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The accurate mapping of urban housing prices at a fine scale is essential to policymaking and urban studies, such as adjusting economic factors and determining reasonable levels of residential subsidies. Previous studies focus mainly on housing price analysis at a macro scale, without fine‐scale study due to a lack of available data and effective models. By integrating a convolutional neural network for united mining (UMCNN) and random forest (RF), this study proposes an effective deep‐learning‐based framework for fusing multi‐source geospatial data, including high spatial resolution (HSR) remotely sensed imagery and several types of social media data, and maps urban housing prices at a very fine scale. With the collected housing price data from China's biggest online real estate market, we produced the spatial distribution of housing prices at a spatial resolution of 5 m in Shenzhen, China. By comparing with eight other multi‐source data mining techniques, the UMCNN obtained the highest housing price simulation accuracy (Pearson R = 0.922, OA = 85.82%). The results also demonstrated a complex spatial heterogeneity inside Shenzhen's housing price distribution. In future studies, we will work continuously on housing price policymaking and residential issues by including additional sources of spatial data.  相似文献   

兰州市商品住宅价格的空间分异规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对住宅价格在城市空间中的分布规律问题,该文以兰州市主城区2015年在售的187个商品住宅样本均价为基本数据,运用空间自相关法对兰州市住宅价格的空间异质性和集聚性进行分析,并利用趋势面分析和空间反距离权重插值法对住宅价格的空间分布格局进行研究。结果表明:兰州市住宅价格总体上呈显著的空间正自相关性,少数地区存在差异性;住宅价格发展不平衡,价格"东高西低";住宅价格由各区行政中心向四周逐级递减,呈多极核分布特征;价格等值线"东密西疏",住宅价格变化幅度空间差异较大。分析发现,区位条件、交通条件及居住环境是影响兰州市商品住宅价格的主要因素。  相似文献   

城市房价空间分布及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对城市房价的空间分布规律及其影响因素的研究,该文提出了以南昌市青山湖区房价为研究对象,基于相关理论,搜集整理了2015年07月到10月南昌市青山湖区155个楼盘的均价,利用市场比较法把房价修正到2015年10月份节点上,估算出了155个楼盘点的价格,以GIS技术为研究平台,运用普通克里格插值方法,得到了青山湖区房价的等值线图,根据等值线图得到其空间分布情况,从可达性视角出发,采用结构方程模型构建了青山湖区房价影响因素分析框架,运用SPSS分析出各自变量和因变量之间的关系,即定量分析出了各影响因素对房价格产生的影响程度。  相似文献   

周明良 《东北测绘》2012,(3):174-177
房屋是人们生产、生活居住的必要场所,房屋共有建筑面积分摊的合理性是面积计算的准确性的必要前提,是一个十分重要的专业技术问题和社会问题。依据《房产测量规范》规定的共有建筑面积的处理原则和分摊计算办法,各地方由于理解的不同,同一幢房屋的分摊方法和计算结果不同。本文在如何正确理解规范的基础上,结合房屋共有建筑面积的实际使用和关联情况,对商住楼分摊计算进行分析,以取得合理的分摊计算办法,为房屋的产权、产籍管理、房地产开发、征收契税、城镇规划建设等提供准确数据和资料。  相似文献   

The Ruhr is an “old acquaintance” in the discourse of urban decline in old industrialized cities. The agglomeration has to struggle with archetypical problems of former monofunctional manufacturing cities. Surprisingly, the image of a shrinking city has to be refuted if you shift the focus from socioeconomic wealth to its morphological extension. Thus, it is the objective of this study to meet the challenge of modeling urban sprawl and demographic decline by combining two artificial intelligent solutions: The popular urban cellular automaton SLEUTH simulates urban growth using four simple but effective growth rules. In order to improve its performance, SLEUTH has been modified among others by combining it with a robust probability map based on support vector machines. Additionally, a complex multi-agent system is developed to simulate residential mobility in a shrinking city agglomeration: residential mobility and the housing market of shrinking city systems focuses on the dynamic of interregional housing markets implying the development of potential dwelling areas. The multi-agent system comprises the simulation of population patterns, housing prices, and housing demand in shrinking city agglomerations. Both models are calibrated and validated regarding their localization and quantification performance. Subsequently, the urban landscape configuration and composition of the Ruhr 2025 are simulated. A simple spatial join is used to combine the results serving as valuable inputs for future regional planning in the context of multifarious demographic change and preceding urban growth.  相似文献   

以安居客网站爬取的2018年10月894个南昌市住宅小区二手房价格为研究对象,利用地理加权回归模型探讨了建筑特征、邻里特征、区位特征等方面各影响因子对住宅价格的作用差异。研究结果表明:1)地理加权回归(GWR)模型的拟合结果优于OLS模型,将回归系数结果空间可视化发现南昌市二手房价格影响因子具有空间异质性。2)不同因子对价格影响程度不同,其中对南昌市二手房价格影响较大的因子是房龄、绿化率以及与CBD的距离。3)同一因子对住房价格的影响在不同空间也具有差异性。其中主要是绿化率、容积率、重点学校、购物中心及地铁对新开发区的二手房价格影响比较大,对老城区影响较小;商务中心区和三甲医院对南昌县二手房价的影响最大;而房龄和旅游景点对老城区影响比较大。  相似文献   

针对单一应用遥感影像难以进行城市内部用地结构分类以及高精度城市内部用地多期空间数据叠置分析中位置误差问题建立了基于"分层分类"与"对象分割"的城市内部用地空间信息数字重建方法。实现对特大城市产业用地(住宅、商业、工业等)以及交通、水系、生态绿地等不同功能结构用地的高精度监测以及历史演变过程的重建。综合集成SPOT5,1︰1万地形图、历史地图及城市规划图等辅助信息对长春城市1905年以来城市用地信息进行分类。研究表明,在专家知识参与下人—机交互解译,集成多源空间信息对实现高精度城市用地空间信息重建具有较高的应用价值,该方法不仅能提高城市用地分类精度而且能提高城市用地空间信息提取效率以及多期空间数据叠置分析的定位精度。  相似文献   

Hedonic house price models typically impose a constant price structure on housing characteristics throughout an entire market area. However, there is increasing evidence that the marginal prices of many important attributes vary over space, especially within large markets. In this paper, we compare two approaches to examine spatial heterogeneity in housing attribute prices within the Tucson, Arizona housing market: the spatial expansion method and geographically weighted regression (GWR). Our results provide strong evidence that the marginal price of key housing characteristics varies over space. GWR outperforms the spatial expansion method in terms of explanatory power and predictive accuracy.
Christopher BitterEmail:

Much work has been done in the context of the hedonic price theory to estimate the impact of air quality on housing prices. Research has employed objective measures of air quality, but only slightly confirms the hedonic theory in the best of cases: the implicit price function relating housing prices to air pollution will, ceteris paribus, be negatively sloped. This paper compares the performance of a spatial Durbin model when using both objective and subjective measures of pollution. On the one hand, we design an Air Pollution Indicator based on measured pollution as the objective measure of pollution. On the other hand, the subjective measure of pollution employed to characterize neighborhoods is the percentage of residents who declare that the neighborhood has serious pollution problems, the percentage being referred to as residents’ perception of pollution. For comparison purposes, the empirical part of this research focuses on Madrid (Spain). The study employs a proprietary database containing information about the price and 27 characteristics of 11,796 owner-occupied single family homes. As far as the authors are aware, it is the largest database ever used to analyze the Madrid housing market. The results of the study clearly favor the use of subjective air quality measures.  相似文献   

一种房屋电子地图快速更新的方法及其实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前大部分房屋电子地图都是基于传统的基本地形图测绘、遥感影像判读和人工外业采集等方式实现数据更新,这些方式存在地图更新周期长、成本高、工作量大和地图现势性差,以及较难发现有变化的房屋要素等问题。本文提出了一种由房屋管理的以房屋测绘业务为驱动的主动式房屋电子地图快速更新模式,即以施工建设-房屋竣工-房屋测绘为主线,实现主动式房屋电子地图更新,从而获取房屋电子地图现状,并实现房屋空间信息与交易权属业务数据的自动关联。该方法较传统房屋电子地图更新方法具有更新周期短、成本低、数据准确性高和地图现势性强等优点。目前,该方法已经应用于房屋全生命周期平台中,高效地实现了房屋电子地图自动更新。  相似文献   

新疆克拉玛依市商业地价空间分布规律研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
城市地价是一个具有时空性质的多维概念,在空间分布上具有较强的关联性和特殊性。但目前对城市地价空间分布规律方面的研究相对较少,还没有形成系统性的理论与方法依据,本文以克拉玛依市2007年土地调查商业用地数据和地价动态监测数据为依据,以ARCGIS软件为平台,采用地统计学的方法,对克拉玛依市商业用地价格的空间分布进行了研究。研究表明:地统计学的理论与方法对城市地价空间分布进行研究具有独特的优越性;城市商业用地地价的分布在空间上既有连续性,也存在变异性,受区域整体趋势的影响明显高于小范围的变异性,属于强空间自相关;商业用地地价分布整体呈现圈层结构,交通道路对地价的空间分布具有重要影响。  相似文献   

基于GIS的房产信息管理系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会经济的快速发展,城市化进程也在不断加快,城市面积持续扩大,各种房屋建筑面积快速增加,这给房产管理部门的各项工作带来了新的挑战。作为一种新的综合性新技术,地理信息系统(GIS)可以把房产管理的各种信息与反映地理位置的图形有机地结合在一起,并可以根据用户的需求对信息进行检索分析,从而使房产管理实现以图管房,以房管档,图、文、档一体化的管理模式。本文结合房产管理行业特点,探讨了GIS在房产管理方面的应用。  相似文献   

楼面价在基准地价调整中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从基于单位建筑面积的楼面价的意义和定义出发,探索出一条独具特色的基准地价表现形式,提出了操作性较强的城市建成区住宅用地和商业用地楼面价应用方法。对于城市未建成区,仍然采用地面价作为楼面价的辅助价。  相似文献   

We “spatialize” residual-based panel cointegration tests for nonstationary spatial panel data in terms of a spatial error correction model (SpECM). Local panel cointegration arises when the data are cointegrated within spatial units but not between them. Spatial panel cointegration arises when the data are cointegrated through spatial lags between spatial units but not within them. Global panel cointegration arises when the data are cointegrated both within and between spatial units. Spatial error correction arises when error correction occurs within and between spatial units. We use nonstationary spatial panel data on the housing market in Israel to illustrate the methodology. We show that regional house prices in Israel are globally cointegrated in the long run and there is evidence of spatial error correction in the short run.  相似文献   

针对传统地理加权回归方法无法解决时空非平稳性的问题,该文提出了一种路网距离约束的时空地理加权回归方法。引入时间特性,进一步把握了不同因子在时空维度影响的分异性;以路网距离度量约束,提高模型解释力。以北京市城6区1980—2015年的1 632个住宅小区特征价格数据为例,通过与直线距离约束的常规地理加权回归方法等进行比较,采用各模型的AIC与拟合优度等指标对模型置信水平高低进行评价。实验结果表明,路网距离约束的地理加权回归模型不仅能够提高模型的拟合精度,还能更好地揭示房价在时间与空间方面的变化规律。  相似文献   

A balance of urban datum land prices is achieved to harmonize regional land prices and make the prices truly reflect different economic development levels and land prices among cities. The current piecewise linear interpolation balance method widely used has two drawbacks that always lead to an unsatisfactory balance among some cities. When the excess of land price in the central city to the surrounding zone reaches a certain degree, land price in the circumjacent city is not only consistent with the local land grade and land use level, but also influenced by the diffusion of land price in the central city. Thus, a new balanced scheme of datum land prices based on the city gravitation model and stochastic diffusion equation is brought forward. Finally, the new method is examined in the practice of datum land price balance in Hubei Province, China.  相似文献   

针对城市地价定量化研究和空间可视化表达的方法体系已日渐成熟的现状,该文以2008至2014年间,石家庄市主城区土地交易数据作为研究样本,借助ArcGIS、GS+软件平台,分别建立石家庄市城区商业和住宅数字地价模型,并依据模型进行地价数量特征、剖面特征、等值线形态特征分析等一系列空间分析。研究表明:石家庄市城区商业地价分布,整体上呈现出围绕一个传统的一级商业中心和一个新兴的次级商业中心向边缘衰减的圈层结构;住宅地价分布呈现出多峰值、多方向山脊状圈层衰减的结构,且聚集效应不及商业地价明显,衰减趋势较平缓。  相似文献   

房地产计税价格批量评估实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合批量评估的技术思路,以深圳市二手住宅计税价格批量评估为例,构建了以长期趋势法,成本法为基本原理,结合地理信息技术(GIS)的批量评估模型,并提出研究结论与未来发展设想.  相似文献   

 协克立金方法是一种多元最优无偏的线性估值方法,已被广泛应用于许多领域。本文将协克立金方法应用于遥感图像的融合中,并与经典的基于主成分分析方法的融合结果进行定性和定量比较和分析。首先,通过计算实验变异函数,进行变异函数理论模型拟合; 然后,运用3种不同协克立金方法对较低分辨率的多光谱图像和较高分辨率的全色图像进行融合。实验结果表明: 基于简单协克立金方法融合的图像空间分辨率最好; 普通协克立金方法融合的图像光谱保真性最好; 标准化的协克立金方法融合的效果介于两者之间。  相似文献   

Aspects of urban transportation have significant implications for resource consumption and environmental quality. The level of travel activity, the viability of various modes of transportation and hence the level of transportation-related emissions are influenced by the structure of cities, i.e., their urban forms. While it is widely recognized that satellite remote sensing can provide spatial information on urban land cover and land use, its effective use for understanding impacts of urban form on issues such as transportation requires that this information be integrated with relevant demographic information. A comprehensive bi-national urban database, the Great Lakes Urban Survey (GLUS), comprising all cities with populations in excess of 200,000 has been created from Landsat imagery and national census and transportation survey information from Canada and the United States. A suite of analysis tools are proposed to utilize information sets such as GLUS to investigate the link between urban form and work-related travel. A new indicator, the Employment Deficit Measure (EDM), is proposed to quantify the balance between employment and worker availability at different transit horizons and hence to assess the viability of alternate modes of transportation. It is argued that the high degree of residential and commercial/industrial land uses greatly impact travel to work mode options as well as commute distance. A spatial interaction model is developed and found to accurately predict travel distance aggregated at the census tract level. We argue that this model could also be used to explore the relative levels of travel activity associated with different urban forms.  相似文献   

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