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黑碳是指生物质或化石燃料不完全燃烧以及岩石风化所产生的一系列含碳物质连续体的统称。其特殊的物理化学性质可对全球气候环境造成显著影响,如加剧温室效应、影响水文循环和碳封存;由于其具有较为稳定的化学性质以及燃烧前后碳同位素分馏小的特征,又使黑碳作为一种载体被应用到地质时间尺度火历史与植被演化重建工作中。通过对黑碳的特征、来源、循环、在沉积物中的提取方法及其在不同时间尺度古环境重建中的应用进行评述,提出了目前黑碳记录在古环境重建中存在的一些问题,如黑碳的降解转化过程对黑碳沉积的影响,以及黑碳年龄具有滞后性,沉积物中黑碳来源及沉积过程的复杂性,地质时间尺度黑碳参与碳循环的角色仍不明确等。另外对未来研究进行了展望:相对于陆地土壤、湖泊、河流、冰川等载体,海洋沉积物中黑碳的研究工作还非常缺乏。自1966年以来,深海钻探计划、国际大洋钻探计划、综合大洋钻探/发现计划航次及我国自主航次在全球海洋获取了大量高质量沉积岩芯,为未来利用黑碳研究新生代以来构造、气候、植被、火乃至人类活动之间的相互作用提供了可能性。  相似文献   

黑碳在渤海泥质区的百年沉积记录   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在渤海泥质沉积区采集柱状沉积物样品,分析其黑碳含量和沉积通量,结合210Pb年龄测定,探讨百年尺度黑碳沉积通量的时间序列变化对区域人类活动的响应。结果表明:(1)研究区黑碳含量和沉积通量分别为0.24~0.49mg/g[平均为(0.32±0.07)mg/g]和0.026~0.053mg/(cm2·a)[平均为(0.040±0.008)mg/(cm2·a)],黑碳含量与我国东海内陆架等海区相当,但远低于美国港湾和瑞典大陆架等污染较严重地区;(2)黑碳通量在20世纪50年代-70年代中期和90年代初-90年代末出现两个明显的峰值,分别对应于两个阶段的生物质燃烧量和煤炭、石油等化石燃料燃烧量的急剧增加;而20世纪70年代末-80年代末较低的黑碳通量以及21世纪初黑碳通量下降的趋势则分别与黄河改道事件、我国能源利用技术提高及污染控制减排措施逐步实施等有关;(3)通过比较本文结果以及国内外其它海域和湖泊的研究资料,证明黑碳沉积记录可以作为一个良好的地球化学指标,用于评估人类活动对生态环境的影响历史。  相似文献   

海洋生物泵与全球变化   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
王荣 《海洋科学》1992,16(1):18-21
由于大量化石燃料的燃烧和土地的不合理使用等,大气中CO_2的含量正以空前的速度增长,这一趋势几乎是不可逆转的。估计到下个世纪中期,大气中的CO_2含量将达到600×10~(-6),这刚好是工业化前的一倍。由于温室效应,预测到那时全球气温将普遍升高。中、低纬度约  相似文献   

作为一种在大气中普遍存在的碳质气溶胶成分,黑碳因可对生态环境产生深远影响而备受关注。对海洋大气黑碳沉降的深入认识有助于进一步明确海洋碳循环过程。目前对中国近海和海岸带大气黑碳沉降的研究工作少且零散,相关研究数据不足以探求其规律。对该区域近20年来已报道的大气黑碳数据进行系统梳理和再分析,利用整合的数据集成估算沉降通量并分析其空间分布特征,最后评述了目前黑碳的源解析方法并评估了该区域大气黑碳的来源,对未来近海大气黑碳研究作了展望。结果表明:(1)中国近海和海岸带陆域大气黑碳浓度平均值分别约为1.95±1.28和5.05±2.62μg·m–3,具有显著的人为污染特征,由北向南,海岸带陆域黑碳浓度近似呈“V”形分布,最低值位于南黄海沿岸,而近海区则大致呈递减趋势;(2)中国近海和沿海陆域大气黑碳的总沉降通量分别为413.2±137.1和1422.7±721.1 mg·m-2·a-1,以湿沉降为主,南北差异明显,主要受控于降水过程和陆源排放强度;我国近海黑碳大气沉降量可占全球海洋黑碳总沉降量的16%;(3)化石燃料源贡献了中国海岸带大气黑碳总排放量的...  相似文献   

利用海洋微藻制备生物柴油的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄雄超  牛荣丽 《海洋科学》2012,36(1):108-116
世界能源危机和环境问题的日益加剧,使越来越多的人开始关注到清洁的可再生能源。生物柴油是一种新兴的可再生生物质能,清洁环保,易生物降解,燃烧后排放的氮氧化物和CO2少,且可直接用于现有的柴油发动机,因此成为了一种良好的化石燃料替代物[1]。  相似文献   

长江口潮滩先锋植物藨草腐烂分解过程研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以长江口崇明东滩湿地为研究区域,采集了先锋植物藨草(Scirpus triqueter)的地上茎和地下根部分,分别埋藏于高潮滩和堤内两处不同地点,研究了植物不同部位组织在腐烂分解过程中质量及其碳、氮元素含量的变化,分析了影响植物分解的主要因素。结果表明,藨草残体在为期391 d的分解过程中质量损失了46%~66%,其中藨草茎分解速率大于藨草根的,高潮滩的大于堤内的;碳含量呈持续降低趋势,而氮含量则显著升高。植物体中初始营养盐水平和C/N比值的高低可能是导致藨草根、茎残体的分解速率存在差异的最主要因素。环境因素(如温度、湿度等)对藨草残体的腐烂分解有着十分重要的影响,温度升高、湿度增大,则加速微生物对植物碎屑的分解。由于受潮汐作用影响,高潮滩的植物埋藏环境比堤内的更潮湿,从而使得藨草在高潮滩的分解速率以及碳、氮元素含量的变化速率都明显高于堤内。  相似文献   

李健  王广策 《海洋科学》2011,35(7):122-129
温室气体过度排放引起的全球气候变化已经成为世界各国需要共同应对的首要环境问题,其中化石燃料燃烧产生的二氧化碳排放被认为是引起全球气候变暖的主要因素,所以减少二氧化碳排放可能是逆转全球气候变暖的主要措施。大规模微藻培养可以在减排二氧化碳的同时处理废水、  相似文献   

基于苏州地区2018—2021年黑碳(black carbon, BC)质量浓度观测数据,结合黑碳仪模型、浓度权重轨迹分析法(concentration weighted trajectory, CWT),对苏州地区BC分布特征和来源进行了分析。结果表明,2018—2021年苏州BC平均质量浓度为1.81μg/m3且呈逐年下降的趋势,与2018年相比,2021年BC年平均质量浓度下降了43.6%。同时,苏州本地源以化石燃料(fossil fuel,简记为“ff”)燃烧为主,75.5%的BC由化石燃料燃烧产生。在BC质量浓度逐年降低的同时,BCff占比也呈逐年下降的趋势。在季节变化上,BC质量浓度冬季最高,夏季最低,BC和BCff日变化均呈双峰型分布。与气温、降水量相比,相对湿度对BC质量浓度影响较小;当BC质量浓度小于6μg/m3时,BC质量浓度随风速增加而减小;同时,BC质量浓度在各风向上的分布差异并不明显。潜在源分析显示,四季BC的潜在源区多集中在西南方向,浙江、安徽、江西等3个省份对苏州BC影...  相似文献   

渤海胶州湾两水域浮游植物生物量与环境因子的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋生物与其所栖息的环境密切相关。自养生物吸收利用水中的无机态元素C,H,O,N,P,Si,Fe等(有的尚包括一定量的有机态化学物质)变为有生命的有机体;异养生物捕食植物或动物来构成机体和维持生命;生物异化作用及尸体分解,又将有机态物质变为无机态化学成分。因此,海洋生物离不开化学元素。元素在海洋中的循环,括包着生物体作用过程,除食物链化学物质外,还包括着生物栖息环境条件。例如:任何生物都有自己的适温范围;盐度与生物的渗透压有关;pH值大小对海藻吸收氮素形态有影响;铅、汞、砷及农药等对海洋生物有致病性。由此看来,海洋理化环境的研究,在元素地球化学及水产农牧化中均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

由于人类使用化石燃料和氮化肥,大量的氮化合物质排放在大气中,这些氮物质进入海洋后,可能会吸收掉一些空气中的二氧化碳。  相似文献   

To increase our understanding of the roles of black carbon (BC), a highly sorptive and recalcitrant material, we measured BC concentrations and fluxes in marine particulate organic carbon (POC) out of the water column in the Gulf of Maine (GoM), a representative coastal area downwind of important BC sources of the Northeastern United States. Concentrations ranged from < 0.1 to 16 μg/L in the spring and late summer, typically contributing between 1 and 20% of the POC. Water-column export fluxes were near 10 gBC/m2∙yr. These observations suggest that (a) up to 50% of the “molecularly uncharacterized” POC in this region's seawater is combustion-derived BC, and (b) the “bioavailabilities” of hydrophobic pollutants like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) would be influenced substantially by sorption to BC. The observed BC spatial distributions imply that a large part of the BC was carried offshore by wind and that much of it is accumulated in the coastal sediments. On a global scale, these results suggest the GoM and other coastal areas with similar BC loadings accumulate significant amounts of highly recalcitrant organic carbon that remineralizes on geological time scales in the world's oceans.  相似文献   

自然资源部第一海洋研究所地球系统模式FIO-ESM是自主研发的、以耦合海浪模式为特色的地球系统模式,包括物理气候模式和全球碳循环模式。该模式从第一代版本FIO-ESM v1.0发展到第二代版本FIO-ESM v2.0,其物理气候模式和全球碳循环模式都取得了改进与提升。FIO-ESM v2.0全球碳循环模式的海洋碳循环模式由v1.0的营养盐驱动模型升级为NPZD(Nutrient-Phytoplankton-Zooplankton-Detritus)型的海洋生态动力学碳循环模型,陆地碳循环模型由v1.0的简单的光能利用率模型升级为考虑碳氮相互作用的碳氮(CN)耦合模型;大气碳循环模型仍为CO2的传输过程,考虑了化石燃料排放、土地利用排放等人为CO2排放量。在物理过程参数化方案方面,FIO-ESM v2.0全球碳循环过程在考虑浪致混合作用对生物地球化学参数的作用的基础上,增加了海表面温度的日变化过程对海-气CO2通量的影响。已有数值模拟试验结果表明,FIO-ESM v2.0在考虑了更加复杂的碳循环过程后仍具有较好的全球碳循环模拟能力,为进一步开展海洋与全球碳循环研究提供了更有力的支撑工具,从而更好地服务于国家的双碳目标。  相似文献   

New directions in black carbon organic geochemistry   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In the past 30 years, the field of black carbon (BC) research has expanded broadly, stretching from its traditional core in the atmospheric sciences into oceanography, soil science, and even anthropology. Results produced in this period of expansion have been exciting: BC has been detected in many important geochemical pools, and interesting new research directions open as we learn about the role of this byproduct of biomass burning in the carbon cycle. Especially important research directions will be the quantification of BC loss processes (both biotic and abiotic), measurement of BC decomposition products in environmentally relevant reservoirs, and exploration of the interactions between BC and its host organo-mineral matrix, including the role of BC in pedogenesis.However, along with exciting results, we have also seen apparent discrepancies between BC studies. These discrepancies occur at least in part because of a lack of a common language, common methods, and a common model of BC. This paper lays out the framework many BC researchers use to understand the role of BC in the carbon cycle, discussing the ‘combustion continuum’ BC model and the methodological continuum that this model implies.  相似文献   

Coastal marine sediment, air and seawater samples were collected at six sampling stations in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea distant from pollutant point sources. All sediment samples were analyzed to determine polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), black carbon (BC) and organic carbon (OC) contents. The PAH contents of gaseous and seawater samples of the study were determined in order to evaluate the role of air–sea exchange as PAH nonpoint source to the marine sediments. The average concentration of the total PAHs (∑PAHs) in the sediments varied from 2.2 to 1056.2 ng g−1 dry weight. The average BC and OC contents varied from 0.3 to 5.6 and from 2.9 to 21.4 mg g−1 dry weight, respectively. ∑PAH concentration in the marine atmosphere varied from 20.0 to 83.2 ng m−3. Air–water exchange flux (FA–W) estimation has indicated air transport as a significant source of PAHs to pristine marine sediments of Eastern Mediterranean. In addition, the significant correlation between the PAHs and the organic and soot carbon content further suggests the importance of atmospheric input of PAHs to the sediments.  相似文献   

海洋蓝碳是海洋碳汇研究的重要领域,厘清不同蓝碳生境中沉积物有机碳组分格局是当前研究的热点之一。为更好地理解此问题,现以近海厚壳贻贝养殖区这一特殊蓝碳生境为对象,解析沉积物中的碳氮组分格局;进一步通过关联沉积物微生物群落、结合卡尔文循环和还原三羧酸循环的关键基因相对丰度分析,评估厚壳贻贝养殖区沉积物的固碳潜力。结果表明,相较于非养殖区,厚壳贻贝养殖区沉积物惰性碳的累积较大,氮组分主要以氨氮形式存在;同时养殖区高微生物量碳和微生物量氮指示了其沉积物中碳周转较快,碳氮组分特征差异明显。沉积物微生物高通量测序结果显示养殖区沉积物微生物主要以Gamma变形菌纲和Delta变形菌纲为主,且微生物类群与颗粒有机碳、惰性碳等碳组分存在明显的相关性。与惰性碳存在明显正相关关系的硫微螺菌科(Thiomicrospiraceae)丰度在养殖区沉积物中显著高于非养殖区沉积物。贻贝养殖区沉积物包含cbbL在内的6种关键功能基因,固碳潜力明显。研究结果将为进一步探究蓝碳生境的有机碳来源和微生物固碳效率提供基础依据。  相似文献   

Forms and functions of inorganic carbon in the Jiaozhou Bay sediments   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Inorganic carbon forms and their influencing factors, mutual transformation and contribution to carbon cycling in the Jiaozhou Bay sediments were discussed. The results show that inorganic carbon in sediments could be divided into five forms:NaCl form, NH3·H2O form, NaOH form, NH2OH·HCl form and HCl form. Thereinto, NH2OH·HCl form and HCl form account for more than 70% of total inorganic carbon. There was close relationship among every form of inorganic carbon and their correlativity was clearly different with different sedimentary environment except the similar strong positive correlation among NH2OH·HCl form, HCl form and total inorganic carbon in all regions of the Jiaozhou Bay. All forms of inorganic carbon were influenced by organic carbon, pH, Eh, Es, nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments, but their influence had different characteristics in different regions. Every form of inorganic carbon transformed into each other continuously during early diagenesis of sediments and the common phenomenon was that NaCl form, NH3·H2O form, NaOH form and NH2OH·HCl form might transform into steady HCl form. NaCl form, NH3·H2O form, NaOH form and NH2OH·HCl form could participate in carbon recycle and they are potential carbon source; HCl form may be buried for a long time in sediments, and it may be one of the final resting places of atmospheric CO2. Inorganic carbon which entered into sediments was about 4.98×1010 g in the Jiaozhou Bay every year, in which about 1.47×1010 g of inorganic carbon might be buried for a long time and about 3.51×1010 g of inorganic carbon might return into seawater and take part in carbon recycling.  相似文献   

全球范围内有植被定植的海岸带栖息地(红树林、盐沼和海草床)是巨大的沉积物有机碳碳库,同时也是自然生态系统中最密集的碳汇之一,在全球碳循环中发挥着重要作用。针对江苏盐城海岸盐沼湿地沉积物有机碳的研究,区域上的稀疏性和偏向性限制了其作为区域碳汇能力的可靠估计。本研究采用47个100 cm深沉积柱样的现场调查数据,探讨了江苏盐城海岸盐沼湿地沉积物有机碳含量、密度和储量特征。结果表明,0~100 cm深度沉积物有机碳平均含量和平均密度分别为1.68%和23.07 kg/m3,不同盐沼群落沉积物有机碳含量和密度存在一定的差异,其中有机碳平均含量大小排序依次为互花米草>芦苇>盐地碱蓬,有机碳密度排序为芦苇>互花米草>盐地碱蓬。总体而言,3种盐沼群落沉积物有机碳含量的垂向变化趋势与有机碳密度变化趋势具有一致性,芦苇和互花米草表聚性明显。沉积物有机碳含量与其理化性质有关,互花米草群落沉积物有机碳含量具有明显的粒度控制效应,而其他群落不显著。3种盐沼湿地类型0~100 cm深度沉积物总碳储量约为6195.27×103Mg C。研究成果揭...  相似文献   

Permeable coastal sediments act as a reactive node in the littoral zone,transforming nutrients via a wide range of biogeochemical reactions.Reaction rates are controlled by abiotic factors,e.g.,salinity,temperature or solute concentration.Here,a series of incubation experiments,using flow-through reactors,were conducted to simulate the biogeochemical cycling of nitrate (NO_3~?) and phosphorus (P) in permeable sediments under differentNO_3~?availability conditions (factor I) along a salinity gradient (admixture of river and seawater,factor II).In an oligotrophic scenario,i.e.,unamendedNO_3~?concentrations in both river and seawater,sediments acted as a permanent net source ofNO_3~?to the water column.The peak production rate occurred at an intermediate salinity(20).IncreasingNO_3~?availability in river water significantly enhanced netNO_3~?removal rates within the salinity range of 0 to 30,likely via the denitrification pathway based on the sediment microbiota composition.In this scenario,the most active removal was obtained at salinity of 10.When both river and seawater were spiked with NO_3~?,the highest removal rate switched to the highest salinity (36).It suggests the salinity preference of theNO_3~?removal pathway by local denitrifiers (e.g.,Bacillus and Paracoccus) and thatNO_3~?removal in coastal sediments can be significantly constrained by the dilution relatedNO_3~?availability.Compared with the obtained variation forNO_3~?reactions,permeable sediments acted as a sink of soluble reactive P in all treatments,regardless of salinity andNO_3~?input concentrations,indicating a possibility of P-deficiency for coastal water from the intensive cycling in permeable sediments.Furthermore,the net production of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in all treatments was positively correlated with the measuredNO_3~?reaction rates,indicating that the DOC supply may not be the key factor forNO_3~?removal rates due to the consumption by intensive aerobic respiration.Considering the intensive production of recalcitrant carbon solutes,the active denitrification was assumed to be supported by sedimentary organic matter.  相似文献   

海洋雾状层的成因及其对海洋碳循环过程的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋雾状层既是陆源物质进入海底的输送通道,又是海洋水体中沉降颗粒及底部再悬浮颗粒物的停留场所。雾状层物质来源主要有陆源、生源以及海底表层沉积物的再悬浮,不同海区、不同层位的雾状层的物质来源有所差异;雾状层的成因具有复杂性,既有物理作用,又有生物及化学作用,大量研究表明,海底洋流、内波(潮)等物理作用是雾状层形成的主要控制因素。雾状层中碳的存在形态主要有颗粒有机碳(POC)、溶解有机碳(DOC)、胶体有机碳(COC)以及无机碳,雾状层与其上下海水之间、雾状层与海底表层沉积物之间不同形态碳在生物-化学-物理动力系统作用下不断发生物质交换与迁移,对海洋碳循环生物地球化学过程起重要的控制作用,是整个海洋碳循环的一个不可忽视的环节。  相似文献   

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