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AFLP技术在笛鲷的仔鱼鉴定及其分类学上的研究   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:21  
以南沙群岛采获的勒氏笛鲷(Lutjanus russelli)、黄笛鲷(Lutjanus lutjanus)、红笛鲷(Lut janus sanguineus)、紫红笛鲷(Lutjanus argentimaculatus)、金焰笛鲷(Lutjanus fulviflamma)、线纹笛鲷(Lutjanus lineolatus)、画眉笛鲷(Lutjanus vitta)、马拉巴笛鲷(Lutjanus malabarius)、驼背笛鲷(Lutjanus gibbus)、约氏笛鲷(Lutjanus johni)、金带笛鲷(Lutjanus vaigiensis)11种笛鲷属的后期仔鱼为材料, 进行了基因组DNA的AFLP(扩增片段长度多态性)研究,通过笛鲷仔鱼和成鱼的AFLP电泳图谱的比较分析,将这11种笛鲷属的仔鱼成功分开.研究表明,最适合的AFLP引物组合是E+AGC/M+CAA,由这11种笛鲷共扩增出132 AFLP位点,每种笛鲷的AFLP条带数为43~69,在这11种笛鲷中,共享的AFLP条带数仅为7,同一种笛鲷仔鱼和成鱼AFLP遗传相似度在90%以上.根据这11种笛鲷的Nei遗传距离对Neighboring系统进行进化分析,并且与传统的笛鲷形态分类进行了比较.分子生物学可以阐释笛鲷属鱼类的系统进化和遗传亲缘关系,对传统形态分类学加以完善和补充.  相似文献   

光合细菌在海湾扇贝工厂化育苗生产中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1999年2月6日-4月10日,在青岛市崂山区海水育苗场80m3水体育苗池中,进行了几株光合细菌混合菌液作为海湾扇贝(Argopectonirradians)幼体及稚贝培育期水质净化剂及辅助饵料育苗生产试验,取得了显著效果。浮游幼体生长速度提高了18.3%,浮游期成活率提高20.3%,幼本提前30个小时出现眼点,稚贝变态率提高14.5%,产量提高94%。  相似文献   

Egg identification in plankton samples is usually needed for purposes of stock assessment. Until recently, only morphological characters were used for identifying the eggs of different fish species. Late developmental stages are easily distinguishable due to pigmentation as well as egg and oil globule size range. However, for early stages, these characteristics are difficult to be discriminated and may overlap with other species. European horse mackerel species (Trachurus trachurus, T. mediterraneus, T. picturatus) overlap significantly in their spawning areas in some European waters. Because of the fact that their eggs are morphologically similar, genetic methodologies are needed to identify eggs and larvae to species correctly. In the present study, formalin‐ and ethanol‐preserved eggs were tested to estimate the efficacy of genetic methodologies for species identification of eggs when different preservatives are used. A 370‐bp fragment of cytochrome b was successfully amplified followed by restriction fragment analysis with two restriction enzymes aiming to identify the eggs to species. Horse mackerel egg identification was accomplished with the maximum success in ethanol‐preserved eggs. However, it seems that various preservatives had different effects on the DNA quality of eggs as genetic identification was less successful in formalin‐preserved eggs. Preserving in ethanol a part of the eggs obtained in plankton surveys is suggested for purposes of accurate genetic identification, even if their morphological features are distorted in time.  相似文献   

于2019年12月使用4种不同型号网具采集了珠江口浮游动物, 进行形态学鉴定和DNA分子鉴定, 分析珠江口浮游动物的群落结构特征, 并比较不同调查方法对浮游动物丰度和生物量结果的影响。形态学镜检鉴定浮游动物36种(类), 其中浮游幼虫6类。浅水I型浮游生物网采集的浮游动物平均丰度为115±96ind.·m-3, 平均生物量为0.21±0.14g·m-3; 浅水Ⅱ型浮游生物网采集的浮游动物平均丰度为3536±2444ind.·m-3, 平均生物量为0.56±0.33g·m-3; 浅水Ⅲ型浮游生物网采集的浮游动物平均丰度为4314±4172ind.·m-3, 平均生物量为0.50±0.25g·m-3; 25#浮游生物网采集的浮游动物平均丰度为6741±3826ind.·m-3, 平均生物量为4.33±3.42g·m-3。研究结果表明网具孔径大小对浮游动物研究结果具有重要影响, 三个站点水体DNA样品注释出15种浮游动物; 使用浅水Ⅱ型网采集的DNA样品注释出19种浮游动物; 镜检样品鉴定浮游动物17种。水体DNA样品能检测出更多的微型浮游动物如原生动物等; 网采样品能过滤更多的水样, 有利于采集更多的大中型浮游动物, 更能充分反映优势类群如桡足类的种类和数量。研究结果表明, 水体DNA可检出浮游幼虫和原生动物等较难镜检鉴别的种类, 采用不同型号网具采集浮游动物可以更全面地反映研究海域浮游动物的群落结构特征。多种调查方法的结合有助于全面了解研究海域的生态环境状况。  相似文献   

几何形态学(morphometrics)是基于笛卡尔地标点的统计分析方法,主要运用广义普鲁克分析(GPA)、薄板样条分析(TPS)、主成分分析(PCA)、典型变量分析(CVA)等方法,定量的对形态变化进行识别,结果更为客观。本研究运用几何形态学方法对8种常见扇贝(栉孔扇贝Azumapecten farreri、虾夷盘扇贝Mizuhopecten yessoensis、海湾扇贝Argopecten irradians、平濑掌扇贝Volachlamys hirasei、北海道扇贝Swiftopecten swiftii、荣套扇贝Gloripallium pallium、华贵类栉孔扇贝Mimachlamys nobilis、美丽环扇贝Annachlamys striatula)间形态关系进行研究,运用界标点和半界标点对扇贝的壳盘和壳耳进行数字化标点,利用PCA、CVA、TPS方法,获得8种扇贝的形态差异并进一步分析,建立系统发育树。PCA和CVA分析结果表明可以通过几何形态测量学分析方法将8种扇贝基于形态差异进行有效区分。此外,结合TPS的分析结果,发现壳耳和壳盘在扇贝中具有种间规律性差异。通过其形态分异进行表型聚类,从结果可知:美丽环扇贝、虾夷盘扇贝和海湾扇贝距离较近,壳型有共同的特征:扇贝壳盘较椭圆,壳耳相对较小;荣套扇贝和华贵类栉孔扇贝距离较近,壳型有共同的特征:扇贝壳盘更扁平,前耳相对较大;北海道扇贝、平濑掌扇贝和栉孔扇贝与其他种类没有交集。在聚类过程中,华贵类栉孔扇贝和荣套扇贝有交集,10个标本混淆,其他标本均成功聚类,正确率为95.5%。  相似文献   

本研究确定了獐子岛集团虾夷扇贝Patinopecten yessoensis育苗过程中幼体大规模死亡的病原菌。采用TCBS培养基从患病幼体中分离弧菌,其数量为1.12×104 CFU/g,以V1菌株和V2菌株为优势菌,占总弧菌数的64.3%和32.1%。用血琼脂平板测定V1菌株和V2菌株的溶血性,2株菌分别呈β溶血和α溶血。用2株菌分别感染扇贝幼体,幼体的死亡率显著高于对照组(P<0.05),症状与自然状态下的发病症状一致,并且从感染死亡的幼体中分离到原感染菌株,确定V1菌株和V2菌株是造成扇贝幼体大规模死亡的病原菌。对2株病原菌进行致病基因分析,结果发现V1菌株含有胞外金属蛋白酶基因。经16S rRNA基因测序分析,V1菌株(GenBank登录号KR232924)和V2菌株(GenBank登录号KR232925)与Vibrio splendidus ctt 31/5 和 Vibrio tasmaniensis 007的相似度分别为99.9%和99.2%。用药敏纸片扩散法检测病原菌对常见抗生素的敏感性,结果表明利福平、氟苯尼考和磺胺异恶唑均能有效抑制病原菌的生长。  相似文献   

采用线粒体COⅠ和12S rRNA基因片段作为DNA条形码,分析珠江口春季鱼卵和仔稚鱼种类组成和分布特征,并探究两种条形码在鱼卵和仔稚鱼种类鉴定中的适用性。研究共扩增样本391个,成功鉴定的鱼卵和仔稚鱼共7目25科42属60种(2种未鉴定到种)。其中,以鲈形目(Perciformes)种类和数量最多,种类数占比为51.6%,数量占比为47.91%;其次为鲱形目(Clupeiformes),种类数占比为25%,数量占比为34.56%。优势种10种,其中凤鲚(Coilia mystus)优势度最高,为0.071;棘头梅童鱼(Collichthys lucidus)最低,为0.014。COⅠ和12S rRNA基因片段扩增结果显示,鱼卵和仔稚鱼12S rRNA基因片段扩增成功率(95.60%)明显高于COⅠ基因(43.22%)。遗传距离和ABGD分析显示,COⅠ基因种内遗传距离为0~0.005(平均0.003),种间遗传距离为0.061~0.376(平均0.253),两者间存在明显的“条形码间隙”,ABGD划分结果与数据库比对结果一致;12S r RNA基因种内遗传距离为0~0.011(平均0...  相似文献   

西沙群岛是我国南海陆地面积最大的群岛,海域广阔,拥有重要的战略地位与丰富的海洋资源。为了解该海域浮游动物组成与分布特征,本研究于2019年5月在西沙群岛14个岛礁站位开展多学科综合调查,并采用形态学方法和基于18S V9测序的宏条形码技术对浮游动物样本组成进行鉴定。结果显示,此次西沙调查站位浮游动物样本的主要种类包括桡足类、软甲纲和箭虫纲,这3个类别的物种在两种鉴定方法中均具有较高的相对丰度。14个站位浮游动物平均密度为707.53±378.34 ind/m3,各站位浮游动物丰度、物种组成及优势种存在差异。形态学方法共鉴定出11门17纲18目共86个物种,18S V9分子方法鉴定出22门46纲85目共233个操作分类单元(operational taxonomic units, OTUs),分子鉴定的物种覆盖度更高,且代表性类群相对丰度和多样性指数在大部分站位与形态学鉴定结果呈现出显著相关性,表明宏条形码技术鉴定方法与形态学鉴定方法在评价海洋浮游动物多样性方面具有较好的可比性,在我国海洋浮游动物群落监测中具有较高的应用潜力。但由于目前浮游动物的分子鉴定方法仍处于初步发展阶段,相关技术手段仍不完善,仍需多种鉴定方法结合使用,以保证浮游动物多样性鉴定的准确性。  相似文献   

The ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region is a useful genomic region for understanding evolutionary and genetic relationships. In the current study, the molecular phylogenetic analysis of Pectinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) was performed using the nucleotide sequences of the nuclear ITS region in nine species of this family. The sequences were obtained from the scallop species Argopecten irradians, Mizuhopecten yessoensis, Amusium pleuronectes and Mimachlamys nobilis, and compared with the published sequences of Aequipecten opercularis, Chlamys farreri, C. distorta, M. varia, Pecten maximus, and an outgroup species Perna viridis. The molecular phylogenetic tree was constructed by the neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony methods. Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS1, ITS2, or their combination always yielded trees of similar topology. The results support the morphological classifications of bivalve and are nearly consistent with classification of two subfamilies (Chlamydinae and Pectininae) formulated by Waller. However, A. irradians, together with A. opercularis made up of genera Amusium, evidences that they may belong to the subfamily Pectinidae. The data are incompatible with the conclusion of Waller who placed them in Chlamydinae by morphological characteristics. These results provide new insights into the evolutionary relationships among scallop species and contribute to the improvement of existing classification systems.  相似文献   

海湾扇贝4次引种后代的表型特征和遗传分化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析了不同时期引入到我国的4个繁育历史清晰、未发生种质混杂的海湾扇贝养殖群体成体的壳形态指标和群体遗传结构。壳表型参数分析表明,海湾扇贝北部亚种(Northernbay scallop,Argopecten irradians irradians)的浙江养殖群体(ZJ)、加拿大新布朗斯威克群体(NB)、马萨诸塞-弗吉尼亚混合群体(M-V)及海湾扇贝南部亚种(Southern bay scallop,Arg-opecten irradians concentricus)的北卡罗来那群体(NC)等不同群体间在壳形态方面存在显著差异南部亚种的NC群体壳高与壳长基本相等[壳高与壳长的比值(H/L)达0.99,壳型宽壳宽和壳长的比值(W/L)达到0.59];而北部亚种3个群体的壳长均大于壳高,其中ZJ和NB群体的壳形态尤其偏长,其H/L分别是0.92和0.90,NB群体的壳宽显著小于其他群体,W/L仅为0.36。RAPD分析结果表明,ZJ、NB、M-V、NC群体的多态位点比例分别为31.82%、29.55%、28.79%和31.82%,平均杂合度分别为0.1078、0.1134、0.0966和0.1197,表明在我国独立繁育了19代的ZJ养殖群体仍然保持了与其他群体相近的遗传多样性水平。4个群体间的遗传分化系数(Gst)为0.1892,表明其中18.92%的变异来自不同群体间的遗传差异,说明4个群体在遗传上存在着较大的分化。从遗传距离分析,ZJ与NB较近,两者间的遗传距离为0.0319,而两者与M-V间的遗传距离相对较远,分别为0.0442和0.0524;NC与M-V间的遗传距离为0.0368。这些结果表明,从原产地引种到国外时间较早的ZJ、NB等2个群体与较晚引进我国的M-V群体之间的遗传距离已超过了M-V群体(北部亚种)与NC群体(南部亚种)之间的遗传距离,说明独立繁育了近20代后,ZJ群体和NB群体均已产生了较大的遗传分化,这种分化可能有利于海湾扇贝的品种培育。  相似文献   

A simple, rapid and quantitative embryo-larval bioassay that uses changes in echinochrome pigment synthesis as an indicator of seawater toxicity has been developed to allow increased use of sensitive sea urchin bioassays where time, resources and technical expertise may be limited. Several 48 h embryo-larval tests were conducted with lowered salinity and increased concentrations of copper as the potential toxicants. At 48 h the larvae were examined for echinochrome pigment level (E), the number of embryos that had gastrulated (G) and the percentage of gastrulas that had developed to prisms (P). Relationships between the pigment levels (E) and morphological parameters (G and P) were investigated using simple and partial correlation analysis. Reductions in echinochrome levels were correlated with both G and P, and partial correlation analysis showed that changes in echinochrome levels are associated with G, P, or G and P, depending on the experimental conditions. The echinochrome measurement procedure appears to be as good as or better than the morphological examination technique since it is as sensitive, less variable and takes about 25% of the time required for morphological examination.  相似文献   

本实验以栉孔扇贝为材料,对栉孔扇贝亲贝、幼虫,进行0.05~0.9T不同磁场强度的磁化水培育试验.实验结果表明:磁化水对亲贝蓄养有明显促进性腺发育成熟的作用;磁化水组性腺指数比对照组提高3.5×10-2.孵化率也大大提高,比对照组提高16×10-2.对扇贝幼虫生长发育的影响,在0.3~0.7T的磁化水范围内,幼虫生长较快,成活率最高,其中0.6T最好。然后又进行0.6T生产性应用试验,通过3a应用,磁化水组比对照组幼虫成活率可提高18×10-2,附着变态率比对照组提高27×10-2,单位水体出苗量比对照组提高50×10-2左右。另外,磁化水也有明显改善育苗木质的作用,从而保证了扇贝育苗稳产高产。  相似文献   

In contrast to typical planktonic hydromedusae, Cladonema medusae are mostly benthic, with specialised adhesive branches to adhere to the substrate. In this study, a Cladonema species discovered in a laboratory aquarium in Fuzhou, China, was confirmed as a new species, based on morphological and molecular analyses. The species was named Cladonema multiramosum sp. nov. Its medusa is distinct from that of congeners possessing substantially more adhesive branches (8–24, rarely 5–7), and tiny branches on the upper radial canals. The validity of C. multiramosumum sp. nov. was also supported by molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequence. However, C. multiramosum sp. nov. medusa also displayed considerable phenotypic plasticity with respect to its radial canals, tentacles, stinging branches per tentacle, oral tentacles, manubrium, and gonads, hindering species identification based solely on morphology. Although some morphological characteristics of hydroids (filiform tentacles and medusa buds) and nematocysts could also be used as diagnostic characters in the genus Cladonema, this information is unavailable for some Cladonema species. Thus, the taxonomy within the genus Cladonema was re-evaluated based mainly on the morphological characteristics of the medusa. Further revision of the genus Cladonema should be made when supplementary information on the life cycle and DNA barcoding are updated.  相似文献   

Aequorea taiwanensis, a new hydrozoan species from the Taiwan Strait was described using morphological and molecular characteristics. Both morphological and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (mtCOI) data supported A. taiwanensis n. sp. as a valid species. Sequence divergence and genetic distance of A. taiwanensis n. sp., A. papillata and A. conica were analysed based on the mtCOI gene sequences. The mtCOI sequences from these three species of the genus Aequorea showed high variation frequency, with sequence divergences ranging from 9.10% to 11.9%, and pairwise genetic distances ranging from 0.097 to 0.130. MtCOI sequence analysis provided diagnostic molecular systematic characteristics for accurate identification and discrimination of the species of Aequorea or their populations, and will be used to resolve evolutionary relationships among them.It was suggested that 10%—20% pairwise mtCOI sequence differences indicated the specieslevel divergence among congeneric species in the Hydromedusae.  相似文献   

We present the results of experiments to assess the immediate impact of scallop dredging on the seabed sediment and on the inhabiting infauna. The passage of the scallop dredge is shown to homogenise the seabed, flattening sand ripples. The turbulent wake entrains up to the equivalent of a 1 mm layer of sediment per unit of swept width, although an analysis of the finer particles material implies that the suspended silt material must originate from depths of at least 10 mm.The species most abundant in the sediment plume either swim actively in the water column or are found in, or on, the upper layers of the substrate, whereas those most abundant in core samples taken from the sediment, but not present in the net samples, are almost all tube-building or deep burrowing.The vertical stratification of sediment concentration and of animal numbers in the water column suggests that even if some of these species respond actively to the presence of the dredge, once entrained, they are transported more or less passively in the same way as the larger sediment particles.There was no difference between the core samples taken before or after towing suggesting that animals mobilised by the dredge resettle in the tow path. Our analysis does not provide any information regarding the fate of these animals.  相似文献   

Early life stages from a marine fish species, Fundulus heteroclitus, were exposed to sublethal doses of 3,3',4,4',5 pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB126) to evaluate its effects on ecologically relevant responses: growth and behavior. A few hours after fertilisation, eggs were treated topically with PCB126 (2.5-50 pg egg?1). Four days post-hatching (dph), morphological changes (body length and malformations), spontaneous locomotor activity (active swimming speed, rate of travel, % inactivity), prey capture ability (Artemia franciscana nauplii) and whole body EROD activity were evaluated in larvae. Untreated larvae collected at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 dph were also examined. PCB126 did not increase the mortality or malformation rates. Body length and spontaneous locomotor activity were altered only in larvae treated with the highest dose. Treatment with PCB126 caused a dose-responsive reduction in prey capture ability (rate of decline in the number of Artemia) and induction of EROD activity. The lowest observed effective dose for both of these responses was 5.0 pg PCB126 egg?1 or 5.0 TCDD-toxic equivalents pg g?1 egg, using a TCDD-toxic equivalent factor of 0.005 and an egg mass of 5 mg. Prey capture efficiency (number of Artemia captured per feeding strike) was reduced at ≥ 10.0 pg egg?1. In untreated developing larvae, prey capture ability and efficiency increased as post-hatching development progressed and EROD activity remained low. The pattern of behavioral responses observed in PCB126-exposed Fundulus larvae differed from that observed in less-developed larvae indicating that other mechanisms than retarded development were involved. Behavioral dysfunction was a more sensitive response to PCB126 than morphological alterations and it occurred at environmentally relevant concentrations.  相似文献   

中国北方习见水母类的DNA 条形码分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究获得了中国北方近海习见水母类24个种共62条线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶亚基I(mtCOI)序列,结合GenBank中具DNA条形码关键词的mtCOI序列,共比较了水母类mtCOI片段207条,水母mtCOI种内遗传差异在0%-7.4%之间,均值为0.9%(SD=0.014),其中约93%的个体种内差异小于4%;近源种间遗传差异在5.4%(Sarsia)到44.9%(Lensia)之间,均值为25.1%(SD=0.118),97%以上的个体种间遗传差异大于10%。绝大多数(98.8%)水母种类种内遗传差异小于种间遗传差异,条形码间隙明显。本研究涉及的中国北方习见水母种内遗传差异均显著小于种间遗传差异,结果表明以mtCOI作为DNA条形码可以实现对中国北方习见水母种类鉴定。利用DNA条形码序列分析,梳理了中国近海一些常见水母的分类地位。此外,对4种保存液保存方法的比较研究表明,90%乙醇、DMSO、RNA Safer和DNA Conserver4种保存液无法同时保存形态学特征和DNA序列,但DNA Conserver的效果相对较好。  相似文献   

鲱、鲽在卵和卵黄囊期仔鱼发育阶段生化成分的变化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
本文以产沉(粘)性卵的鲱(Clupea harengus L.)和浮性卵的鲽(Pleuronectes platessa L.)为代表,对这两类海洋鱼类在卵和卵黄囊期仔鱼发育阶段水分、钠、钾、脂肪和蛋白质含量变化作了比较研究。实验于1987年春在苏格兰完成。结果发现:1)鲱的含水量在三个阶段有明显增长,受精时从75%—85%,卵发育期从85%—87%,孵化后从85%—90%;通过这一成功变化,最终使仔鱼获得浮性,上升并进入浮游生物水层摄食;鲽卵含水量在这三个阶段均保持在90%—92%,并一直保持相应的浮性,至摄食期。2)两种初孵仔鱼含水量的差别,主要由卵黄囊含水量不同引起,而身体其它部分含水量没有显著种的差别。3)鲱在钠、钾含量上的增长和波动,大致同这三个阶段湿重和含水量的增长和波动一致。4)脂肪和蛋白质对卵和仔鱼的浮性几乎不起作用;两种鱼在卵和卵黄囊期发育阶段,脂肪和蛋白质含量均呈线性下降。  相似文献   

基于cox1片段序列的DNA条形码为浮游动物种类鉴定提供了新的可靠手段,构建了胶州湾网采浮游动物DNA条形码文库,在国内首次使用宏遗传组学方法研究夏季胶州湾海洋浮游动物的群落组成。共获得环境样品DNA条形码149条;以6%为阈值共检出37个OUT,其中19个与DNA条形码数据库中序列程度非常高(〉97%),可以鉴定到种...  相似文献   

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