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胶北蓬莱群的变形与变质及其区域大地构造意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过构造与变质研究及伊利石结晶度和同位素年龄测定。分析胶北蓬莱群的变形,变质及其区域大地构造意义。作为胶北唯一盖层的蓬莱群,在晚石炭世(299±4Ma)北北东—南南西区域挤压下首次遭受了强烈的蓬莱事件变形及低绿片岩相变质。其后的后蓬莱事件在胶北地区仅造成了局部的北北东—南南西向变形构造。作为华北板块南缘的胶北带,其上的蓬莱事件是华北与扬子板块沿胶南带碰撞的结果。这表明郯庐断裂带以东这两扳块碰撞发生在晚石炭世。在秦岭—大别山碰撞带以北的华北扳块南缘,由于碰撞也出现了类似胶北带的挤压变形。  相似文献   
不规则伊/蒙混层粘土矿物成因类型及晶体化学分类   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
不规则伊/蒙混层粘土矿物(I/S)分布极为广泛,根据大量资料,提出了I/S的成因及晶体化学分类。按其成因分为三类:成岩型、风化型、火山热液型;按其晶体化学性质分为完全无序型、部分有序型及准晶态型。讨论了各成因类型I/S的晶体化学特点,认为产出于P/T界线层粘土中的I/S具二维晶格一维准晶格。探讨了I/S与烃类形成的关系。  相似文献   
德兴矿区内普遍存在伊利石 ,其多型特征表明 ,矿化围岩与区域围岩 (>2km)中伊利石的矿物结构与矿化流体有关。经长期埋藏变质作用 ,区域围岩中形成了结晶程度完好的 2M1伊利石 ,K櫣bler指数为 0 .1 6°,Ir=1 ,无膨胀层 ,是浅变质作用的产物。与发育热液成因 1M伊利石的花岗闪长斑岩一样 ,矿化围岩发育了具有较高K櫣bler指数 (平均值为 0 .5 5°)、含少量的膨胀层 (1 %~ 5 % )、1M型伊利石 ,它是热液流体作用下伊 /蒙矿物逆向退化的结果 ,且受热液流体量及水 /岩比制约。在此 ,斑岩铜矿中伊利石多型可能成为有效的矿化晕指示剂。  相似文献   
伊利石测年在焉耆盆地油气成藏时期研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油气藏成藏时期的确定是进行油气藏勘探与评价的重要工作内容之一。也是揭示成藏过程的有效途径,利用伊利石测年确定油气成藏期,能够得出其绝对年龄,因而受到人们重视,运用自生伊利石同位素年龄测定的原理和方法及自生伊利石同位素年龄资料对焉耆盆地博湖坳陷油气藏成藏时期及油气运移时期进行了分析,最后对自生伊利石同位素测年存在的问题和措施进行了有益的探讨并克服了以往只能根据地质综合研究定性确定油气藏成藏时期及油气运移时期问题,为定量确定油气藏成藏时期以及油气运移时期提供了科学的方法。  相似文献   
周健  王河锦 《地质论评》2002,48(4):361-364
运用X射线衍射分析技术,计算了成岩带、近变质带粘土矿物C^*方向的粒度。根据阿尔卑斯造山带前陆碎屑岩粘土矿物粒度与伊利石结晶指数的关系,推导出了伊利石、绿泥石、蒙脱石、伊蒙混层、高岭石和叶蜡石的c^*方向粒度变化趋势曲线。结果表明,大多数产于成岩带和近变质带的粘矿物其c6*方向粒工为几至几十纳米。成岩带和近为质带是一维天然纳为级土帮物的产地。  相似文献   
Definition of low-grade metamorphic zones using illite crystallinity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract Two major problems which exist in the use of illite crystallinity to define low-grade metamorphic zones are the variety of values chosen for the zone boundaries and the persistent use of three different indices of crystallinity. Although measurement techniques, which cause much of the interlaboratory variation, can be standardized, it is shown that there is, nevertheless, significant additional variation which demands calibration on standards. The greatest variations are due to choices of different absolute values of crystallinity to define zone boundaries. The problem of relating measurements between different indices is approached by fitting mathematical relationships to pairs of measurements from the same sample. A power–law relationship is a satisfactory fit to the Kubler–Weaver and Weaver–Weber pairs, while the Kubler–Weber indices are linearly related. These relationships are used to transform definitions of the diagenetic zone, anchizone and epizone from one index to the others, although they apply strictly only to the data set from which they are derived. This results in compatibility between the three zones and shows that previous definitions to the anchizone in different indices have been chosen at incompatible values. The boundaries of Kubler's anchizone (0.42 and 0.25 Δ2θ) are 0.4 and 0.215 Δ2θ in this study, which become 5.1 and 14.6 in the Weaver index and 278 and 149 in the Weber index. An error analysis shows that percentage errors in both Kubler and Weaver indices increase with crystallinity; the Kubler measurements are marginally preferred at all grades.  相似文献   
Incipient metamorphism in the Lower Palaeozoic marginal basin of Wales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract A diagenctic through anchizone to epizone transition is demonstrated in pelitic rocks of the Lower Palaeozoic marginal basin of Wales by examination of variations in phyllo-silicate mineralogy, illite crystallinity and bo parameter of white micas. This transition represents a temperature range from ∼ 150°C to ∼ 400°C and the metamorphism is of a low-pressure facies series type, with a geothermal gradient of ∼ 40°Ckm-1. Variations in grade can be correlated largely with the original basin and shelf form, suggesting a depth-related metamorphism. However, in areas closer to the site of Caledonian plate collision an increasingly syn-tectonic metamorphic event is apparent.
Correlation of pelite data with metabasite assemblages is variable, the most consistent relationship being between epizone crystallinity values andepidote-actinolite (greenschist facies) assemblages. Diagenetic clay mineral assemblages are found associated with prehnite-pumpellyite assemblages in metabasites and it is suggested that the latter represent non-buffered, and therefore non-diagnostic, assemblages.  相似文献   
甘肃岗岔金矿位于秦岭造山带西段北侧之夏河—礼县成矿带西段,属构造破碎蚀变岩型金矿床,目前探明储量已达中型。采用近红外矿物分析技术对矿区蚀变特征的研究结果表明,从远矿到近矿(矿体)存在3个明显特征:①远矿蚀变矿物组合主要为高岭石+地开石+蒙脱石±伊利石,近矿蚀变矿物组合主要为白云母+伊利石±次生石英;②1 400 nm结晶水特征吸收峰、1 910 nm吸附水特征吸收峰和2 200 nm Al-OH特征吸收峰均表现出由远矿至近矿峰型变浅的趋势;③普遍存在的蚀变矿物伊利石,在近矿位置其结晶度高,远矿位置结晶度低。上述分带特征对于进一步找矿具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
李娟  郑常青  金巍  崔芳华  施璐  王虎 《地学前缘》2011,18(2):223-230
内蒙古中部晚古生代地层由于中生代岩浆的侵入,部分发生接触变质,变质程度多处于沸石相或葡萄石绿纤石相。通过对典型剖面的泥质岩石中的粘土矿物、伊利石结晶度以及镜质体反射率的分析,得出以下结论:(1)粘土矿物以伊利石和绿泥石为主,只在极少数样品中有伊蒙混层和蒙脱石,多数缺乏伊绿混层;(2)伊利石结晶度为022~040;(3)镜质体反射率Ro值为15~40。其结果表明:在岩浆侵入地区有小规模的接触变质,为极低级变质带,并未发生大规模的低绿片岩相的区域变质,而且这种变质只影响到晚二叠世以前沉积的地层和油气,分布范围有限。  相似文献   
王河锦 《地质学报》2022,96(5):1711-1723
本文集中讨论了甚低级变质作用研究中涉及到的几个问题,包括:① 近变质带的创立及其在解决划分成岩作用与变质作用界线这一国际难题中所取得的进步;② 伊利石结晶度对碎屑岩甚低级变质作用研究起到的作用与贡献;③ 仪器校正、粒度大小及其与Kübler指数的经验关系式;④ 泥质碎屑岩中的成岩指示矿物与变质指示矿物;⑤ 松潘 甘孜、巴颜喀拉造山带的甚低级变质作用的模式与新的成因解释;⑥ 讨论了涉及到的科学研究的相关规则。提出了运用指示矿物结合伊利石结晶度划分成岩作用/变质作用界线的方案和建立喜马拉雅伊利石结晶度标样的重要性与必要性;提出碎屑岩甚低级变质作用的新成因模式。  相似文献   
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