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波浪及波流边界层泥沙起动规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于波浪边界层理论及单向流泥沙起动Shields曲线,推证出波浪泥沙起动Shields曲线;基于波流边界层理论,提出表述波流边界层动力特征的波流比因子X及非线性作用因子Y,并建立了Y与X的相关关系;在此基础之上,结合单向流及波浪泥沙起动Shields曲线,推证出波流共同作用下泥沙起动Shields曲线。结果表明:波浪泥沙起动Shields曲线在层流区与单向流光滑紊流区曲线保持一致,粗糙紊流区与单向流粗糙紊流区曲线保持一致,过渡区线型为折线,由层流区及粗糙紊流区曲线延长交汇获得;X及Y能够合理地表征波流边界层动力对比特征及非线性作用特征;波流泥沙起动Shields曲线介于波浪及单向流泥沙起动Shields曲线之间,随着波流比因子X的不同,依据非线性作用因子Y,自动在波浪及单向流泥沙起动Shields曲线之间非线性过渡。建立的波流泥沙起动Shields曲线与试验结果吻合较好,且能够概括单向流、波浪及波流等不同动力及细沙、粗沙等不同粒径的泥沙起动条件。  相似文献   
关于明渠流引入渗流后的水流运动规律研究很多,但学者们的研究却存在着不同的结论。为探究不同渗流强度对明渠水流结构的影响,通过自行设计的明渠紊流水槽及渗透装置,利用PIV(Particle Image Velocity)图像采集系统及数据分析软件,测量了水流流速并分析了流速变化与相对渗流强度的关系。结果表明:水流流速并不是渗流强度的单值函数关系,随着入河渗流强度的增加,近底水流流速呈先减小后稍有增加,又继续减小的趋势;出河渗流时流速变化趋势与入河相反;出河及入河渗流都有着拐点的存在,且对应的相对渗流强度与雷诺数相关,雷诺数越大,拐点出现时对应的相对渗流强度越小。  相似文献   
渗流边界上推移质输沙率   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
天然河道边界上常由于地下水和地表水的水位不同而产生渗流,引起水流的非静水压力分布,进而影响推移质输移规律,也使得常用的推移质输沙率公式不再适用.利用水槽试验测定沙波的尺寸及运动速度与床面渗流水力梯度的关系,结果表明沙波的高度及运动速度随着向下渗流强度的加大而增加,随着向上渗流强度的加大而减少;进而结合理论分析,利用沙波运动特点估算推移质输沙率,并推导出推移质输沙率随床面渗流的引入而变化的计算公式,分析渗流引起非静水压力分布下推移质输沙率的变化.  相似文献   
渗流作用下床面切应力响应机理   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
由于河床底部渗流的引入,传统的床面切应力测量方法不再适用,床面切应力对渗流的响应机理研究目前仅限于基于相关假定的理论分析和间接的推算,不同学者得出不同甚至相反的结论.利用自行设计的渗流床面切应力直接测量装置,对不同明渠水流及渗流组合动力条件下的床面切应力进行了测量.结果表明渗流作用下床面切应力变化与相对渗流强度vs/U关系密切,一般在|vs/U|<0.2%时出现拐点,在0.2%<|vs/U|<0.4%时出现临界点,并指出相对渗流强度vs/U的取值是已有研究成果相矛盾的关键因素.  相似文献   
山区下切河流地貌演变机理及其与河床结构的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究河床结构在下切性河流地貌演变过程中所起到的作用与影响机制,对中国典型下切性河流区域的地貌特征与河床结构发育进行了调查与统计分析.结果表明,当河流剧烈下切使得河谷边坡超过临界坡度后,易于失稳而发生大规模的崩塌滑坡现象,河流演变从而进入下切拓宽阶段.大量边坡物质进入河道,促进了河床结构的发育,能够维持较高的河道纵坡降...  相似文献   
In order to study the mechanism of flow-sediment movement, it is essential to obtain measured data of water hydrodynamic and sediment concentration process with high spatial and temporal resolution in the bottom boundary layer (BBL). Field observations were carried out in the northwest Caofeidian sea area in the Bohai Bay. Near 2 m isobath (under the lowest tidal level), a tripod system was installed with AWAC (Acoustic Wave And Current), ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers), OBS-3A (Optical Backscatter Point Sensor), ADV (Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters), etc. The accurate measurement of the bottom boundary layer during a single tidal period was carried out, together with a long-term sediment concentration measurement under different hydrological conditions. All the measured data were used to analyze the characteristics of wave-current-sediment movement and the BBL. Analysis was performed on flow structure, shear stress, roughness, eddy viscosity and other parameters of the BBL. Two major findings were made. Firstly, from the measured data, the three-layer distribution model of the velocity profiles and eddy viscosities in the wave-current BBL are proposed in the observed sea area; secondly, the sediment movement is related closely to wind-waves in the muddy coast area where sediment is clayey silt: 1) The observed suspended sediment concentration under light wind conditions is very low, with the peak value generally smaller than 0.1 kg/m^3 and the average value being 0.03 kg/m^3; 2) The sediment concentration increases continuously under the gales over 6-7 in Beaufort scale, under a sustained wind action. The measured peak sediment concentration at 0.4 m above the seabed is 0.15-0.32 kg/m^3, and the average sediment concentration during wind-wave action is 0.08-0.18 kg/m^3, which is about 3-6 times the value under light wind conditions. The critical wave height signaling remarkable changes of sediment concentration is 0.5 m. The results show that the suspended load sediment concentration is mainly influenced by wave-induced sediment suspension.  相似文献   
伶仃洋出海航道前后5次大规模的浮泥观测表明,航道中曾普遍发现浮泥层,但近期分布范围有所缩小;浮泥层厚一般在0.1~0.6 m之间,层厚较大的分布区主要集中在航道北段深槽区。根据浮泥分布的多年变化与洪、枯季变化分析,浮泥主要分布在航道深槽内且洪季浮泥层厚度与范围明显比枯季大,表明水动力条件相对较弱和较为丰富的细颗粒泥沙来源是浮泥形成的重要条件;浮泥层由于具有易流动性和可塑性,其形成位置、厚度与长度受潮汐作用影响明显而具有周期性变化。  相似文献   
瓯江河口挟沙能力的初步探讨   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
在分析瓯江河口潮流泥沙特性基础上 ,认为瓯江口挟沙能力与水动力及泥沙等因素密切相关。采用断面垂线平均的处理方法 ,引入背景含沙量的概念 ,线性回归拟合出瓯江口挟沙能力公式 ,为瓯江口二维潮流泥沙数模计算提供了辅助方程  相似文献   
A 2-D mathematical model of tidal current and sediment has been developed for the Oujiang Estuary and the Wenzhou Bay. This model accomodates complicated features including multiple islands, existence of turbidity, and significant differ-ence in size distribution of bed material. The governing equations for non-uniform suspended load and bed load transport are presented in a boundary-fitted orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. The numerical solution procedures along with their initial conditions, boundary conditions, and movable boundary technique are presented. Strategies for computation of the critical condition of deposition or erosion, sediment transport capacity, non-uniform bed load discharge, etc. are suggested. The model verification computation shows that, the tidal levels computed from the model are in good agreement with the field data at the 18 tidal gauge stations. The computed velocities and flow directions also agree well with the values measured along the totally 52 synchronously ob  相似文献   
为适应伶仃洋茅洲河口治理开发条件,以保证行洪顺畅为泄洪纳潮的首要原则,同时顺应水沙运动和河势发展规律,对河口进行治导线比选和优化。该河口治导线方案分单、双通道,两类通道不同扩宽率下设计有围填、围填加开挖2种方案,开展水动力泥沙数学模拟计算和物理模型试验。结果表明:河口治导线各方案对伶仃洋涨、落潮流速的影响范围主要集中在交椅湾及其附近海域;方案实施后,周边海区冲淤变化较小,未对河势造成不利影响;根据对水动力、河口泄洪、河势稳定影响的综合分析,单双通道相比较而言,对洪水位、纳潮量、高低潮位、流速、河床冲淤的影响规律具有较好的一致性,相同扩宽率下各方案的影响程度均在同量级。  相似文献   
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