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海湾扇贝4次引种后代的表型特征和遗传分化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析了不同时期引入到我国的4个繁育历史清晰、未发生种质混杂的海湾扇贝养殖群体成体的壳形态指标和群体遗传结构。壳表型参数分析表明,海湾扇贝北部亚种(Northernbay scallop,Argopecten irradians irradians)的浙江养殖群体(ZJ)、加拿大新布朗斯威克群体(NB)、马萨诸塞-弗吉尼亚混合群体(M-V)及海湾扇贝南部亚种(Southern bay scallop,Arg-opecten irradians concentricus)的北卡罗来那群体(NC)等不同群体间在壳形态方面存在显著差异南部亚种的NC群体壳高与壳长基本相等[壳高与壳长的比值(H/L)达0.99,壳型宽壳宽和壳长的比值(W/L)达到0.59];而北部亚种3个群体的壳长均大于壳高,其中ZJ和NB群体的壳形态尤其偏长,其H/L分别是0.92和0.90,NB群体的壳宽显著小于其他群体,W/L仅为0.36。RAPD分析结果表明,ZJ、NB、M-V、NC群体的多态位点比例分别为31.82%、29.55%、28.79%和31.82%,平均杂合度分别为0.1078、0.1134、0.0966和0.1197,表明在我国独立繁育了19代的ZJ养殖群体仍然保持了与其他群体相近的遗传多样性水平。4个群体间的遗传分化系数(Gst)为0.1892,表明其中18.92%的变异来自不同群体间的遗传差异,说明4个群体在遗传上存在着较大的分化。从遗传距离分析,ZJ与NB较近,两者间的遗传距离为0.0319,而两者与M-V间的遗传距离相对较远,分别为0.0442和0.0524;NC与M-V间的遗传距离为0.0368。这些结果表明,从原产地引种到国外时间较早的ZJ、NB等2个群体与较晚引进我国的M-V群体之间的遗传距离已超过了M-V群体(北部亚种)与NC群体(南部亚种)之间的遗传距离,说明独立繁育了近20代后,ZJ群体和NB群体均已产生了较大的遗传分化,这种分化可能有利于海湾扇贝的品种培育。  相似文献   
测定了中国沿海角木叶鲽4个群体57个体的线粒体控制区序列,在长度为549 bp的线粒体控制区序列中,检测到3个插入/缺失位点,24个变异位点(包括11个简约信息位点),共出现了37个单倍型,其中9个为共享单倍型。角木叶鲽整体的单倍型多样度(Hd)和核苷酸多态度(P)i结果分别为0.979±0.008和0.00655±0.0037,呈现出高单倍型多样度和低核苷酸多态度分布模式。中性检验结果显示,角木叶鲽种群的Fu’s Fs为显著负值,核苷酸不配对分析呈现单峰分布,表明角木叶鲽在历史上经历过种群扩张事件。群体内个体间的平均遗传距离为0.0065,群体间遗传分化指数都为负值(-0.0067~-0.0460)但不显著(P>0.1),AMOVA分析显示遗传变异主要集中在群体内个体间(102.15%),均表明我国近海角木叶鲽种群无明显的分化,可以作为一个渔业管理单位加以保护和利用。  相似文献   
The genetic variation and differentiation of the razor clam Sinonovacula constricts distributed along the coast of China were studied through amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP)analysis. Six primer combinations generated 193 fragments. The He values varied from 0. 322 to 0. 463 and the percentage of polymorphic loci ranged from 74. 1% to 98. 4%, which indicates a high level of genetic diversity. Cluster analysis by Nei's pairwise distance grouped all specimens by geographical origins. AMOVA consistently showed that genetic variation among populations was 8. 71%, and most of the variation came from the genetic variation within populations(91.29%). Genetic differentiation among the six populations was moderate; pairwise FST ranged from 0. 0282 to0. 1480, which indicated that S. Constricts populations along the coast of China are genetically connected. Among all the six populations, the Beihai population is the mostly differentiated from the others, suggesting that Hainan Island and Leizhou Peninsula act as barriers to gene flow. All populations abide isolation by distance model as indicated by Mantel test, except for ZS(Zhoushan)and YQ(Yueqing)populations. Information obtained in this study will provide guidelines for conservation and fishery management of this species in the future.  相似文献   
Gentrification and residential differentiation in Nanjing,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The institutional environment in China has quite evidently changed during modern socio-economic transitions.Driven both by local government and by marketing force,urban social space was redistributed after the reform of urban land and real estate policies.Urban renewal makes for wide differential rent and therefore gentrification is occurring in China.This paper analyzes the background and institutional environment of gentrification in China,and further discusses the process,characteristics and evolutionary...  相似文献   
黄土高原作物产量及水土流失地形分异模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
De-farming slope farmland has been an effective measure in recent years for the improvement of the eco-environment and the mitigation of soil and water loss on the Loess Plateau. This paper, taking the Yangou Basin as a case study and using day-by-day mete- orological data of Yan'an station in 2005, simulated and analyzed the quantitative relation between crop yield, soil and water loss and topographic condition with the aid of WIN-YIELD software. Results show that: 1) topographic gradient has important influence on crop yield. The bigger gradient is, the lower the crop yield. Yields of sorghum and corn decrease by 15.44% and 14.32% respectively at 25° in comparison to the case of 0°. In addition, yields of soya, bean and potato decrease slightly by 5.26%, 4.67% and 3.84%, respectively. The in- fluences of topographic height and slope aspect on crop yield are slight. 2) Under the same topographic condition, different crops' runoff and soil loss show obvious disparity. Topographic gradient has important influence on soil and water loss. In general, the changing trend is that the soil and water loss aggregates with the increase of gradient, and the maximal amount occurs around 20°. The influence of topographic height is slight. Topographic aspect has a certain effect, and the fundamental characteristic is that values are higher at the aspect of south than north. 3) Topographic gradients of 5° and 15° are two important thresholds. The characteristic about soil and water loss with the variation of topographic gradients show that: the slope farmland with gradient less than 5° could remain unchanged, and the slope farm- land more than 15° should be de-farmed as early as possible.  相似文献   
认知同化论认为,认知结构中是否有适当的起固定作用的观念可以利用,是决定新的学习与保持的最重要因素。同化论的核心是新旧知识的相互作用观。这种新旧知识相互作用的结果就是新旧知识的同化,原有知识得到充实和巩固,新知识更易被学习获得、保持和提取运用。并且,新旧知识联系起来,使整个知识体系在纵向上不断分化,按层次组织;在横向上综合贯通.加强联系,从而形成良好的认知结构,于是更具广泛的迁移效果。要实施地理素质教育,就必须实现为迁移而教。要实现为迁移而教,就必须塑造学生良好的认知结构。  相似文献   
广州市城郊典型乡村空间分化过程及机制   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
杨忍 《地理学报》2019,74(8):1622-1636
全球生产方式变革和社会制度改革加速了城市化进程,城乡要素流动加快了城郊乡村空间分化,以空间生产和博弈论为理论基础,针对广州市城郊北村的空间分化过程及机制进行解析,以期丰富乡村空间分化和治理的理论。结果表明:① 20世纪80年代以来,北村的发展经历了农业发展、工业发展和服务业发展等3个阶段,业态结构从单一的农业逐渐转向为多元,兼有农业去中心化向农村社区化发展转变过程。② 伴随村域经济发展转型,北村土地利用类型和结构趋向多元分化,各类用地空间关系变得更加复杂化,呈现出商住混合和工商混合的用地新特征,空间上逐渐形成“公共服务设施—传统居住区和现代居住区—商业区—农业区和工业区”的圈层式布局模式。③ 乡村物质空间的多元分化动力主要源于新产业介入和主导产业的更替转变。内生的土地流转方式和外生的城市资本共同推动乡村工业化进程,市场力推动了产业发展向服务业转型。④ 乡村工业化驱动了村社组织对历史建筑功能的置换,改变了乡村以宗族血缘和地缘为主的社会关系,产生了由外来务工人员和城市低收入阶层组成的业缘关系,乡村社会关系逐渐多元化。⑤ 城郊乡村空间多元分化遵循着资本和土地利益博弈逻辑。本地村民、代耕农民、经济合作社、工业经营主体和服务业经营主体等行为主体对空间进行争夺和利益博弈,村社组织起着关键的中介作用。  相似文献   
杨忍  罗秀丽 《热带地理》2020,40(4):575-588
在工业化、城镇化、信息化和经济全球化的宏观背景下,乡村地域的经济结构、社会结构、景观结构、用地结构、城乡关系、消费结构和治理格局等出现了多元分化,同时不同地域类型乡村面临着传统村落空间消亡、地域认同感消失、村民自主性缺失等问题。乡村复兴和振兴成为新时期区域发展和农村发展的核心目标,理清乡村空间分化的内外动力的交互作用机制,深化归纳总结乡村多维空间重构的地域规律,发掘乡村综合治理的科学途径,有助于深化乡村建设和治理的理论框架。文章围绕乡村空间分化、重构与治理的国内外研究进展进行系统梳理,发现国际乡村地理学界在研究视角切入上更加多元,研究方法以质性为主,大量应用政治经济学和社会学的理论和方法,重点关注乡村空间认知、分化与重构的行动者网络建构和转译的学理解释,乡村社区治理主体和治理框架分析较为深入。国内的研究主要从乡村物质空间的分化和重组入手,研究方法偏向定量化,乡村空间分化、重构与治理的地理学研究内容框架和方法体系仍显不足。基于此,文章提出以人地关系地域系统理论为指导,在宏观尺度上系统研究多元外部性环境下的中国乡村发展转型的空间分化类型与动力机制;在中微观尺度上重点从乡村人地关系地域系统的要素结构、功能变化与要素重组及空间治理等方面展开全方位的研究,全面采用城乡连续谱空间梯度分析手法,剖析不同区位不同类型的乡村空间内部多维空间分化与重构治理的学理逻辑,综合集成地理学、社会学、政治学和管理学等学科理论和方法,搭建独具特色的中国乡村空间转型理论框架。乡村空间治理是国土空间管制和社会治理的重要组成部分,揭示其空间治理主体和参与共同体之间的协同机制,以及村庄建设管理与空间治理的途径与模式亟待归纳总结。  相似文献   
一个皱纹盘鲍人工群体内个体大小遗传变异的RAPD分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
从以日本野生皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannui Ino)为亲本进行群体繁殖所得人工群体的子1代中分别选择大(BI)、中(ME)、小(SM)等3个子群体各20个个体,进行RAPD分析。用11条随机引物及7个双引物组合共扩增出153条DNA片段,其中总群体多态性片段数为110条,多态性片段的比例为72.37%。根据扩增片段的共享度用TFPGA软件进行计算,结果表明:(1)SM与ME的遗传距离较近,而与BI的遗传距离相差较大;(2)子群体间遗传分化系数为7.64%,表明各个子群体间在遗传上存在一定的差异,对子群体进行选择将有一定的意义;(3)各子群体表现出了丰富的遗传变异,子群体BI、ME、SM的遗传多样性分别为0.2063、0.2358和0.2363,表明BI子群体具有相对较高的纯合度,在选择育种中有较高价值。  相似文献   
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