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In the Northwest Pacific Ocean, the squid jigging fisheries from China, Japan and other countries and regions have targeted the west winter-spring cohort of neon flying squid(Ommastrephes bartramii) from August to November since the 1970 s. This squid is a short-lived ecological opportunist with a life-span of about one year,and its population is labile and recruitment variability is driven by the environment or climate change. This variability provides a challenge for ones to forecast the key habitats affected by climate change. The catch data of O. bartramii from Chinese squid jigging fishery and the satellite-derived sea surface temperature(SST) data are used in the Northwest Pacific Ocean from August to November of 1998 to 2004, the SST preferences of O.bartramii corresponding to high values of catch per fishing day(CPUE) are determined and monthly potential habitats are predicted using a histogram analysis of the SST data. The possible changes in the potential habitats of O. bartramii in the Northwest Pacific Ocean are estimated under four climate change scenarios based on the Fourth Assessment Report(AR4) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, i.e., 0.5, 1, 2 and 4°C increases in the SST because of the climate change. The results reveal an obvious poleward shift of the potential habitats of O. bartramii in the Northwest Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   
Specimens of a new species of Cerithiidae, Cerithium mangrovum n. sp., were collected during two surveys along the coasts of Hainan and Guangdong Province, China. Usually associated with potamidid snails, this species often occurs in large populations between the mid-high tidal zones in a range of habitats, including mangroves, grass beds, silt, mud, and coral reefs. C. mangrovum n. sp. has a slender and tapering shell and the straight-sided whorl bears three aligned beaded spiral cords. The thick outer lip has a wide posterior sinus. It morphologically resembles C. coralium Kiener, 1841. The shell of C. coralium is usually larger and wider and the spiral cords are not as beaded as in C, mangrovum n. sp. Its radula has a rachidian tooth with a shallow, wide, median basal projection while the rachidian tooth of C. mangrovum n. sp. has a moderately long, median basal projection.  相似文献   
Many nature reserves are established to protect the habitat needs of particular endangered species of interest but their effec-tiveness for protecting other species is questionable.In this study,this effectiveness was evaluated in a nature reserve network located in the Qinling Mountains,Shaanxi Province,China.The network of reserves was established mainly for the conservation of the giant panda,a species considered as a surrogate for the conservation of many other endangered species in the region.The habitat suitability of nine protected species,including the giant panda,was modeled by using Maximum Entropy(MAXENT) and their spatial congruence was analyzed.Habitat suitability of these species was also overlapped with nature reserve boundaries and their management zones(i.e.,core,buffer and experimental zones).Results show that in general the habitat of the giant panda constitutes a reasonable surrogate of the habitat of other protected species,and giant panda reserves protect a relatively high proportion of the habitat of other protected species.Therefore,giant panda habitat conservation also allows the conservation of the habitat of other protected species in the region.However,a large area of suitable habitat was excluded from the nature reserve network.In addition,four species exhibited a low proportion of highly suitable habitat inside the core zones of nature reserves.It suggests that a high proportion of suitable habitat of protected species not targeted for conservation is located in the experimental and buffer zones,thus,is being affected by human activities.To increase their conservation effectiveness,nature reserves and their management zones need to be re-examined in order to include suitable habitat of more endangered species.The procedures described in this study can be easily implemented for the conservation of many endangered species not only in China but in many other parts of the world.  相似文献   
The structure and function of network is a central issue in landscape ecology.Road networks with hierarchical structure are crucial for understanding landscape dynamics.In this study,we compared the distribution of national road,provincial road,county road and rural road in the Three Parallel Rivers Region(TPRR)in Yunnan Province of China,and estimated the effect of roads(and other factors)on the spatial patterns of land use and land cover with logistic regression.In addition,we analyzed the land use and land cover change(LUCC)and landscape fragmentation in 1989–2005 along a buffer zone of the primary traffic corridor,national road G214.The results showed that,county and rural roads had much higher percentage of length extending into more natural habitats at higher elevation and steeper slope,compared with the higher level roads in this region.While the distributions of natural land cover types were dominated by environmental factors,human land use types i.e.,building land and farmland types were significantly related with roads,linking more closely with lower level roads.The LUCC dynamics(1989–2005)of the G214 buffer zone showed a general trend of land transformation from conifer forests and valley arid shrubs to building land and farmland,and from ice and snow to alpine shrubs and forests.With the length of G214 unchanged during the time,the overall landscape pattern changed little in the buffer zone,but habitat fragmentation and area decrease had occurred for the natural vegetation types,in contrast to patch mergence and expansion of human land use types,and landscape fragmentation was intensified above 2500 m a.s.l.but declined below the elevation.The results indicated the dynamics of landscape composition and patch type level distribution in spite of the stability of the overall landscape pattern,and implied the potential role of roads,especially the low level roads on landscape changes.  相似文献   
汶川8.0级地震后岷山山脉大熊猫栖息地自然遗产保护战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岷山山脉是大熊猫的主要分布区,是我国保护大熊猫栖息地的关键区域之一。由于岷山山脉大熊猫栖息地处在南北地震带上,岷山山脉是大地震多发区与大熊猫栖息地重叠带。"5·12"汶川地震的高烈度区覆盖了岷山山脉北段大熊猫主栖息地的东部与南部,地震地面破裂带与极震区纵贯南段栖息地,导致北段主栖息地局部的严重地面破坏和南段栖息地大范围的严重地面破坏。通过调查汶川地震对栖息地的破坏情况,总结历史上地震对大熊猫栖息地的影响,分析汶川8.0级地震对岷山山脉大熊猫栖息地的影响程度,进而强调岷山山脉大熊猫栖息地自然遗产的重要性,提出岷山山脉大熊猫栖息地自然遗产保护战略。建议在岷山山脉北段建立涪江源国家级风景名胜区,编制岷山山脉大熊猫栖息地世界自然遗产扩展提名文本与保护规划。建议在岷山山脉南段建立龙门山地震遗址国家级风景名胜区,实施龙门山脉大熊猫栖息地与地震断层遗址保护计划。  相似文献   
The process of habitat degradation varies in habitat type and driving force which shows certain spatial and temporal heterogeneity on regional scales. In the present study, a new diagnostic model for enclosed bay habitat degradation was established, with which the spatial and temporal variation patterns of habitat degradation during 1991–2012 in Sansha Bay, Fujian, China was investigated. The results show that anthropogenic disturbance is the major controlling factor for the habitat degradation in large temporal heterogeneity in the bay. On the other hand, the habitat degradation experienced signifi cant spatial variations among six sub-bays. Under the joint action of temporal and spatial heterogeneity, the degradation trend in growing scale shows a more signifi cant correlation with the distribution of local leading industries along shorelines. Therefore, we quantifi ed the main characters of habitat degradation in Sansha Bay, and have understood the relationship between the status of habitats spatio-temporal variation value and the main controlling factor leading to the changes. However, a defi ciency of this research is the lack of or inaccessible to the detailed data, which shall be better solved in the future study for accessing more data from more sources.  相似文献   
<正>江西鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区为江西十大美景、中国最美湿地、国际重要湿地,是以白鹤为代表的百万珍稀候鸟的乐园,享有"珍禽王国,候鸟天堂"的美誉,拥有迷人的湿地风光,是久负盛名的旅游胜地。鄱阳湖保护区历经30年的风雨,创造了骄人的成绩。特别是近年来,通过环湖建设大湖池、沙湖、大汊湖、吴城、进贤、余干、鄱阳、都昌、湖口、九江10个保护站,按照"一块大石立门前,两条横幅  相似文献   
为了克服已有物理栖息地模型仅能在具有较完善监测资料河流使用的局限性,介绍了一种应用模糊逻辑的物理栖息地模拟方法。该方法以河道平面二维流场模拟结果为基础,将鱼类学和生态学专家的知识经验融入物理栖息地模型中,运用模糊逻辑推理计算栖息地各单元适宜度,最后根据加权可用面积、高适宜度面积比例与流量的关系曲线确定生态需水量。运用该方法对葛洲坝坝下中华鲟产卵栖息地进行模拟。研究结果表明,中华鲟产卵期适宜生态需水量为10 000~17 000 m3/s。分析认为该方法对监测资料依赖程度低,使用专家知识经验能够弥补数据不足造成的不利影响,具有一定的可行性及实用性。该研究有助于监测资料不足的河流开展生态保护及河流管理工作,并且能够为模糊数学理论在水生态学中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   
建立三维水动力学模型分析中华鲟产卵栖息地水力因子的时空分布和中华鲟产卵时的适宜水力特性,为设计最佳的生态调度方案提供科技支撑。研究结果表明,中华鲟产卵栖息地的上产卵区水深和流速的变化主要受流量影响,涡量的变化主要受地形影响;中华鲟产卵前需要高流量脉冲刺激产卵。坝下与隔流堤之间流速和涡量值的大小与波动远大于其他区域,均值为2.4 m/s和11 m2/s。产卵栖息地水体表层、中层和底层的流速和水平涡量分布格局相似,均是在上产卵区值较大,空间分布多样性高。水体中层垂向涡量的值远大于底层和表层。产卵栖息地水体表层、中层和底层水力分布特征为中华鲟繁殖提供了有利的水力条件,体现出中华鲟对产卵栖息地不同功能区的自主选择性。  相似文献   
张永  施慧  刘璐婷  沈伟  赵梓羲 《湖泊科学》2022,34(6):2005-2015
长江及其中下游湖泊湿地组成了独特的江-河复合型生态系统,孕育了极高的生物多样性,是全球生物多样性研究的热点区域之一.该区域是东亚-澳大利西亚迁徙通道上最重要的水鸟越冬地之一,每年冬季有超过百万只水鸟在此越冬,因此,分析相关因素对越冬水鸟多样性的影响对维持其越冬安全具有重要意义.然而,目前相关研究多集中在如鄱阳湖、洞庭湖、升金湖等部分国家级保护区内,对经济较发达的江苏省沿江区域湖泊湿地水鸟多样性的研究仍不多见.本研究选择江苏长江沿江10处代表性湖泊湿地,于2018—2020年冬开展越冬水鸟调查,同时结合环境和人为因素,分析其对区域越冬水鸟多样性的影响.3次调查共记录到越冬水鸟42种109998只,隶属于6目9科.按地理区系划分,古北界16种,广布种15种,古北界-东洋界9种,东洋界2种;按生态类群划分,有游禽22种,涉禽20种.在10处湖泊湿地中,石臼湖水鸟物种数和数量均最多,金牛湖水鸟物种数和数量均为最低;Shannon-Wiener和Inverse-Simpson多样性指数最高的为石臼湖,最低分别为长荡湖和昆承湖.β多样性结果表明石臼湖水鸟群落与其它湿地相似性最低,长荡湖次之.β多样性分解分析结果显示,区域β多样性主要形成机制为物种替换.石臼湖对区域β多样性的相对贡献显著高于其它湖泊湿地,其次是长荡湖,相对贡献最低的是尚湖.线性模型结果表明:越冬水鸟丰富度与湿地总面积呈正相关,与缓冲区植被和水体面积呈负相关.人均GDP与越冬水鸟丰富度呈显著负相关.越冬水鸟物种数与湖泊湿地面积呈正相关,与人均GDP呈负相关.水鸟多样性指数受面积和人均GDP影响均不显著.江苏沿江地区是我国经济最发达的区域之一,对其越冬水鸟多样性及其影响因素开展研究进而提出相关保护建议,如持续开展越冬水鸟监测,及时发现保护空缺,提高对湿地周边区域土地利用状况的关注度等.本研究结果不仅为本地区越冬水鸟保护工作提供依据,同时也为上游经济相对薄弱但发展较快的地区开展相关保护工作提供参照.  相似文献   
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