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CRInSAR与PSInSAR联合探测区域线性沉降研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出一种CRInSAR与PSInSAR联合解算算法,并将该算法应用于区域线性沉降探测中.该算法将CR点上计算得出的形变速率值及高程改正值作为研究区域PS基线网络的约束,进而通过间接观测平差法估计出PS网沉降速率和高程改正值的全局最优解.算法实现了人工角反射器雷达干涉测量技术(CRInSAR)与永久散射体雷达干涉测量...  相似文献   

角反射器精确定位是角反射器微形变获取的前提,文中从研究角反射器影像特征入手,详细介绍了角反射器强度、相关性和光谱离散指数(MSR-Mean to Standard deviation Ratio)影像特征:1)角反射器强度影像特征明显,其影像扩散在多个像素上,Envisat数据中角反射器表现为亮点,而TerraSAR数据中角反射器呈明显的十字型;2)角反射器MSR影像特征不明显;3)不同带宽多视处理后统计得到的角反射器相关性聚焦在一个像素内,而且相关值明显高于周边像素。将角反射器强度、相关性和MSR作为衡量光谱稳定性的参数,对比分析不同参数定位出的角反射器像素位置及其对应的相位信息,结果表明:角反射器强度易受背景干扰,此参数定位角反射器容易产生偏差;角反射器MSR值与背景差别小,不能单独用于角反射器定位;角反射器相关性聚焦性好,相关性参数能准确定位角反射器的像素位置,对应的相位值比其他参数定位得到的相位值相对稳定。  相似文献   

全极化探地雷达正演模拟   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
全极化探地雷达不但能获取当前探地雷达使用的共极化信息,而且能使用交叉极化信息,进而更好地分析目标属性.本文在时域有限差分法的基础上,构建了全极化探地雷达的正演模拟方法,通过水平正交双方向同时接收获取全极化信息.标准目标体金属板和角反射器的正演模拟与实验室物理模型测试一致的共极化和交叉极化响应信息,证实了该正演模拟方法的...  相似文献   

极端冰雪条件下的顺层岩质边坡滑移稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推导了典型岩石边坡在极端冰雪条件下的滑移稳定系数的表达式;通过计算分析,揭示了岩石边坡滑移稳定系数随裂隙内水深、坡高、坡角、滑面倾角等因素变化的规律及与冻深的关系,并绘制岩石边坡滑移稳定系数与边坡几何要素之间的关系图。研究表明,当考虑极端冰雪灾害影响时,岩石边坡滑移稳定系数发生较为明显的变化:随裂隙饱水程度、坡面角、主滑面倾角的增加而降低,随主滑面抗剪强度的减小而降低;裂隙饱水程度越高、坡体高度越低、坡面角越小、主滑面倾角越大的边坡的滑移稳定系数,对裂隙冰冻胀力的反应越敏感。  相似文献   

皮纳卫星是指质量为千克级、以微机电系统技术为基础的小卫星。皮纳卫星能够通过组成星座、编队或卫星群完成单颗大卫星难以实现的任务,被广泛地应用于科研、技术试验、商业遥感等领域。皮纳卫星设计寿命短,在完成在轨服务后就会成为空间碎片,这时要想对皮纳卫星进行精准定位,就必须采用非合作目标的方式进行激光测距。按照目前空间非合作目标的激光探测能力,由于皮纳卫星尺寸小,导致返回的激光信号弱,探测难度大,且随着皮纳卫星发射次数的增多,将严重影响人类的空间科技活动。因此设计出适合于皮纳卫星的激光测距合作目标,使得激光测距技术的高精度特性应用于皮纳卫星的目标监测,这对空间目标高精度测量和提升碎片目标精密监测与预警有着重要的实用价值。本论文紧紧围绕研制出适合于皮纳卫星的微小激光反射器这一目标,立足于低轨皮纳卫星高难度的激光测距实用需求,设计质量轻、分布灵活、满足在轨和成为空间碎片后仍能采用常规的人卫激光测距技术进行观测、且便于标准化配置的微小卫星激光反射器。论文的主要工作内容如下:(1)理论计算并分析了星载激光测距合作目标的速差效应及其补偿方法、有效视场角、有效反射器面积、可观测时间、远场衍射分布、质心误差改正分布等核心技术参数,并以低轨卫星中常用的金字塔结构和八棱台结构激光反射器为例进行分析,为皮纳卫星激光反射器设计提供理论依据。(2)针对轨道高度在250—1 000 km的皮纳卫星,以标准立方体结构皮纳卫星为例,设计了质量不超过150 g、视场角满足360°、测距精度达厘米级、具有足够回波强度、且便于标准化配置的微小激光反射器,并设计了长方体和多面体结构皮纳卫星激光反射器。(3)为我国第一颗大气密度探测实验卫星PN1B设计了星载卫星激光反射器,这是国内首次采用通光口径为1 cm的微小激光反射器阵列,通过TROS1000流动人卫激光测距系统对该卫星进行的激光测距试验,观测期间其回波数最大值达314个/秒,验证了微小激光合作目标能够提供足够的的回波光子数。(4)设计了一种适用于角锥棱镜加工的靠体,在铣磨成型、粗磨及精磨和粗抛工序中直接通过该靠体的翻转实现角锥棱镜的成盘化加工,最后以配重分离器工艺进行精抛。使得角锥棱镜整体工艺方案加工工序减少、生产节奏快、效率高、质量可保证。(5)为确保卫星激光反射器发射成功后在太空环境中能正常工作,以皮纳低轨卫星激光反射器为例,介绍了激光反射器在地面进行的光学性能、力学性能、热学性能及空间辐照性能测试。  相似文献   

机载探地雷达可能解决危险环境或广域条件下的近地表探测问题,用于解决环境、生态或军事方面的问题.然而由于种种原因,该技术的发展却显得比较慢.为了推进该技术的发展,本文介绍了目前世界范围内机载探地雷达的进展,并利用时间域有限差分法对一些典型模型进行数值模拟,并用特定的偏移成像方法对模拟结果进行成像.目前存在的机载探地雷达主要有三种类型:第一种为将常规探地雷达天线悬挂在直升飞机上,第二种为针对机载探地雷达开发的雷达系统,第三种为具有探地能力的合成孔径雷达.数值模拟结果表明,不管是水平地面的情况下,还是起伏界面的情况下,机载探地雷达都能清楚探测一定深度范围内的地下目标.可见,机载探地雷达是存满希望的一种方法.  相似文献   

探地雷达是探测浅部土壤和岩石条件的一种新技术.为进行地球化学采样、土工技术研究和砂矿勘探以及对地下水流控制因素的了解等,需要更好地搞清表土层的条件,这就日益要求有分辨率更高的、描绘地表的新技术. 探地雷达技术的应用范围较广.它已成功地用来绘制湖中冰厚和水深、基岩深度、土壤层和地下水位.它还用于描绘岩石结构,测定空隙和鉴定岩溶特征.应用高分辨率雷达有效确定基岩土壤层和断裂带令人嘱目. 通过文中选出的典型实列,对野外获得高质量雷达数据的基本原理和实际工作做了说明,其中一例说明了如何应用雷达来绘制深度大于20 m的基岩和土层;有两个典型实例说明了用雷达对矿体向外40 m的范围内如何绘制断裂和岩性的变化;另—个典型实例还说明了如何应用雷达来探测和绘制地下水的污染程度;通过钻孔研究对雷达结果进行验证,说明了高分辨率雷达作为常规钻探岩心获取内插和外推资料的一种辅助手段所具备的功能与实用价值性.随着新仪器和野外新方法的出现,雷达的常规应用正变得经济实用,人们将看到这种方法会得到更广泛的使用.  相似文献   

探月雷达作为嫦娥三号和嫦娥四号月球探测任务中最重要的科学载荷之一,其目标是探测月壤及地下结构信息.然而,嫦娥三号探月雷达的第二通道数据受到横向杂波的干扰,使得有用的反射信息被掩盖.这些杂波可以认为是影响数据质量的横向噪声,使得探月雷达数据信噪比低,影响数据解释.本文将利用shearlet变换对探月雷达数据进行信号分析与噪声去除,并对嫦娥三号着陆区的月壤结构进行重建.首先,在shearlet域中,观察横向噪声的分布,并分离出以噪声为主的shearlet分量,并得到重建后的雷达数据.随后,为充分利用嫦娥三号第二通道两套数据的整体优势,对两套经过shearlet变换去噪后的雷达数据进行融合,得到综合探月雷达图像,有效得去除了水平噪声并增强了来自浅月表的有效信号.最后,根据探月雷达处理结果对嫦娥三号着陆点的月壤结构进行重建,重建结构中的溅射物厚度与撞击坑溅射物经验公式结果得到了相互印证.  相似文献   

地震雷达   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用绿色、环保的人工震源,主动向地下发射地震波,构建地震雷达,实现大范围的地下探测,是地球科学的一个前沿课题.最早,探测地球内部利用的是天然地震产生的地震波,这是因为天然地震释放的能量大,一次天然地震释放的能量相当于万吨级炸药.几千公里远处仍可以接收到信噪比大于1的地震波信号,但天然地震发生频度低和震源位置定位精度低限制了利用天然地震进行地下探测的精度;后来,利用人工源的地震勘探得到迅速的发展,探测精度明显提高,但受到人工源能量的限制,探测的空间尺度有限;今天,以小当量激发实现大尺度探测是发展地震雷达的一个关键问题,是将地震波理论和现代信息科学相结合的一个新的领域.发展人工震源的编码和接收信号的解码等理论和技术,可以从电磁波雷达在过去半个世纪所经过的道路得到许多借鉴和启发.可以预期,地震雷达的发展将会对观测地震学带来全面的影响.  相似文献   

本文对大地坐标在主动源人工地震宽角反射/折射探测剖面各个环节中的应用分别给予了阐释.大地坐标贯穿于整个主动源人工地震剖面勘探工作中,从野外地震剖面设计、地震勘探资料成果计算、资料解释都需要大地坐标参入定位、换算、成果输出等.用Visual Basic6.0编写了大地坐标转换与直角坐标相互转换、桩号计算、炮检距计算等多方面功能的应用程序.该程序在地震宽角反射/折射剖面设计及资料解释各个环节中得到了广泛的应用,在人工地震地壳结构探测与研究过程中起到了重要作用.  相似文献   

Artificial corner reflectors (ACRs) are widely applicable in monitoring terrain change via interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) remote sensing techniques. Many different types are available. The choice of the most appropriate ones has recently attracted scholarly attentions. Based on physical optics methods, via calculating the radar cross section (RCS) values (the higher the value, the better the detectability), the current study tested three ACRs, i.e., triangular pyramidal, rectangular pyramidal and square trihedral ACRs. Our calculation suggests that the square trihedral ACR produces the largest RCS but least tolerance towards incident radar ray’s deviation from optimal angle. The triangular pyramidal trihedral ACR is the most geometrically stable ACR, and has the highest tolerance towards incident radar ray’s deviation. Its RCS values, however, are the least of the three. Due to the high cost of deploying ACRs in the fields, the physical optics method seems to provide a viable way to choose appropriate ACRs.  相似文献   

SPEAR is a new polar cap HF radar facility which is to be deployed on Svalbard. The principal capabilities of SPEAR will include the generation of artificial plasma irregularities, operation as an all-sky HF radar, the excitation of ULF waves, and remote sounding of the magnetosphere. Operation of SPEAR in conjunction with the multitude of other instruments on Svalbard, including the EISCAT Svalbard radar, and the overlap of its extensive field-of-view with that of several of the HF radars in the SuperDARN network, will enable in-depth diagnosis of many geophysical and plasma phenomena associated with the cusp region and the substorm expansion phase. Moreover, its ability to produce artificial radar aurora will provide a means for the other instruments to undertake polar cap plasma physics experiments in a controlled manner. Another potential use of the facility is in field-line tagging experiments, for coordinated ground-satellite experiments. Here the scientific objectives of SPEAR are detailed, along with the proposed technical specifications of the system.  相似文献   

地质雷达能快速、准确地探测地下潜在的地质缺陷体的空间位置、形状大小及电性质等其他一些地质参数,可以为滑坡的加固设计、施工提供可靠的资料,简述了地质雷达的勘探原理和方法,并以实例说明了地质雷达在滑坡治理中的应用方法及效果。  相似文献   

The multifold acquisition principle was applied to a borehole radar survey, performed in a granitic site (Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland). Two multifold coverage acquisitions (40-fold and 20-fold) were carried out in a subhorizontal borehole. Instrumental drifts (transmission time and sampling frequency fluctuations) were corrected in order to remove shifts observed on CMP gathers and to optimize velocity analysis and trace stacking. Computation of velocity spectra was adapted in order to take into account the features of the medium investigated (homogeneous velocity, various reflector orientations). The NMO velocities were then interpreted as angles between reflectors and the survey line. The processing, based on the computation of several constant velocity stacked sections performed with different NMO velocities, leads to better results than the standard DMO + NMO processing. The signal-to-noise ratio of the stacked profile is improved in comparison with the single-fold section, which results from a standard acquisition. From a practical point of view, the implementation of a multifold radar survey within a borehole is difficult but a greater investigation range is obtained, more reflectors are detected and the mapping of geological discontinuities is improved.  相似文献   

This paper describes the ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey performed inside the Cathedral of Valencia, Spain. It is part of historical studies performed in the Cathedral in order to add information to old maps and documents in the Cathedral Archives and also to analyze the extent and importance of potentially destructive moisture areas that were appearing on the floor. The construction of the Cathedral of Valencia occurred in three stages, all of which are well-documented in the Cathedral Archives with detailed drawings, maps, and charts. The radar data were successful in locating crypts, ossuaries, sepulchers, and graves, and the location of ancient walls that existed before the final Cathedral expansion. Three cultural layers corresponding to the three periods of construction were also identified corresponding to the Roman, Arabian and Middle Age Epochs. Measurements of relative sub-floor moisture were obtained by comparing dielectric permittivity changes and radar velocity differences between materials in humid and non-humid areas.  相似文献   

PMSE人工电子加热和过冲实验的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
极区中层夏季回波(PMSE)是发生在极区中层顶附近的一种异常强大的雷达回波,它具有明显的分层现象,加热有时能引起过冲现象.电波环境特性及模化技术国家重点实验室从2006年开始开展PMSE加热实验,通过三年的PMSE观测及加热实验,观察到PMSE回波强度具有明显的分层现象,并且层数之间变化迅速.另外本文也得到PMSE加热特征曲线OCC(Overshoot Characteristic Curves)图,回波功率随高度变化的剖面图、回波强度随时间的变化图,存在明显的过冲现象.本文开展的PMSE加热实验研究,为将来我国独立开展PMSE研究打下了一定的基础.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1997 investigations into the nature of polar mesosphere summer echoes (PMSE) were conducted using the European incoherent scatter (EISCAT) VHF radar in Norway. The radar was operated in a frequency domain interferometry (FDI) mode over a period of two weeks to study the frequency coherence of the returned radar signals. The operating frequencies of the radar were 224.0 and 224.6 MHz. We present the first results from the experiment by discussing two 4-h intervals of data collected over two consecutive nights. During the first of the two days an enhancement of the FDI coherence, which indicates the presence of distinct scattering layers, was found to follow the lower boundary of the PMSE. Indeed, it is not unusual to observe that the coherence values are peaked around the heights corresponding to both the lower- and upper-most boundaries of the PMSE layer and sublayers. A Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism is offered as one possible explanation for the layering structure. Additionally, our analysis using range-time-pseudocolor plots of signal-to-noise ratios, spectrograms of Doppler velocity, and estimates of the positions of individual scattering layers is shown to be consistent with the proposition that upwardly propagating gravity waves can become steepened near the mesopause.  相似文献   

VHF atmospheric radar is used to measure the wind velocity and radar echo power related to long-period wind perturbations, including gravity waves, which are observed commonly in the lower stratosphere and tropopause region, and sometimes in the troposphere. These wind structures have been identified previously as either inertia-gravity waves, often associated with jet streams, or mountain waves. At heights of peak wind shear, imbalances are found between the echo powers of a symmetric pair of radar beams, which are expected to be equal. The largest of these power differences are found for conditions of simultaneous high wind shear and high aspect sensitivity. It is suggested that the effect might arise from tilted specular reflectors or anisotropic turbulent scatterers, a result of, for example, Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities generated by the strong wind shears. This radar power-difference effect could offer information about the onset of saturation in long-period waves, and the formation of thin layers of turbulence.  相似文献   

Observations and modelling are presented which illustrate the ability of the Finland CUTLASS HF radar to monitor the afternoon-evening equatorward auroral boundary during weak geomagnetic activity. The subsequent substorm growth phase development was also observed in the late evening sector as a natural continuation of the preceding auroral oval dynamics. Over an 8 h period the CUTLASS Finland radar observed a narrow (in range) and persistent region of auroral F- and (later) E-layer echoes which gradually moved equatorward, consistent with the auroral oval diurnal rotation. This echo region corresponds to the subvisual equatorward edge of the diffuse luminosity belt (SEEL) and the ionospheric footprint of the inner boundary of the electron plasma sheet. The capability of the Finland CUTLASS radar to monitor the E-layer SEEL-echoes is a consequence of the nearly zero E-layer rectilinear aspect angles in a region 5/10° poleward of the radar site. The F-layer echoes are probably the boundary blob echoes. The UHF EISCAT radar was in operation and observed a similar subvisual auroral arc and an F-layer electron density enhancement when it appeared in its antenna beam.  相似文献   

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