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国家的统一问题一直是关乎区域稳定发展、民族复兴乃至世界和平的大事,然而在地理学领域系统讨论该命题的研究尚不多见。事实上,地理学拥有比政治学和法学更为综合的理论分析体系,尤其是随着政治地理学的快速崛起,从地理学视角解析国家统一的发生机理和影响机制已经日渐成熟。本文从国家主权学说、地缘政治学、后殖民主义、新帝国主义等理论出发,试图构建“国家统一地理学”的分析框架,将国家统一分解为地缘政治重构、经济一体化和文化认同重建3个不同的阶段;并通过东西德国统一的案例分析,深入诠释了德国统一过程中政治版图和地缘格局变化,德国统一后漫长的经济一体化和原西德资本主义的野蛮扩张,以及由于长时间受到不同文化帝国主义渗透带来的民族身份认同分歧问题。德国案例很好地展示了从地理学视角探讨国家统一问题的优越性,同时德国的案例分析可为其他国家的统一问题提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   
本文以全国化工产业密集区——长三角地区为例,基于规模以上中国工业企业详细数据,从化工企业入园率的视角出发,综合运用均值中心、标准差椭圆、核密度分析及空间自相关等分析方法,分析并揭示了1998—2013年长三角地区化工产业时空格局演化规律及影响因素。研究结果表明:1998—2013年长三角地区化工企业总体上呈现不断增长趋势,入园率由6.19%提升到36.98%;化工企业“西北-东南”方向分布明显,且近似呈“先东南,后西北”的路径迁移规律,较之全部企业,入园企业具有更高的离散度、更大的迁移幅度,入园企业与全部企业逐步由空间失配演变为空间匹配;中心集聚与外围扩散态势并存,发育并逐渐形成了环太湖集聚区、沿杭州湾集聚区、沿长江密集带及沿海密集带四大化工产业集聚片区,化工产业的区域空间结构趋于复杂化、有序化与稳定化;地级尺度上化工企业入园率不断提升,2003年与2013年呈显著的空间正相关,热点区逐渐由浙江东南转移到苏皖北部,冷点区从安徽北部迁移到浙江西北,基本完成了空间格局上的对称反转变换,但化工企业入园率与空间密度分布一直处于错配失衡状态。通过结合化工产业特性与长三角区域特征,定性探讨了长三角地区化工产业时空格局演化的影响因素,特别是阐述了化工产业“园区化”进程的作用机制。  相似文献   
基于能源消费的中国不同产业空间的碳足迹分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
Using energy consumption and land use data of each region of China in 2007,this paper established carbon emission and carbon footprint model based on energy consumption,and estimated the carbon emission amount of fossil energy and rural biomass energy of dif-ferent regions of China in 2007.Through matching the energy consumption items with indus-trial spaces,this paper divided industrial spaces into five types:agricultural space,living & industrial-commercial space,transportation industrial space,fishery and water conservancy space,and other industrial space.Then the author analyzed the carbon emission intensity and carbon footprint of each industrial space.Finally,advices of decreasing industrial carbon footprint and optimizing industrial space pattern were put forward.The main conclusions are as following:(1) Total amount of carbon emission from energy consumption of China in 2007 was about 1.65 GtC,in which the proportion of carbon emission from fossil energy was 89%.(2) Carbon emission intensity of industrial space of China in 2007 was 1.98 t/hm2,in which,carbon emission intensity of living & industrial-commercial space and of transportation in-dustrial space was 55.16 t/hm2 and 49.65 t/hm2 respectively,they were high-carbon-emission industrial spaces among others.(3) Carbon footprint caused by industrial activities of China in 2007 was 522.34 106 hm2,which brought about ecological deficit of 28.69 106 hm2,which means that the productive lands were not sufficient to compensate for carbon footprint of industrial activities,and the compensating rate was 94.5%.As to the regional carbon footprint,several regions have ecological profit while others have not.In general,the present ecologi-cal deficit caused by industrial activities was small in 2007.(4) Per unit area carbon footprint of industrial space in China was about 0.63 hm2/hm2 in 2007,in which that of living & indus-trial-commercial space was the highest (17.5 hm2/hm2).The per unit area carbon footprint of different industrial spaces all presented a declining trend from east to west of China.  相似文献   
中国不同区域能源消费碳足迹的时空变化(英文)   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Study on regional carbon emission is one of the hot topics under the background of global climate change and low-carbon economic development, and also help to establish different low-carbon strategies for different regions. On the basis of energy consumption and land use data of different regions in China from 1999 to 2008, this paper established carbon emission and carbon footprint models based on total energy consumption, and calculated the amount of carbon emissions and carbon footprint in different regions of China from 1999 to 2008. The author also analyzed carbon emission density and per unit area carbon footprint for each region. Finally, advices for decreasing carbon footprint were put forward. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Carbon emissions from total energy consumption increased 129% from 1999 to 2008 in China, but its spatial distribution pattern among different regions just slightly changed, the sorting of carbon emission amount was: Eastern China > Northern China > Central and Southern China > Southwest China > Northwest China. (2) The sorting of carbon emission density was: Eastern China > Northeast China > Central and Southern China > Northern China > Southwest China > Northwest China from 1999 to 2003, but from 2004 Central and Southern China began to have higher carbon emission density than Northeast China, the order of other regions did not change. (3) Carbon footprint increased significantly since the rapid increasing of carbon emissions and less increasing area of pro-ductive land in different regions of China from 1999 to 2008. Northern China had the largest carbon footprint, and Northwest China, Eastern China, Northern China, Central and Southern China followed in turn, while Southwest China presented the lowest area of carbon footprint and the highest percentage of carbon absorption. (4) Mainly influenced by regional land area, Northern China presented the highest per unit area carbon footprint and followed by Eastern China, and Northeast China; Central and Southern China, and Northwest China had a similar medium per unit area carbon footprint; Southwest China always had the lowest per unit area carbon footprint. (5) China faced great ecological pressure brought by carbon emission. Some measures should be taken both from reducing carbon emission and increasing carbon absorption.  相似文献   
江苏省开发区土地集约利用的分层线性模型实证研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文构建了分层线性模型以揭示不同层次因素对工业用地集约利用的影响。研究表明,开发区土地集约度的差异有63.96%是开发区本身的差异造成的,有36.04%是区域之间的差异造成的;开发区成立年限、开发区入驻企业数量和开发区土地政策强度在区域之间存在明显的变异,开发区区位和开发区级别对开发区土地集约度的关系不依赖于区域环境的变化;区域工业产值和区域城市化率两个变量对开发区成立年限和开发区土地集约度的正向关联影响不显著;区域工业产值会强化开发区入驻企业数量和开发区土地集约度之间的正向关联,而区域城市化率则弱化了开发区入驻企业数量和开发区土地集约度之间的正向关联;开发区土地政策强度和开发区土地集约度之间的正向关系受区域工业产值的影响不大,而区域城市化率会强化开发区土地政策强度和开发区土地集约度之间的正向关系;区域层次变量解释了18.18%的开发区入驻企业数量与开发区土地集约度之间的相关,解释了11.27%的开发区土地政策强度与开发区土地集约度之间的相关。  相似文献   
长三角城市群重心移动及其驱动因素研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
长三角城市群在整个中国的区域发展战略中具有十分重要的地位,为深入把握这一地区发展的空间变化态势、更好地指导长三角地区的发展实际,在测算和分析1994~2004年间长三角城市群重心位置及其变化趋势的基础上,深入探讨了近些年长三角城市群重心移动的驱动因素。结果显示,1994年以来,长三角地区的城市群重心向西北方向移动了超过20 km,重心所在位置由苏州和嘉兴的交界处移至苏州市中心附近。而从其变化的趋势来看,未来的城市群重心仍将偏向西北方向,落到苏州和无锡的交界地带。这种态势的出现主要是由于长三角内部各城市受到其自然和区位条件、经济发展以及社会环境等诸多因素的影响,使得其发展呈现出一定的差异性,进而驱动了各城市不同程度的发展及其在整个长三角地区地位的转变,并最终致使城市群重心向自然区位条件优越、经济社会发展较快的西北方向移动。  相似文献   
:在江西红壤山丘典型区2001年三个样本村111个农户的抽样调查资料基础上,建立了区域农地水土保持效果分析的数量经济模型,分析了农业产业政策改革背景下农户行为对农地水土保持效果的影响。研究表明,当前上饶县农业产业结构调整过程中农地水土流失状况受到农户行为直接影响,农业劳动力的转移、农业生产资料价格、农户受教育水平以及农户土地规模经营的程度等是其影响的主要因素。作者认为,这种状况目前在江西红壤区具有普遍性,因此必须先调整农业政策,增加科技资金投入,保护农业土地利用;其次,优化农户土地长期投入所需要的外部环境,减少长期投资的风险性和不确定性;加大经济刺激力度,增加农户投资获利能力,促进其加大土地长期投入;调整用地结构,优化农业用地组合,发展规模农业,防止水土流失。  相似文献   
产业政策合理与否对一个区域的经济发展至关重要。我国海涂地区经济发展长期缺乏产业政策的正确诱导,海涂产业发展因此受挫。本文在分析我国海涂产业政策偏差的同时,就我国海涂产业政策的制订原则、政策体系和相关政策问题作了初步探讨。  相似文献   
随着城市化与工业化程度不断加深,产业空间结构不断重组,导致土地供需矛盾日益突出,国土资源无序开发日益严重,因而优化国土资源空间格局,成为生态文明建设的首要任务。同时,科学合理配置土地资源对土地规划提出了更高要求,传统土地规划方法有待改革。在基于尊重自然、顺应自然的开发理念下,总结土地自然过程基础对土地规划的影响,实现“山水路林田生命共同体”的协调规划发展。其次,“大数据”时代的来临,云计算、空间数据整合、云分析等技术对土地规划方法提供新的技术支撑;最后,针对土地规划数据特殊性、移动用户终端的广泛性,提出应创建土地规划云服务平台,使土地规划实现数据集成管理和更新,从而提高土地规划质量。  相似文献   
全球经济一体化与土地可持续利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
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