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利用云南地区22个区域数字地震台站记录到的,自1999年下半年至2003年年底的5 668个地震数字波形资料,采用Sato单次散射模型,计算了各台站周围50 km内1 371条地震记录的尾波Qc值。依据Q0和η值的不同,将得到的Qc值进行分类。其分类结果显示云南地区的介质结构具有区域性分布特征,而且可以从地质构造、地震活动以及大地热流分布等方面对其予以初步解释。结果表明,在构造复杂、活动强烈的滇中块体及其周边变形带上的Qc值显著小于构造活动一般的其他区域;就地震活动性而言,高Qc值的区域通常没有地震发生或者仅仅发生较低震级的地震,而低Qc值的区域则有较大地震发生;此外,云南地区Qc值的分布与大地热流分布也有负对应关系,即高热流区域的Qc值低,低热流区域的Qc值高。  相似文献   
After Ms=6.5 Yao'an earthquake on January 15, 2000, a large amount of aftershock waveforms were recorded by the Near Source Digital Seismic Network (NSSN) installed by Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province in the aftershock region. It provides profuse data to systematically analyze the features of Yao'an earthquake. The crustal anisotropy is realized by shear wave splitting propagating in the upper crust. Based on the accurate aftershock relocations, the shear wave splitting parameters are determined with the cross-correlation method, and the results of different stations and regions are discussed in this paper. These conclusions are obtained as follows: firstly, the average fast directions of aftershock region are controlled by the regional stress field and parallel to the maximum horizontal compressive stress direction; secondly, the average fast directions of disparate stations and regions are different and vary with the structural settings and regional stress fields; finally, delay time value is affected by all sorts of factors, which is affinitive with the shear wave propagating medium, especially.  相似文献   
Introduction Earthquake activity analysis in different sub-regions in Chinese mainland shows that the dis- tribution of strong earthquakes exhibits the different spatial patterns in different periods. Seismic activity in the same earthquake area or seismic belt is self-similar to some extent, and the charac- teristic in time is some ″periodicity-like″. It shows that the frequency and intensity are quite dif- ferent in different periods (SHI et al, 1997). For a seismic region, strain is one…  相似文献   
针对过去应变积累释放曲线或模型存在的不足,根据G-R关系以及能量震级经验关系, 推导出一个相对独立的应变积累速率公式. 同时在活动地块假说基础上,选取了中国大陆地震活动较为典型的几个地块分区,在考虑历史地震目录完整性基础上,利用1970年以来的小震资料,计算了各地区6级以上地震的年均应变积累速率,从而给出各地震分区相对的地震活动水平;并将之用于改进后的模型,通过对各地震分区现今所处应变状态以及目前状态在其地震轮回活动中所处阶段的研究,探讨了各地震分区的未来地震形势.   相似文献   
姚安地震序列与永胜地震序列的高精度定位   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
2000年1月15日云南省姚安地区发生了Ms 6.5地震,2001年10月27日云南永胜地区发生了Ms 6.0地震,两者均位于滇中块体,震中相距较近,构造相似,且各自都有丰富的余震活动。为深入研究姚安、永胜两地震的主震及余震序列的分布与破裂特征,根据云南省地震局布设的流动数字台网记录到的余震序列的震相资料,分别联合采用盖格定位法和双差定位法得出了这两个余震序列的时空分布。在此基础上,联合昆明区域台网记录的两个主震和较大余震的震相资料,利用双差定位法重新校正了姚安和永胜两次主震的震源参数。根据地震序列的时空分布,结合两个地震区的地质构造、所属块体的受力状态等特征,对比分析了两个地震余震序列沿断层面破裂的特点。  相似文献   
中国大陆活动地块边界带与强震活动   总被引:59,自引:9,他引:59       下载免费PDF全文
本文在前人对中国大陆及周边活动地块研究和划分的基础上,系统研究了6个Ⅰ级活动地块区和22个Ⅱ级活动地块之间共26个活动边界带的构造变形与强震活动,包括强震分布与活动边界带的关系,边界带构造活动速率与地震活动水平及强震复发期等的关系. 给出了边界带强震活动水平与构造活动速率之间的线性关系和强震复发期长短与构造活动速率的反向变化关系. 从而进一步揭示了中国大陆活动地块构造及其块体运动特征,以及块体边界带的构造变形对强震的控制作用.  相似文献   
利用云南及邻区遥测台网记录到的6 361条近震数据,采用互相关系数法计算16个台站共64条S波分裂事件,同时收集了8个序列的S波分裂研究结果,初步给出了云南及邻区横波分裂的分布特征;应用哈佛大学给出的43个中强震震源机制解,利用其P轴方位角平均结果,给出了云南及邻区3个主要分区地壳应力场的最大主压应力方位;根据ldquo;中国地壳运动观测网络rdquo;基本网1999——2004年的观测资料,按观测点给出了云南及邻区的主应变率分布;此外,还搜集到云南及邻区的SKS分裂结果和Pn波各向异性资料.通过研究发现: ① 作为强震孕育主体环境的大陆岩石圈在横向上具有明显的分块特点 ② 大陆岩石圈的力学行为随深度而变化,具有明显的分层特性;③云南及邻区所含的各活动地块可能具有不同类型,GPS所反映的地壳变形信息可能受到块体类型控制;④云南及邻区的地壳S波分裂可能受其上地壳甚至地表构造影响较大.   相似文献   
In this paper,we collect 6 361 waveform data to calculate the shear wave splitting parameters from a regionalseismic network of 22 digital stations in Yunnan and its adjacent area from July 1999 to June 2005.By using thecross-correlation method,64 splitting events of 16 stations are processed.We also collect the splitting results ofeight earthquake sequences to present the characteristics of shear wave splitting in Yunnan and its adjacent areas.The orientations of maximum principal compressive stress of three sub-regions in this area are derived from theCMT focal mechanism solutions of 43 moderate-strong earthquakes provided by Harvard University by the P axisazimuth-averaging method.The principal strain rate at each observatory is deduced from the observations ofCrustal Movement Observation Network of China during the period from 1999 to 2004.In addition,the data of Pnaniso-tropy and SKS splitting of Yunnan and its adjacent areas are also collected.We have discovered from thisstudy that the continental lithosphere,as a main seismogenic environment for strong earthquake,can be dividedinto blocks laterally;the mechanical behavior of lithosphere varies with depth and can be divided into differentlayers in the vertical orientation;the information of crustal deformation obtained from GPS might be affected bythe type of blocks,since there are different types of active blocks in Yunnan and its adjacent areas;the shear wavesplitting in this region might be affected mainly by the upper crust or even the surface tectonics.  相似文献   
2000年姚安地震余震序列的剪切波分裂研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
2000年1月15日姚安MS6.5地震后,云南省地震局在余震区布设的流动数字台网接收到了大量余震序列的数字波形,这为研究姚安地震的性质提供了丰富的资料. 由于剪切波经过上地壳传播时的分裂现象反映了上地壳介质的各向异性,因此在对余震事件进行精确定位的基础上,文中应用互相关系数法计算了余震序列剪切波的分裂参数,并对不同台站和不同区域得到的结果进行了分析讨论. 主要得到以下结论:余震区的平均快波偏振方向受区域应力场控制,与主震最大水平主压应力方向一致;不同台站与不同区域事件的平均快波偏振方向是有差异的,与区域内的构造变化和应力场调整有关;延时大小受多种因素影响,与剪切波传播时经过介质的性质关系密切.   相似文献   
Introduction Rock microcracks in the crust play very important roles in all kinds of geophysical phe-nomenon variation (Aki et al, 1970; Crampin et al, 1980). The medium anisotropy of the upper crust has been studied extensively, mostly based on analysis on shear wave splitting from local earthquakes. Commonly, explanation for the upper crust anisotropy is the assumed ″extensive di-latancy anisotropy″ (Crampin, 1978) or its modified version ″anisotropic poroelasticity″ (Crampin and Zatse…  相似文献   
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