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As one of the important microzooplankton in marine pelagic habitats, tintinnids are classified as neritic genera,oceanic genera and cosmopolitan genera. Until now, we know little about the interaction between neritic and oceanic genera in continental shelves. Low species richness area was found in the mixing area between neritic and oceanic genera in the East China Sea. In this study, we investigated the spatial distribution of tintinnid community throughout the entire Bohai Sea in May(spring) of 2014 to find out:(1) whether the tintinnid assembalges differed in the three major bays bordering this shallow inland sea;(2) whether there was low species richness area in the Bohai Sea. Three genera and 11 species attributed to neritic and cosmopolitan taxa were reported from this region. Tintinnid abundance averaged(81±216) ind./L(0–1 234 ind./L). Tintinnid community differed within the three major bays, with each characterized by different tintinnid taxa. Referring to the average abundance of three bays, tintinnids were most abundant in the Laizhou Bay((328±445) ind./L), and least abundant in the Liaodong Bay((34±57) ind./L). A low species richness area occurred in the central Bohai Sea(20–40 m isobaths), in some stations of which no tintinnid was recorded. Our study demonstrates that tintinnid community varied greatly over small spatial scales, and low species richness area was found in the mixing area between neritic and oceanic genera within this inland sea.  相似文献   
印度洋浮游生态系统的特点及其对全球变暖的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与太平洋和大西洋相比,印度洋有独特的季风和洋流系统和由此驱动的浮游生物分布及生产规律.在全球变暖的背景下,印度洋的变暖趋势比太平洋和大西洋更为显著,是研究变暖对海洋浮游生态系统影响的热点海区之一.文章结合国内外文献,评述印度洋浮游生态系统的现状、特点及对全球变暖的响应,包括印度洋的浮游生物地理分布、南北印度洋浮游生态系...  相似文献   
饵料浓度对中华哲水蚤摄食的影响   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
张武昌  王荣 《海洋学报》2000,22(6):88-94
用饵料浓度差减法和排粪率法研究中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)在饵料(青岛大扁藻、新月菱形藻)浓度从1500到350000个/cm3时摄食率的变化。实验证明中华哲水蚤具有很强的摄食潜力,摄食率在实验饵料浓度范围内一直在增加,在较低的饵料浓度(如青岛大扁藻4000个/cm3)下停止摄食。  相似文献   
温度对中华哲水蚤代谢率的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张武昌  王荣  王克 《海洋科学》2000,24(2):42-44
海洋生态系统的能流和物流是海洋生态学研究的重要内容。中华哲水蚤 (Calanussinicus)是中国黄、渤海桡足类的优势种 ,本文研究了中华哲水蚤的代谢率 ,为研究海洋生态系统的能流和物流积累资料。1材料和方法1997年12月26日到1998年1月17日在中科院海洋研究所研究了温度对中华哲水蚤耗氧率和排氨率的影响。1997年6月渤海调查时 ,在“科学1号”调查船上研究了温度对中华哲水蚤耗氧率的影响。中华哲水蚤1997年12月26日到1998年1月17日实验用中华哲水蚤采自青岛汇泉湾 ,用浅水 I型网在中…  相似文献   
于2012年11月18日至12月21日,在黄、东海沿从南向北(26~36°N)一个断面24个站采样调查了表层(4 m)砂壳纤毛虫群落。共发现砂壳纤毛虫17属,32种。各站砂壳纤毛虫种丰富度为2~15种,砂壳纤毛虫总丰度为2 478~88 550个/m3。整个断面优势种为筒状拟铃虫、白领细壳虫、小领细壳虫和钝囊坎虫。巴西拟铃虫仅出现在青岛近岸(24号站),但丰度很高(10 960个/m3)。砂壳纤毛虫种类多样性从南向北降低,从近岸向远岸增加,黏着壳的比例在近岸水浅处较多,在水深大于50 m的站位,透明壳所占比例大大增加。不同种类的砂壳纤毛虫有着不同的分布区域,根据分布区域的不同,可分为南方种,北方种和广布种等。聚类分析结果显示,调查区的砂壳纤毛虫可以分为3个群落。  相似文献   
The 454 sequencing method was used to detect bacterial diversity and community structure in the East China Sea. Overall, 149 067 optimized reads with an average length of 454 nucleotides were obtained from 17 seawater samples and five sediment samples sourced in May 2011. A total of 22 phyla, 34 classes, 74 orders, 146 families, and 333 genera were identified in this study. Some of them were detected for the first time from the East China Sea. The estimated richness and diversity indices were both higher in the sediment samples compared with in the seawater samples. All the samples were divided by their diversity indices into four regions. Similarity analysis showed that the seawater samples could be classified into six groups. The groups differed from each other and had unique community structure characteristics. It was found that different water masses in the sampling areas may have had some influence on the bacterial community structure. A canonical correspondence analysis revealed that seawater samples in different areas and at different depths were affected by different environmental parameters. This study will lay the foundation for future research on microbiology in the East China Sea.  相似文献   
桑沟湾浮游纤毛虫丰度和生物量分布的季节变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2011年4、8、10月及2012年1月对桑沟湾进行了浮游纤毛虫丰度和生物量的季节调查。纤毛虫的平均丰度为(7 552±10 979)个/L,范围为408~61 667个/L;纤毛虫的平均生物量(以碳计)为(4.79±5.77)μg/L,范围为0.35~33.09 μg/L。无壳纤毛虫丰度和生物量主要分布在湾内,湾中和湾外丰度相对较低;砂壳纤毛虫丰度和生物量在盐度较高的海区总体较高,呈现朝向外海分布的趋势。纤毛虫丰度和生物量的高值区春季主要出现在湾的西北,夏季向湾中部迁移,秋季主要出现在湾的西南,冬季主要出现在湾的西部,高值区随季节大致呈顺时针迁移的趋势。纤毛虫的丰度春季最高,冬季最低;生物量夏季最高,冬季最低。无壳纤毛虫夏季粒级较大,冬季粒级较小;砂壳纤毛虫壳的平均口径夏季较大,秋季较小。共鉴定出砂壳纤毛虫8属27种,其中拟铃虫属(Tintinnopsis)种数最多。砂壳纤毛虫在纤毛虫总丰度中的比例平均为16.3%±21.9%,夏季最高(36.3%±27.8%),冬季最低(4.9%±5.9%)。纤毛虫丰度与温度、盐度、Chl a浓度及微微型真核浮游生物丰度均没有明显的相关性,但与蓝细菌及异养细菌丰度呈显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   
海洋蓝细菌在微食物环中作用的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
肖天  张武昌  王荣 《海洋科学》1999,23(5):48-51
在渤海,汇泉湾小型浮浮动物对蓝细菌有明显的捕食压力,春季,有小型浮游动物的实验水体中蓝细菌的日生长率为0.02-0.28/d,甭除小型浮游动物的实验水体中蓝细菌的日生长率为0.38-0.70d。  相似文献   
ETS活性和呼吸作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张武昌 《海洋科学》1999,23(3):21-24
有机物的呼吸降解是与光合作用相反的过程,通过光合作用和呼吸作用的状况可以了解一个海区的营养状况和输出有机碳的能力。光和作用只局限于海水上层,呼吸作用却可以在水体的各个深度进行。研究呼吸作用对定量研究海洋生态系统的能流和物流以及建模具有重要意义。水体的呼吸作用通常用Winkler滴定氧法来测定,但是海水的呼吸作用很弱,Winkler滴定氧法的精度很难达到;大型浮游生物和富营养水体可以使用这种方法,但是需要长时间的培养,费时费力,不适合中尺度时间和空间的海洋学调查。因此,尽管测量呼吸作用非常重要,但…  相似文献   
Spatial distribution of some large tintinnid species (nominally > 76 μm) is investigated on samples vertically towed in the southern Yellow Sea in winters of 2001 to 2004. Nine tintinnid species are recorded: Codonellopsis morchella, Stenosemella pacifica, S. steini, Tintinnopsis schotti, T. radix, T. karajacensis, Eutintinnus tenuis, Parafavella sp., Leprotintinnus neriticus, of which C. morchella and T. radix dominated in the warm tongue-shaped zone of the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC), and S. pacifica i...  相似文献   
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