Zonensonde ermittelten Gehalte an REE der interstitiellen Amphibole deuten ein Gleichgewicht mit dem Wirt-Peridotit an, obwohl auch Anzeichen von gestörtem Gleichgewicht, unter anderem extreme Anreicherungen an LREE, beobachtet wurden.Ein Vergleich der Kapfenstein-Xenolithe mit denen aus dem östlichen Transsylvanischen Becken zeigt bemerkenswerte strukturelle und einige geochemische und isotopengeochemische Ähnlichkeiten. Beide Gegenden befinden sich am Rande des Erdmantel diapirs, im Zentrum des Pannonischen Beckens. Die Deformationen und Verarmungsund Anreicherungsprozesse, die in beiden Gebieten stattfanden, sind vergleichbar. Die an LREE angereicherten interstitiellen Amphibole und das Auftreten von diskordanten Amphibolgängen legen nahe, daß der obere verarmte lithosphärische Mantel unter dem Grazer Becken von, mit den mafischen alkalischen Grund-Magmen verwandten, metasomatischen Prozessen erfaßt worden ist, und nicht von mit Subduktion assoziierten Flüssigkeiten oder Schmelzen.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   
We present the results of our subarcsecond resolution interferometricobservations of the 1.3 mm CO J = 21 line in the luminous merger NGC6240. Roughly half of the CO flux is contained in a rotating and highlyturbulent thick disk centered between the two radio and near-infrarednuclei. In this disk the molecular gas has velocity widths which reachFWZP line widths of up to 1000 km s-1. The mass of this gasconcentration makes up between 30%–70% of the dynamical mass in thisregion. NGC 6240 may be in an earlier merging stage than typical ULIRGssuch as Arp 220. We compare these results from NGC 6240 with thoseof other luminous, gas-rich interacting galaxies and mergers.  相似文献   
Manisa Fault is a geomorphologically distinct normal dip-slip fault, which oversees the southern edge of the Manisa Graben that is a continuum of the Gediz Graben towards the west. This study aims to determine the neotectonic activity of the Manisa Fault and the most recent time of the change in its stress condition through age-dating data obtained by using 230Th/234U dating methodology applied on the calcite coating that develops over hanging-wall of the Manisa Fault and the calcite veins that occur as fracture fillings. The age of the calcite precipitations associated with the Manisa Fault was determined to be between 307?±?203 and 444?±?101?ka by using the 230Th/234U dating method. Evaluation of the carbonate precipitations on the Manisa Fault along with the age data and the kinematic indicators ascertained that the Manisa Fault switched to a dip-slip normal faulting character from Middle Pleistocene onwards and that the region was under the effect of a NE–SW directional extensional regime. In addition, the opening rate was attempted to be determined using the roll-over anticline structure that advanced depending upon the movement of the fault on the upper horizontal strata of colluviums, which developed in association with the Manisa Fault. Along with the evaluation of the rise in the horizontal stratification in colluvium and the obtained age data, opening rate of the Manisa Fault was determined as 0.01?mm?y?1.  相似文献   
Regularities of the mantle structure beneath the Siberian Craton were determined using the monomineral thermobarometry and common Opx-Gar methods. Samples were taken from 80 pipes from the Siberian Craton and in comparison 70 pipes from worldwide kimberlites. The largest pipes contain several dunite layers in the lower part of lithospheric mantle which are responsible for the diamond grade. The lithospheric mantle consists of two major parts divided at a depth of 4.0 GPa by a pyroxenite layer. Major intervals determined for the mantle beneath Udachnaya and Mir are: 1) 8.0–6.5 GPa harzburgites, eclogites and dunitic veins; 2) 6.5–5.5 GPa sheared peridotites, low-Cr pyroxenites, dunites; 3)in 5.5–4.0 GPa interval there are 4–6 layers of harzburgitic paleoslabs; 4) 4.0–3.5 GPa the pyroxenites lens; 5) upper layered Sp-Gar peridotite sequence including a trap of basaltic and other silicate melt cumulates at 3.0–2.0 GPa. The lithospheric mantle beneath seven different tectonic terrains in Siberia is characterized by TRE geochemistry and major elements of peridotitic clinopyroxenes. The mantle in Magan terrain contains more fertile peridotites in the South (Mir pipe) than in North (Alakit) which were metasomatized by subduction-related melts producing Phl and Cpx about 500–800 Ma ago. Daldyn terrain is essentially harzburgitic in the west part (abyssal peridotite) but in the east in Upper Muna (East Daldyn terrain) the mantle is more differentiated and in general more oxidized. The Markha terrain (Nakyn) contains depleted but partly refertilized harzburgites, subducted pelitic material and abundant eclogites. Circum-Anabar mantle is ultradepleted in the lower part but in the upper regions it has been fertilized by fluid-rich melts very enriched in incompatible elements. The P-Fe# diagrams (and other components) reveal different structure of mantle columns in each terrain. They are subvertical for the mantle sampled by Devonian pipes. Beneath Mesozoic pipes the mantle has been affected by melt percolation caused by the Siberian Superplume which created continuous Fe-enrichment in the upper part. The models of continent growth and evolution are briefly discussed. In general the geothermal regime and mantle heating is negatively correlated with the thickness of lithosphere. The sheared peridotites under Udachnaya and other kimberlite pipe are likely to have formed after the intrusion of protokimberlite volatile rich (hydrous) melts and hydraulic fracturing. This mechanism is responsible for the origin of asthenospheric lenses.Progressive melting especially in the pervasive zones may be responsible for the creation of 3-4 upper asthenospheric lens near mostly before 4.0 GPa which may be accompanied by mantle diapirism. Such a lens is the trap for the kimberlites in Siberia in Mesozoic time and in rifted intracontinental areas and margins.  相似文献   
Lakes in the beech (Nothofagus sp.) forest foothills between Greymouth and Hokitika, Westland, are characterised by amber‐coloured waters. Microbiological, biochemical, and chemical analyses of samples from nine such lakes during March 1976 indicate that they are unproductive. Microbial biomass was intensively investigated in heavily stained Lakes Haupiri and Lady and in least‐stained Lake Brunner. A combination of adenosine triphosphate assays, Utermöhl phytoplankton counts, and autoradiographic biomass determinations revealed a greater bacterial than algal biomass in heavily stained lakes, a highly unusual phenomenon which suggests that most of the production of organic matter was allochthonous. Autochthonous productivity was low, probably because biologically available phosphorus was very scarce and because discoloration reduced the transparency of the water. Hypqlimnetic oxygen depletion was slight during this period of maximum thermal stratification; decomposition of organic matter was apparently incomplete. Reactive phosphorus did not increase appreciably in partially deoxygenated hypolimnia. Much of the allochthonous organic matter originating from beech forests and their soils may be partially resistant to biodegradation.  相似文献   
We study the linear theory of Kelvin–Helmholtz instability in a layer of ions and neutrals with finite thickness. In the short wavelength limit the thickness of the layer has a negligible effect on the growing modes. However, perturbations with wavelength comparable to layer’s thickness are significantly affected by the thickness of the layer. We show that the thickness of the layer has a stabilizing effect on the two dominant growing modes. Transition between the modes not only depends on the magnetic strength, but also on the thickness of the layer.  相似文献   
Felsic volcanic units of the Early Devonian Bindook Volcanic Complex host the Yerranderie epithermal silver–gold–lead district 94 km west–southwest of Sydney. Mineralization in the district forms part of a fault‐controlled, intermediate sulfidation, epithermal silver–gold–base metal vein system that has significant mineral and alteration zonation. Stage 1 of the mineral paragenesis in the veins developed quartz and carbonate with early pyrite, whereas stage 2 is a crustiform banded quartz–pyrite–arsenopyrite assemblage. Stage 3, the main stage of sulfide deposition, comprises early sphalerite, followed by a tetrahedrite–tennantite–gold assemblage, then a galena–chalcopyrite–native silver–pyrite assemblage, and finally a pyrargyrite–polybasite–pearceite assemblage. Stage 4 involves the deposition of quartz veins with minor (late) pyrite and stage 5 is characterized by siderite that infilled remaining voids. Mineral zonation occurs along the Yerranderie Fault, with bornite being restricted to the Colon Peaks–Silver Peak mine area, whereas arsenopyrite, which is present in both the Colon Peaks–Silver Peak and Wollondilly mine areas, is absent in other lodes along the Yerranderie Fault. The Yerranderie Fault, which hosts the major lodes, is surrounded by a zoned alteration system. With increasing proximity to the fault the intensity of alteration increases and the alteration assemblage changes from an outer quartz–muscovite–illite–(ankerite) assemblage to a quartz–illite–(pyrite–carbonate) assemblage within meters of the fault. 40Ar/39Ar dating of muscovite from the alteration zone gave a 372.1 ± 1.9 Ma (Late Devonian) age, which is interpreted to be the timing of the quartz–sulfide vein formation. Sulfur isotope values for sulfides range from 0.1 to 6.2‰ with one outlier of ?5.6 δ34S‰. The results indicate that the initial ore‐forming fluids were reduced, and that sulfur was probably sourced from a magmatic reservoir, either as a direct magmatic contribution or indirectly through dissolution and recycling of sulfur from the host volcanic sequence. The sulfur isotope data suggest the system is isotopically zoned.  相似文献   
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