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伴随着"生态文明"、"乡村振兴"等国家战略的提出,地质文化村成为拓展服务领域、促进地质工作与社会经济发展融合的重要抓手。本文以地质文化村的六维属性为切入点,探讨了地质文化村的空间载体、建设主题、利益主体、主要功能、行为准则、价值导向等内涵,提出地质文化村是以村域为空间载体,以突出"地质+"或"+地质"文化为主题,以共建共享为发展模式,以多元化功能为特征,以"轻质建设"和"生态旅游"为基准,以人地关系和谐为目标的特色村落。建设重点应以乡村五大振兴为总纲,围绕基础设施和公共服务体系、地质文化产品IP、高效产业及项目、多元人才体系、地质保护措施、文化村管理机构等方面开展;未来应通过强化规划衔接、制定行业标准、开展全国试点、加大资金投入、搭建宣传营销平台和进行系统培训等路径,促进地质文化村的健康持续发展。  相似文献   
随机介质是描述地球介质小尺度非均匀性的有效模型,在地震散射波场分析、储层描述等领域具有广泛应用,快速准确的随机介质建模方法是开展相关研究的基础与前提.本文首次将FFT-MA(Fast Fourier Transform Moving Average)算法引入到随机介质建模研究中,分析了该方法与传统随机介质建模方法相比具有的优势,并提出了基于FFT-MA的非平稳随机介质建模方法.建模实验表明,与传统的基于谱分解定理的随机介质建模方法相比,基于FFT-MA的方法在空间域产生随机数序列,使随机数序列与结构参数分离,因此,随机数序列与所建模型存在空间上的对应关系,可以分区域建模和局部修改模型.在非平稳随机介质模型建模时,滑动窗口的大小可以根据自相关长度变化而变化,避免了每个采样点都建立一次完整大小的模型,提高了建模效率.因此,FFT-MA随机介质建模方法能准确构建满足自相关函数要求的平稳及非平稳随机介质模型,具有建模效率高、灵活、实用的优点.  相似文献   
利用传统有限差分方法对基于Biot理论的双相介质波动方程进行数值求解时,由于慢纵波的存在,数值频散效应较为明显,影响模拟精度.相对于声学近似方程及普通弹性波方程,Biot双相介质波动方程在同等数值求解算法和精度要求条件下,其地震波场正演模拟需要更多的计算时间.本文针对Biot一阶速度-应力方程组发展了一种变阶数优化有限差分数值模拟方法,旨在同时提高其正演模拟的精度和效率.首先结合交错网格差分格式推导Biot方程的数值频散关系式.然后基于Remez迭代算法求取一阶空间偏导数的优化差分系数,并用于Biot方程的交错网格有限差分数值模拟.在此基础上把三类波的平均频散误差参数限制在给定的频散误差阈值和频率范围内,此时优化有限差分算子的长度就能自适应非均匀双相介质模型中的不同速度区间.数值频散曲线分析表明:基于Remez迭代算法的优化有限差分方法相较传统泰勒级数展开方法在大波数范围对频散误差的压制效果更明显;可变阶数的优化有限差分方法能取得与固定阶数优化有限差分方法相近的模拟精度.在均匀介质和河道模型的数值模拟实验中将本文变阶数优化有限差分算法与传统泰勒展开算法、最小二乘优化算法进行比较,进一步证明其在复杂地下介质中的有效性和适用性.  相似文献   
刘佳  贾楠 《海洋通报》2018,(4):378-388
在改进计划行为理论(TPB)模型基础上,引入人口特征和游艇文化变量,构建游艇旅游行为意向的影响机制模型,以实地调研和问卷调查作为数据来源,运用结构方程模型(SEM)实证检验影响旅游者参与游艇旅游行为意向的主要因素及其作用机制。研究表明:当前我国旅游者参与游艇旅游的意向较高;旅游者的行为态度、主观规范、感知行为控制和游艇文化是影响其选择游艇旅游活动的重要因素;旅游者的行为态度、游艇文化2个变量对游艇旅游行为意向具有显著的正向影响;主观规范和感知行为控制均通过行为态度这一中介变量间接影响游艇旅游行为意向。  相似文献   
The fractional Brownian motion (fBm) and fractional Lévy motion (fLm) can easily describe the geometry and the statistical structure of hydraulic conductivity (K) for real-world. However, the fBm and fLm models have not been systematically evaluated when building the K field for a low-permeability site. In this study, both the fBm and fLm are used to simulate the low-K field at NingCheGu (NCG), Tianjin, China. Groundwater flow and solute transport are then computed using MODFLOW and MT3DMS, respectively, and the influence of the fBm/fLm models for K on groundwater flow and solute transport is discussed. Results show that the fLm fits better the statistics of the low-K medium than fBm, and the random logarithmic K (LnK) field generated by fLm is more stable because the resultant LnK field captures more of the measured properties at the field site than that generated by fBm. In contrast, the LnK generated by fBm is more likely to form both high-K channels and low-K barriers. The fBm therefore predicts more extreme behaviours in flow and transport, including the preferential flow, low-concentration blocks and solute retention. The overall groundwater renewal period and solute travel time for the fLm simulation are slightly shorter than those for fBm. The impacts of the fLm and fBm models on the statistics of the resultant LnK fields and the dynamics of groundwater flow and solute transport revealed by this study shed light on the selection and evaluation of the fractional probability distribution models in capturing the K fields for low-K media.  相似文献   
Rapid changes in the near-bottom water temperature are important environmental factors that can significantly affect the growth and development of species in the bottom culture. The object of this research is to investigate the mechanism causing these rapid changes within a bottom culture area near the Zhangzi Island. The hydrographic transects observations in the North Yellow Sea(NYS) suggest that our mooring station is very close to the tidal mixing front. The horizontal advection of the tidal front has induced the observed tidal change of bottom temperature at the mooring station. Analysis of the mooring near-bottom temperature and current measurements show that the angle between the tidal current horizontal advection and the swing of the tidal front is crucial in determining the variation trend of temperature. When the angle equals 90°, the horizontal tidal current advects along the isotherms so the temperature remains the same. When the angle is between 0° and 90°, the seawater moves from deep water to the warmer coastal zone and the temperature decreases. In contrast, the horizontal tidal advection moves the coastal warm water to the mooring station and the water temperature increases when the angle is between 90° and 180°. The amplitude of the temperature change is proportional to the magnitude of the horizontal temperature gradient and the tidal excursion in the direction of the temperature gradient. This study may facilitate the choice of culture area in order to have a good aquaculture production.  相似文献   
在天津地区对2.2 cm左右规格的皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai)进行试养殖,比较了两种养殖模式(笼养与砖养)、两种养殖密度下鲍的存活与生长情况,以及不同换水频率和不同饲料形状对鲍的生理状态和养殖水质的影响。结果表明:试养殖1个月后,笼养下的鲍存活率(74.4%)低于砖养(84.0%),且低密度养殖下鲍的存活率更高;随着换水频率的增加,鲍的摄食量逐渐增加,养殖水体中氨氮、亚硝酸氮、硝酸氮、化学需氧量的含量均呈减少的趋势;投喂不同形状饲料的组别间养殖水体氨氮、亚硝酸氮含量差异显著。因此,砖养模式更适合于作为天津地区鲍养殖的模式,并且降低密度、提高换水频率有助于改善水质,改良鲍的摄食、存活状况。  相似文献   
为了优化蛏苗集约化平面流中间培育技术,研究了不同进水流速和苗种规格对缢蛏中间培育效果的影响,并分析了集约化平面流中间培育系统的水质状况。结果显示,不同进水流速对缢蛏稚贝生长影响显著,稚贝生长速率随进水流速增加而增加,但成活率下降。通过流速与成活率和体质量日增生长量的线性回归分析,估算0.163L/s为适宜的进水流速。在适宜流速和相同放苗重量下,大规格苗种(8万粒/kg)生长速度显著高于小规格苗种(18万粒/kg),但因为小规格组放苗数量多,小规格组单位面积质量较其高出23.72%。除低流速组以外,平面流中间培育过程对叶绿素a和铵态氮有良好的去除效果,去除率分别达到36.99%和3.88%以上,这表明平面流集约化中间培育在利用海水池塘水体进行苗种中间培育的同时,也起到了池塘养殖水体的净化作用。综合认为,在养殖密度0.5kg/m^2、流速0.163 L/s的培育条件下,可以保证水体自污染程度较低,缢蛏苗种生长较快,成活率在73.12%以上。  相似文献   
文章对我国大黄鱼养殖产量及分布、养殖模式、投入产出情况、收购价格变动和进出口情况进行分析,总结了几项产业中存在的问题,包括:养殖结构亟待调整、关键养殖技术欠缺、鱼苗成活率偏低、市场中存在逆向选择。在此基础上,提出积极调整养殖结构与养殖密度、提升合作社与试验站职能、加强养殖技术与鱼药研发力度、培育推广优质大黄鱼苗种、促进可追溯体系建设的产业发展建议。  相似文献   
When P waves from distant earthquakes meet a velocity discontinuity in the earth's crust and upper mantle, they give rise to a series of converted PS waves besides PP refracted waves. It is possible to monitor the variation of the physical properties of the medium in the limited formation space above the transition zone of the seismogenic zone by measuring the time difference between the teleseismic PS converted wave and the first arrival P wave, that is, time-variation ΔtPS=tPS-tP. The advantage of this method is that the transition point of the teleseismic source with similar source is relatively stable at the transition interface, and the accuracy of the measured relative time is high, and the change of the medium in a small range of the seismogenic zone above the conversion interface can be monitored. This paper studies the variation of the travel time difference ΔtPS in focal region before and after Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake. We select 2001 to 2012 as the research period, use teleseismic waveforms which occurred in the southern region of Sumatra and Hindu Kush area recorded by Sichuan station YZP and JJS. These teleseisms satisfy 5.0 ≤ M ≤ 6.5, and their waveform signal-to-noise ratio is high with clear initial P-wave motion. The epicentral distance of teleseisms is less than 3 degrees. Then we obtain the variation of the travel time difference ΔtPS between teleseismic PS converted wave and PP transmitted wave recorded during the study period in the two stations. The results show that there is a slow increasing trend of ΔtPS before 2006, and an obvious low value process of ΔtPS appeared in the period about 2 years before the Wenchuan earthquake. The maximum decline was about 0.2~0.3s, more than 4~5 times the measurement error. The low value has a certain degree of return about 2~3 months before the earthquake. The change of arrival time difference indicates that the medium is in different states in different periods of seismogenic process. The sharp decrease in ΔtPS from 2006 to January 2008 may be due to the strong disturbance caused by the stress accumulation of the medium. At this stage, the velocity of P wave and S wave increases with the increase of stress, and the increase of S wave velocity will result in the decrease of ΔtPS. The change of ΔtPS is greatly affected by S wave velocity, so ΔtPS appears to decrease rapidly. Regarding the low value that has a certain degree of return about 2~3 months before the Wenchuan earthquake, the possible reason is that the release of stress is much higher than the accumulation of stress in meta-instability stage. At this stage, the velocity of S wave decreases and the decrease of S wave causes ΔtPS to increase. Then, the Wenchuan earthquake of magnitude 8.0 occurred. It is shown that the teleseismic converted wave method in this paper can monitor the variation of medium's wave velocity before large earthquakes, and it has a good prospect in seismic monitoring and worth further experimental study.  相似文献   
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