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正2014年5月12日至6月13日,河南省委第七巡视组对省国土资源厅进行了巡视。7月4日,巡视组向省厅通报了巡视工作情况反馈意见。厅党组认为,省委巡视组指出的问题客观准确、中肯真诚,符合实际。积极加以整改,对于堵塞管理漏洞、改进工作作风、加强廉政建设、推动国土资源事业健康发展,具有重要意义。那么整改什么?简言之,就是要按照省国土资源厅党组整改工作方案,紧紧围绕履行党风廉政建设主体责任与监督责任、领导干部廉洁从政、贯彻执行中央八项规定精神与作风建设和民主集中制及干部人事管理制度等方面的15类问题,认真一一加以整改。  相似文献   
正"从不计较个人得失""从来不说不行或不愿意""走路略带小跑""胡子拉茬、不修边幅"……这些都是济源市国土资源系统干部职工对局地质环境科副科长吕建伟最深的印象。参加工作30多年来,吕建伟本着对国土事业的热爱,在平凡的岗位上默默奉献,连续多年被评为济源市国土资源局先进工作者,被大家称为"老黄牛"。勤奋好学,学以致用的"佼佼者""人只要勤奋肯学,干什么工作都可以干得出色。"这是吕建伟经常挂在嘴边的一句话。  相似文献   
Are there some relationships among species diversity and soil chemical properties of high altitude natural grasslands? Plant community composition and chemical properties of soil samples were compared to investigate the relationship between soil and species diversity, and the richness in Tibetan alpine grasslands. Results showed that species diversity was significantly positively related to soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (TN), available nitrogen (AN), total phosphorus (TP), available phosphorus (AP), and available potassium (AK) in the high alpine grasslands. Margalefs species richness index was also significantly positively related to SOM, TN, AN, and TP. Most soil chemical properties showed significantly positive correlation with species diversity and Margalef's richness index. Our results suggested that higher plant species richness index and diversity occurred in more fertile soil habitats in high altitude natural grassland community. In practice, fertilization management for the restoration of degraded grassland should be conducted with reference to the nutrient levels ofnatural grassland without the additional artificial fertilizer and with higher species-diversity and richness index.  相似文献   
On farm bio-resource recycling has been given greater emphasis with the introduction of conservation agriculture specifically withclimate change scenarios in the mid-hills of the north-west Himalaya region(NWHR). Under this changing scenario, elevation, slope aspect and integrated nutrient management(INM) may affect significantly soil quality and crop productivity. A study was conducted during 2009-2010 to 2010-2011 at the Ashti watershed of NWHR in a rainfed condition to examine the influence of elevation, slope aspect and integrated nutrient management(INM) on soil resource and crop productivity. Two years of farm demonstration trials indicated that crop productivity and soil quality is significantly affected by elevation, slope aspect and INM. Results showed that wheat equivalent yield(WEY) of improved technology increased crop productivity by -20%-37% compared to the conventional system. Intercropping of maize with cowpea and soybean enhanced yield by another 8%-17%. North aspect and higher elevation increased crop productivity by 15%-25% compared to south aspect and low elevation(except paddy). Intercropping of maize with cowpea and soybean enhanced yield by another 8%-15%. Irrespective of slope, elevation and cropping system, the WEY increased by -30% in this region due to INMtechnology. The influence of elevation, slope aspect and INM significantly affected soil resources(SQI) and soil carbon change(SCC). SCC is significantly correlated with SQI for conventional(R2 = 0.65*), INM technology(R2 = 0.81*) and for both technologies(R2 = 0.73*). It is recommended that at higher elevation.(except for paddy soils) with a north facing slope, INM is recommended for higher crop productivity; conservation of soil resources is recommended for the mid hills of NWHR; and single values of SCC are appropriate as a SQI for this region.  相似文献   
Debris flows and landslides, extensively developing and frequently occurring along Parlung Zangbo, seriously damage the Highway from Sichuan to Tiebt(G318) at Bomi County. The disastrous debris flows of the Tianmo Watershed on Sept. 4, 2007, July 25, 2010 and Sept. 4, 2010, blocked Parlung Zangbo River and produced dammed lakes, whose outburst flow made 50 m high terrace collapse at the opposite bank due to intense scouring on the foot of the terrace. As a result, the traffic was interrupted for 16 days in 2010 because that 900 m highway base was destructed and 430 m ruined. These debris flows were initiated by the glacial melting which was induced by continuous higher temperature and the following intensive rainfall, and expanded by moraines along channels and then blocked Parlung Zangbo. At the outlet of watershed,the density, velocity and peak discharge of debris flow was 2.06 t/m3, 12.7 m/s and 3334 m3/s, respectively. When the discharge at the outlet and the deposition volume into river exceeds 2125 m3/s and 126×103 m3, respectively, debris flow will completely blocked Parlung Zangbo. Moreover,if the shear stress of river flow on the foot of terrace and the inclination angel of terrace overruns 0. 377 N/m2 and 26°, respectively, the unconsolidated terrace will be eroded by outburst flow and collapse. It was strongly recommended for mitigation that identify and evade disastrous debris flows, reduce the junction angel of channels between river and watershed, build protecting wall for highway base and keep appropriate distance between highway and the edge of unconsolidated terrace.  相似文献   
淄博市地质灾害预警预报系统基于MapGIS K9平台进行二次开发,以数据库和地理底图为基础,集成数据、图像于一体搭建起一个高度信息化、专业化、智能化的地质灾害预警预报及管理平台。此系统的建设能够显著提高淄博市地质灾害气象预警预报的精细化水平,熟练掌握和运用该系统是进行预警分析、提前预报和及时防范地质灾害发生的有效手段。  相似文献   
<正>龙泉市国土资源局全面推进农村宅基地确权登记发证工作。一是高度重视,强力推进。设置专项资金,制定《龙泉市农村宅基地使用权确权登记发证实施方案》《龙泉市农村宅基地使用权确权登记发证实施细则》。二是试点先行,摸索经验。选择村组干部班子硬、群众素质高、登记基础比较好的竹垟乡进行试点,探索工作方法,完善工作思路;坚持"一户一宅、拆旧建新、法  相似文献   
<正>近日,在全县经济总结表彰工作会议上,高唐县国土局被授予促进跨越赶超优质服务一等奖。2013年,该局积极贯彻落实党的十八大及十八届三中全会精神,紧紧围绕市委十二届四次全会确定的"东融西借、跨越赶超,建设冀鲁豫三省交界科学发展先行区"这一总体目标,紧扣全县经济发展脉搏,充分发挥部门职能作用,科学利用土地管理政策,为全县经济社会发展提供了强有力地用地保障和优质高效服务。(1)发展用地保障能力进一步提升。一是征地总量创新高。共报批城镇建设用地审批手续11个批次,征地面积4675亩,同  相似文献   
夏季长江淮河流域异常降水事件环流差异及机理研究   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
张庆云  郭恒 《大气科学》2014,38(4):656-669
长江、淮河同处东亚中纬度,天气过程的大尺度环流背景相似,大量相关研究基本是把江淮流域天气气候事件作为一个整体研究,然而对长江、淮河流域夏季降水的时空变化进行分析发现,长江、淮河流域夏季异常降水事件有各自不同的年际、年代际变化特征,但环流差异及成因并不十分清楚。本文根据中国台站降水资料及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,利用物理量诊断和现代统计学等方法,重点分析长江、淮河流域梅雨期降水异常事件发生时南北半球大气环流内部动力过程的差异及成因。研究指出:长江(淮河)流域梅雨期降水异常偏多年500 hPa位势高度场亚洲中高纬度环流呈现为南北向(东西向)的波列与东亚中高纬鄂霍茨克海阻塞频次增多(减少)以及200 hPa高度场上东亚副热带高空西风急流强度加强(减弱)、稳定(移动)有关;长江(淮河)流域梅雨期降水异常偏多年主要水汽来源与南半球澳大利亚高压、马斯克林高压位置偏东(西)造成西太平洋150°E~180°(阿拉伯海50°E~60°E)地区越赤道气流加强有关。长江(淮河)流域梅雨期异常降水事件大气环流内部动力过程最显著的差异表现为:东亚副热带高空西风急流加强(减弱)以及南半球澳大利亚高压、马斯克林高压位置偏东(西)。  相似文献   
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