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1999年春末夏初,太湖流域发生了建国以来继1954年和1991年洪水后的又一次全流域性大洪水,造成了严重经济损失,中国科学院在定购和解译加拿大雷达卫星图像,派遣遥感飞机现场航拍的基础上,组织精干力量,投入洪水灾情调查,并得到太湖流域水利主管部门、地方各级政府和人民解放军的大力支持和协助,获得了关于1999年太湖流域洪涝灾情的大量资料及洪灾成因的初步认识,并对太湖流域进一步整治问题提出若干建议.1雨情超历史、水情创记录,受淹范围缩小,经济损失增加,是1999年 太湖流域洪水的显著特征 1999年太…  相似文献   

杨素  万荣荣  李冰 《湖泊科学》2022,34(4):1055-1074
水文连通性作为连接河湖水体间物质、能量及信息传递与交换的关键纽带,对水环境、水生态和生境状况具有联动与触发反馈作用,已成为水文学、水利学和生态学等诸多领域的研究热点.太湖流域作为全国典型的流域性密集平原河网区,在快速城镇化背景下,河湖水文连通关系变化剧烈并引起了一系列生态环境效应.本文以水文连通性概念与内涵为背景,对太湖流域水文连通性研究进行了综述.太湖流域水文连通性评价方法以图论法、景观格局指数及水文连通性函数等方法联合使用为主,且聚焦于区域尺度研究;演变过程按人类活动影响强度大致划分为自然水系形成阶段、古代人类活动影响阶段和现代人类活动影响阶段;气候变化和人类活动共同影响着太湖流域水文连通性变化,近百年来水利工程建设和城市化进程等人类活动的影响尤为剧烈;良好的水文连通性有利于汛期减轻流域洪涝灾害及非汛期保障水资源供给,但水文连通性的提高对水环境和水生态的效应由于涉及因素众多尚存在争议.针对当前研究现状和存在问题,提出(1)平原河网区水文连通性的定量表征与评估是水文连通性研究的前提;(2)定量解析流域水文连通性的驱动机制是水文连通性研究的重点;(3)深入跟踪大型引水调水工程对流域水文连通影响及其效应是一项长期任务;(4)兼顾环境生态效应的水利工程生态化改造研究,开展工程控制背景下的流域水文连通多目标优化调控,是实现太湖流域洪水调蓄、水资源供给、水环境净化、生物多样性维持等生态系统服务协同提升的重要途径.  相似文献   

首先测算1987-2001年间太湖流域水环境变化货币化成本,结果表明,1987-2001年间全太湖流域水环境呈现阶段性恶化的特征,15年间水环境变化的货币化成本增长了约1251亿元,年均增长速度达6.67 %,其中,太湖流域苏南地区2001年的水环境货币化成本已经占到该地区GDP的19%. 其次,通过构建太湖流域水环境变化政策驱动力模型,检验了太湖流域环境治理政策的运行效果,结果表明,1996年以来实施的环境政策,使得太湖流域的水环境污染货币化成本下降了61.79%,因此,太湖流域的环境治理政策是有效的. 据此,文章最后从流域产业结构调整、发展循环经济以及建立多元的环境治理投融资体系等几个方面,提出了进一步推进太湖流域环境治理的政策建议.  相似文献   

太湖流域非点源污染特征与控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李兆富  杨桂山 《湖泊科学》2004,16(Z1):83-88
太湖流域非点源污染已经相当严重,直接威胁太湖流域的水环境安全.本文综述了太湖流域非点源污染来源于:农业生产的化肥、农药污染;畜禽水产养殖污染;城市地表径流面源和道路线源污染;城镇、农村生活污水的非达标排放;大气的干湿沉降等.并分析了太湖流域非点源污染的影响因素以及时空分布特点,最后从控制非点源污染源和污染物输移过程提出控制和治理非点源污染的措施.  相似文献   

太湖流域防洪工程建设及减灾对策   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9  
林泽新 《湖泊科学》2002,14(1):12-18
太湖流域是我国经济最发达的地区之一,近代几次大的洪涝灾害及其损失表明洪涝灾害是本区最主要的自然灾害。本文分析了近年来太湖流域水利工程建设的格局及其在防洪除涝过程中的作用,在总结以往治水的基础上,介绍了新形势下防洪水利工程和建设思路,提出流域减灾目标和应采取的减灾对策。  相似文献   

许刚  朱振国  解晓南 《湖泊科学》2004,16(2):150-157
近10年来,太湖流域上游地区经济发展逐步趋于活跃,受此影响,区域人口-资源、环境-发展(PRED)出现了新的特点与趋势。基于上游地区土地利用/覆被变化对流域整体水环境与生态安全格局所具有的重要意义,本文选择安吉县作为典型案例,分析其区域土地利用的基本特征,土地利用变化与景观格局动态的过程,以及驱动因素与机制,由此揭示山区土地利用/覆被变化的一般性规律,为太湖流域上游地区经济发展与土地利用、环境保护相互协调,提供决策借鉴与依据。  相似文献   

太湖流域水质型缺水问题和对策   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
朱威 《湖泊科学》2003,15(2):133-138
在对太湖流域水质状况进行分析的基础上,指出因水污染造成的水质型缺水问题在太湖流域十分严重,正常年份流域优质水资源缺水量在(20-35)×108m3之间. 如今后水质型缺水问题长期得不到解决,有可能影响流域经济社会可持续发展. 针对流域水质型缺水的特点,提出在加强流域水污染治理同时,太湖流域宜选择以长江、太湖和山区水库为主要水源地的长期供水格局,当前要抓紧建设“引江清水通道”,调引长江优质水资源入太湖. 同时鉴于太湖流域水环境承载能力有限的情况,建议流域沿江、沿海、沿杭州湾城镇的生活污水在二级处理的前提下,应实施流域尾水截流外排管道工程.  相似文献   

快速城镇化进程中太湖流域下垫面的剧烈变化对流域产水量时空分布产生了深刻影响.在分析太湖流域城镇化进程及土地利用变化的基础上,采用太湖流域模型对3种典型降雨过程(1991、1999和2009年)与5种下垫面(1985、1995、2000、2005和2010年)的组合情景进行模拟,综合分析了城镇化进程中全流域和各水利分区在全年期、汛期、涨水期产水量变化的时空分布特征.结果表明:时程上,太湖流域和所有水利分区的各统计时段产水量增幅伴随城镇化进程推进均呈现增加趋势,2005年后产水量增幅进一步加大,且全年产水量增幅主要集中在汛期;空间上,东、中部城市集聚区的产水量增长率明显高于西部山丘区与太湖湖区,这主要是由于西部山丘区、太湖湖区不透水率增幅较小所致.产水量变化的时空非均匀分布特征为城镇化背景下太湖流域防洪除涝格局演变及流域-区域-城市防洪除涝协调性研究提供了重要的先验认识.  相似文献   

顾莉  李秋兰  华祖林  洪波 《湖泊科学》2013,25(3):347-351
太湖流域湖泊污染严重,非常有必要建立相应的水质基准以便于湖泊水体的保护与修复.根据太湖流域12个受人类影响较小的湖库及太湖早期的总磷、总碱度、平均水深等数据建立了MEI(morphoedaphic index)模型,通过对模型中总磷与总碱度、平均水深因子的相关关系进行分析,并结合太湖流域湖库水深较浅的特征,提出了确定太湖流域湖库水体中总磷参照浓度的改进MEI模型.将该模型应用于太湖,得到太湖总磷参照浓度为0.025 mg/L.研究结果旨在丰富我国水体营养物基准的确定方法,并为太湖流域水体富营养化的控制提供理论依据,同时为长江中下游类似湖库水质基准的建立提供技术支撑.  相似文献   

1993年太湖流域的洪涝灾害及水利工程的作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王同生 《湖泊科学》1994,6(3):193-200
1993年汛期太湖最高水位高居建国以来的第3位,仅次于1991年和1954年,达到4.51m(平均水位,下同),局部地区发生了洪涝灾害。本文对1993年太湖流域汛期的雨情和水情做了论述,并对1993、1991、1954年三个典型大水年的降雨和洪水特征作了比较。同时,还对洪涝灾害和水利工程的作用进行分析。太湖流域的雨季一般为5—7月,但是1993年汛期的降雨在时间上的分布有些异常。降雨集中在8月,而河道最高水位则出现在8月下旬。降雨的空间分布有以下3个特征:(1)上游地区的降雨集中在浙西山区;(2)太湖湖区的降雨量很大;(3)下游地区的降雨集中在淀泖和杭嘉湖地区。淀泖和杭嘉湖地区一些水位站的实测河道水位,比发生大洪水的1991年还要高。发生洪涝灾害的原因可归纳为,上游地区洪水来量大,当地的降雨强度高,以及下游河道排水不畅通。为了改进防汛调度和完善治理规划,需要对不同典型洪水年份的降雨和洪水模式做进一步研究。  相似文献   

With the objective of improving flood predictions, in recent years sophisticated continuous hydrologic models that include complex land‐surface sub‐models have been developed. This has produced a significant increase in parameterization; consequently, applications of distributed models to ungauged basins lacking specific data from field campaigns may become redundant. The objective of this paper is to produce a parsimonious and robust distributed hydrologic model for flood predictions in Italian alpine basins. Application is made to the Toce basin (area 1534 km2). The Toce basin was a case study of the RAPHAEL European Union research project, during which a comprehensive set of hydrologic, meteorological and physiographic data were collected, including the hydrologic analysis of the 1996–1997 period. Two major floods occurred during this period. We compare the FEST04 event model (which computes rainfall abstraction and antecedent soil moisture conditions through the simple Soil Conservation Service curve number method) and two continuous hydrologic models, SDM and TDM (which differ in soil water balance scheme, and base flow and runoff generation computations). The simple FEST04 event model demonstrated good performance in the prediction of the 1997 flood, but shows limits in the prediction of the long and moderate 1996 flood. More robust predictions are obtained with the parsimonious SDM continuous hydrologic model, which uses a simple one‐layer soil water balance model and an infiltration excess mechanism for runoff generation, and demonstrates good performance in both long‐term runoff modelling and flood predictions. Instead, the use of a more sophisticated continuous hydrologic model, the TDM, that simulates soil moisture dynamics in two layers of soil, and computes runoff and base flow using some TOPMODEL concepts, does not seem to be advantageous for this alpine basin. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This study was made to define the relation between floods in a humid region and the causative factors that account for their variability. The study covered the basic relationships between peak discharges and hydrologic factors as well as the practical working methods for generalizing the results on a regional basis. Statistical multiple-correlation techniques were applied to hydrologic data in New England. A field and library investigation of historical flood data extended the period of flood knowledge to as much as 300 years. The relation of many topographic and climatic factors to flood peaks was tested. Flood peaks with recurrence intervals at 9 levels, from 1.2 to 300 years, were related to 6 independent variables, 3 of which are topographic, 2 climatic, and 1 orographic.  相似文献   

This work examines future flood risk within the context of integrated climate and hydrologic modelling uncertainty. The research questions investigated are (1) whether hydrologic uncertainties are a significant source of uncertainty relative to other sources such as climate variability and change and (2) whether a statistical characterization of uncertainty from a lumped, conceptual hydrologic model is sufficient to account for hydrologic uncertainties in the modelling process. To investigate these questions, an ensemble of climate simulations are propagated through hydrologic models and then through a reservoir simulation model to delimit the range of flood protection under a wide array of climate conditions. Uncertainty in mean climate changes and internal climate variability are framed using a risk‐based methodology and are explored using a stochastic weather generator. To account for hydrologic uncertainty, two hydrologic models are considered, a conceptual, lumped parameter model and a distributed, physically based model. In the conceptual model, parameter and residual error uncertainties are quantified and propagated through the analysis using a Bayesian modelling framework. The approach is demonstrated in a case study for the Coralville Dam on the Iowa River, where recent, intense flooding has raised questions about potential impacts of climate change on flood protection adequacy. Results indicate that the uncertainty surrounding future flood risk from hydrologic modelling and internal climate variability can be of the same order of magnitude as climate change. Furthermore, statistical uncertainty in the conceptual hydrological model can capture the primary structural differences that emerge in flood damage estimates between the two hydrologic models. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Precipitation and runoff are key elements in the hydrologic cycle because of their important roles in water supply, flood prevention, river restoration, and ecosystem management. Global climate change, widely accepted to be happening, is anticipated to have enormous consequences on future hydrologic patterns. Studies on the potential changes in global, regional, and local hydrologic patterns under global climate change scenarios have been an intense area of research in recent years. The present study contributes to this research topic through evaluation of design flood under climate change. The study utilizes a weather state-based, stochastic multivariate model as a conditional probability model for simulating the precipitation field. An important premise of this study is that large-scale climatic patterns serve as a major driver of persistent year-to-year changes in precipitation probabilities. Since uncertainty estimation in the study of climate change is needed to examine the reliability of the outcomes, this study also applies a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo scheme to the widely used SAC-SMA (Sacramento soil moisture accounting) precipitation-runoff model. A case study is also performed with the Soyang Dam watershed in South Korea as the study basin. Finally, a comprehensive discussion on design flood under climate change is made.  相似文献   

A simulation experiment for optimal design hyetograph selection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this work is to assess the accuracy of literature design hyetographs for the evaluation of peak discharges during flood events. Five design hyetographs are examined in a set of simulations, based upon the following steps: (i) an ideal river basin is defined, characterized by a Beta distribution shaped unit hydrograph (UH); (ii) 1000 years of synthetic rainfall are artificially generated; (iii) a discharge time‐series is obtained from the convolution of the rainfall time‐series and the UH, and the reference T‐years flood is computed from this series; (iv) for the same return period T, the parameters of the intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) curve are estimated from the 1000 years of synthetic rainfall; (v) five design hyetographs are determined from the IDF curves and are convolved with the discrete UH to find the corresponding design hydrographs; (vi) the hydrograph peaks are compared with the reference T‐years flood and the advantages and drawbacks of each of the five approaches are evaluated. The rainfall and UH parameters are varied, and the whole procedure is repeated to assess the sensitivity of results to the system configuration. We found that all design hyetographs produce flood peak estimates that are consistently biased in most of the climatic and hydrologic conditions considered. In particular, significant underestimation of the design flood results from the adoption of any rectangular hyetograph used in the context of the rational formula. In contrast, the Chicago hyetograph tends to overestimate peak flows. In two cases it is sufficient to multiply the result by a constant scaling factor to obtain robust and nearly unbiased estimates of the design floods. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spatially distributed hydrologic models can be effectively utilized for flood event simulation over basins where a complex system of reservoirs affecting the natural flow regime is present. Flood peak attenuation through mountain reservoirs can, in fact, mitigate the impact of major floods in flood‐prone areas of the lower river valley. Assessment of this effect for a complex reservoir system is performed with a spatially distributed hydrologic model where the surface runoff formation and the hydraulic routing through each reservoir and the river system are performed at a fine spatial and time resolution. The Toce River basin is presented as a case study, because of the presence of 14 active hydroelectric dams that affect the natural flow regime. A recent extreme flood event is simulated using a multi‐realization kriging method for modelling the spatial distribution of rainfall. A sensitivity analysis of the key elements of the distributed hydrologic model is also performed. The flood hydrograph attenuation is assessed. Several possible reservoir storage conditions are used to characterize the initial condition of each reservoir. The results demonstrate how a distributed hydrologic model can contribute to defining strategies for reservoir management in flood mitigation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The evaluation of the trend of flood stage changes in alluvial rivers downstream of dams is important for flood management. However, the flood stage associated with a given discharge generally is nonstationary in river reaches with multiple tributaries. This is not only because of the dam-induced shifting in the cross-sectional area and/or channel roughness but also because of the backwater induced by high flows from the tributaries. To determine the total trend of the flood stage and quantify the separate contributions of hydrological and geomorphic effects, the current study proposed a framework approach consisting of hydrological analysis and multiscenario numerical modeling. By this means, the trend in the flood stage could be distinguished from the stage oscillation driven by varying factors, including extreme hydrologic events. The effects of chronic changes, including channel incision and flow resistance increase, also were quantitatively separated. This framework was applied to the Chenglingji–Datong (CD) reach downstream of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) in the Yangtze River, China. The results indicated that the effect of the roughness increase counterbalanced the effect of channel incision when the flow discharge was beyond the bankfull level. The backwater effect induced by tributary inflow was the major cause of the flood stage rise in recent years. The method presented in the current study provides a useful tool for managers and engineers to obtain better insight into the driving mechanisms of flood stage changes in river reaches that are downstream of dams. These findings indicate that the flood stage may not decline or may even occasionally increase, although the cross-sectional area was enlarged by channel incision. Special attention should be given to the flood risk situation in the study reach after the TGD began operation.  相似文献   

长薄鳅耗氧率与窒息点的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
太湖位于太湖流域中央,对汛情起着控制作用,通过分析近40年来太湖流域梅雨期,太湖水位,环太湖进出水量的时空分布,得出梅雨决定太湖主汛期,东太湖泄洪能力降低,围湖减少蓄水,淤滩影响泄洪,太浦河.望虞河通而不畅的现实是太湖汛期水们居高不下的重要原因,提出预降太湖水位,加快工程建设,加强工程管理是太湖安全渡汛的主要措施。  相似文献   

常露  刘开磊  姚成  李致家 《湖泊科学》2013,25(3):422-427
随着社会经济的快速发展,洪水灾害造成的损失日益严重.洪水预报作为一项重要的防洪非工程措施,对防洪、抗洪工作起着至关重要的作用.淮河洪水危害的严重性和洪水演进过程的复杂性使得淮河洪水预报系统的研究长期以来受到高度重视.本文以王家坝至小柳巷区间流域为例,以河道洪水演算为主线,采用新安江三水源模型进行子流域降雨径流预报,概化具有行蓄洪区的干流河道,进行支流与干流、行蓄洪区与干流的洪水汇流耦合计算,采用实时更新的基于多元回归的方法确定水位流量关系,并以上游站点降雨径流预报模型提供的流量作为上边界条件、以下游站点的水位流量关系作为下边界条件,结合行蓄洪调度模型,建立具有行蓄洪区的河道洪水预报系统,再与基于K-最近邻(KNN)的非参数实时校正模型耦合,建立淮河中游河道洪水预报系统.采用多年资料模拟取得了较好的预报效果,并以2003和2007年大洪水为例进行检验,模拟结果精度较高,也证明了所建预报系统的合理性和适用性.  相似文献   

Reach-scale morphological channel classifications are underpinned by the theory that each channel type is related to an assemblage of reach- and catchment-scale hydrologic, topographic, and sediment supply drivers. However, the relative importance of each driver on reach morphology is unclear, as is the possibility that different driver assemblages yield the same reach morphology. Reach-scale classifications have never needed to be predicated on hydrology, yet hydrology controls discharge and thus sediment transport capacity. The scientific question is: do two or more regions with quantifiable differences in hydrologic setting end up with different reach-scale channel types, or do channel types transcend hydrologic setting because hydrologic setting is not a dominant control at the reach scale? This study answered this question by isolating hydrologic metrics as potential dominant controls of channel type. Three steps were applied in a large test basin with diverse hydrologic settings (Sacramento River, California) to: (1) create a reach-scale channel classification based on local site surveys, (2) categorize sites by flood magnitude, dimensionless flood magnitude, and annual hydrologic regime type, and (3) statistically analyze two hydrogeomorphic linkages. Statistical tests assessed the spatial distribution of channel types and the dependence of channel type morphological attributes by hydrologic setting. Results yielded 10 channel types. Nearly all types existed across all hydrologic settings, which is perhaps a surprising development for hydrogeomorphology. Downstream hydraulic geometry relationships were statistically significant. In addition, cobble-dominated uniform streams showed a consistent inverse relationship between slope and dimensionless flood magnitude, an indication of dynamic equilibrium between transport capacity and sediment supply. However, most morphological attributes showed no sorting by hydrologic setting. This study suggests that median hydraulic geometry relations persist across basins and within channel types, but hydrologic influence on geomorphic variability is likely due to local influences rather than catchment-scale drivers. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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