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《儒林外史》既充满着喜剧性,又充满着悲剧性。悲喜剧交织在一起,喜剧因素往往加强了悲剧性,因而形成了作品悲喜剧融汇的审美特性。  相似文献   

影视艺术欣赏是人类在精神上对美的需求且与其对应的、按美的法则建造的“第二自然”,具有审美属性;是一种审美创造与审美关系。从悲剧、悲剧感,喜剧和喜剧感及其审美价值等方面均可印证这一说法。  相似文献   

影视艺术欣赏是人类在精神上对美的需求且与其对应的、按美的法则建造的“第二自然”,具有审美属性;是一种审美创造与审美关系。从悲剧、悲剧感,喜剧和喜剧感及其审美价值等方面均可印证这一说法。  相似文献   

《人间词》所表现出来的执着精神既坚定又充满迷惘苦痛,是一种知其虚无而为之悲剧性精神,它体现了王国维对理想事业的高远追求和对人间世态的悲悯情怀。这种执着精神的艺术表现,既体现在作者对崇高和生气盎然意象的整体象征创构上,也体现在作者对局部事物的深细写实描写中。  相似文献   

不朽的诗篇 彝族是拥有大量史诗的民族,其民间蕴藏着极为丰富的史诗. 彝族的史诗,源于其充满着苦难的历史.彝族众多的传说故事,都记叙了发生在数千年前的那场大洪灾.  相似文献   

12月28日晚上,广西机电学校大礼堂里座无虚席,到处充满着欢声笑语,广西机电学校庆祝元旦暨第二届科技文化艺术节文艺晚会在  相似文献   

多彩的夏日晨光中,在黄河北岸不远处,一个充满着生机和活力的小村庄逐渐热闹起来。成年劳动力走出一排排小楼,和乘坐班车从周边县市、村庄赶来上工的人潮一起,拥入村里机器轰响的鞋厂、铸造厂,开始了一天的忙碌。  相似文献   

“济源王屋山总评成绩90.526分”。2003年11月23日下午5时36分,当计分员宣布分数的话音刚落,“啪啪啪……”热烈的掌声便随之响彻北京万商花园酒店内国家地质公园评审现场,经久不息。王屋山总评成绩在2003年首批参评的22个国家地质公园评审中名列第一。这掌声里充满着激动,充满着自豪,充满着欣慰。紧接着,29日、30日进行第二批国家地质公园评审,已经从北京返回济源的申报组一行焦灼地等待着来自北京的消息。因为在第二批国家地质公园评审中,有全国知名的九寨沟、长江三峡、雁荡山……30日下午,从北京评审现场发来信息:“恭喜你们啊!王屋山还是冠军!”令人激动的消息不胫而走,济源市国土资源局上上下下沸腾了,《济源日报》接连四天在报眼刊登祝贺的消息。人们的脸上荡漾着笑容,言谈之间,充盈着喜悦,那种从心里发出的微笑,是自豪的笑,是幸福的笑,是久违的笑。  相似文献   

宁陵县赵村国土资源所,坐落在豫东平原西部,辖区内全是一望无际的肥沃农田。可是,面对"三化"建设的大形势,人多地少成了最大的发展瓶颈,这里的耕地保护工作也显得尤为重要。近年来,在上级部门的大力支持下,该所齐心协力,取得了不错的成绩:54975亩耕地一直保持动态占补平衡,49597亩基本农田始终充满着生机与活力。  相似文献   

刘恒是一个在创作风格上不断探索和努力变化的作家 ,他从 80年代中后期苍凉朴质的风格 ,变为 90年代中后期戏谑调侃的风格。这种大“悲”大“喜”的创作风格上的变化非常明显。实质上 ,这不过是作家在叙述姿态上的调整、叙事策略上的转换 ,其悲剧性的精神内核并未彻底改变。刘恒作品的独特的意义与价值就在于这种悲天悯人的精神内蕴。  相似文献   

海洋渔业资源作为一种公共资源具有非排他性和竞争性,公地悲剧的困境使其面临强烈的搭便车诱惑,导致资源过度利用甚至枯竭。如何对海洋渔业资源进行有效管理,是维持海洋渔业可持续发展的关键所在。介绍了海洋渔业管理理念的发展与演变过程,在对基于政府集权、权利、社区以及生态系统的海洋渔业管理理念及其优缺点进行分析与研究的基础上,探讨了海洋渔业管理的未来发展趋势,并且阐述了其对我国海洋渔业管理带来的启示。  相似文献   

Jellyfish fishing is a special type of fishery that mainly exists in some countries of East and Southeast Asia. China has the largest jellyfish fishery yield in the world with an annual harvest of around 300 thousand tons. Liaodong Bay is the most important jellyfish fishery ground in China. However, due to the high benefits of jellyfish fishery, which leads to illegal and out-of-season jellyfish fishing occurring each year in Liaodong Bay. Illegal jellyfish fishery in Liaodong Bay is a typical example of the tragedy of the commons. The key problem is that fishermen seek to an illegally initiate jellyfish fishing as early as possible. In this paper, basing on the data of edible jellyfish’s biology and ecology, we mainly analyzed the history of jellyfish fishery in China, especially in Liaodong bay, and then we calculated the carry capacity of edible jellyfish in Liaodong Bay which is about 300 thousand tons one year. This number is equal to the recent annual yield of edible jellyfish in China. Furthermore, basing on the carry capacity and reasonable quotas price analysis, we set up a Jellyfish fishing quotas and deficit quotas buyback system which could be a suitable and effective solution for jellyfish fishery management and development in Liaodong Bay at the underlying roots. Although China is the first country with edible jellyfish aquaculture, the annual yield of jellyfish aquaculture is only one fifth of jellyfish fishing. So, there is a very bright developing prospect about edible jellyfish aquaculture in China.  相似文献   

In common property studies, increasing number of users has been considered as a major threat for the long-term sustainability of natural resources. This perception has been true in a few cases. However, the 40-years empirical research conducted in a variety of environmental settings, reveals that population pressure is not the only factor responsible for the degradation of natural resources. In remote areas, where the local inhabitants highly depend on available natural resources for subsistence livelihood, the economically important resources are kept under different ownership regimes. The local inhabitants have established autochthonous institutions, and formulated rules and regulations for proper management of these resources. In this paper an attempt has been made to explore the response of a small fodder user community to the increasing population. For this purpose a micro-level study has been conducted in a remote mountain environment in the eastern Hindu Kush. For this research, data has been collected through fieldwork and focus group discussion. The results of this study reveal that fodder user communities have responded very well to the problem of population pressure. To maintain equity and long-term sustainability they have adopted a number of strategies including changing the ownership, and a resource kept under private ownership at the time of low population has been changed to a common property with increase in population. Based on this study it can be concluded that in mountainous areas and fragile environment the local inhabitant have both the capacity and capability to change their behaviour with regard to changing resource productivity as well as increasing number of users, and this situation does not always lead to the tragedy of commons.  相似文献   

很多学者总认为周扬和胡风几十年的恩怨在胡风冤案中起了很大负面作用,但胡风和周扬几十年的矛盾乃至他所指控周扬的"罪状"都属于当时主流文艺思想的范畴。周扬在处理胡风问题上所采取的措施和态度,不是"醉翁之意不在酒,在于山水之间",而是"醉翁"借助"山水之间"行"酒"之意。胡风的舛难是一个时代的悲剧,其意义完全超越他个人命运,留给后人的思考,就是文艺理论再也不能和政治捆绑在一起。若此,方能避免出现因个人宿怨而酿成惊天冤案的惨象,跳出继续站在"左"的立场上批判极左的怪圈,在文艺的根本问题上实事求是,恢复"五四"追求人的解放、人的文学尤其民主和科学的历史传统。  相似文献   

中国市井风情小说的历史源远流长,现代小说继承和发展了传统的市民文学的艺术形式。中国特殊的社会、政治、文化背景,对小说家的创作观念产生了深刻的影响,使得现代小说形成了两次市民文学浪潮,出现了以北京为代表的"古都中国市井"、以上海为代表的"挟带洋场风韵市井"、以大江南北小镇等为代表的"闾巷市井"三种最具代表性的市井叙事模式。  相似文献   

针对添加伪点加法在抵抗简单功耗分析攻击的同时效率损失过大的问题,为更好兼顾效率与安全,提出一种新的标量乘快速实现算法——随机伪操作法,通过以单片机为核心运算控制芯片的功耗分析平台进行实测分析验证,随机伪操作法不但能够很好抵抗简单功耗分析攻击,而且相对于添加伪点加法运算效率提高30%-50%。  相似文献   

A novel esterase Est C10 from B acillus sp. CX01 isolated from the deep sea of the Western Pacific Ocean and the functionalities of Est C10 was characterized. At present, the reports about the kinetic resolution of racemic methyl 2-chloropropionate were quite rare. So we developed deep-sea microbial esterase Est C10 as a novel biocatalyst in the kinetic resolution of racemic methyl 2-chloropropionate and generate( R)-methyl 2-chloropropionate with high enantiomeric excess(99%) after the optimization of process parameters such as p H, temperature, organic co-solvents, surfactants, substrate concentration and reaction time. Notably, the optimal substrate concentration(80 mmol/L) of esterase Est C10 was higher than the kinetic resolution of another esterase, Est12-7(50 mmol/L). The novel microbial esterase Est C10 identified from the deep sea was a promising green biocatalyst in the generation of( R)-methyl 2-chloropropionate as well of many other valuable chiral chemicals in industry.  相似文献   

新型壳聚糖季铵盐衍生物的合成与表征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用甲磺酸作为溶剂兼作氨基保护试剂,对壳聚糖上的羟基选择性酯化,再游离出氨基并对其氯乙酰化,最后进行吡啶成盐,得到新型水溶性的壳聚糖季铵盐衍生物,产物的结构通过核磁共振氢谱和红外光谱进行了表征,从而为壳聚糖季铵盐衍生物的制备提供了一种新途径。  相似文献   

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