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A field work has been carried out to identify the occurrence of oil and oil products pollution in mangrove sediment from Red Sea of Yemen. The concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons is from 700 ng/g at Kamaran Island station to 400 ng/g at Al-Hodiedah station, and the total organic carbon ( TOC) in samples ranges from 0.07% at Dhubab station to 0.03% at Kamaran Island station. This pollution is as a result of localized oil pollution and /or heavy ship traffic in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.  相似文献   
Contents of heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PA Hs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) and hexachlorcy- clohexanes (HCHs) in surface sediments from mangrove areas of the Leizhou Peninsula were analyzed in July and November 2005. Risk assessment criteria applied by Long E R et al. (1995) and Long E D et al. (1995) (effects range low, ERL; effects range mean, ERM) of chemicals in sediments from the gulf or estuary were used to assess the potential ecological risks of heavy metals, PAHs, DDTs and HCHs to aquatic organisms in the studied area. The results indicated that the average contents of zinc, nickel, chromium, lead, copper, arsenic and mercury were (61.97 ± 55.87), (59.99 ± 39.01 ), (47.93 ± 28.37), (26.64± 13.00) , (23.45 ± 41.96), (9.32 ± 3.62), (0.14 ± 0.18) mg/kg in dry weight in the sediment samples col- lected from five studied sites in the Leizhou Peninsula, respectively. Cadmium was not calculated due to its content being below the detection limit ( 〈 0.3 mg,/kg). The average levels of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and Hg exceed their background values. The average contents of Ni were higher than ERM. The contents of PAHs in the sediments from the five studied sites were (79.78 ± 43.70) ng/g in dry weight, far lower than ERL(4 022 ng/g). The contents of DDE, DDD and DDTs in the sediments from five studied sites were (2.60 ± 4.68), ( 17.52 ± 27.25 ), (27.78 ± 46.64) ng/g in dry weight respectively, clearly higher than ERL, and the average contents of DDT were (7.66 ± 15.93) ng/g in dry weight, much higher than ERM. HCHs could be detected in the sediments only from Gaoqiao sampling site, with the average contents (0.07 ± 0.08) ng/g in dry weight.  相似文献   
为了解红树林不同潮位沉积物中底栖真核生物群落分布,基于18S rRNA基因采用高通量测序方法分析了广西北仑河口陆缘、林中和海缘3个潮位红树林沉积物中底栖生物群落结构。结果表明,北仑河口潮间带红树林沉积物中底栖生物多样性丰富,Shannon-Wiener指数变化范围在6. 08~6. 73之间; PCA分析表明潮间带中底栖生物群落差异较大,陆缘红树林中扁形动物、节肢动物和软体动物相对丰度较高,林中区域中纤毛虫、环节动物和轮虫相对丰度较高,海缘红树林中硅藻相对丰度较高;红树林中主要OTUs有桡足类的太平洋纺锤水蚤(Acartia pacifica)、硅藻类的海链藻(Thalassiosira sp.)、纤毛虫类的前管虫(Prorodon teres)、多毛类的小头虫(Capitella sp.)。高通量测序方法能较全面反映红树林区微型/小型底栖生物群落,研究结果为丰富红树林底栖生物群落研究和解析底栖生物在红树林生态系统发挥的作用提供基础数据。  相似文献   
利用孔隙水化学和稳定同位素化学等方法分析珠江口红树林湿地沉积层孔隙水硫酸根(SO_4~(2-))、游离甲烷气体(CH_4)、总溶解无机碳(DIC)以及δ13CDIC的垂直剖面分布特征.结果显示,孔隙水SO_4~(2-)浓度自表至底呈线性梯度减小,至硫酸盐-甲烷界面(SMI)附近,硫酸盐几乎全部消耗,而CH_4浓度急剧增大,KC1、KC3、KC4、K17和K10等5个站位SMI深度分别为20、50、70、80、50 cm,SMI深度由红树林湿地林间向光滩逐渐增大.同时,孔隙水DIC浓度在该深度明显升高,沉积物发生强烈的甲烷厌氧氧化(AOM)作用.在AOM过程中,由于12CH_4氧化速率较13CH_4快,故引起沉积物孔隙水δ13CDIC偏轻.沉积层中的有机质含量及其活性高低是制约沉积物SMI分布深浅的关键因素,高含量的活性有机质可加速孔隙水SO_4~(2-)再矿化过程的消耗,使得通过AOM作用的SO_4~(2-)消耗通量相应增大.在微生物作用下,部分活性有机质被大量消耗,致使进入沉积物SO_4~(2-)还原带的活性有机质数量相应减少,从而引起部分SO_4~(2-)转为与CH_4发生反应促进AOM作用.  相似文献   
近些年来,团水虱(Sphaeroma spp.)在红树林生态系统中的持续爆发已成为天然和人工红树林遭受破坏的主要原因之一,在我国海南、广东和广西都有不同程度的发生.目前国内有关红树林湿地团水虱的生物学特征研究较少,而明确团水虱的生物学特征是研发其防控技术的重要依据.本研究通过文献查阅和实地调查,总结了团水虱危害中国红树林的现状,团水虱的种类、分布和生活史,以及繁殖和聚集的季节、繁殖方式、营养物质偏好等,以期为团水虱的防控提供理论和技术方面的支撑.  相似文献   
鉴于红树林生态系统对气候变化背景下海平面上升和极端台风事件有高度敏感性,应用1980—2018年的海洋大气观测资料和实地调查数据,分析了海口东寨港地区的海平面、温度和台风最大风速的变化特征,并基于IPCC气候变化综合风险的理论框架,构建了"暴露度-敏感性-适应性"的脆弱性评价指标体系和估算方法,评估了海平面上升和台风事件背景下东寨港红树林生态系统的脆弱性主要特征。结果显示:①东寨港红树林生态系统的致灾影响因子主要为该地区沿海海平面的快速上升,其上升速率可达4. 6 mm/a,远高于全球和中国沿海平均值;其次为1993年之前和2006年之后,在海口地区250 km范围内出现的热带气旋或台风事件;②东寨港红树林脆弱性指数的平均值为0. 31,属于中度脆弱等级,其中三江片区的红树林脆弱性相对最高,演丰片区最低。构建的评价指标体系可较好地反映出海平面快速上升和热带气旋或台风影响下红树林生态系统的脆弱性特征。  相似文献   
应用计算机专家系统对红树林湿地的鸟类进行分类与鉴别。结合产生式系统体系结构,设计开发红树林湿地鸟类鉴别系统,该系统利用鸟类目科检索表与二叉树的结构相似性,构建鸟类目科检索二叉树,结合B+树和判定树学习,设计鸟类检索编码表,实现红树林湿地鸟类目科和属种的鉴别。  相似文献   
余辰星  杨岗  陆舟  李东  周放 《海洋与湖沼》2014,45(3):513-521
为了解迁徙季节水鸟在不同滨海湿地中的结构组成和行为特征,于2010年3月、4月、9月、11月和2011年3月,在山口自然保护区及其周边地区对不同滨海湿地类型的水鸟展开调查。结果显示:迁徙季节天然湿地共记录到水鸟6目8科39种,人工湿地有6目9科50种。天然湿地比人工湿地的物种数少,整体数量上,春季人工湿地大于天然湿地,秋季则为天然湿地水鸟数量更多。鹬鸻类在不同滨海湿地类型中觅食行为比例差异显著,在天然湿地中觅食比例达到76.67%,而在人工湿地中则以休息和睡眠等非觅食行为为主。天然湿地是鹬鸻类的重要觅食地,而人工湿地则是鹭类和鹬鸻类的主要休息地。鹭类在两种滨海湿地类型中觅食个体的数量不随潮汐的涨落而相应增减。鹬鸻类随潮汐高度上升,在两种滨海湿地类型中觅食的个体数量减少。山口地区的滨海人工湿地是水鸟在高潮期间天然湿地良好的替代栖息地。  相似文献   
The Sonneratia apetala artificial mangroves in the intertidal zone of Da Wei Bay at Qi’ao Island of Zhu-hai, South China were chosen as the macrofauna succession plots while bare tidal flats of the same size were established as control plots in surrounding interference-free areas. Conventional change indicators of community structure, such as biomass and biodiversity, and indicators, such as exergy and specific exergy, which reflect the information change of overall communities, were used to analyze the succession of macro-fauna communities inS. apetala artificial mangroves. The similarities and differences in variation tendency of the different ecological indicators and their reflected ecological principles were compared. The results showed that from D-1 to D-1275 after plantingS. apetala, the biomass of the macrofauna communities first increased, which was then followed by an increase in the network relationship between the macrofauna communities (analysis of the Pielou evenness index and Shannon-Wiener diversity index). The system in-formation (specific exergy) increased the slowest. Between D-1460 and D-2370 after plantingS. apetala, there was a decrease in biomass, network structure, and system information in the succession plots. After the decrease in the system information (the specific exergy), there was a decline in the network relationships (Pielou evenness index and Shannon-Wiener diversity index). Biomass was the last indicator to decrease. The similarities and differences among the different ecological indicators varied during the succession pro-cess, which reflected the relativity and differences among the indicators. This study suggested that, although the species diversity index can be an effective indicator of two types of changes (network structure and system information), it was quite clear that species diversity measurement was not suitable for expressing the changes in biomass during the succession process. While exergy and specific exergy can provide useful information  相似文献   
红树林、海草床和珊瑚礁三大典型系统的分布区域既接近而又相互独立,其独具特色的生态位和环境特征致使他们在功能上又相互依存。目前对于三大典型生态系统的关联性研究主要以鱼类资源的结构和生物量分布、营养级结构和岸线保护等领域展开。三大系统之间的关联性因地域、各个系统所处的状态以及系统自身的结构特征的差异而有所不同,因此研究成果具有较大的区域特征。目前,研究已经开始从简单的定性研究逐步往定量研究发展,但是由于研究技术和方法的差异性,地域间的可比性还有待加强。作为我国海岸带资源的重要组成部分,三大系统之间的关联性研究还较为薄弱。基于此,针对我国三大生态资源的现状开展相关研究,并制定相关的恢复和保护的技术对策,可为我国三大典型海洋生态资源的可持续发展和利用提供有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   
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