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谢天 《天文爱好者》2013,(11):18-21
后发星系团成长的线索 使用美国宇航局的钱德拉X射线天文台和欧洲空间局的牛顿X射线多镜面望远镜,一个天.文学家小组在后发星系团中发现了巨大的高温气体臂。这些结构的跨度至少有50万光年,为后发星系团是如何从较小的星系群和星系团并合生长成为宇宙中由引力所维系的最大结构之一提供了线索。  相似文献   
Carbon and noble gas isotope analyses are reported for bubbling gas samples from the Tengchong volcanic geothermal area near the Indo-Eurasian suture zone. All samples contain a resolvable component of mantle-derived 3He. Occurrence of mantle-derived 3He coincides with surface volcanism. However, 3He occurs over a larger geographic areathan do surface volcanics. δ13C values for CO2 and CH4 vary from -33.4‰ to 1.6 ‰ and from -52.8‰ to -2.8‰, respectively. He and C isotope systematics indicate that CO2 and CH4 in the CO2-rich gases originated predominantly from magmatic component mixed with crustal CO2 produced from carbonate. However, breakdown of organic matter and near-surface processes accounts for the CH4 and CO2 in N2-rich gases. 3He/4He ratio distribution pattern suggests that mantle-derived He and heat sources of high-temperature system in central Tengchong originate from a hidden magma reservoir at subsurface. CO2-rich gases with the highest 3He/4He ratio (5.2 Ra) may be representative of the  相似文献   
地震层析是根据多道地震数据估算速度结构的有效方法。本次研究针对海上科拉拉-康坎(Kerala—Konkan)地区一条以前识别出似海底反射(BSR)的地震测线东段的多道地震数据,采用2D方法得到可能的速度场结构,并推测气体水合物,游离气的存在。层析模拟由反射相识别和不同源-接收器位置的走时拾取组成。利用这些拾取采用射线追踪技术进行正演和反演来得到2D速度场。本次模拟调查区的模型第一次显示出细微速度结构。2D模拟揭示了速度场沿地震线研究段的横向发生的变化。结果表明薄层沉积物盖层(约50—60m)的速度为1770至1850m/s。在海底之下具高P波速度(1980—2100m/s)的沉积物层被解释为水合物层,水合物层的厚度在110—140m之间变化。在水合物层底部有一低速层,速度为1660—1720m/s,被解释为游离气层,厚度在50—100m之间。本次调查表明在海上科拉拉-康坎(Kerala—Konkan)局部地区水合物之下存在游离气。  相似文献   
“煤矿中的金丝雀”发挥的是预警的作用。金丝雀对瓦斯气体非常敏感,一旦矿井中的瓦斯含量超标,金丝雀就会躁动不安、尖叫甚至死亡。现在,一种小型海洋蜗牛正如同“煤矿中的金丝雀”,预示着全球气候的变化。加州大学圣芭芭拉分校的一位助理生物学教授将这种蜗牛称作“海洋中的‘薯片’”,因为多种海洋生物以它为食。它位于海洋食物链的底端,维持着海洋中的生态平衡。  相似文献   
我国断层气测量在地震科学研究中的应用现状   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
地球是一个巨大的开放系统,地壳放气现象是地壳不同层次进行物质、能量、信息交换的重要形式。因此,强烈放气通道实际上是一个洞察地球内部物理变化、化学变化、应力应变的“窗口”。通过系统观测和记录释放地点、释放量与释放方式可以了解地壳内压力的变化与通道的开启状况,从而可对地震预报、构造活动、火山监测提供重要信息。 断层气测量已经在地震科学领域中广泛应用,并发挥了一定作用。作者全面、系统介绍了此方法在我国的应用现状与初步结果,并指出此方法虽然刚起步,还不够成熟,但由于它轻便、快捷、价廉的优点,已显示了广阔的应用前景与巨大的科学潜力。  相似文献   
我们知道,今天人们所用的石油、煤炭、天然气等传统能源,都是由植物等腐烂变成的。由生物体到化成能源这一过程,大自然用了上亿年的时间,数百年来,它们一直是人类能源的主角。但是这些传统能源大多属于不可再生能源,随着工业文明进程的不断加快,这些资源将面临枯竭。同时,传统能源在使用和生产的过程中还会带来各种污染,如温室气体的排放,已经严重影响人类的生活环境。我国是一个有13亿人口、能源短缺的大国,加紧开发低污染乃至无污染的绿色能源已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   
The massive star forming region S 233 IR is observed in the molecular lines CO J = 2-1, 3-2, NH3 (1,1), (2,2) and the 870#m dust continuum. Four submillimeter continuum sources, labelled SMM 1-4, are revealed in the 870μm dust emission. The main core, SMM1, is found to be associated with a deeply embedded near infrared cluster in the northeast; while the weaker source SMM2 coincides with a more evolved cluster in the southwest. The best fit spectral energy distribution of SMM1 gives an emissivity of β = 1.6, and temperatures of 32 K and 92 K for the cold- and hot-dust components. An SMM1 core mass of 246 M⊙ and a total mass of 445 M⊙ are estimated from the 870μm dust continuum emission.SMM1 is found to have a temperature gradient decreasing from inside out, indicative of the presence of interior heating sources. The total outflow gas mass as traced by the CO J = 3-2 emission is estimated to be 35 M⊙. Low velocity outflows are also found in the NH3 (1,1) emission. The non-thermal dominant NH3 line width as well as the substantial core mass suggest that the SMM1 core is a “turbulent,massive dense core”, in the process of forming a group or a cluster of stars. The much higher star formation efficiency found in the southwest cluster supports the suggestion that this cluster is more evolved than the northeast one. Large near infrared photometric variations found in the source PCS-IR93, a previously found highly polarized nebulosity, indicate an underlying star showing the FU Orionis type of behavior.  相似文献   
Luo  GQ 《紫金山天文台台刊》1994,13(2):162-167
On the basis of the theory of the grand-canonical ensemble, we have developed a grand-canonical approach in the 'chemical picture" for the equation of state. The approach defines atomic configuration probabilities and gives a conservation equation for the electron number for calculating the occupation numbers of atoms and molecules. The approach also incorporates the perturbations caused by plasma interactions in cool-dense gases into the equation of state formulation and gives the resulting nonidca) terms of thcrmodynamic properties. The resulting formulae have been applied to the study of the properties of cool-dense plasmas and standard solar models. The phase transitions of high temperature plasmas and the influences of pressure ionization effects through solar interior opacities on solar models have been investigated.  相似文献   
大庆油田徐家围子地区深层采用常规钻井机械钻速较低,试验气体钻井技术表明,能够大幅度提高深层钻井机械钻速,缩短钻井周期。通过前期的地质分析,在总结大庆油田已经试验的2口气体钻井现场试验的经验和教训的基础上,确定在徐深28井三开登娄库设计采用空气钻井技术,进入营城组试验氮气钻井技术,这是大庆油田第一口采用空气和氮气钻井的气体钻井。经过周全的设计,克服了冬季气温低、地层出水、气液转化井壁稳定等难题,保证了井身质量,机械钻速与邻井常规钻井相比提高了7倍,缩短钻井周期26天,节约钻头7只,尝试了氮气钻进营城组,取得  相似文献   
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