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本文提出模拟地层沉积及成岩过程的矿物沉积算法,建立数字岩石模型,并通过对比Micro-CT扫描图像和数值模型的局部孔隙度及平均渗流概率函数分布特征,评价建模的准确性.结果表明,由二维扫描提取的粒径信息作为输入参数,模拟矿物沉积过程建模得到的三维数字岩石模型,能够准确重构原始岩心的非均质性及渗流特性,成功应用于泥质砂岩、碳酸盐岩、页岩等存在多矿物或多尺度孔隙的数字岩石建模中.数字岩石物理是正在兴起的重要技术.数字岩石采用超高分辨率先进成像装备,采集和表征微纳尺度岩石结构,在岩石弹性、电性、核磁、渗流特性等数值计算中发挥重要作用.但是,由于三维直接成像在有限视域内难以表征足够的岩石非均质性,提取二维结构统计特征,利用统计或地质过程法重构具有代表性的三维岩石结构成为十分有价值的研究课题,而且,对业界大量存在的岩石薄片及电镜高清二维图像的深度开发应用也具有重要的现实意义.本文发展的新方法,复原沉积过程,较好地解决了孔隙尺度岩石物理定量研究中数值建模与理论计算的技术瓶颈.  相似文献   
张振  张朝  叶观宝  王萌  肖彦  程义 《岩土力学》2020,41(6):2122-2131
劲芯水泥土桩是一种软土地基处理的新方法,近年来已成功应用于公路、铁路路基处理工程中。然而由于人们对其承载路堤的失稳破坏机制认识不足,无法正确指导设计。采用反映桩体材料破坏后特征的应变软化模型,模拟劲芯水泥土桩承载路堤失稳破坏1g模型试验,通过分析路堤失稳破坏过程中桩体塑性区的开展和桩身受力的变化情况,研究了桩体的破坏顺序及其破坏模式。结果表明:路堤失稳过程中,劲芯水泥土桩并非同时发生破坏,路面正下方桩体首先发生受压破坏,坡面下方桩体自坡脚至坡肩依次发生弯剪破坏;由于桩体的存在,路基中滑动面并非完全穿过桩体破坏位置。基于桩体破坏顺序、破坏模式、受力情况变化,以及荷载传递规律,阐释了劲芯水泥土桩承载路堤渐进式失稳破坏机制。采用现行规范中基于残余强度的柔性桩处理方法,计算的安全系数与试验结果较为接近,但其适用性还需做进一步研究。  相似文献   
南海永乐龙洞发育于永乐珊瑚礁台地,龙洞深度达300m,为世界之最。沉积物堆积在龙洞的洞壁斜坡、龙洞中部的转折平台以及洞底等部位。使用激光粒度仪、X射线粉晶衍射仪、X射线荧光光谱仪等对采自不同深度的沉积物进行了粒级、矿物物相、元素含量的研究。研究结果表明:龙洞沉积物绝大部分为钙质生物碎屑,以砂粒级碎屑为主,含砾石碎屑、粉砂碎屑,分选和磨圆差;沉积物矿物组成以文石、高镁方解石为主,含少量低镁方解石,其平均含量分别为69%、28%、3%;化学组成以Ca、Mg、Sr为主,平均含量分别为35.5%、0.9%、0.5%,含少量Si、Al、Ti、P、S等元素。该区沉积物来源包括礁坪生物碎屑和东亚季风风尘陆源物质两个方面,以礁坪来源的生物碎屑为主;龙洞沉积作用包括机械捕获作用和垂直沉降作用两种方式,而以机械捕获作用为主。  相似文献   
叶翔  李靖  王爱军 《海洋学报》2018,40(7):79-89
滨海湿地作为人类活动和全球变化反应最为敏感的区域,其沉积记录可以反映出周边地区环境变化及人类活动信息。珠江口淇澳岛滨海湿地钻孔分析结果表明,在中全新世期间淇澳岛附近海域为河口湾环境,在风化层以上开始出现淤积,但在4 200 a BP前后受极冷气候的影响,沉积物粗化;自2 500 a BP以来,沉积环境相对稳定,在小冰期期间略有变化。沉积速率计算结果显示:淇澳岛附近海域自中全新世高海面以来的平均沉积速率为0.29 cm/a,4 160~2 500 a BP、2 500 a BP-1488年、1488-1893年、1893-1986年、1990-2007年期间的平均沉积速率分别为:0.17 cm/a、0.23 cm/a、0.35 cm/a、1.37 cm/a和5.94 cm/a,沉积速率逐渐增大,反映了珠江三角洲演化过程中沉积相与沉积环境的变化;1986-1990年期间的海堤建造极大地扰动了该钻孔上部的沉积过程,在工程施工期间共沉积了厚度约112 cm的沉积层,而在海堤建成后,沉积速率也显著增大。沉积物总有机碳、总氮和C/N值的垂向分布表明,在4 160~2 500 a BP期间受海洋环境影响较大,沉积物中有机碳以海源为主,2 500 a BP以来沉积物中碳、氮含量明显增大,C/N也相应变大,有机碳主要来源于陆源输入,但在小冰期期间海源有机碳贡献略有所增大;近百年来由于受人类活动影响显著,陆源有机碳的贡献快速增加。  相似文献   
综合岩心、薄片、分析测试资料厘定辫状河三角洲不同相带储层特征及控制因素,选取孔隙度、含砂率、优势砂厚、优势砂岩分层系数及杂基含量作为评价参数,基于灰色关联法确定权重、拐点法确定分类阈值对储层进行综合定量评价。结果表明辫状河三角洲下平原地区由于储层物性好且优势砂岩(粗砂岩)占比高而Ⅰ类储层发育;三角洲上平原地区砂体发育但以砾岩沉积为主,杂基含量高而储层质量差,多为Ⅱ类储层;三角洲前缘地区正韵律特征显著,中、粗砂岩储层质量要优于细砂岩,但优势砂岩发育规模有限,因此多以Ⅱ类、Ⅲ类储层为主。该成果可为复杂砂砾岩储层的定量评价提供借鉴。  相似文献   
本文利用台站观测、卫星遥感以及专项调查等多种数据,综合分析了近年来胶州湾典型水文气象要素的变化特征及建桥前后水动力环境等的变化对冬季冰情的影响。结果显示,建桥以来冰情较重的年份冬季气温和年最低气温均处于近30年的低位,重冰期与年最低气温时段相吻合,且以跨海大桥为界,北部海湾结冰现象严重,而南部几乎无结冰。基于区域海洋水动力模型(ECOM)的模拟结果显示,跨海大桥建设可以从几个方面影响胶州湾北部海冰的生消,即大桥建设使胶州湾尤其是大桥北侧的水动力环境弱化,落潮时桥北侧水体堆积,涨潮时桥北侧向陆一侧水位减小;大桥对桥位南北1.5 km周围涨、落潮流场产生影响;流场的变化又使得悬浮物对流扩散和沉积物输运发生改变,大桥北侧局部区域水深变浅。  相似文献   
Lateral cyclic load tests were performed on an aluminum model pile in dry sand. Two levels of loading were adopted to represent different service load conditions. The maximum number of loading cycles was 1,000. From the test results, it was found that the even though in the service load condition, the pile response was still affected by cyclic effects and a larger load level would produce more significant influence. In a global point of view, the lateral displacement and maximum moment increased with loading cycles, while the secant stiffness within a cycle decreased with cycles. The cyclic effect was more significant on the lateral displacement than on the moment. In a local point of view, cyclic loading would degrade the equivalent subgrade stiffness for the soil shallower than about seven times diameter. In addition, the secant subgrade stiffness within a cycle increased with loading cycles. Some experimental relationships of lateral pile response and loading cycles were built and compared with those in the literature.  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to model beam‐column behavior in a computationally effective manner, revealing reliably the overall response of reinforced concrete members subjected to intensive seismic loading. In this respect, plasticity and damage are considered in the predominant longitudinal direction, allowing for fiber finite element modeling, while in addition the effect of inelastic buckling of longitudinal rebars, which becomes essential at later stages of intensive cyclic loading, is incorporated. Α smooth plasticity‐damage model is developed for concrete, accounting for unilateral compressive and tensile behavior, nonlinear unloading and crack closure phenomena. This is used to address concrete core crushing and spalling, which triggers the inelastic buckling of longitudinal rebars. For this reason, a uniaxial local stress‐strain constitutive relation for steel rebars is developed, which is based on a combined nonlinear kinematic and isotropic hardening law. The proposed constitutive model is validated on the basis of existing experimental data and the formulation of the buckling model for a single rebar is developed. The cross section of rebar is discretized into fibers, each one following the derived stress‐strain uniaxial law. The buckling curve is determined analytically, while equilibrium is imposed at the deformed configuration. The proposed models for concrete and rebars are embedded into a properly adjusted fiber beam‐column element of reinforced concrete members and the proposed formulation is verified with existing experimental data under intensive cyclic loading.  相似文献   
To maintain a reasonable sediment regulation system in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, it is critical to determine the variation in sediment deposition behind check‐dams for different soil erosion conditions. Sediment samples were collected by using a drilling machine in the Fangta watershed of the loess hilly–gully region and the Manhonggou watershed of the weathered sandstone hilly–gully (pisha) region. On the basis of the check‐dam capacity curves, the soil bulk densities and the couplet thickness in these two small watersheds, the sediment yields were deduced at the watershed scale. The annual average sediment deposition rate in the Manhonggou watershed (702.0 mm/(km2·a)) from 1976 to 2009 was much higher than that in the Fangta watershed (171.6 mm/(km2·a)) from 1975 to 2013. The soil particle size distributions in these two small watersheds were generally centred on the silt and sand fractions, which were 42.4% and 50.7% in the Fangta watershed and 60.6% and 32.9% in the Manhonggou watershed, respectively. The annual sediment deposition yield exhibited a decreasing trend; the transition years were 1991 in the Fangta watershed and 1996 in the Manhonggou watershed (P < 0.05). In contrast, the annual average sediment deposition yield was much higher in the Manhonggou watershed (14011.1 t/(km2·a)) than in the Fangta watershed (3149.6 t/(km2·a)). In addition, the rainfalls that induced sediment deposition at the check‐dams were greater than 30 mm in the Fangta watershed and 20 mm in the Manhonggou watershed. The rainfall was not the main reason for the difference in the sediment yield between the two small watersheds. The conversion of farmland to forestland or grassland was the main reason for the decrease in the soil erosion in the Fangta watershed, while the weathered sandstone and bare land were the main factors driving the high sediment yield in the Manhonggou watershed. Knowledge of the sediment deposition process of check‐dams and the variation in the catchment sediment yield under different soil erosion conditions can serve as a basis for the implementation of improved soil erosion and sediment control strategies, particularly in semi‐arid hilly–gully regions. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In the northwestern sector of the Zagros foreland basin, axial fluvial systems initially delivered fine-grained sediments from northwestern source regions into a contiguous basin, and later transverse fluvial systems delivered coarse-grained sediments from northeastern sources into a structurally partitioned basin by fold-thrust deformation. Here we integrate sedimentologic, stratigraphic, palaeomagnetic and geochronologic data from the northwestern Zagros foreland basin to define the Neogene history of deposition and sediment routing in response to progressive advance of the Zagros fold-thrust belt. This study constrains the depositional environments, timing of deposition and provenance of nonmarine clastic deposits of the Injana (Upper Fars), Mukdadiya (Lower Bakhtiari) and Bai-Hasan (Upper Bakhtiari) Formations in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. Sediments of the Injana Formation (~12.4–7.75 Ma) were transported axially (orogen-parallel) from northwest to southeast by meandering and low-sinuosity channel belt system. In contrast, during deposition of the Mukdadiya Formation (~7.75–5 Ma), sediments were delivered transversely (orogen-perpendicular) from northeast to southwest by braided and low-sinuosity channel belt system in distributive fluvial megafans. By ~5 Ma, the northwestern Zagros foreland basin became partitioned by growth of the Mountain Front Flexure and considerable gravel was introduced in localized alluvial fans derived from growing topographic highs. Foredeep accumulation rates during deposition of the Injana, Mukdadiya and Bai-Hasan Formations averaged 350, 400 and 600 m/Myr respectively, suggesting accelerated accommodation generation in a rapidly subsiding basin governed by flexural subsidence. Detrital zircon U-Pb age spectra show that in addition to sources of Mesozoic-Cenozoic cover strata, the Injana Formation was derived chiefly from Palaeozoic-Precambrian (including Carboniferous and latest Neoproterozoic) strata in an axial position to the northwest, likely from the Bitlis-Puturge Massif and broader Eastern Anatolia. In contrast, the Mukdadiya and Bai-Hasan Formations yield distinctive Palaeogene U-Pb age peaks, particularly in the southeastern sector of the study region, consistent with transverse delivery from the arc-related terranes of the Walash and Naopurdan volcano-sedimentary groups (Gaveh-Rud domain?) and Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc to the northeast. These temporal and spatial variations in stratigraphic framework, depositional environments, sediment routing and compositional provenance reveal a major drainage reorganization during Neogene shortening in the Zagros fold-thrust belt. Whereas axial fluvial systems initially dominated the foreland basin during early orogenesis in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, transverse fluvial systems were subsequently established and delivered major sediment volumes to the foreland as a consequence of the abrupt deformation advance and associated topographic growth in the Zagros.  相似文献   
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