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对厦门海区的纹藤壶 Balanusamphitriteamphitrite和鳞笠藤壶 Tetraclitasquamosasquamosa 雄性生殖系统进行解剖学、组织学和细胞化学的研究。结果表明:两种藤壶的雄性生殖系统均由精巢、输精管、贮精囊及交接器4部分组成。精巢内依次排列有精原细胞、精母细胞、精子细胞和成熟精子。输精管由一层上皮细胞围成,内可见成熟精子,贮精囊前端管壁结构与输精管相似,后端管壁厚,可分为4层结构。交接器结构复杂,内层为射精管,外层结构与贮精囊后段相似。精子为线形,头部附属小滴内有4—6个致密斑,鞭毛沿头部一侧着生。初步探讨了不同发育阶段的雄性生殖细胞碱性蛋白的变化及附属小滴的细胞化学特性及生理学特性  相似文献   
斜带石斑鱼幼鱼饥饿前后胃肠道的组织学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用组织学方法详细地观察了斜带石斑鱼幼鱼饥饿前后胃肠道组织细胞的变化特征.结果发现饥饿后引起胃体部的粘膜和腺体萎缩,胃腺细胞排列无序,腺细胞胞质中分泌颗粒明显减少,肌层变薄,肌纤维排列疏松,而贲门胃和幽门胃则没有明显变化;在肠道可见幽门盲囊和肠前段出现结构和功能的变化,表现在肠绒毛长度和上皮细胞的高度均明显下降,纹状缘退化,杯状细胞的体积和数目都减少,肠中段的变化较前段不显著,后段肠壁可见浆膜层和肌层严重脱落.  相似文献   
利用光学显微镜研究了嫁(Cellana toreuma(Reeve))消化系统的组织结构。嫁的消化系统由消化道(口区、食道、嗉囊、胃、肠、直肠、肛门)和消化腺(食道腺、肝胰腺)组成。口中具有齿舌和颚片,分别通过发达的肌肉与软骨相连;食道中部膨大成食道腺;胃和肠非常长。消化道壁由黏膜层、黏膜下层、肌层和外膜构成,黏膜上皮主要为单层柱状上皮细胞,肌层主要为环肌。胃壁和肠壁非常薄,黏膜下层和外膜均不发达。肝胰腺由无数肝小叶组成,每一肝小叶由位于基膜上的单层腺细胞和胚细胞组成。  相似文献   
Histological development of Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus larval skin and ultrastructural difference of skin between reared normal and malpigmented Japanese flounder were studied with light microscopy (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results show that the skin develops slowly before the metamorphosis, while at the onset of metamorphosis, the skin develops quickly and becomes complete in structure till about 50d after being hatched. Ultrastructural observation on the normal and malpigmented skins shows that the iridophore and melanophore are adjacent to each other. Profile and structure of the two kinds of pigment cells are more complete in the skin of normal ocular side than in the skin of pigmented blind side. The ultrastructure of typical chloride cell was observed in the skin of Japanese flounder larvae for the first time.  相似文献   
The mackerel scad Decapterus macarellus is of great social and economic importance to Cabo Verde citizens; however, in recent years catches have shown an unexplained decline. The harvest is regulated by way of a minimum legal size and a seasonal closure, with both measures based on the results of reproductive studies that did not consider the microscopic characteristics of the gonads. This study aimed to analyse the gonads microscopically in order to classify the sexual development stage of individuals and to estimate the size at first maturity and the reproductive season. This information was then used to analyse the match between the reproductive parameters and the management measures. The samples comprised 284 females (20–36 cm fork length [FL]) and 85 males (21–35 cm FL). The annual variation in gonadosomatic index and the monthly frequencies of mature phases suggest that the reproductive season occurs from March to October, with two spawning peaks, one in March and another from July to October. The current seasonal closure (from July to September) covers the main reproductive period. However, the species has a long spawning period and the timing of peaks can vary between years; hence, a reassessment of this management measure is recommended. The sizes at first maturity were estimated at 24.1 cm FL for females, and 26.6 cm FL for males. These values are higher than the minimum legal size (20 cm FL) currently established for management of the species at Cabo Verde; thus, we strongly recommend an increase in the minimum legal size in an attempt to reduce catches of immature individuals.  相似文献   
鲻鱼精子发生的组织学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
林君卓  翁幼竹  方永强  洪万树 《台湾海峡》2001,20(1):57-60,T002
本文报道用组织学方法研究了不同季节鲻鱼的精巢结构和精子发生过程。结果表明,鲻鱼精巢属于叶状结构。根据精子发生的特点,分为5个时期:精原细胞增殖期、初级精母细胞期、次级精母细胞期、精子形成期和精子成熟期。依雄性鲻鱼精子发育和成熟的季节来看,厦门鲻鱼繁殖季节为每年11-12月,系一次性排精类型。文中详细描述各级生精细胞的特征,并讨论了Sertoli细胞在精子发生中的生理作用。  相似文献   
本文研究了大海马Hippocampus kuda Bleeker,日本海马H·japonicus kauP和三斑海马H.trimacutatue Leach消化道的形态学。三种鱼类消化道的解剖学特点基本相同。消化道均可区分出头肠、前肠、中肠和后肠。中肠最长。口孔小,口腔呈管状,口鳃腔内无齿,无鳃耙,无舌,鳃孔小。不具胃,也无幽门垂,中肠前部稍为扩大形成假胃。 组织学方面共同特点为:粘膜上皮主要由柱状细胞和球形分泌细胞组成。上皮内无多细胞消化腺,未发现味蕾。大海马与日本海马在食道纵褶的形状,球形分泌细胞的分布区,假胃肌层的排列及上皮细胞的形状等方面有种的差别。  相似文献   
海湾扇贝外套膜的组织结构与粘液细胞的类型与分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用HE及AB-PAS染色方法,在光镜下对海湾扇贝(Argopectens irradians)外套膜的组织学结构及粘液细胞的类型与分布进行了观察。结果表明,该部位具有双壳贝类外套膜的典型结构特征,即由中央膜和边缘膜组成,边缘膜具有3个突起,分别为生壳突起、感觉突起和缘膜突起。组织结构主要包括内外上皮层、结缔组织与肌纤维。不同部位外套膜各组织成分的含量与分布有差异。AB-PAS染色反应显示,在上皮层中分布有几种不同类型的粘液细胞,分别为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ型。Ⅰ型着色为红色,AB阴性,PAS阳性,含中性粘多糖;Ⅱ型为蓝色,AB阳性,PAS阴性,含酸性粘多糖;Ⅲ型染色后呈紫红色,AB,PAS均为阳性,PAS阳性较强,含混和性粘多糖,以中性粘多糖为主;Ⅳ型为蓝紫色,AB,PAS均呈阳性,AB阳性较强,含混和性粘多糖,以酸性粘多糖为主。不同部位粘液细胞的类型与数量均有差异。  相似文献   
南美白对虾卵巢结构及发育的组织学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文采用组织学方法研究南美白对虾的卵巢结构及其发育。结果表明:卵巢由卵巢壁、中央卵管和卵室组成:卵巢壁由外向内分为上皮层、肌层、基膜和分化上皮四部分;中央卵管分化出大量卵原细胞;卵室内含有不同发育阶段的卵母细胞。卵巢发育具有明显的体积与色泽的变化,根据外部形态和内部结构,可将其分为增殖期、小生长期、大生长期早期、将成熟期、成熟期和恢复期六个时期。  相似文献   
中国对虾肌肉含有快肌Ⅰ、快肌Ⅱ和慢肌等三类型肌纤维,其主要区别之处有:肌节长度、粗/细肌丝排列与比率、线粒体和二联体含量多寡以及ATP酶活性等特征,文中已作详细描述。  相似文献   
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