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This paper uses the ARW-WRF model to carry out a numerical simulation of a warm-sector heavy rainfall event over southern China on the 22–23 May, 2014. A composite analysis method was used to analyze the evolution process and structural features of the convective cells on a convection line during this rainfall event. This analysis identified three stages: (1) Stage of activation: the equivalent potential temperature surfaces as lower layers start to bulge and form warm cells and weak vertical convective cloud towers which are subject to the impact of low-level warm moist updrafts in the rainfall sector; (2) Stage of development: the warm cells continue to bulge and form warm air columns and the convective cloud towers develop upwards becoming stronger as they rise; (3) Stage of maturity: the warm air columns start to connect with the stable layer in the upper air; the convective cloud tower will bend and tilt westward with each increasing in height, and the convection cell is characterized by a “crescent-shaped echo” above the 700hPa plane. During this stage the internal temperature of the cell is higher than the ambient temperature and the dynamic structural field is manifested as intensive vertical upward movement. The large-value centers of the northerly and westerly winds in the middle layer correspond to the warm moist center in the cells and the relatively cold center south of the warm air column. Further analysis shows that the formation of the “crescent-shaped” convective cell is associated with horizontal vorticity. Horizontal vorticity in the center and west of the warm cell experiences stronger cyclonic and anticyclonic shear transformation over time; this not only causes the original suborbicular cell echo shape to develop into a crescent-like shape, but also makes a convection line consisting of cells that develop to the northwest.  相似文献   
A regional heavy precipitation event that occurred over Sichuan Province on 8–9 September 2015 is analyzed based on hourly observed precipitation data obtained from weather stations and NCEP FNL data.Two moist dynamic parameters,i.e.,moist vorticity(mζ)and moist divergence(mδ),are used to diagnose this heavy precipitation event.Results show that the topography over southwestern China has a significant impact on the ability of these two parameters to diagnose precipitation.When the impact of topography is weak(i.e.,low altitude),mζ cannot exactly depict the location of precipitation in the initial stage of the event.Then,as the precipitation develops,its ability to depict the location improves significantly.In particular,mζ coincides best with the location of precipitation during the peak stage of the event.Besides,the evolution of the mζcenter shows high consistency with the evolution of the precipitation center.For mδ,although some false-alarm regions are apparent,it reflects the location of precipitation almost entirely during the precipitation event.However,the mδ center shows inconsistency with the precipitation center.These results suggest that both mζ and mδ have a significant ability to predict the location of precipitation.Moreover,mζ has a stronger ability than mδ in terms of predicting the variability of the precipitation center.However,when the impact of topography is strong(i.e.,high altitude),both of these two moist dynamic parameters are unable to depict the location and center of precipitation during the entire precipitation event,suggesting their weak ability to predict precipitation over complex topography.  相似文献   
“7.20”华北特大暴雨过程中低涡发展演变机制研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国地面加密自动站观测资料、北京地区雷达探测资料、NCEP (1°×1°) FNL资料、ECMWF ERA Interim (0.125°×0.125°)逐日再分析资料等,对造成2016年7月19-20日华北极端暴雨中的低涡系统发展演变的结构特征和加强机制进行了研究。华北地区这次特大暴雨过程出现了3个阶段降水,其中与低涡系统强烈发展对应的第2阶段降水是本次华北暴雨过程的主要降水阶段。针对该低涡的分析表明:(1)850 hPa以西南低涡为中心的低压带中,在河南西北部新生低涡系统,并且其在向华北地区移动过程中显著加强,该低涡系统在空间结构上,从倾斜涡柱逐渐发展成近乎直立的、贯穿整个对流层的深厚低涡系统;(2)中低层低涡系统快速发展过程与高低空系统构成耦合作用有关:低层低涡系统显著加强之前,对流层上层(300-200 hPa)首先出现高空槽异常加深并向南发展,该高空槽发展的开始阶段与其本身冷暖平流造成的斜压发展过程对应;而后,随着高纬度平流层高位涡沿等熵面向南运动,造成华北地区对流层上层涡度增强,形成正位涡异常区;当这一正位涡异常区叠加在对流层中低层锋区上空时,造成对流层中低层气旋快速发展并向下伸展,诱发河南西北部的新生气旋;低涡系统的发展进一步强化了低空暖平流,促使低空气旋向东北方向发展"移动"(本质上是暖平流前端造成的气旋发展),这一动力学过程反过来使高层的涡度增强;这一正反馈过程形成的耦合环流不仅造成了整个涡度柱强度增强,而且垂直结构上逐渐由倾斜涡柱演变为近乎于直立的涡柱;(3)随着低涡系统增强,极大地加强了垂直上升运动并触发了对流,形成大范围的强降水,大量的凝结潜热释放,造成了低层低涡系统在强降水开始阶段的快速发展和增强;20日00时(世界时)以后,虽然对流活动显著减弱,但低涡系统的加深维持了大范围强降水过程的持续。强降水与低涡发展的正反馈过程是这次华北暴雨得以长时间维持的重要机制之一,这一过程形成的持续性潜热释放也是对流层中上层低涡系统热力结构发生改变的重要原因。  相似文献   
湖北省夏季不同阶段强降水及其大气低频特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
肖莺  任永建  杜良敏 《气象》2017,43(1):77-83
利用1961-2014年湖北省68站逐日降水资料和美国国家海洋和大气管理局环流资料,对比分析了湖北省夏季梅雨期和盛夏期低频强降水事件的基本特征、大气环流形势和低频信号传播特征。结果表明:(1)湖北省夏季降水存在显著的准双周低频周期。(2)相较于盛夏期,梅雨期低频强降水事件次数多,强度强。(3)梅雨期和盛夏期低频强降水事件发生期间的环流形势有着显著的差异。梅雨期,对流层中层东亚沿岸为南北向的波列分布,低层受强索马里越赤道气流和副热带高压外围西南气流共同影响,水汽条件好,东亚存在鞍型场,流场变形,利于形成中尺度气旋系统;盛夏期,对流层中层为欧亚波列分布,低层索马里越赤道气流弱,主要受副热带高压外围水汽输送的影响,日本海以西地区有一异常气旋,其西侧的偏北气流与暖湿气流在30°N附近交汇维持。(4)在强降水事件发生前后,对流层低层的低频正涡度传播特征有较大差异,在梅雨期表现为驻波特征,盛夏期传播更为明显,表现为向西、向南向北传播。  相似文献   
一次双台风影响下暴雨过程的中尺度涡旋模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
储海  杨引明  刘梦娟 《气象》2017,43(11):1309-1325
本文对上海地区一次双台风环境影响的暴雨过程进行数值模拟及分析,探讨了强降水过程中大气中低层的涡旋特征及发展机理。结果表明:(1)暴雨过程处于双台风、大陆高压的共同影响下,中低层伴随有较明显的中尺度低涡发展。(2)与涡旋相关的局地垂直涡度由低层开始发展,先期涡度发展集中于850 hPa以下,之后向大气中上层发展增强,涡旋尺度强度也随之发展,最终形成在对流层下半部具有闭合式气旋性环流的深厚涡旋。(3)影响局地涡度变化的水平平流项、垂直平流项、散度制造项和倾斜项对不同时间、不同高度的涡度作用各不相同,其中散度制造项是中低层涡度的主要来源,垂直平流项的输送作用对中上层的涡度发展有重要作用,倾斜项对涡旋发展移动也有部分贡献。(4)通过敏感性试验考察了对流潜热反馈的贡献,发现潜热释放过程通过加热改变大气温压场结构,从而维持并改变局地涡度倾向的中低层辐合及对流上升运动,对涡旋的发展和移动起了重要影响。  相似文献   
王翔跃  肖天贵 《气象科学》2023,43(3):337-344
利用ERA-Interm 1°×1°逐6 h再分析资料,对2017年1—2月发生的两次寒潮事件(简称过程A和过程B)的天气环流形势和位势涡度进行对比分析。结果表明:(1)过程A爆发后的冷空气促进过程B的形成;(2)等熵面上的位势涡度可用来追踪并判断寒潮的变化特征;(3)通过350~200 hPa处的位涡值特征可提前6 h预测寒潮开始爆发的时间和强度;(4)上游和下游系统对判断寒潮爆发的特征同样有着重要作用。  相似文献   
辽西寺儿堡镇新太古代花岗质片麻岩内发育的宏观、微观构造变形特征表明该地区曾遭受了强烈的韧性变形改造。花岗质岩石变形程度在初糜棱岩–糜棱岩之间,岩石经历了SWW向左行剪切作用改造。岩石中石英有限应变测量判别结果表明,构造岩类型为L-S型,为平面应变。岩石的剪应变平均值为1.43,运动学涡度值为0.788~0.829,指示岩石形成于以简单剪切为主的一般剪切变形中。此外,石英颗粒以亚颗粒旋转重结晶和颗粒边界迁移重结晶作用为主,长石颗粒塑性拉长,部分发生膨凸式重结晶作用;石英组构特征(EBSD)揭示石英以中–高温柱面滑移为主;石英颗粒边界具有明显的分形特征,分形维数值为1.151~1.201,指示了中高温变形条件。综合石英、长石的变形行为、石英组构特征以及分形法Kruhl温度计的判别结果,推断辽西寺儿堡镇新太古代花岗质片麻岩经历过480~600℃的中高温变形,其同构造变质相为高绿片岩相-低角闪岩相。花岗质岩石的古差异应力为10.62~12.21 MPa,估算的应变速率为10~(–11.67)~10~(–13.34) s~(–1),即缓慢的变形,可能记录早期中高温、低应变速率的韧性变形过程,反映华北克拉通基底中下部地壳变形特征。  相似文献   
The Ribeira Belt (Brazil) is a Neoproterozoic collisional-related feature that was located in a south-central position in West Gondwana. We present quantitative data on finite strain, flow vorticity and deformation temperatures for the Curitiba Terrane, a major segment of the southern Ribeira Belt. Six deformation phases (D1-D6) related with crustal thickening and exhumation were recognized. D1 and D2-related microstructures are preserved exclusively within porphyroblasts, in part grown during stages of high-pressure (∼9–12 kbar) isobaric heating after crustal thickening. D3 phase was active from peak metamorphism attained in contrasting crustal levels (810–400 °C), to the early stage of exhumation (500–400 °C), as indicated by petrological, microstructural and quartz c-axis fabric evidence. Kinematic vorticity results indicate that the SL3 mylonitic fabric resulted from a simple shear-dominated deformation related with westward thrusting. North-verging overturned D4 folds with E-W-trending subhorizontal axes derived from a pure shear-dominated deformation. Regional D5 open folds with subvertical axes and NNE-SSW-trending traces were produced by indentation tectonics. D6 phase comprises retrograde orogen-parallel transcurrent shear zones related with scape tectonics. Geochronological data indicate that D3-D6 phases occurred between 584 and 580 Ma, suggesting a fast exhumation rate of ∼8 mm/year for the deepest rocks from the southern Ribeira Belt.  相似文献   
孟元库  许志琴  马士委  刘晓佳 《地质学报》2016,90(11):3023-3038
一般剪切带主要由纯剪切和简单剪切共同作用,不同的剪切带及不同的构造位置两者所占有的比例不同。利用运动学涡度(Wk)可以定量地分析两者间的比值大小。本文通过极莫尔圆法和有限应变轴率Rs/石英c轴组构法对冈底斯岩浆带中段谢通门-曲水滑覆型韧性剪切带的运动学涡度进行了计算,两种方法获得了较为一致的结果。通过极莫尔圆法,对剪切带中的9组糜棱岩样品进行了运动学涡度计算,获得了Wk=0.73~0.96,平均值Wk=0.83。运用有限应变轴率Rs/石英c轴组构法对4个样品进行了分析,得到Wk=0.85~0.93,均值为0.88,两种方法获得了较为一致的应变结果。还根据极莫尔圆图解,计算了该韧性剪切带的减薄量S=0.09~0.35,平均减薄量为0.20。研究表明该韧性剪切带为典型的以简单剪切为主伴有部分纯剪切的一般剪切,该剪切带的形成可能与拉萨地体在中新世时从挤压到侧向伸展的转换有关。该剪切带变形特征和运动学涡度的确定深化了对藏南冈底斯地区的构造演化过程的理解,并对青藏高原中南部的地质研究具有推进作用。  相似文献   
A mathematical relation between deformation and vertical vorticity tendency is built by introducing the frontogenesis function and the complete vertical vorticity equation, which is derived by virtue of moist potential vorticity. From the mathematical relation, it is shown that properly configured atmospheric conditions can make deformation exert a positive contribution to vortex development at rates comparable to other favorable factors. The effect of deformation on vortex development is not only related to the deformation itself, but also depends on the current thermodynamic and dynamic structures of the atmosphere, such as the convective stability, moist baroclinicity and vertical wind shear(or horizontal vorticity). A diagnostic study of a heavy-rainfall case that occurred during 20–22 July 2012 shows that deformation has the most remarkable effect on the increase in vertical vorticity during the rapid development stage of the low vortex during its whole life cycle. This feature is mainly due to the existence of an approximate neutral layer(about 700 h Pa) in the atmosphere where the convective stability tends to be zero. The neutral layer makes the effect of deformation on the vertical vorticity increase significantly during the vortex development stage, and thus drives the vertical vorticity to increase.  相似文献   
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