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李斌 《中国地名》2014,(10):44-44
我国的四大沙漠是指塔克拉玛干沙漠、古尔班通古特沙漠、巴丹吉林沙漠和腾格里沙漠。 “大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”。我国是沙漠比较多的国家之一,沙漠广袤千里,呈一条弧形带绵亘于西北、华北和东北的土地上。沙漠总面积约130万平方公里,占全国土地面积的13%左右。  相似文献   
塔依尔  吕新  杨利勇 《中国沙漠》2007,27(3):478-482
 在古尔班通古特沙漠南部流动沙区及其以南100 km的滴灌棉田为绿洲下垫面的生态条件下,分析研究了能量输送的不同模式和日变化进程。在沙漠生态条件下, 大部分净辐射用于感热通量的散失,另一部分用于向地下传输,少部分则用于潜热输送;与沙漠相比,在滴灌棉田生态条件下的绿洲能量输送的基本模式为: 农田蒸散的潜热能量占绝大部分,少部分用于感热通量和土壤热通量的消耗,另一个与沙漠不同的特征是绿洲存在地表能量平衡差额。  相似文献   
 通过研究春、夏 、秋3季古尔班通古特沙漠典型沙垄藻类物种多样性、种类组成和生物量的变化,分析了典型沙垄中藻类的时空分布特征。结果表明:①地貌部位和不同土层对物种多样性指数影响极显著(P<0.01); 在垂直层次中,藻类物种多样性指数由表及里逐渐降低。②在不同地貌部位和季节中,藻类的种类组成亦表现出一定的差异。垄间低地和背风坡球形藻类和丝状藻类丰富,迎风坡以丝状藻类占优势,垄顶藻类的种类和数量都有明显的下降。③地貌部位、垂直层次和季节对藻类生物量的影响均极显著(P<0.01)。藻类在沙漠典型沙垄的分布具有空间异质性,将影响到生物结皮的发育,使其处于不同的发育阶段,而它们在生物结皮中的地位和作用亦不同。  相似文献   
古尔班通古特沙漠风沙土微量元素对植被格局的影响   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
横穿古尔班通古特沙漠,测度了沙漠植被盖度、物种多样性和丰富度等格局参数及微地形、土壤理化性质。在此基础上,借助ICP/MS仪测定了沙漠表层(0~10 cm)和次表层(10~30 cm)风沙土中Cu、Zn、Mo、Fe、Co、Ni、Mn、V、Se、B微量元素含量。利用t-检验和CCA排序的方法,分析了微量元素在风沙土中的空间分布特征和对植被格局的影响。结果显示,地势较高的东部Ni和Mn的含量高于其他地段。地势较低、土壤中水分、有机质、全盐含量较高的西部,Mo、Cu、Zn、Fe、Se含量较高。Fe的高含量值主要出现在分选差、有机质较多的风沙土中。另外,绝大多数微量元素在表层风沙土中的平均含量高于浅层。对比不同微量元素成分条件下的乔灌木和草本层片植物组成和结构特征,发现乔灌木层片基本格局所受影响不明显,草本层片则在沙漠生境下已形成的植物群丛内部发生分化,出现多个小的植物组合。  相似文献   
放牧对古尔班通古特沙漠南部半固定沙垄地表性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intensive grazing in spring-summer has been responsible for environmental deg- radation of the Gurbantunggut Desert in recent years. The coverage of plants and biological crusts, sand surface stability and physicochemical characteristics of soil on the dune surface were conducted in 2002 (winter grazing) and 2005 (spring-summer grazing). The results showed that over 80% of the total area of the dune surface was covered by well-developed biological crusts and plants in 2002, when the interdune and middle to lower part of dune slopes were stabilized and only the crest had 10-40 m wide mobile belt. Affected by spring-summer grazing in 2005, over 80% of the total cover of biological crust was destructed and the plant coverage only reached 1/5 of that in 2002, especially the ephemeral plant cover had a great change. The value of sand transport potential in 2005 only reached 1/3 of that in 2002, but the total surface activity in 2005 was 1.6 times stronger than that in 2002. Mean- while the mobile area began to expand from the dune top to the whole dune surface following spring-summer grazing. Compared with 2002, medium sand content of the dune surface soil increased by 13.9%, while that of fine and very fine sands decreased by 7.4% and 8.0% re- spectively in 2005 and the soil organic matter in 2005 was only about 1/2 of that in 2002. It is obvious that the presence of snow cover and frozen soil in winter could avoid the surface structure destruction in winter, while spring--summer grazing made excessive damage to biologic crusts and ephemeral plants. Spring is the main windy season in Gurbantunggut Desert and therefore intensive activity of dune surface occurred following spring-summer grazing, which led to a great loss of fine sand and organic matter. It can be seen that grazing season have a significant influence on the sustainable development of the desert ecosystem in Northwest China.  相似文献   
古尔班通古特沙漠植被与环境关系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Gurbantunggut Desert is the largest stable and semi-stable sand desert in China, yet few data exist on vegetation pattern and species-environment relationships for these diverse desert landscapes. The sand dunes of the survey area are mainly of the longi- tudinal form from north to south, but checkerboard-shaped and honeycomb-shaped forms are also present, with the height of 10-50 m. We measured vegetation and soil data on north-south transects and compared them with vegetation and soil data on east-west transects. Analysis revealed that the varying trend and strength of the species diversity, dominance and cover of the plant communities in the longitudinal and transverse directions across the landscape are significantly different. The results of CCA ordination show that the microhabitats of soil organic matter (OM), soil salts (TS), sorting index ( σ ), topsoil water-content (SM) and pH relate to the differences in vegetation observed as differences in species assemblage from salt-intolerant ephemerals, micro-subshrubs and subshrubs to salt-tolerant shrubs and micro-arbors. The terrain (alt.) and soil texture (the contents of Mz and Ф 1) affect the spatial differentiation of many species. However, this spatial differentiation is not so marked on transects running longitudinally with the landscape, in the same direction as the dunes. The species of the desert vegetation have formed three assemblages under the action of habitat gradients, relating to three sections running transversely across the landscape, at right angles to the direction of the dune crests. In the mid-east section of the study area the topography is higher, with sand-lands or dune-slopes with coarse particles. Here the dominant vegetation comprises shrubs and subshrubs of Seriphidium santofium and Ephedra distachya, with large numbers of ephemeral and ephemeroid plants of Senecio subdentatus, and Carex physodes in spring and summer. On the soil of the dune-slopes in the mid-west of the study area, with coarse partic  相似文献   
春季积雪融水是古尔班通古特沙漠土壤水分的重要补给源之一,为早春植物的萌发和生长创造了有利的条件。为掌握该地区春季沙丘的土壤水分分布状况,采用探地雷达测量技术,于2010年4月进行了多次野外测量,并通过对地面直达波信号的提取和分析,初步获得了一致的测量结果。结果表明:(1)探地雷达地面直达波测量的土壤平均含水量与20 cm深同步TDR的测量结果非常接近,两者总体相差在0.02 cm3/cm3以内,充分反映了GPR地面直达波测量结果的有效性和精确性;(2)春季积雪完全融化后,沙丘/沙垄顶部土壤水分明显低于垄间低地,这与前人的研究一致,反映了积雪和冻土层在消融过程中,沙丘表面融水在坡面重力作用下,沿难以透水的冻土层上界自坡上向坡下迁移,形成了垄间最高、坡部次之和垄顶最少的分布格局;(3)垄间低地的土壤水分明显受到低矮灌草丛的影响进行再分布,这是由于积雪最初沿植丛基部开始消融,并以植丛为中心形成漏斗状融洞,从而形成以植丛为中心汇集较多融雪水的格局,而垄间低地中较为高大的梭梭乔木对融雪水的再分布影响明显不如低矮的灌草丛,这与其地表茎基过少有关。此外,探地雷达测量实验提供了详实可靠的表层土壤含水量分布信息,可为荒漠生态系统的空间尺度研究提供真实可靠的数据基础。  相似文献   
古尔班通古特沙漠纵向沙垄植被空间异质性   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
古尔班通古特沙漠南部纵向沙垄上按5 m×10 m的网格测度植被样方100个,采集浅层风沙土样品184件。调查发现,乔灌木层片和草本层片的分布及相互关系明显受沙垄地形影响,并且在干旱环境下种群间的竞争和空间上的互补使两层片生态优势度具有显著的相关性。地统计分析结果显示,纵向沙垄上植被空间异质性表现为木本层片的物种多样性呈斑块状分布,草本层片物种多样性呈现平行沙垄的带状结构和斑块结构叠加的特点,而植被盖度则在垂直沙垄走向的方向上具有强烈的梯度性变化。和沙垄土壤理化性质空间格局特征相对比,植被盖度及物种多样性与风沙土浅层含水量在自相关空间(变程)及空间异质性程度上比较接近。这是纵向沙垄小生态系统中草本植物和浅层土壤水分耦合关系在空间上的反映,也是木本植物对水分和土壤资源在小尺度(m)上竞争及中小尺度(10~100 m)上互补的结果。  相似文献   
放牧对古尔班通古特沙漠南部 沙垄地表性质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别于2002 年和2005 年对古尔班通古特沙漠南部的同一条半固定沙垄, 进行了放牧前后的地表覆盖(包括植物和生物结皮)、沙面活动强度和土壤理化性质的系统监测和研究。 主要结论如下: 2002 年, 自然沙垄80%以上的地表被植物和生物结皮所覆盖, 除沙垄顶部外, 其他部位基本处于稳定状态。2005 年受放牧干扰的影响, 生物结皮破损率达到80%以上, 同期植物覆盖不及2002 年的1/5, 特别是短命植物变化最明显。2005 年输沙势只有2002 年的1/3, 但沙面活动强度是2002 年的2.6 倍, 活动区域也从垄顶部扩展至整个沙垄表面。 放牧后地表组成物中的中沙含量增加了13.9%, 而细沙和极细沙含量分别减少了7.4%和 8.0%, 沙垄各部位有机质含量在放牧后一个风季即下降了近1/2。可见, 放牧造成地表保护条件的多重损害, 使沙漠地表稳定性趋于丧失。其细粒物质及有机质的大量流失, 也将对我国温带荒漠生态系统的可持续发展产生重要影响。  相似文献   
古尔班通古特沙漠生境对植物群落格局的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
沿87o37'09"~88o24'04"E纵穿古尔班通古特沙漠,对44o14'04"~45o41'52"N的范围进行11个样地的地貌景观调查、植被分布参数采集和土壤取样。研究区统计到的植物种数占古尔班通古特沙漠文献资料中植物种数的1/3,出现的植物群落构建了该沙漠大面积成片分布的荒漠植被景观。调查发现,随着宏观生境的空间变化,植物群落作相应的演替。在此基础上,利用因子分析 (PCA)和相关分析 (CA) 查明了沙漠风沙土理化属性,如土壤养分、盐分、水分、碱性 (pH) 等微生境的异质性仅对沙漠植被草本层片的多样性 (PIE草) 产生显著影响。同时,这些微生境因相互拮抗使沙漠环境处于暂时的脆弱平衡之中。  相似文献   
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