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底栖生物生物量空间插值方法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在地统计学和地理信息系统支持下,采用反距离加权(Inverse distance weighting,IDW)、径向基函数(Radial basis functions,RBF)、普通克里格(Ordinary Kriging,OK)3种插值方法对2007年4月获得的大亚湾人工鱼礁区及附近海域底栖生物生物量数据进行空间插值方法研究,并对插值精确度进行交叉验证。结果显示,经对数转化后的数据呈正态分布,而且3种插值方法对其进行插值,所得的等值面图效果比原始数据所得等值面图效果好。交叉验证显示,对数转化数据插值精确度OK﹥RBF﹥IDW。观察插值结果等值面图,发现3种方法均能较客观地模拟出底栖生物生物量的总体分布趋势,在对局部趋势的模拟上,OK的表现效果最好。  相似文献   

基于GIS空间分析的海底表层沉积物粒度分布特征插值研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了对比研究不同空间插值方法在沉积物粒度空间分布表述上的精度及适用性,在2004年11月荣成宁津小型海湾-黑泥湾综合调查的基础上,探讨了表层沉积物粒度参数的空间插值,比较了IDW(反距离加权法)、Kriging(克里金插值法)、Spline(样条插值法)与NN(自然邻域法)4种GIS空间分析方法的特征、差异及实效性,并对影响插值结果准确性的因素进行分析。结果显示,在黑泥湾表层沉积物粒度结果的空间插值计算中,从插值准确性和空间表达能力两方面考虑,IDW,Spline,Kriging和NN中以IDW法较为适宜,但要考虑到"牛眼效应"的出现会与局部实际情况存在差异;Kriging法和NN法的插值结果准确性较高,但其空间表达能力稍逊;Spline法在近岸带表层沉积物粒度特征插值中的应用性相对较差。海洋调查要素空间分布的内在规律性是控制插值结果的主要因素,表层沉积物分布以长期稳定的潮流、地形特征为主导因素,呈现由岸向海条带状分布的特征。数据均匀分布区域的插值结果要优于边界区和突变区;另外,在选取的3个观察尺度上,不同插值方法的误差均与野外取样网格间距呈显著线性正相关。  相似文献   

昼夜垂直移动对黄海中南部小黄鱼可捕系数的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
鱼类的昼夜垂直移动是影响渔业资源调查可捕系数的重要因素之一,对调查获得的各种渔获物资源量指数(abundance index,AI)进行校正,对优化估计物种的空间分布和资源量估算有重要作用。本文以黄海中南部小黄鱼为例,利用2006-2009年和2011年黄海秋季底拖网渔业资源调查数据,应用地理统计二阶广义线性混合模型,量化了昼夜时段对黄海中南部小黄鱼AI的影响。不同昼夜时段对AI的随机效应系数表明,在黄海中南部秋季渔业资源调查中,底拖网对小黄鱼的可捕系数存在明显的昼夜变化:在午夜23点到凌晨3点间,可捕系数最低;凌晨3点后,可捕系数逐渐增大,直至9点达到峰值;在中午10点至下午16点,可捕系数小幅度降低后保持相对稳定,随后急剧下降;傍晚19点以后,可捕系数处于相对较低水平,直至午夜23点后降至最低水平。本研究通过地理统计二阶广义线性混合模型,去除了昼夜垂直移动对小黄鱼可捕系数的影响,预测的小黄鱼空间密度分布与其AI实际观测值以及渔场空间格局基本一致。另外,模型估计的2006-2009年和2011年秋季黄海中南部小黄鱼的总资源量指数相对扫海面积法的估计值精确度更高,且其变动趋势与黄海中南部沿岸两省(山东和江苏)小黄鱼次年总渔获量的变动情况一致。  相似文献   

三亚蜈支洲岛热带海洋牧场渔业资源现状及季节变动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜈支洲岛海洋牧场为海南省首个国家级海洋牧场示范区,为评估蜈支洲岛海洋牧场的资源养护效果,进而为下一步海洋牧场的渔业资源科学管理提供依据。采用渔业资源水声学调查方法,对蜈支洲海洋牧场近岛人工鱼礁区及海棠湾湾区的渔业资源现状及其季节变动进行了研究。2019年4月、8月、12月进行了3次调查,结果显示:4月近岛人工鱼礁区域共捕获游泳生物63种,平均资源量密度为63.71 t/km2,8月、12月海棠湾湾区共捕获游泳生物68种和120种,平均资源量密度分别为8.29 t/km2和7.21 t/km2。4-12月物种多样性指数(H'')均值分别为3.532、3.478、4.414。三次调查中,鱼类优势种中多齿蛇鲻(Saurida tumbil)、短鳄齿鱼(Champsodon snyderi)、宽条鹦天竺鯛(Ostorhinchus fasciatus)均出现2次,其余种类均只出现一次。4-12月重要经济生物占总资源量的比重依次为72.46%、64.74%、57.59%。综上所述,蜈支洲岛海洋牧场近岛人工礁区及海棠湾湾区渔业资源丰富、物种多样性高,尤其是海洋牧场建设对于渔业资源的聚集起到了积极的作用,但仍存在重要经济鱼类少,个体较小等问题。  相似文献   

根据2012年5月(春季)、8月(夏季)、11月(秋季)和2013年2月(冬季)在台山列岛的拖网定点调查数据,对该海域渔业资源种类组成、优势种、物种多样性、资源密度(质量及数量密度)的空间分布及其季节变化等群落结构特征进行分析研究。结果表明,共记录台山列岛渔业生物136种,隶属于18目63科98属,其中鱼类80种,虾类16种,蟹类28种,口足类3种,头足类9种;优势种共有22种,口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)是唯一四季共同的优势种;Shannon Wiener种类多样性指数(H′)全年平均值为2.88(范围:2.80~2.95),Pielou均匀度指数(J′)全年平均值为0.69(范围:0.65~0.72),Margalef丰富度指数(D)全年平均值为6.99(范围:5.76~7.69),夏季群落多样性较高;从渔业资源质量平均密度看,春、夏季最大值都出现在05站点,分别为640.70 kg/km2和1 039.31 kg/km2,秋季最大值出现在03站点,为1 187.48 kg/km2,冬季最大值出现在04站点,为683.24 kg/km2,从渔业资源数量平均密度看,春、夏季最大值都出现在05站点,分别为170.68×103尾/km2和123.69×103尾/km2,秋季最大值出现在01站点,为119.71×103尾/km2,冬季最大值出现在04站点,为133.27×103尾/km2。总体来说,台山列岛周边海域渔业资源物种较多,种间分布均匀,群落结构稳定。  相似文献   

应用1983年11-1984年7月观测的温度、盐度和光学衰减系数C作为划分水团指标,采用逐步聚类分析方法划分南黄海水团,并对南黄海的悬浮体分布和光学性质进行了分析讨论。结果表明,将海水光学衰减系数作为划分水团指标是可行、有效的。分析结果为:夏季表层有黄海水团、黄海冷水团和长江冲淡水,底层只有黄海水团和黄海冷水团,并且存在着混合带。秋季水团基本上保持着夏季型,但长江冲淡水缩小,不存在混合带。南黄海底层水的主要光学特征具有明显的区域性,并大体上可分为如下区域:(1)中、东部区域,相当于黄海底层冷水区域,最大光学衰减系数大于9;(2)西部区域,黄海水团区域,呈东南向条状,其轴心区的光学衰减系数C>1;(3)西南部区域,包括苏北沿岸水与黄-东海混合水;(4)西北部区域,相应于黄海底层浑水侵入区。最后,用称重法获得的悬浮总量(SS)与C之间有线性关系:C=0.366SS+0.50,相应的线性关系数为0.83。  相似文献   

传统潮滩地貌的研究方法难以刻画潮滩的微观地貌特征,地面激光扫描仪(TLS)的应用为潮滩地貌的研究提供了新的切入点,然而目前关于TLS在潮滩地貌研究中鲜有报道。以江苏东灶港海岸一段潮滩地貌为研究对象,基于野外扫描数据,对扫描区域的点云数据进行精度评估,并尝试利用反距离加权插值(IDW)与克里金插值(Kriging)方法构建了潮滩地貌的数字高程模型(DEM)。研究结果表明:(1)通过点云数据构建的DEM数据能够实现潮滩地貌的定量模拟;(2)利用IDW插值可以便捷高效构建潮滩海量数据点的DEM;(3)利用TLS量化短期地貌变化如潮汐沉积旋回效果并不好。本研究可为利用TLS在潮滩微观地貌中的量化研究提供参考。  相似文献   

油气资源是在漫长的物质历史时期由沉积物中的有机质转化而来的,油气生成之后,经运移,聚集而成藏,油气资源在地下的分布具明显的地理特征。在地理学基础上发展起来的地理信息系统(GIS)是一切与地理特征相关的数据信息的良好载体,是用来定量地采集,管理,分析具空间地理特性的油气资源区域分布的最好工具,黄海盆地油气资源勘查可视化数据库是中国海域油气资源可视化数据库的一个组成部分,以黄海盆地油气勘查可视化数据库为例,论述用GIS技术建立中国海域油气资源可视化数据库设计与实现的方法,将枯燥的数据信息转化为可视化的结论,为油气资源勘探部署,规划管理及决策提供直观快捷的服务。  相似文献   

王兴  刘莹  王春晖  李保磊  钟山 《海洋通报》2016,35(3):324-330
空间插值在海洋环境评价中有着广泛的应用,常用的插值方法有:线性插值、最近邻点插值、自然邻点插值、三次多项式插值、反距离权重插值、克里金插值等。盐度是海水重要的环境因子,基于2012年8月份的北海区盐度监测数据,采用空间插值分析表层盐度分布,并通过开展不同插值方法的插值实验,对插值结果进行曲面分析和误差分析,对比各插值方法的特点与适用性。结果显示:基于本次海洋环境监测的站位与盐度数据,克里金插值、自然邻点插值曲面趋势符合较好,而且相对其他插值方法误差也较小,是相对适用于海水盐度的空间插值方法。  相似文献   

本文基于欧洲中期天气预报中心的有效波高数据,运用传统的双三次插值(Bicubic interpolation)、克里金插值(Kriging interpolation)以及两种改进的超分辨率卷积神经网络(Super-Resolution CNN,简称SRCNN)进行高分辨率处理,使用峰值信噪比(Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio,PSNR)、均方根误差(Root-Mean-Square Error,RMSE)、结构相似度(Structural Similarity,SSIM)、余弦相似性(Cosine Similarity)等评价指标比较了各种方法的高分辨率处理效果,并分析了每种方法的误差分布特点。结果表明,改进的SRCNN方法(SRCNN_2)是一种在整体效果、局部细节和计算效率方面均比较优秀的高分辨率处理方法,是深度学习方法在海洋数据高分辨率处理问题上一次成功的应用,但改进的SRCNN方法在近岸有效波高数据的处理效果方面还有待提高。  相似文献   

This article evaluates different spatial interpolation methods for mapping submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the Caloosahatchee Estuary, Florida. Data used for interpolation were collected by the Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Early Warning System (SAVEWS). The system consists of hydro-acoustic equipment, which operates from a slow-moving boat and records bottom depth, seagrass height, and seagrass density. This information is coupled with geographic location coordinates from a Global Positioning System (GPS) and stored together in digital files, representing SAV status at points along transect lines. Adequate spatial interpolation is needed to present the SAV information, including density, height, and water depth, as spatially continuous data for mapping and for comparison between seasons and years. Interpolation methods examined in this study include ordinary kriging with five different semivariance models combined with a variable number of neighboring points, the inverse distance weighted (IDW) method with different parameters, and the triangulated irregular network (TIN) method with linear and quintic options. Interpolation results were compared with survey data at selected calibration transects to examine the suitability of different interpolation methods. Suitability was quantified by the determination coefficient (R2) and the root-mean-square error (RMSE) between interpolated and observed values. The most suitable interpolation method was identified as the one yielding the highest R2 value and/or the lowest RMSE value. For different geographic conditions, seasons, and SAV parameters, different interpolation methods were recommended. This study identified that kriging was more suitable than the IDW or TIN method for spatial interpolation of all SAV parameters measured. It also suggested that transect data with irregular spatial distribution patterns such as SAV parameters are sensitive to interpolation methods. An inappropriate interpolation method such as TIN can lead to erroneous spatial representation of the SAV status. With a functional geographic system and adequate computing power, the evaluation and selection of interpolation methods can be automated and quantitative, leading to a more efficient and accurate decision.  相似文献   

This article evaluates different spatial interpolation methods for mapping submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the Caloosahatchee Estuary, Florida. Data used for interpolation were collected by the Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Early Warning System (SAVEWS). The system consists of hydro-acoustic equipment, which operates from a slow-moving boat and records bottom depth, seagrass height, and seagrass density. This information is coupled with geographic location coordinates from a Global Positioning System (GPS) and stored together in digital files, representing SAV status at points along transect lines. Adequate spatial interpolation is needed to present the SAV information, including density, height, and water depth, as spatially continuous data for mapping and for comparison between seasons and years. Interpolation methods examined in this study include ordinary kriging with five different semivariance models combined with a variable number of neighboring points, the inverse distance weighted (IDW) method with different parameters, and the triangulated irregular network (TIN) method with linear and quintic options. Interpolation results were compared with survey data at selected calibration transects to examine the suitability of different interpolation methods. Suitability was quantified by the determination coefficient (R2) and the root-mean-square error (RMSE) between interpolated and observed values. The most suitable interpolation method was identified as the one yielding the highest R2 value and/or the lowest RMSE value. For different geographic conditions, seasons, and SAV parameters, different interpolation methods were recommended. This study identified that kriging was more suitable than the IDW or TIN method for spatial interpolation of all SAV parameters measured. It also suggested that transect data with irregular spatial distribution patterns such as SAV parameters are sensitive to interpolation methods. An inappropriate interpolation method such as TIN can lead to erroneous spatial representation of the SAV status. With a functional geographic system and adequate computing power, the evaluation and selection of interpolation methods can be automated and quantitative, leading to a more efficient and accurate decision.  相似文献   

由于边界误差剔除、测线布设过于稀疏等因素影响,利用多波束数据生成高分辨率DEM时,常常会存在一些水深空值单元或区域。为了对这些数据空值区域进行可靠填补,在考虑地形特征及空值单元大小的情况下,利用IDW、Spline、Kriging、TIN四种插值方法对某区域多波束海底DEM空值区域进行直接内插填补试验,结果表明插值算法的选取不仅受地形类型限制,而且与空值区域的大小也密切相关。  相似文献   

Spatial-temporal distribution of marine fishes is strongly influenced by environmental factors. To obtain a more continuous distribution of these variables usually measured by stationary sampling designs, spatial interpolation methods(SIMs) is usually used. However, different SIMs may obtain varied estimation values with significant differences, thus affecting the prediction of fish spatial distribution. In this study, different SIMs were used to obtain continuous environmental variables(water depth, water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen(DO), p H,chlorophyll a and chemical oxygen demand(COD)) in the Changjiang River Estuary(CRE), including inverse distance weighted(IDW) interpolation, ordinary Kriging(OK)(semivariogram model: exponential(OKE),Gaussian(OKG) and spherical(OKS)) and radial basis function(RBF)(regularized spline function(RS) and tension spline function(TS)). The accuracy and effect of SIMs were cross-validated, and two-stage generalized additive model(GAM) was used to predict the distribution of Coilia nasus from 2012 to 2014 in CRE. DO and COD were removed before model prediction due to their autocorrelation coefficient based on variance inflation factors analysis. Results showed that the estimated values of environmental variables obtained by the different SIMs differed(i.e., mean values, range etc.). Cross-validation revealed that the most suitable SIMs of water depth and chlorophyll a was IDW, water temperature and salinity was RS, and p H was OKG. Further, different interpolation results affected the predicted spatial distribution of Coilia nasus in the CRE. The mean values of the predicted abundance were similar, but the differences between and among the maximum value were large. Studies showed that different SIMs can affect estimated values of the environmental variables in the CRE(especially salinity).These variations further suggest that the most applicable SIMs to each variable will also differ. Thus, it is necessary to take these potential impacts into consideration when studying the relationship between the spatial distribution of fishes and environmental changes in the CRE.  相似文献   

This study attempted to compare the performance of local polynomial interpolation,inverse distance weighted interpolation,and ordinary kriging in studying distribution patterns of swimming crabs.Cross-validation was used to select the optimum method to get distribution results,and kriging was used for making spatial variability analysis.Data were collected from 87 sampling stations in November of 2015(autumn) and February(winter),May(spring) and August(summer) of 2016.Results indicate that swimming crabs widely distributed in autumn and summer:in the summer,they were more spatially independent,and resources in each sampling station varied a lot;in the winter and spring,the abundance of crabs was much lower,but the individual crab size was bigger,and they showed the patchy and more concentrative distribution pattern,which means they were more spatially dependent.Distribution patterns were in accordance with ecological migration features of swimming crabs,which were affected by the changing marine environment.This study could infer that it is applicable to study crab fishery or even other crustacean species using geostatistical analysis.It not only helps practitioners have a better understanding of how swimming crabs migrate from season to season,but also assists researchers in carrying out a more comprehensive assessment of the fishery.Therefore,it may facilitate advancing the implementation in the pilot quota management program of swimming crabs in northern Zhejiang fishing grounds.  相似文献   

海洋环境调查数据的客观分析图像是调查结果的直观体现,也是进一步科学研究的基础。在环境要素空间分布复杂的近海海域及陆架坡区,我们发现利用现有插值方法得到的结果有时会出现之前没有被关注到的局部异常,如常用的Kriging方法或三角网线性插值方法插值得到的图像有时会出现或轻或重的"藕"状或"台阶"状的层化结构异常。本文提出一种针对原始数据采用坐标变换方法,并联合使用三角网线性插值法和Kriging法两种方法进行数据插值,从而有效地避免了类似"藕"状或"台阶"状的层化结构假象,解决了插值方法在海洋环境调查数据插值过程中遇到的一个实际问题,也是对现有插值方法的一种补充。  相似文献   

The bathymetry data of marine bodies have been collected over a century, and the collected data have a wide range of resolution and accuracy. Acquisition of bathymetry data is very costly and time-consuming. One can use the old, low-quality bathymetry data to fill the gap in high-quality, recently acquired bathymetry data after correcting the old data to improve its quality so that it is comparable to the high-quality data. The old data correction can be treated as a nonlinear inverse problem. Simulated annealing (SA) global optimization method was used here in solving this problem. The two sets of data that were used are project survey (PS) and Vietnamese Navy Chart (VNC) data. The PS data were collected in 2000 in an offshore survey from the Vietnam coast in the South China Sea (SCS). The VNC data were obtained by digitizing VNC that was published in 1981. Inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolation method was used for forward modeling. Weperformed the SA algorithm run starting at a high "temperature," then lowering the "temperature" gradually up to the "critical temperature" and then staying there for the rest of the run. The best model chosen by the algorithm showed an improvement of 63% from the original model. We then constructed a digital bathymetry model (DBM) of the study area with the combined corrected VNC and the PS data.  相似文献   

The bathymetry data of marine bodies have been collected over a century, and the collected data have a wide range of resolution and accuracy. Acquisition of bathymetry data is very costly and time-consuming. One can use the old, low-quality bathymetry data to fill the gap in high-quality, recently acquired bathymetry data after correcting the old data to improve its quality so that it is comparable to the high-quality data. The old data correction can be treated as a nonlinear inverse problem. Simulated annealing (SA) global optimization method was used here in solving this problem. The two sets of data that were used are project survey (PS) and Vietnamese Navy Chart (VNC) data. The PS data were collected in 2000 in an offshore survey from the Vietnam coast in the South China Sea (SCS). The VNC data were obtained by digitizing VNC that was published in 1981. Inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolation method was used for forward modeling. Weperformed the SA algorithm run starting at a high "temperature," then lowering the "temperature" gradually up to the "critical temperature" and then staying there for the rest of the run. The best model chosen by the algorithm showed an improvement of 63% from the original model. We then constructed a digital bathymetry model (DBM) of the study area with the combined corrected VNC and the PS data.  相似文献   

Aspects of the reproductive biology of the brown mussel Perna perna at the Iture rocky beach near Cape Coast, Ghana, were studied from September 2014 to August 2015. The current study was aimed at providing information useful for managing the mussel fishery in this locality and also that would form the basis for designing appropriate culture methods for the species. Microscopic examination of fresh smears of gonadal material, as well as histological preparations of the gonad, were used to study the sexuality and breeding pattern of the species. Monthly gonadal and condition indices were also determined. Perna perna exhibited gonochoristic sexuality with a sex ratio of approximately 1:1 throughout the study period. Sexes were identifiable at shell lengths of 15.0–19.9 mm. Five stages of gonadal development were identified in both sexes. Gametogenic activity was continuous throughout the year, with two major spawning activities, from April to June and from August to December. These periods coincided with the major and minor rainy seasons, respectively, as well as the major upwelling period in August. Condition indices suggest that the mussels were in better condition for harvesting in March and August prior to the major spawning events.  相似文献   

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