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硅藻门(Bacillariophyta)沟纹藻属(LiriogrammaKolbe)在我国是1个新记录的属。该属最先由Kolbe(1954)在西太平洋赤道区(2°52'S,89°50'W,水深3225m)的柱状样沉积物中找到1种,订名L.petterssonii。之后,又在1955年从大西洋(0°7'N,18°12'E;0°8'N,16°19'E)和太平洋(6°44'N,129°28'W;2°52'S,89°5'W)的柱状样沉积物中找到另1种,订名L.hustedtii。笔者在南海第四纪的一个柱状样,距今约120ka(晚更新世)至11ka(全新世)的沉积物里找到了迄今该属已记录的2个种。此外,还记录了新组合的种:Liriogrammasarcophagu(Wallich)nov.comb.  相似文献   
程兆第  蓝东兆 《台湾海峡》1994,13(4):335-337
硅藻门沟纹藻属在我国是1个新记录的属。核属最先由Kolbe(1954)在西太平洋赤道区(2°52'S,89°50'W,水深3225m)的柱状样沉积物中找到1种,订名L.petterssonii。之后,又在1955年从大西洋(0°7'N,19°12'e;0°8′N,16°19′E)和太平洋(6°44′N,129°28′W;2°52′S,89°5′W)的柱状样沉积物中找到另1种,订名L.hustedt  相似文献   
龙感湖地区近3000年来的植被及其气候定量重建   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
本文依据龙感湖钻孔的孢粉及硅藻资料,探讨了该地区近3000年来的植被发展及气候变化,通过数值分析方法,重建了年均温及年降水的时间序列,发现气候波动存在的两个阶段,(依1.5kaB.P.前后划分)四个旋回(0.8ka的准周期)两个突变事件(3kaB.P)前后的冷暖急剧变化及1kaB.P的降温事件)。这些变化与敦德冰心及固城湖孢粉反映的气候波动有较好的一致性,具有全球变化意义。  相似文献   
三种海洋硅藻胞外多聚物形态、微细结构及组成的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
利用光镜和扫描电镜对厦门近海三种常见附着硅藻——爪哇曲壳藻亚缢变种(Achnanthes javanica var.subconstricta)、咖啡形双眉藻(Amphora coffeaeformis)和多枝舟形藻(Nav-icula ramosissima)胞外多聚物(Extracellular polymeric substances,EPSs)的形态和微细结构进行了研究,并初步分析了其化学组成。结果表明,A.javanica var.subconstricta的胞外多聚物为透明的长柄,分为领、柄及垫状物三部分,电镜显示其徽细结构为由许多纤维组成的双层实心管;Amphora coffeaeformis分泌的EPS为由串连的小节组成的实心管状结构,许多管交织成厚的胶质块;Navicula ramosissima的EPSs则为透明的薄膜并形成胶质膜。三种硅藻胞外多聚物的水溶性和水不溶性的主要成分均为多糖类,达总量的70%以上,蛋白质含量次之.不含脂类物质,但不同藻类EPS的组成差异较大。此外,还探讨了EPSs的功能及其分泌机理。  相似文献   
渤海湾表层沉积硅藻组合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了渤海湾潮间带4条长度为2~3 km的测线的14个站位的表层沉积硅藻,结合前人在浅海区(低潮线以下至水深约30 m处)15个站位的表层沉积硅藻资料,发现并统计了分属于21属的46种硅藻。应用对应分析方法,将渤海湾潮间带及浅海区表层沉积硅藻初步划分为3个组合。其中,组合Ⅰ为条纹—柱状小环藻-圆筛藻组合,分布在以泥质为主的潮间带区;组合Ⅱ为双眉藻-曲壳藻组合,分布在砂质为主的潮间带区;组合Ⅲ为条纹—柱状小环藻-菱形藻-圆筛藻-具槽直链藻组合,分布在浅海区。从潮间带向浅海区,随水深的增加,呈现出条纹—柱状小环藻数量减少、具槽直链藻数量增加的趋势。  相似文献   
Diatom Skeletonema costatum Cleve is one of the main predominant phytoplankton species in the Changjiang Estuary in China. In order to provide some basic information for future assessment of the potential risk on phytoplankton communities in this estuary caused by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs), this alga was selected as a representative to investigate the photoinduced toxicity of PAHs, in single and mixture. Four PAHs including three-ring phenanthrene and anthracene, four-ring fluoranthene and pyrene were tested in the laboratory. The single toxicity of each PAH on this microalga was compared with and without the simulated solar UV radiation. The results showed that this microalga was sensitive to PAH's photoinduced toxicity. Ratios of the 72 h median effect concentration obtained for fluorescent and UV light tests were about 8.4 for phenanthrene, 13.0 for anthracene, 6.5 for fluoranthene, and 5.7 for pyrene, indicating that UV light enhanced the PAH toxicity to this alga significantly. Under the fluorescent radiation (lacking UV), the dose-response curves based on chemical concentrations revealed that the order of toxic strength was fluoranthene greater than pyrene greater than anthracene greater than phenanthrene; while under the UV radiation (476 μW/cm2 for UVA, 6.5 μW/cm2 for UVB) it became fluoranthene approximately equaling anthracene greater than pyrene greater than phenanthrene, indicating that the UV light also changed its relative toxicity to this alga. The photoinduced toxicity of PAHs to the marine diatom S. costatum might be a synergistic effect of photosensitization reactions (e.g., generation of single-state oxygen) and photomodification (photooxidation and/or photolysis).The combined effects of six binary mixtures on the marine diatom S. costatum were investigated using the additive-index method. Four binary-mixtures (phenanthrene plus anthracene; phenanthrene plus pyrene; anthracene plus fluoranthene; anthracene plus pyrene) were found to be synergistic joint action mode, while two binary-mixtures (phenanthrene plus fluoranthene; fluoranthene plus pyrene) displayed antagonist, revealing a complex pattern of possible interactions. The combined action mode of PAHs might be related to various factors such as the mixture compounds, mixture ratios and test conditions, etc.  相似文献   
营养盐水平对四种海洋浮游硅藻胞外多糖产量的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
4种海洋浮游硅藻(牟勒氏角毛藻、海链藻、三角褐指藻和新月菱形藻)培养在改进的f/2培养基中,研究了不同氮、磷和硅营养水平对它们胞外多糖产量的影响.结果表明,硅藻胞外多糖的生产和释放具有种间特异性,角毛藻和海链藻胞外多糖的生产和释放主要在静止期,而三角褐指藻和新月菱形藻在指数生长期前期和静止期都能生产和分泌较高的胞外多糖;培养液中低浓度磷减少了4种硅藻在静止期胞外多糖的产量,但增加了角毛藻在生长期前期胞外多糖的产量;氮浓度的降低增加了三角褐指藻在指数生长前期胞外多糖的产量,但减少了其他3种藻类胞外多糖的产量;硅浓度的降低对4种硅藻胞外多糖的产量影响不大,在一定程度上还促进了静止期胞外多糖的生产.本研究表明,营养盐水平对硅藻胞外多糖生产的影响因种类和细胞所处生长期不同而存在着很大的差异.  相似文献   
对引发赤潮的3株硅藻——1株尖刺拟菱形藻(Pseudo-nitzshia pungens)和2株中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)的5.8SrDNA和ITS(internal transcribed spacers)序列进行了PCR扩增、克隆和序列测定,并分析了硅藻门10株赤潮藻(7株从GenBank获得)的系统进化关系.研究结果表明,尖刺拟菱形藻的ITS和5.8SrDNA的长度为693bp,SK-1(分离自东海赤潮暴发区)测序得到715bp,除ITS和5.8SrDNA外,还包含部分18SrDNA和28SrDNA;SK-2(分离自青岛养殖场)的ITS和5.8SrDNA的长度为331bp,尖刺拟菱形藻与从GenBank中获得的2株尖刺拟菱形藻相似程度最高,为100%,与该属的多列拟菱形藻相似程度稍低,为82.9%.SK-2的ITS序列与SK-1的相似程度很低,只有51%,但与拟中肋骨条藻的ITS序列相似程度高,为95.5%.SK-1的ITS序列与拟中肋骨条藻的相似程度也低,为56.7%.系统进化树反映的结果与相似性反映的结果一致.研究的该株尖刺拟菱形藻从根据ITS序列研究的结果与形态鉴定的结果看是一致的;SK-2可能属于拟中肋骨条藻;SK-1比较特殊,有待于用其他的方法进一步研究确定其分类地位.  相似文献   
继“西沙、中沙群岛附近海域浮游硅藻类分类的研究”之后,作者又对西沙群岛所属岛、礁附近海域的羽纹硅藻进行了初步整理,共鉴定出羽纹硅藻11属27种及其变种(其中8种是我国首次记录)。本文对首次记录的种类进行了比较详细的说明和绘图。某些在我国其他海域已有报道的种类,如光辉针杆藻、串珠梯楔形藻、海生斑条藻、琴状舟形藻、流苏胸隔藻、双标胸隔藻、钝端双眉藻、细纹斜盘藻等,以往的描述较简单,并且与西沙群岛标本的形态也不完全雷同,为了便于应用和比较,本文根据西沙群岛的标本,又进行了较详细的描述或补充说明。对有图而无说明,或仅有名录的种类的国内资料,在地理分布内注明。为了保持西沙群岛所属海城硅藻分类研究的连续性,本文仍采用 Hendey 提出的分类系统排列。 为便于读者査找,每一种名下列出其同物异名。 标本多用小型浮游生物网采得,有些则取自珊瑚表面。插图均用描图仪描绘。  相似文献   
The abundance and temporal patterns of viable diatom resting stage cells in sediments of the East China Sea in 2006 have been investigated. The abundance of viable resting stages was enumerated with the most probable number (MPN) technique. Overall, 25 diatom species (including varieties) belonging to 16 genera were detected. Viable resting stage cells were common, on the order of 103 to 106 cells/g dry mass. The abundant taxa included Skeletonema marina, S. dohrnii, Chaetoceros curvisetus and Thalassiosira spp., with Skeletonema accounting for 83.3% of the cell. The effects of temperature (10, 15, 20, 25℃), salinity (20, 25, 30, 35 psu) and light intensity (0, 300, 4 000, 8 000 lux) on the germination of resting stages in sediment samples were also determined. The results showed that light intensity had a significant positive effect on the germination of diatom resting stage cells (p <0.01) and that diatoms could not germinate in darkness. Temperature and salinity had no noticeable effects on the germination. The present study suggests that there are abundant diatom resting cells in sediments of the East China Sea, which could serve as a "seed bank" in the phytoplankton population succession and contribute to the initiation of algal blooms.  相似文献   
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