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趋磁细菌能够形成纳米级的磁小体,磁小体排列成链作为生物磁针使细菌沿氧化还原梯度在地磁线上移动。磁小体独特的晶体和磁性特征使其在生物技术、医药和地质生物学应用等领域有巨大的潜力,磁小体的细胞生物学特征也使其成为原核生物细胞器研究的理想模型。本文介绍了近年来在趋磁细菌基因组和磁小体链形成机制方面的研究进展。  相似文献   
Along with the sequencing technology development and continual enthusiasm of researchers on the mitochondrial genomes, the number of metazoan mitochondrial genomes reported has a tremendous growth in the past decades. Phylomitogenomics—reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships based on mitochondrial genomic data—is now possible across large animal groups. Crustaceans in the class Malacostraca display a high diversity of body forms and include large number of ecologically and commercially important species. In this study, comprehensive and systematic analyses of the phylogenetic relationships within Malacostraca were conducted based on 86 mitochondrial genomes available from Gen Bank. Among 86 malacostracan mitochondrial genomes, 54 species have identical major gene arrangement(excluding t RNAs) to pancrustacean ground pattern,including six species from Stomatopoda, three species from Amphipoda, two krill, seven species from Dendrobranchiata(Decapoda), and 36 species from Pleocyemata(Decapoda). However, the other 32 mitochondrial genomes reported exhibit major gene rearrangements. Phylogenies based on Bayesian analyses of nucleotide sequences of the protein-coding genes produced a robust tree with 100% posterior probability at almost all nodes. The results indicate that Amphipoda and Isopoda cluster together(Edriophthalma)(BPP=100).Phylomitogenomic analyses strong support that Euphausiacea is nested within Decapoda, and closely related to Dendrobranchiata, which is also consistent with the evidence from developmental biology. Yet the taxonomic sampling of mitochondrial genome from Malacostraca is very biased to the order Decapoda, with no complete mitochondrial genomes reported from 11 of the 16 orders. Future researches on sequencing the mitochondrial genomes from a wide variety of malacostracans are necessary to further elucidate the phylogeny of this important group of animals. With the increase in mitochondrial genomes available, phylomitogenomics will emerge as an important component in the Tree of Life researches.  相似文献   
为了解海南尖鳍鲤(Cyprinus acutidorsalis)线粒体基因组结构特征及其与鲤科(Cyprinidae)鱼类的进化关系,本文通过二代测序获得海南万泉河口尖鳍鲤线粒体基因组全序列,并对结构特征进行分析,结果显示具有典型的环状闭环双链分子,全长16581bp,碱基组成为A(31.96%)、G(15.69%)、C(27.53%)和T(24.82%),包含13个蛋白质编码基因(protein-codinggenes,PCGs)、2个r RNA基因、22个tRNA基因和1个可变控制区D环。对碱基含量分析发现尖鳍鲤的碱基组成中具有较高AT含量的偏向性,13个PCGs中有不少的偏好性密码子,如CGA(RSCU>3.506)、CCA(RSCU>2.208)等。除tRNAGln、tRNAAla、tRNAAsn、tRNACys、tRNALeu(CUN)、tRNATyr、tRNASer(UCN)、tRNAPro  相似文献   
许涛  孔令锋 《海洋与湖沼》2023,54(2):537-549
软体动物线粒体基因组在大小、结构和功能存在巨大变异,不同组装策略往往会得到差异的结果,明确适合软体动物的线粒体基因组组装策略对开展基于线粒体基因组的相关研究具有重要意义。通过基因组浅层测序技术获取了软体动物主要类群(双壳纲、腹足纲、多板纲、头足纲)代表种类的基因组数据,应用目前主流的线粒体基因组组装软件(NOVOPlasty、Ray、MitoZ、SPAdes、GetOrganelle和MEANGS)在相同条件下进行组装并比较各个软件的组装效果[运行时间、基因组覆盖度、准确性、线粒体重叠群(Contigs)数目、结果文件存储空间占用],探讨线粒体基因组的组装策略。结果表明,基于不同组装策略的线粒体基因组组装软件的组装效果与物种的生物学分类无关,而与线粒体基因组大小有关。基于参考序列组装策略的NOVOPlasty和基于从头组装策略的MEANGS、GetOrganelle和MitoZ更适用于组装有着常见线粒体基因组大小的软体动物类群, MEANGS、Ray和SPAdes更适用于组装线粒体基因组偏大的软体动物类群,MitoZ可以一次性完成线粒体基因组的组装、注释以及可视化工作。研究结果提示不同...  相似文献   
棕囊藻属(Phaeocystis)分类学上位于定鞭藻门(Haptophyta)定鞭藻纲(Haptophyceae)棕囊藻目(Phaeocystales)棕囊藻科(Phaeocystaceae)。迄今在我国海域仅分离鉴定到一种棕囊藻属物种,即自1997年以来在我国海域频繁形成有害藻华的球形棕囊藻(Phaeocystis globosa)。作者从中国南海分离到一个单细胞鞭毛类株系CNS01077,结合形态特征观察及基于18S rDNA序列的系统发育分析,将其鉴定为冠状棕囊藻(Phaeocystis rex)。这是该棕囊藻物种在我国海域的首次报道。该研究构建了该物种的首个叶绿体基因组序列和首个线粒体基因组序列。与球形棕囊藻和南极棕囊藻的细胞器基因组比较分析发现冠状棕囊藻的细胞器基因组发生了显著的结构重排和序列变异。该物种在我国海域的发现及细胞器基因组的构建,将为棕囊藻的生物多样性组成和地理分布研究提供支撑。  相似文献   
线粒体基因组是存在于真核生物线粒体中的重要遗传物质,可独立进行复制、转录和蛋白质合成。与核基因组相比,线粒体基因组具有长度相对较短、点突变率高等特点,被认为是研究生物系统进化的重要对象之一。近年来,在海洋生物研究中,线粒体基因组已被广泛应用于遗传分析、种质鉴定、分子标记挖掘以及系统进化研究等领域并取得了丰富的成果。棘皮动物在全球海洋中分布广泛,属无脊椎动物的高等类群,也是无脊椎动物向脊椎动物进化的重要节点生物。目前已有 97 个物种完成了线粒体基因组的测序。棘皮动物的线粒体基因组包含 37 个基因,其中 ND6 基因均分布于轻链。海胆和海星的基因排列顺序最为保守。棘皮动物在绝大多数情况下会使用 ATG 作为起始密码子,使用 TAA 和 TAG 作为终止密码子。根据现有的线粒体基因组数据和分析方法可以阐明绝大多数棘皮动物的分类与系统进化关系,但仍有一些物种的分析结果缺乏足够的可信度。棘皮动物线粒体基因组研究尚有很多方面仍需进一步开展。  相似文献   
The mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of hybrid grouper Epinephelus moara (♀)×Epinephelus tukula (♂), a new hybrid progeny, can provide valuable information for analyzing phylogeny and molecular evolution. In this study, the mitogenome was analyzed using PCR amplification and sequenced, then the phylogenetic relationship of E. moara (♀)×E. tukula (♂) and 35 other species were constructed using Maximum Likelihood and Neighbor-Joining methods with the nucleotide sequences of 13 conserved protein-coding genes (PCGs). The complete mitogenome of E. moara (♀)×E. tukula (♂) was 16 695 bp in length, which contained 13 PCGs, 2 rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes, a replication origin and a control region. The composition and order of these genes were consistent with most other vertebrates. Of the 13 PCGs, 12 PCGs were encoded on the heavy strand, and ND6 was encoded on the light strand. The mitogenome of the E. moara (♀)×E. tukula (♂) had a higher AT nucleotide content, a positive AT-skew and a negative GC-skew. All protein initiation codons were ATG, except for COX and ND4 (GTG), ATP6 (CTG), and ND3 (ATA). ND2, COXII, ND3, ND4 and Cytb had T as the terminating codon, COXIII’s termination codon was TA, and the remaining PCGs of that were TAA. All tRNA genes, except for the lacking DHU-arm of tRNASer (AGN), were predicted to form a typical cloverleaf secondary structure. In addition, sequence similarity analysis (99% identity) and phylogenetic analysis (100% bootstrap value) indicated that the mitochondrial genome was maternally inherited. This study provides mitogenome data for studying genetic, phylogenetic relationships and breeding of grouper.  相似文献   
In exploring new sources for economically important products, marine environment draws particular attention because of its remarkable diversity and extreme conditions; it is known to produce metabolic products of great value. It represents untapped source for the discovery of novel secondary metabolites with varying potential such as antibiotic, anti-tumor, antifouling and cytotoxic properties. Marine actinomycetes distributed throughout the marine environment from shallow to deep sea sediments have proved to be a finest source for this discovery. Secondary metabolites derived from marine actinomycetes have proved their worth in industries based on the research on their properties and wide range applications. Spotlight of the review is range of marine based actinomycetes products and significant research in this field. This shows the capability of marine actinomycetes as bioactive metabolite producers. Additionally, the present review addresses some effective and novel approaches of procuring marine microbial compounds utilizing the latest screening strategies of drug discovery from which traditional resources such as marine actinobacteria has decreased due to declining yields. The aim is in the context of promoting fruitful and profitable results in the near future. The recent surfacing of new technologies for bioprospection of marine actinomycetes are very promising, resulting in high quality value added products, and will be de? ning a new era for bioactive compounds with medical and biotechnological applications.  相似文献   
藤壶是潮间带生态、幼体发育以及生物防污损研究中重要的模式生物。目前,线粒体基因组学的发展有助于从线粒体基因组水平上更好地理解系统发育关系。本研究获得东方小藤壶Chthamalus challengeri完整线粒体基因组,大小为15358bp的环状分子。与藤壶亚目其它物种相比,东方小藤壶非编码区的长度较长,而基因区的长度则相近。东方小藤壶线粒体基因组A+T含量为70.5%。现有藤壶物种的线粒体基因组中存在起始和终止密码子的变化。同属的东方小藤壶和触肢小藤壶C. antennus具有共同的基因排列。然而,小藤壶科中不同属之间却具有不同的基因排列,包括两个tRNA基因出现易位,一个基因块出现倒置。值得注意的是,与以往藤壶亚目物种不同,小藤壶属两个物种的srRNAlrRNA基因都在重链上编码。小藤壶科中进化树的拓扑结构与基因排列证据相互支持,系统发育分析表明小藤壶科是单系群,而藤壶科和古藤壶科则是多系群。  相似文献   
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