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佑一 《地球》2011,(6):19-19
一条洄游了几千公里的鲑鱼正等待死去,她有点不甘心,因为肚子里的孩子。随着这条鲑鱼的跃动,上千条鲑鱼母亲都开始了挣扎。她们一次次地冲向马莫特水坝,一次次一次次,有的鲑鱼母亲直到因为撞击过度,其腹部后端流出了奶黄色的粘稠的羊水。  相似文献   
湘江的目标是成为“东方莱茵河”,然而莱茵河却同样经历过死而复生的曲折,它的治理过程对于湘江或许有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
基于华盛顿湾生境恢复工程项目,分析了人类历史行为对华盛顿湾造成的景观格局演变,介绍了华盛顿湾作为鲑鱼(Oncorhynchus spp.)栖息地的生境受损问题。围堤、铺设堤道等历史活动造成了华盛顿湾内的生境破碎化及湾内潮汐水文和动力沉积过程的改变,并且影响了湾内植物和鱼类的分布。堤道和涵洞有限的水通量所造成的湾内水文连通度和能量输入的下降,是导致华盛顿湾内生境受损的关键原因。对为了恢复湾内水文传输过程而提出的拆堤变桥的生境恢复方案,进行了比较、讨论和经验总结。讨论了该生境恢复方案对长江河口地区鱼类资源保护、尤其是对幼鱼栖息地恢复工作的借鉴作用;提出应注意从系统生态学的角度出发,充分结合历史调查数据,对华盛顿湾生境状况进行评估,以掌握其生境受损关键原因,借助生态系统自我平衡能力,实现生态系统功能的恢复;就完善鱼类栖息地功能的完整性和连续性提出了建议。  相似文献   
Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were reared at four stocking densities—high density D 1(final density ~39 kg/m 3), medium densities D 2(~29 kg/m 3) and D 3(~19 kg/m 3), and low density D 4(~12 kg/m 3)—for 40 days to investigate the effect of stocking density on their growth performance, body composition and energy budgets. Stocking density did not significantly affect specific growth rate in terms of weight(SGR w) but did affect specific growth rate in terms of energy(SGR e). Stocking density significantly influenced the ration level(RL w and RL e), feed conversion ratio(FCR w and FCR e) and apparent digestibility rate(ADR). Ration level and FCR w tended to increase with increasing density. Fish at the highest density D 1 and lowest density D 4 showed lower FCR e and higher ADR than at medium densities. Stocking density significantly affected protein and energy contents of the body but did not affect its moisture, lipid, or ash contents. The expenditure of energy for metabolism in the low-density and high-density groups was lower than that in the medium-density groups. Stocking density affected energy utilization from the feces but had no effect on excretion rate. The greater energy allocation to growth at high density and low density may be attributed to reduced metabolic rate and increased apparent digestibility rate. These findings provide information that will assist selection of suitable stocking densities in the Atlantic-salmon-farming industry.  相似文献   
环境因子对硬骨鱼精子运动的影响及其分子机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虽然在有些情况下,精子能够游动却已失去使卵细胞受精的能力,但通常而言,运动能力强的精子会有更多的机会使卵子受精。因此,对于精子运动能力的研究将有助于提高受精率。主要的研究可归纳为两个方面的问题(1)影响精子运动状态的外界因素有哪些?有什么影响?(2)外界因素通过何种途径影响精子的运动能力?即这种影响的分子机制是什么?影响精子运动能力的外界因素主要包括:(1)离子,主要是金属离子;(2)PH值;(3)渗透压;(4)其他因素。任何一种外界因素的变化,都是通过影响精子的内环境而对其运动能力产生作用的:…  相似文献   
根据酵母整合质粒的设计要求,PCR扩增2.2 kb rDNA片段,导入酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)整合载体pYD1中,设计并合成适合在酵母中表达的鲑鱼降钙素(Salmon Calcitonin),以此为目标基因,构建适合酿酒酵母多拷贝整合的表达载体p-r-sCT.通过载体p-r-sCT引入到酿酒酵母菌株EBY100中,得到酵母重组菌株yAGA2-r-sCT.流式细胞检测结果表明,目标基因鲑鱼降钙素在重组菌株的yAGA2-r-sCT中得到了表达,实现了外源基因在酿酒酵母菌株中的稳定表达.  相似文献   
鲑鱼生长激素基因表达产物的促生长效应   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
生长激素用于促进鱼类生长的研究已有几十年历史。国内外一些研究者先后用哺乳类动物和鱼类本身的生长激素,通过体内注射、投喂和注射等方式导入实验鱼体内,均获得不同程度的促进鱼类生长的效果[1,3,5,6,9]。80年代中期,随着基因工程的发展,国外许多实验室从哺乳动物和多种鱼类中分离出生长激素基因,构建了可在工程菌中表达的重组质粒,实现了这些基因在工程菌中的高效表达和表达产物的有效分离。随后利用工程菌中表达的生长激素所进行的鱼类养殖实验表明,它们具有与天然生长激素相同的促生长效应[2,4,8]。与天然…  相似文献   
作者于1990年9月-1991年1月采用离体灌流培育方法对鲤鱼脑垂体促性激素的分泌调节进行研究。结果表明,脑垂体基础促性腺激素(GtH)分泌不依赖于细胞外钙离子(Ca^2+);但脉冲式鲑鱼促性腺激素释放激素(sGnRH)刺激的GtH分泌,则依赖于细胞外Ca^2+且细胞外Ca^2+的作用至少部分通过电位敏感性Ca^2+通道。50mmol/L高浓度钾离子(K^+)显著刺激脑垂体基础GtH分泌,K^+的  相似文献   
The profiles of cortisol, testosterone, ll-ketotestosterone and 17α, 20β- dihydroxy-4-pregnene-3-one in mule rainbow trout reared under constant water temperature and natural photoperiod were determined by radioimmunoassay. Gonads of male rainbow trout reached maturity when the fish were two years old. Changes in the plasma levels of both sex steroid hormones and cortisol were closely related to the GSI. Plasma levels of testosterone, 11-ketotestostemne and 17a, 2013-dihydroxy 4-pregnene-3-one showed a clear peak in the annual breeding season, when the GSI reached their maxima. Plasma cortisol levels also showed clearly seasonal changes in both two- and three-year-old fish. The results suggest that the elevated plasma levels of cortisol may not just be due to stresses during the breeding season but have certain physiological functions in the reproduction of rainbow trout.  相似文献   
漂游鱼波豆虫(Ichthyobodo necator(Heaneguy,1883)Pinto,1928)]自1883年Henneguy在鲑鱼苗上发现以来,世界各养鱼地区已陆续有许多报导,已知寄生在鲤、鲫、金鱼、鲑、鳟、叉尾鲴、  相似文献   
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