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We present numerical simulations of kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs) and inertial Alfvén waves (IAWs) applicable to the solar wind, the solar corona, and the auroral regions, respectively, leading to the formation of coherent magnetic structures when the nonlinearity arises from ponderomotive effects and Joule heating. The nonlinear dynamical equation satisfies the modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation. The effect of nonlinear coupling between the main KAW/IAW and the perturbation, producing filamentary structures of the magnetic field, has been studied. Scalings in the spectral index of the power spectrum at different times have been calculated. These filamentary structures can act as a source for particle acceleration by wave?–?particle interaction because the KAWs/IAWs are mixed modes and Landau damping is possible.  相似文献   
京津冀地区植被时空动态及定量归因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为气候变化的敏感指示器,植被的物候、生长、空间分布格局等特征及其动态变化主要取决于气候环境中的水热条件,因此在气候变化背景下,气候-植被关系成为了全球变化研究的前沿和热点问题。本文综合平均温度、降水、水汽压、湿度、日照时数、SPEI等气候因子,坡度、坡向海拔等地形因子及人为活动因子,应用地理探测器方法针对2006-2015年京津冀地区不同季节NDVI、不同地貌类型区、不同植被类型区生长季NDVI的定量归因研究,揭示了过去10年间植被时空分布格局,及植被对气候、非气候因素响应的季节差异与区域差异,以期为生态工程的建设与修复提供参考意义。趋势分析表明:①2006-2015年京津冀地区NDVI呈现增加趋势,但存在显著的空间差异,如山地生长季NDVI的增长速率大于平原、台地、丘陵等地;②基于地理探测器的定量归因结果表明,降水是年尺度上NDVI空间分布的主导因子(解释力39.4%),土地利用与降水的交互作用对NDVI的影响最为明显(q=58.2%);③NDVI对气候因子的响应存在季节性及区域性差异,水汽压是春季NDVI空间分布的主导因子,湿度是夏、秋两季的主导因子,土地利用是冬季的主导因子;④影响因子对生长季NDVI的解释力因不同地貌类型区、不同植被类型区而差异显著。  相似文献   
利用2010年6月至2011年5月鞍山大气成分观测站的能见度资料,统计分析能见度与PM10、PM2.5、PM1.0质量浓度、风速、降水强度和气溶胶光学厚度等气象要素的相关性。结果表明:鞍山市能见度月均值从8月份开始呈上升趋势,11月份达到峰值后开始显著下降,2月份达到最低值,自3月开始又出现较大幅度增长,进入夏季后略有下降;PM2.5/PM10、PM1.0/PM10比值与能见度呈反相关,能见度增大,PM2.5/PM10、PM1.0/PM10比值减小,且PM1.0/PM10的减小趋势更大,说明影响能见度的颗粒物以细粒子为主。平均风速与能见度变化趋势基本一致,与PM2.5/PM10、PM1.0/PM10的变化趋势呈反相关。随着雨强的增大,降水日能见度平均值随之减小,降水前一日和后一日的能见度平均值均大于降水日,且降水前一日及后一日的能见度改变量及改变率的绝对值随着降水强度的增加而增加。波长指数的变化说明影响鞍山能见度变化的污染物粒子整体较稳定,能见度与AOD成明显的反相关。  相似文献   
全球变化的生态系统适应性   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
全球变化的适应性研究已经成为全球变化研究的重点,亦是制定全球变化适应对策的关键。基于全球变化的定义,从生态系统对全球变化适应的4个方面:①对大气CO2浓度变化的适应性;②对气候变化的适应性;③对CO2浓度与气候变化协同作用的适应性;④对人为干扰的适应性,综述了当前的研究成果,进而提出了未来关于全球变化的生态系统适应性研究需要重视的方面,尤其是关于生态系统对全球变化响应的阈值研究应引起高度重视。  相似文献   
随着微创手术的发展,虚拟手术的应用前景越来越广阔.力反馈作为虚拟手术的核心技术,其实现的效果直接影响了虚拟手术的沉浸感.通过对经典包围盒碰撞检测算法进行研究比对,选择了球包围盒的碰撞检测算法,并建立了精确的反馈力计算模型,实现了介入血管中的柔性碰撞仿真.该仿真具有很高的实时性和精度.  相似文献   
1961-2010年辽宁省高温日数和高温热浪特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1961-2010年辽宁省52个气象站日最高气温资料,分析辽宁地区高温日数及热浪的分布特征和变化趋势,结果表明:辽宁省区域年平均高温日数为7.72 d/ a。辽宁高温日数呈东少西多的空间分布,沿海地区较少甚至部分地区无高温情况出现。高温日出现最多的朝阳站,为26.48 d/ a。从20世纪60年代开始,高温日数呈缓慢增加趋势,其中2000年为有气象记录以来高温日最多的年份。热浪也呈东少西多的分布特征,热浪最多的朝阳站发生频次为2.90次/ a。辽宁省以持续3-5 d的轻度热浪为主,占86.27 %,中度热浪占12.58 %,超过10 d的重度热浪占1.14 %,仅有喀左、北票和羊山地区发生过持续10 d以上的重度热浪。  相似文献   
选取QIN和SOB两种代表性劈窗算法对辽宁地区地表温度进行反演,并分析二者的精度和误差分布。结果表明:QIN和SOB算法反演的地表温度(TS)与地面气象台站准同步观测的气温和地温的线性拟合显著,SOB算法线性拟合更好;从误差分布直方图上看,两种算法的反演结果与地温更接近,SOB算法与同步气温和地温在±2 ℃之间的误差比例略高于QIN算法;在野外开展与卫星遥感空间尺度一致的地表温度观测试验,QIN和SOB算法与实测值的平均绝对误差均为1.5 ℃;与NASA官网发布的地表温度产品对比发现,QIN和SOB算法的平均绝对误差分别为1.75 ℃、1.70 ℃;因此QIN、SOB算法在辽宁地区均适用,SOB算法误差更小。  相似文献   
Traditionally,patch-based analysis at the landscape scale fragmentation has been used in the study of landscape ecology while the study of boundary and node has not been considered as much detail until recently.This study investigated the possibility of applying boundary-and node-based methods in landscape pattern analysis to the upper reaches of the Minjiang River in the southwestern China.Boundary-based and node-based landscape indices were selected to be used in analyzing changes in landscape patterns,and the results were compared with analysis using traditional pattern indices.We compared the responses of patch-area-based,boundary-length-based and node-number-based indices,and concluded that boundary-based and node-based indices are more sensitive to disturbance than patch-based indices with various patterns,and node-based indices are even more sensitive than boundary-based ones.Thus,the results suggest that boundary-based and node-based pattern analysis methods provide helpful supplementary information to traditional patch-based pattern analysis methods.The results about pattern dynamics of landscapes in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River based on boundaries and nodes showed that with human disturbance,the dominance of forest landscape was weakened by other landscape types; thus the landscape pattern of the study area became more homogeneous and the boundary network became more complex.These changes further augmented disturbance interfaces in the landscape and increased the possibilities of further landscape fragmentation.  相似文献   
雄黄是我国常用的矿物类中药,由于晶体空间结构不同,可分为α雄黄(AsS)和β雄黄(As4S4)。雄黄受氧化作用会产生剧毒物质砒霜(As2O3),其中β雄黄因空间结构关系更易被氧化,因此对矿物药雄黄的成分鉴定和质量评价具有重要的意义。常用的分析雄黄中砷及其他元素的方法(原子吸收光谱法、电感耦合等离子体质谱法、高效液相色谱-质谱法等)是通过测定总砷、价态砷和其他相关元素实现对雄黄的鉴别和有害成分的检测,分析过程复杂,试剂消耗大,需对样品进行破坏,而且不能直接对矿物结构进行判定。本文采用薄片鉴定、X射线衍射和电子探针对来自代表性生产地贵州思南和湖南石门的6种药用雄黄样品进行鉴别和质量评价。首先通过薄片鉴定初步确定雄黄样品的主要成分及伴生矿物,进一步利用X射线粉晶衍射和电子探针技术对雄黄的主要成分、伴生矿物进行半定量分析,再利用电子探针研究雄黄中As、S、O等元素的赋存状态,在这些技术综合鉴定的基础上,对收集的雄黄进行质量评价。分析结果显示:产自贵州思南的1号矿药由石英(82.8%)、方解石(9.5%)和白云石(7.7%)组成,2号矿药由α雄黄(64.7%)和石英(35.3%)组成;产自湖南石门的6号矿药由β雄黄(86.5%)和电气石(13.5%)组成,3号和4号矿药由α雄黄单矿物组成,5号矿药由β雄黄单矿物组成,3号、4号和5号三个样品中As含量大于70%,符合药典规定;电子探针分析样品中均未检测到砒霜,总体上表明湖南产的雄黄品质较高。研究表明,X射线粉晶衍射法利用了衍射图谱与晶体结构的一一对应性,找到不同矿物药样品的专属特性,而对于多组分矿物药样品,只要混合组分恒定,其衍射图谱就相对稳定,具有指纹特征;电子探针利用As、O等元素的赋存状态,可以有效地对雄黄的质量进行评价。X射线衍射和电子探针技术的结合用于鉴定雄黄矿物药是一种极为有效、可行的办法,与传统方法相比更为快速、经济。  相似文献   
In designing piled raft foundations, controlling the total and differential settlements as well as the induced bending moments of the raft is crucial. The majority of piled raft foundations have been designed by placing piles uniformly. In such a design method, the settlements of the piled rafts are likely to be large, which leads to an increase of the pile length and/or number of piles required to reduce the settlements. However, this increase does not satisfy the requirement for economical design. On the basis of a parametric study, this paper contributes a framework for considering an economical design methodology in which piles are placed more densely beneath the column positions when the piled raft is subjected to column loads. The analysis uses PLAXIS 3D software, and the validity of the parametric study is examined through the results of centrifuge model tests conducted by the authors. The study shows that the concentrated pile arrangement method can help to considerably reduce the total and differential settlements as well as the induced bending moments of the raft. Moreover, the effects of parameters, such as pile length, pile number, raft thickness and load types, on the piled raft behavior are investigated. This study can help practicing engineers choose pile and raft parameters in combination with the concentrated pile arrangement method to produce an economical design.  相似文献   
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