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The scope of manufacturing research and development (R&D) in the intermetropolitan region of Limburg, Belgium, is analyzed within the context of the spatial, organizational, and size-theoretical attributes of R&D and of the core-periphery model. In spite of its peripheral location, Limburg exhibits vivid R&D activity associated with the trickled-down manufacturing from neighboring West European industrial cores. R&D in Limburg is mostly centered in multinational/locational branch plants, but also in a few modernizing, old sector establishments engaged in high and medium-level “off the shelf” technology processes. R&D was significant in terms of spending, number of newly developed prototypes, and number of patents registered. It revealed strong sector concentration with relatively dispersed spatial patterns. R&D departments and spending disclosed a positive correlation with plant size, but showed particularly high concentration coefficients when medium-size high- and medium-level technology plants were considered.  相似文献   

Australian road funding in the 1970s and 1980s has been characterised by conflict between federal and state governments over control of spending. This has influenced both total funds made available and spending priorities between national, arterial and local roads. Having the constitutional responsibility for roads, state governments have refused to discuss priorities with the Commonwealth, have not stated policies, have given the Australian government as little public acknowledgement as possible, have spent money on markedly different priorities, and yet are changing their means of determining priorities to reflect changing community wishes. Interestingly, at neither state nor federal level is there evidence of pursuance of a single, dominant policy objective.  相似文献   

跨国R&D投资机制与研发资源的关系研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文从跨国公司的全球竞争战略出发,通过重新审视跨国公司海外R&D投资的基本理论框架,对跨国R&D投资的形成阶段、动因、模式和区位选择及与研发资源的关系作了详细分析,并在此基础上,提出了对我国进一步吸引海外R&D投资的几点启示,以期为利用外资外资提高我国综合技术创新能力服务。  相似文献   

张翌  司月芳  曾刚 《热带地理》2021,41(1):167-176
基于经济地理学领域的相关文献,系统梳理并评述了中资企业离岸研发的已有研究进展。研究发现,目前国内外经济地理学在中资企业离岸研发的区位选择、空间组织、行为主体等作用机制及溢出效应等方面取得了一批研究成果:中资企业离岸研发的区位主导因素因东道国特征和企业发展阶段不同而有所侧重,离岸研发的空间组织模式及其知识流动路径因其在全球创新格局中的地位而呈现差异化特征,其中跨国人员在帮助企业及地区获取其知识溢出并实现技术追赶中发挥重要的“边界扳手”作用;但同时现有研究也存在理论针对性不强、分析手段缺乏、溢出效应重视不够等问题:建议针对中资企业离岸研发活动的特点,从关系、制度、演化的视角入手,建立新的企业离岸研发理论假说。并从创新活动“流的空间”的视角入手,揭示多尺度下中资企业离岸研发空间演化规律;从关系和演化经济地理学视角入手,厘清不同尺度及多维邻近性视角下中资企业离岸研发区位因子;从中资企业特殊商业文化入手,分析华人华侨、海外人才等行为主体在中资企业离岸研发活动形成与发展中的作用;从创新溢出效应的视角入手,区分中资企业离岸研发活动对母国和东道国发展的影响。  相似文献   

基于发达国家对全球生产控制转移的视角,文章首先对全球研发网络分工动力进行再探,提出发达国家构建全球研发网络动力在于重新巩固自身国际地位的判断;其次,围绕全球网络分工的探索过程,重点总结了国内外全球研发网络分工动力研究现状;最后,为提升我国参与全球研发网络分工合作层次及国家自主创新力,文章提出“一条主线,两条路径,三个方向,多方论证”的思路,指出全球研发网络分工问题的进一步研究方向。  相似文献   

在经济全球化的背景下,我国企业要保持竞争力并且实现对发达国家企业的技术赶超成为具有国际影响力的跨国公司,必须进行国际化研发。目前,以华为、中兴和长安为代表的跨国企业尝试构建国际化研发网络,先后在发达国家设立技术研发中心。然而,国际化研发作为知识和资本密集型投资对共担风险和知识独占有着双重需求,加之我国与发达国家之间存在技术落差、文化兼容和政策激励差异等不确定性因素,导致我国企业国际化研发选址同时面临外来者劣势、来源国劣势和新兴者劣势。本研究运用二元选择模型,分析东道国因素对我国企业国际化研发网络节点选择的影响。结果表明:市场规模、制度质量和我国企业在东道国形成的集聚效应对企业的国际化研发网络节点选择有显著的吸引作用,而研发投入积极影响企业研发网络节点选择,但是作用不显著。此外,集聚效应在其中起着显著的调节作用,我国企业在东道国的集聚效应越高,市场规模与国际化研发网络节点的正向关系得到加强,而研发投入与国际化研发网络节点选择的正向关系得到减弱。  相似文献   

美国外资R&D的空间集聚特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文考察美国境内的715家外资R&D机构的空间分布和集聚现象,发现美国的外资R&D机构高度集中在三类地区;一是以硅谷和研究三角园区为代表的科技园区,二是纽约等经济中心城市,三是以底特律为代表的专业化工业城市。不同地区的外资R&D机构的行业结构与当地的优势行业完全一致,如硅谷的外资R&D机构主要是从事计算机技术的研发,底特律的外资R&D全部是从事汽车工业或与之有关技术的研发,纽约、洛杉矶和芝加哥的外资R&D机构所从事的行业则呈现与各城市优势行业一致的多样性。  相似文献   

中国R&D产业发展的空间差异及地域分类研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在确定R&D产业发展指数和潜力指数的基础上,对中国R&D产业发展的地域差异和地域类型进行了初步探讨。中国R&D产业发展的地域差异显著,且有不断扩大的趋势。可以将中国R&D产业发展的地域类型划分为发达型、较发达型、发展型和落后型4类。  相似文献   

吸引研发人员是推动国家高新区创新发展的关键举措之一。本文采用区位熵和地理探测器等方法,刻画国家高新区研发人员集聚的空间特征,探究其影响因子及作用机理。研究发现(:1)国家高新区研发人员数量呈现出以城市群为核心的空间分布格局,而研发人员集聚程度的空间分布较均衡。(2)整体上,高新区因子的解释力比城市因子更强,这说明以往只关注城市因子的研究存在不足。但在不同地区,两个层面因子解释力有所差异。东、中部地区,国家高新区研发人员集聚由城市因子和高新区因子共同作用,而高新区因子在西部地区影响更为显著。(3)高新区经济规模和高新区容纳人才能力是所有国家高新区研发人员集聚的核心因子。此外,城市住房成本、城市科研重视度和高新区外贸水平分别是主导东、中、西部国家高新区研发人员集聚的核心因子。(4)不同因子之间交互作用均呈现出增强关系,且具有区域差异性,具体表现为:高新区先进程度、高新区经济规模、城市交通便捷度分别是东、中、西部地区与其他因子的交互强化作用较为显著的因子。  相似文献   

外商投资R&D中心建设是我国地区综合竞争力和能力建设的重要环节之一,也是国家科技创新体系的重要组成部分。本文通过对在华外商投资R&D中心建设的发展态势和特点及外商投资R&D中心建设与我国地区综合竞争力和科技创新体系建设的关系分析,就外商投资R&D中心建设对我国经济发展的促进作用作了详细探讨。  相似文献   

以江苏省县区为研究单元,综合运用标准差椭圆、Ripley’s K函数和探索性空间数据分析方法,探究2005、2011和2017年江苏省研发企业的空间分异特征,并采用负二项回归模型考察江苏省研发企业空间分异的影响因素,研究结论如下:研发企业空间分布呈现出稳定的西北-东南分布格局,且具有显著的空间集聚性,聚集规模和强度先增强后减弱;研发企业冷热点呈块状分布,存在明显的“俱乐部趋同”现象;研发企业和开发区、高等学校空间匹配程度较高;经济发展水平、劳动力成本、开发区建设、邻近高等院校以及集聚经济等因素对江苏省研发企业空间布局影响显著。  相似文献   

Wilderness attracts tourists and generates visitor spending in proximate communities as people enjoy Wilderness for outdoor recreation. Wilderness also attracts amenity migrants and out-of-region investments into surrounding regional economies. To investigate the amount and types of employment and income generated by Wilderness visitation, we conducted an economic contribution analysis of aggregate national visitor expenditures. The U.S. Forest Service National Visitor Use and Monitoring (NVUM) economic spending profiles were used to construct types and amounts of Wilderness visitor spending and were applied to an estimated 9.9 million annual visitors across federal agencies. IMPLAN modeling software was used to estimate total effects and multipliers for output, employment, income, and value added. Results show that some $500 million is annually spent in communities adjacent to Wilderness, generating a direct effect of 5,700 jobs and a total output effect over $700 million across numerous industries ($2012 including indirect and induced effects).  相似文献   

R&D投入的区位模式与区域经济发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于对中国R&D投入的区位模式的实证检验,从投入一产出绩效的角度认为集中投入的区位模式具有较强的适宜性。利用聚类分析技术,按照R&D的投入强度和及其对经济的带动效应、科技化效应、产业化效应将中国各省区划分为6类地区,具有代表性的是科技化模式和产业化模式。其中前者适合于技术存置较高的少数地区,而后者具有较强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

A survey of local governments participating in two urban climate change programs is presented to determine the mechanisms used to reach emissions reduction goals and the motivations for participation. Results support previous research that shows a preference for policies that rely on changes in individual behavior, while also providing new insights into how mitigation responsibilities are distributed among the public and private sector and the relative importance of scientific consensus, economic incentives, and federal inaction on local government justification for climate-related policies. The article concludes with a discussion of urban climate governance as part of a wider system of neoliberal climate governance.  相似文献   

Data and estimates on the spatial distribution of consumer spending form the foundation of retail location analysis and location-allocation spatial interaction models. The presented research presents and compares four methods to estimate consumer spending that combine different levels of detail in household spending data across multiple levels of household aggregation (i.e. census units). Results demonstrate that these methods, which use publicly available census data, can capture a substantial amount of reported sales. Furthermore, comparison of the best method with the de facto industry standard for business data in Canada shows a strong correlation (R2 > 0.85) across space and is within 10% of aggregate industry-derived spending estimate. Analysis of the spending data across space finds that the majority of spending occurs in census metropolitan areas with high spending clusters that offer unique opportunities for retail location. We interrogate the socio-demographic characteristics of the population in these high spending clusters and find that only a few variables are required to explain a large proportion of the variance in consumer spending. The overarching outcome of the presented research is that small-to-medium businesses, planners, and municipalities do not need expensive proprietary data to estimate and predict consumer spending and market demand.  相似文献   

This report is based on a questionnaire survey sent to geographers working in Norwegian R&D institutions. Present research orientations arc described and the conditions of work of Norwegian academic geographers discussed.  相似文献   

Ron Johnston  James Forrest 《Area》2000,32(1):107-117
Summary Most studies of the impact of local campaigning on the geography of election results in single-member constituency electoral systems have been conducted in countries where the 'first-past-the-post' system is employed. Australia uses the 'alternative vote' (AV) system for elections to the federal and some state Lower Houses, with parties competing for both first- and lower-preference votes. This paper analyses the relationship between spending and success in the contests for both types of votes at the 1995 New South Wales State Legislative Assembly election, with significant findings: the more intense a party's campaign, ceteris paribus, the more first-preference votes it obtained and the more lower-preference votess when these were reallocated. The AV system was recommended for adoption in the UK by a government-commissioned report in 1998, and the paper draws some implications for the UK situation.  相似文献   

Following the 1938 hurricane that damaged much of the New England coast, New London, Connecticut, responded like most communities by leveraging federal and state funds to rebuild and augment engineered mitigation structures. Eighty years of subsequent storm experience, however, illustrates that a small number of nonstructural mitigation projects, especially private property acquisitions, have had significant long-term effects on New London's coastal resiliency, especially in the Ocean Beach neighborhood. Archival research identifies that these nonstructural mitigation projects were not initially intended to reduce hurricane or flooding risk but were aimed at removing structures determined to be public nuisances and reducing fire hazard. Therefore, New London's post-1938 mitigation experience underscores how community-scale mitigation planning following one disaster can greatly affect the outcome of future disasters. Analytically, New London's experience offers a compelling case study to critically compare two competing environmental mitigation approaches following the same disaster and to offer insight into the environmental legacies of both.  相似文献   

The concept of community identity has often been employed to explain ways in which communities respond to agents that impact community well-being. Using a case study of the Florida cattlemen community, we examine how cattlemen understand and perceive regulatory efforts to recover the Florida panther on private ranch lands. The data comes from participants in the Florida cattlemen community, and was collected through in-depth interviews (n = 13), group interviews (n = 32), and written comments associated with a survey about panther conservation (n = 78). Our findings indicate that some cattlemen in Florida have a strong sense of community identity. Perceptions of government actions and variation in economic risks are critical factors in understanding how this community responds to federal interventions. Our findings suggest that the concept of community identity can be used to explain the responses of agricultural landowners to governmental policies that are perceived as a threat to collective identity.  相似文献   

Most empirical work on changing disparities in income during recently increased European integration examines the European Union (EU)‐defined regions because of a dearth of readily available urban units of analysis and economic indicators. Moreover, a lack of systematic data on urban entrepreneurial efforts fuels debate over their effectiveness in enhancing urban prosperity. I combine a quantitative analysis of trends in income disparities for the Western European urban system for 1980‐1994, with comparative case studies using qualitative and quantitative information for three problem cities in Britain that were selected in order to investigate the types and effectiveness of their urban entrepreneurial efforts. On the one hand, the macro analysis provides no clear evidence of convergence in urban incomes. On the other hand, while the public‐private partnerships in the problem cities vary somewhat depending on local context, their entrepreneurial strategies are remarkably similar. Higher levels of economic development spending, however, do not translate necessarily into improved urban performance.  相似文献   

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