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Common prestack fracture prediction methods cannot clearly distinguish multiplescale fractures. In this study, we propose a prediction method for macro- and mesoscale fractures based on fracture density distribution in reservoirs. First, we detect the macroscale fractures (larger than 1/4 wavelength) using the multidirectional coherence technique that is based on the curvelet transform and the mesoscale fractures (1/4–1/100 wavelength) using the seismic azimuthal anisotropy technique and prestack attenuation attributes, e.g., frequency attenuation gradient. Then, we combine the obtained fracture density distributions into a map and evaluate the variably scaled fractures. Application of the method to a seismic physical model of a fractured reservoir shows that the method overcomes the problem of discontinuous fracture density distribution generated by the prestack seismic azimuthal anisotropy method, distinguishes the fracture scales, and identifies the fractured zones accurately.  相似文献   
多点液压式波浪能海水淡化系统建模与仿真   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为缓解淡水资源短缺及化石能源过度使用问题,提出多点液压式波浪能海水淡化系统,该系统主要由采能装置、液压传递系统与反渗透膜海水淡化设备组成。系统的采能装置采用振荡浮子式,可将波浪能转换为浮子振荡从而被液压系统吸收达到采集波浪能的目的。为了提高液压式波浪能海水淡化系统的采能效率及淡水率,利用AMEsim软件对液压传递系统进行建模与仿真,分析了蓄能器、浮子个数及波高对液压传递系统输出响应的影响。结果表明:蓄能器能够使液压马达的输出响应更加稳定;当浮子的数量增加时,液压系统达到稳定的运行状态所需的时间更短,从而有利于提高系统的效率;波高在2 m左右时,本系统的产水量达到最大。  相似文献   
将多期切叠河道砂体归类合并,建立一个“垂向连续,横向联通的表外砂岩空间体”(其中砂岩间夹层厚度≤0.4 m)的自然层概念来控制多期河道复合切叠厚砂体。以北一匹断东萄一组1-4小层为例,利用自然层间砂体厚度、切叠程度、测井曲线形态、相叠加类型及砂体叠加期次将自然层分为5类;再依据砂体间切叠位置、切叠程度和切叠形态的差异建立自然层剖面表征方法;依据砂体叠加期次,建立自然层在平面上表征模式。  相似文献   
Recently, the interest in PS-converted waves has increased for several applications, such as sub-basalt layer imaging, impedance estimates and amplitude-versus-offset analysis. In this study, we consider the problem of separation of PP- and PS-waves from pre-stacked multicomponent seismic data in two-dimensional isotropic medium. We aim to demonstrate that the finite-offset common-reflection-surface traveltime approximation is a good alternative for separating PP- and PS-converted waves in common-offset and common shot configurations by considering a two-dimensional isotropic medium. The five parameters of the finite-offset common-reflection-surface are firstly estimated through the inversion methodology called very fast simulated annealing, which estimates all parameters simultaneously. Next, the emergence angle, one of the inverted parameters, is used to build an analytical separation function of PP and PS reflection separation based on the wave polarization equations. Once the PP- and PS-converted waves were separated, the sections are stacked to increase the signal-to-noise ratio using the special curves derived from finite-offset common-reflection-surface approximation. We applied this methodology to a synthetic dataset from simple-layered to complex-structured media. The numerical results showed that the inverted parameters of the finite offset common-reflection-surface and the separation function yield good results for separating PP- and PS-converted waves in noisy common-offset and common shot gathers.  相似文献   
对美国NGA,采用一维连续小波变换得到每条记录的小波功率谱。研究了任意时间处小波功率谱最大值所对应的主频率。结果表明:地震动主频率随时间的增大逐渐减小;竖向地震动分量的主频比水平向分量随时间减小更快。分别采用线性函数模型、指数函数模型和指数三角函数模型,分析了场地、震级和震中距对主频变化曲线的影响,拟合了主频率在不同场地条件、震级、震中距等情况下随时间的变化曲线,水平向和竖向的频率时变曲线整体上都是随时间递减的,且竖向衰减得更快些,大多数情况下竖向记录的高频成分比水平向记录的相应成分要多。  相似文献   
在“雄县模式”和环境压力的双重驱动下,河北地区已形成我国最大的地热供暖城市群。因此,研究武城凸起地热田地热地质特征,对河北省故城县地热开发具有重要的指导意义。本文通过测井、地震和区域地质资料,结合水化学特征、同位素测试结果的分析,系统分析了地热田的不同类型热储展布、储集层物性、地下热水补给来源和循环路径特征,并精细评价了地热资源量。结果表明武城凸起地热田热储类型主要为馆陶组砂岩热储和奥陶系岩溶热储。砂岩热储区域稳定分布,主要产水层为下馆陶组,底板埋深1 200~1 600 m,单井出水量79~123 m3/h, 井口水温52~54 ℃;岩溶热储有利区带主要分布在寒武—三叠系卷入的背斜核部,呈南北向带状展布,主要产水层为上马家沟组、下马家沟组和亮甲山组,顶板埋深2 100~2 900 m,单井出水量75~98 m3/h,井口水温82~85 ℃。地下热水来源为西部太行山脉和北部燕山山脉,热水沿着NE-SW向断裂破碎带和岩溶不整合面向上水平运移进入浅层热储,通过沧县隆起和邢衡隆起在武城凸起汇集,形成中低温地热田。地下热水质类型为Cl-Na型,最大循环深度为2 822.5~3 032.5 m,14C测年表明砂岩热储和岩溶热储年龄分别为21 ka和32 ka。明化镇组和石炭—二叠系分别为两套热储的直接盖层。武城凸起地热田地热资源量分层精细评价结果表明,热储地热资源量合计4.86×1010 GJ,折合标煤16.6×108 t。年可开采地热资源量可满足供暖面积1.1×108 m2,市场开发潜力巨大。  相似文献   
为了探索康滇地轴以西地质条件复杂地区的油气资源潜力,通过面积性地质调查工作与钻孔资料、分析测试资料结合,对盐源—宁蒗地区下泥盆统黑色页岩开展综合研究。研究表明:盐源—宁蒗地区早泥盆世古地理主要受康滇古陆及古特提斯构造域的构造活动控制,靠近金-箐断裂地区发育滨岸-潮坪相,古隆起围限区出现局限海湾相,远离隆起的西北部地区发育台地、陆棚、盆地相;大瓜坪组(早泥盆世晚期)发育黑色页岩(局部地区发育硅质泥岩),在羊排喜—岩口一带分布较为稳定、厚度大(20~100m),普遍含钙质,有机碳含量较高,具较高的脆性矿物含量,热演化程度适中,是重要的烃源岩和页岩气富集有利层位;黑色页岩主要发育在局限海湾环境中,羊排喜—岩口—茅坪子一线是盐源—宁蒗地区黑色页岩富集区。  相似文献   
As an important branch of geophysical exploration method, the electromagnetic method with artificial source has advanced rapidly in the past decade. These methods are classified as airborne electromagnetic method, ground-air electromagnetic method, ground electromagnetic method, and marine electromagnetic method. Over the years, researchers in China have made significant improvement to the fundamental theory, forward modeling and inverse for series of electromagnetic detection methods. Conversely, significant progress was made in the development of corresponding equipment. The researched techniques and their developed equipment have been successfully utilized to detect underground targets as deep as 10 km.However, there is increasing need for deep resources exploration, urban subsurface study, and prediction, monitoring and detection of geological hazards. To meet the increasing need and catch up with the advanced international level of exploration technologies and developed equipment, there is urgent necessity and requirement to continue developing geophysical methods and the corresponding equipment.  相似文献   
以艾比湖流域主要入湖河流为研究对象,在5月(丰水期)和8月(枯水期)分别沿博尔塔拉河(博河)和精河进行采样,采用平行因子模型(PARAFAC)和三维荧光区域积分法对水体三维荧光特性进行研究并对其与水质的关系在枯、丰水期下的变化进行探讨.结果表明①河流DOM在枯水期与丰水期都含有C1(240、425 nm) UVC类腐殖质,C2(225、290 nm)紫外区内络氨酸类有机物,C3(230/280、330 nm)蛋白类有机物,C4(265、260 nm)腐殖质类共4种组分.通过对水体三维荧光进行区域积分可以看出DOM荧光成分的占比在不同时期的变化.博河在枯水期时EEM光谱中的区域Ⅲ富里酸含量低于丰水期,枯水期时区域Ⅱ芳香类蛋白质、区域Ⅳ可溶性微生物代谢物以及区域Ⅴ类腐殖质酸高于丰水期;对于精河来说,区域Ⅱ芳香类蛋白质和区域Ⅳ可溶性微生物代谢物在枯水期的含量高于丰水期,区域Ⅲ富里酸和区域Ⅴ类腐殖质酸的含量枯水期低于丰水期,这表明水体腐质化程度较高.②本研究选取了一些常规的荧光指数来描述枯、丰水期水体的荧光指数特性.经研究发现,精河的荧光指数、自生源指数和腐殖化指数在不同时期的变化幅度较小,而博河的变化幅度较大.③将荧光指数与水质参数进行相关性分析并建模,结果表明枯水期自生源指数(BIX)与化学需氧量呈显著正相关,相关系数R=0.688;丰水期时BIX与铵态氮浓度呈显著负相关,相关系数R=-0.493.通过对比分析艾比湖主要入湖河流的三维荧光光谱特性与水质在枯、丰水期时的关系进一步表明水体中DOM的特性以及在枯、丰水期下的差异,为艾比湖流域的治理改善提供一定的理论支持和参考依据.  相似文献   
Di Zhu  Yue Ben  Xinfa Xu 《水文科学杂志》2020,65(12):2128-2141

The Ganjiang River is the largest tributary of Poyang Lake in China, and its hydrological regime variation greatly affects the utilization of regional water resources and the ecological environment of the lake. In this study, a novel trend analysis method, the Moving Average over Shifting Horizon (MASH), was applied to investigate the inter- and intra-annual trends of flow and water level from 1976 to 2016 at the Xiajiang and the Waizhou hydrological stations in the Ganjiang River. The Significant Change Rate Method (SCRM) was proposed to determine the MASH averaging parameters. The trend analysis results show a statistically significant decrease in water level series throughout the year and the relationship of flow and water level have changed greatly at the Waizhou station. The sediment load reduction, large-scale sand mining and water level decrease of Poyang Lake are identified as the main causes for the water level decrease.  相似文献   
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