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Due to its unique geological location, the Bering Sea is an ideal place to investigate the water exchange and ecosystem connectivity of the Pacific Ocean–Arctic Ocean and subarctic–Arctic region. Based on a number of summer surveys(July to September, 2010, 2012 and 2014), macrobenthic communities and their spatial-temporal patterns are exhibited for the majority of the Bering Sea(53°59′–64°36′N). The results show that the macrobenthic communities were dominated by northern cold-water species and immigrant eurythermic species, and the communities assumed a dispersed and patchy distribution pattern. Polychaetes(Scoloplos armiger), crustaceans(Ceradocus capensis) and sea urchins(Echinarachnius parma) were the main dominant groups in the shallow shelves; the sea star(Ctenodiscus crispatus) and the brittle star(Ophiura sarsii) were the main dominant groups in the continental slope; whereas small polychaetes(Prionospio malmgreni) dominated the basin area. Sediment type, water depth, and currents were the major factors affecting the structure and spatial distribution of the macrobenthic communities. Compared with other seas, the shallow areas of the Bering Sea showed an extremely high-standing biomass. In particular, the northern shelf area(north of St. Lawrence Islands and west of 170°W),which is primarily controlled by Anadyr Water, is an undersea oasis. In contrast, a deficiency in the downward transport of particulate organic carbon has resulted in a desert-like seabed in the basin area. By comparing our results to previous studies, we found that macrobenthic communities of the Bering Sea have undergone significant structural changes in recent decades, resulting in a decrease in abundance and an increase in biomass.In addition, populations of amphipods and bivalves in the northern shelves have decreased significantly and have been gradually replaced by other species. These changes might be associated with advanced seasonal ice melting,changes in organic carbon input, and global warming, indicating that large-scale ecosystem changes have been occurring in the Bering Sea.  相似文献   
文章根据2009—2012年泉州湾4个航次的调查资料,对比分析了4年间大型底栖生物的种类数、生物量、栖息密度、生物多样性的变化趋势。结果表明:泉州湾大型底栖生物有103种,其中多毛类48种,软体动物25种,甲壳动物18种,棘皮动物6种和其他动物6种。多毛类、软体动物、甲壳动物占总种数的88.3%,三者构成大型底栖生物的主要类群。泉州湾大型底栖生物平均生物量为7.77 g/m2,平均栖息密度76个/m2;数量组成,生物量以甲壳动物居首位2.40 g/m2;栖息密度以多毛类占第一位38个/m2。泉州湾大型底栖生物种类数、生物量、栖息密度、生物多样性均为湾中部及湾外较好,湾顶较差;从2009—2012年际变化来看,生物种类数、平均生物量、平均栖息密度均为2009年最好,2012年相对较差,生物多样性年际变化不大,说明泉州湾的大型底栖生物环境受到了一定的影响。  相似文献   
<正>瑞典的"高海岸"和芬兰的瓦尔肯群岛坐落在波罗的海北部。这片广袤的海域约有35万公顷的面积,其中陆地约10万公顷。"高海岸"的岛屿海拔较高,岛上展现出多山的风貌,海岸陡峭,海崖光滑;瓦尔肯群岛和"高海岸"形成鲜明对比,瓦尔肯群岛由数千个低矮的岛屿、浅湾和巨石组成。"高海岸"和瓦尔肯群岛,在过去2~3万年前经历了几次冰期,一直是大陆冰盖的中心。目前的土地隆起开始于18000年前的冰川融化期,受融化作用的影响,冰  相似文献   
冯超  李孝文 《北京测绘》2015,(5):106-109
随着中国大型桥梁建设的快速发展,中国的特大钢桥迅速增多,目前已建、在建和正在设计中的有近10座。根据对浙江西堠门大桥工程测量技术和相关文献的综合分析,阐述了我国桥梁工程测量技术在平面控制测量、高程控制测量、地形测量和桥梁施工放样、工程变形观测和工程测量信息系统建设等方面的现状,揭示了我国桥梁工程测量存在的问题,预测了桥梁工程测量发展方向。  相似文献   
A new calibration model of a radio telescope that includes pointing error is presented, which considers nonlinear errors in the azimuth axis. For a large radio telescope, in particular for a telescope with a turntable, it is difficult to correct pointing errors using a traditional linear calibration model, because errors produced by the wheel-on-rail or center bearing structures are generally nonlinear. Fourier expansion is made for the oblique error and parameters describing the inclination direction along the azimuth axis based on the linear calibration model, and a new calibration model for pointing is derived. The new pointing model is applied to the 40 m radio telescope administered by Yunnan Observatories, which is a telescope that uses a turntable. The results show that this model can significantly reduce the residual systematic errors due to nonlinearity in the azimuth axis compared with the linear model.  相似文献   
根据2008年9月~2009年2月在胶州湾中部海域进行的逐月定点底拖网调查,对该海域秋、冬季大型无脊椎动物群落结构及多样性变化进行了初步研究.结果表明,胶州湾秋、冬季共捕获大型无脊椎动物60种,其中甲壳动物和软体动物是主要的无脊椎动物类群;优势种组成具有较明显的月间变化,主要为口虾蛄Oratosquilla oratoria、短蛸Octopus ocellatus、脊腹褐虾Crangon affinis等湾内定居性种类及洄游性较小的种类.Margalef种类丰富度指数范围为1.998~4.669,自9月起逐月递减,11月达到最低值,随后又逐月升高,2月达到最高值;Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数范围分别为1.325~2.500和0.422~0.693,逐月变化趋势与物种丰富度指数基本一致.多样性指数与海域温度、盐度和深度等环境因子均无显著性相关.多元统计分析表明,胶州湾中部海域秋、冬季大型无脊椎动物群落可划分为2个时间组群;组群间群落种类组成结构差异不显著.  相似文献   
By taking the Yong River for example in this paper, based on the multiple measured data during 1957 to 2009, the change process of runoff, tide feature, tidal wave, tidal influx and sediment transport are analyzed. Then a mathematical model is used to reveal the influence mechanism on hydrodynamic characteristics and sediment transport of the wading engineering groups such as a tide gate, a breakwater, reservoirs, bridges and wharves, which were built in different periods. The results showed the hydrodynamic characteristics and sediment transport of the Yong River changed obviously due to the wading engineering groups. The tide gate induced deformation of the tidal wave, obvious reduction of the tidal influx and weakness of the tidal dynamic, decrease of the sediment yield of flood and ebb tide and channel deposition. The breakwater blocked estuarine entrances, resulting in the change of the tidal current and the reduction of the tidal influx in the estuarine area. The large-scale reservoirs gradually made the decrease of the Yong River runoff. The bridge and wharf groups took up cross-section areas, the cumulative affection of which caused the increase of tidal level in the tidal river.  相似文献   
<正>记忆Psychology"多任务"型头脑你具备同时使用多种媒体的能力吗?想象一下这个画面:你正在浏览博客,同时电脑上的播放器正在播放音乐;电视开着,你需要时不时地关注下足球比当你同时做3件事时,你是焦头烂额,还是游刃有余?  相似文献   
2006年7—8月,对舟山群岛12个岛屿的不同底质潮间带设置的14条断面进行了大型底栖动物群落结构特征的调查,并进行了相似性群落聚类分析、非参数多维标序(nMDS)及丰度/生物量比较ABC曲线分析。结果显示,采集到的大型底栖动物共69种,其中软体动物39种、节肢动物20种、腔肠动物4种、环节动物3种,脊索动物3种。优势种为珠带拟蟹守螺Cerithidea cingulata、泥螺Bullacta exarata、紫贻贝Mytilus edulis、日本大眼蟹Macrophthalmus japonicus、日本笠藤壶Tetr-aclita japonica和沙蚕Nereis succinea。14条潮间带断面大型底栖动物的平均生物量为1 941.96g/m2,平均丰度为1 663个/m2,多样性指数(H′)、均匀度指数(J′)和丰富度指数(D)平均值分别为1.910,0.749,1.815。与20世纪80—90年代相比,舟山海域潮间带大型底栖动物种类数急剧下降,优势种也有所变化,但其生物量与多样性指数变化不大。舟山群岛潮间带大型底栖动物可划分为2个群落,即岩相断面群和泥沙滩断面群。泥沙滩断面的底栖动物群落已受到扰动,群落稳定性下降,而岩礁断面生态环境好于泥沙滩断面,底栖动物群落尚未受到扰动。舟山海域潮间带底栖动物群落结构发生变化的主要原因是滩涂围垦、水产养殖与海岸工程等人为干扰作用。  相似文献   
组合性灾害事件是指同时出现的若干个天气灾害的组合,它的发生会明显加重致灾程度。本文利用1961~2013年冬季我国南方区域206个台站的日平均温度、日降水量及雨凇资料,建立了冬季大范围持续性低温、雨雪和冰冻组合性灾害事件的客观识别方法,并揭示了三类组合性灾害事件的关键特征。首先,基于低温、雨雪、冰冻天气的强度和面积阈值以及持续天数建立了大范围持续性低温事件、雨雪事件以及冰冻事件各自的客观判识方法。在此基础上界定出了三类常见组合性灾害事件,即低温—雨雪灾害事件(C-RS)、低温—冰冻灾害事件(C-F)以及低温—雨雪—冰冻灾害事件(C-RS-F)。三类组合性灾害事件常见于1月上旬至2月中旬。尽管三类组合性灾害事件在低温和降水等方面有相似之处,但其形成条件却明显不同。充沛的水汽供应和大范围强烈的水汽辐合是低温—雨雪灾害事件和低温—雨雪—冰冻灾害事件发生的关键条件,而逆温层和冷垫则是低温—冰冻灾害事件和低温—雨雪—冰冻灾害事件发生的必要条件。亚洲中高纬大型斜脊系统是低温—冰冻灾害事件和低温—雨雪—冰冻灾害事件的关键环流特征,为强冷空气活动提供了有利环流条件。低温—雨雪灾害事件期间亚洲中高纬则盛行波状环流,有利于适度冷空气活动。在水汽供应和逆温层形成方面,三类组合性灾害事件受控于不同的副热带异常环流系统。孟加拉湾南支槽和南海上空异常反气旋分别是低温—雨雪灾害事件和低温—冰冻灾害事件形成的副热带关键环流系统,而孟加拉湾南支槽和西北太平洋异常反气旋相结合为低温—雨雪—冰冻灾害事件形成的副热带关键环流系统。  相似文献   
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