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本文应用光学显微镜和电子显微镜研究了5种江蓠属(Gracilaria)海藻的多核现象。在形态类型上属于英国江蓠型的3种江蓠,即真江蓠(1)、真江蓠(2)和芋根江蓠以及属于绳江蓠型的龙须菜,其皮层细胞和髓部细胞均为多核。核的数目在皮层细胞内为3至8个,而在髓部大细胞内可多达十几个至一百多个。形态类型上属于扁江蓠型的扁江蓠,没有观察到多核现象。本文最后讨论了江蓠多核现象在细胞学和分类学上的意义以及多核现象产生的原因。  相似文献   

龙须菜5.8S rRNA和ITS区的克隆与系统学分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究青岛产龙须菜居群内的遗传多样性和系统学分类,通过对龙须菜居群内不同个体的5.8S rRNA-ITS区(包括ITS1-5.8S rRNA-ITS2)进行PCR扩增和序列分析,得到扩增DNA片段长度均为1 066 bp,包含完整的ITS1(250 bp)、5.8S(159 bp)和ITS2(657 bp);利用GenBank数据库对Cracilaria(江蓠属)和Gracilariopsis属共20个物种的rRNA-ITS相应序列进行了比较和系统进化分析.结果表明,龙须莱和江蓠科19个物种中rRNA的5.8S区的长度和序列非常保守,而ITS区的长度和序列则变异较大,20种江蓠科物种的遗传距离在0.013~0.596之间,龙须菜在5.8S rRNA-ITS区特性上相比江蓠属物种与Gracilariopsis属物种更为相似;采用UPGMA法构建了这20种江蓠科物种的系统发育树;分析结果表明青岛产龙须菜的居群内不存在遗传差异,且应属于Gracilariopsis属,并且在江蓠科中较早分化,而龙须菜处于Gracilariopsis属中比较古老的位置.  相似文献   

江蓠一名早在我国古代的《本草纲目》中就有记载。其后,各个时代的本草和某些沿海地方的县志或府志上也都有江蓠的形态、习性、产地、异名和利用等记述。虽然,我国劳动人民通过实践对江蓠积累了丰富的经验,但长时期以来。在原有的基础上没有得到进一步的提高。解放以后,在党和政府的重视和关怀下,特别是近十多年来,通过无产阶级文化大革命,我国一些科研单位和工厂先后进行了利用江蓠制造琼胶的实验并已投入生产。 江蓠是一种海产的红藻,以前国外一直是用做以石花菜制造琼胶的配料,不能单独制造琼胶。近三十年来,美国(东部)、淚大利亚、南非1)等地都已单独用当地盛产的江蓠制造琼胶,大力发展了自己的琼胶工业;其他如印度、马来西亚、非律宾和智利等国也相继研究并进行了小型生产。 我国的琼胶工业一向是用石花菜作原料,但由于石花菜藻体生长缓慢,且生长在潮下带深水处。养殖和采集都较困难,产量有限;而江蓠的藻体生长速度快,个体大,生长于潮间带或浅水中,易于人工养殖,退潮时也便于采集。我国广东省的琼胶工厂即用江蓠作为制造琼胶的原料,但因国产原料不足,外贸部门不得不从国外(葡萄牙)进口。因此,当前大规模地开展江蓠养殖是解决原料问题的关键,但我国沿岸自然生长的江蓠属种类繁多,种与种间琼胶质量都有所不同,而且还有一些与江蓠属外形相似而不含琼胶的其他属海藻也不易鉴別,这就给江蓠养殖业的大规模开展和琼胶工厂的收购原料带来了困难。过去就曾发生过把广东沿岸产的某种亚热带江蓠类移往北方养殖导致失败的事例;广东省有一琼胶工厂曾在收购的江蓠中包括了大量其他属的种类,致使制成的琼胶产品质量低劣;山东省也有一琼胶工厂曾误将褐藻门的硬球毛藻[Sphaerotrichia firma(Gep)A.D. Zinova]当作江蓠收购,造成一定的损失。因此,本文试图明确我国产的江蓠属种类、产地和种类间的区别,以便对进行江蓠琼胶实验的科学研究部门和生产单位在选择实验材料、选种养殖或收购原料时有所参考;同时,我们还试图对这一变异幅度大、种类间存在问题多的被认为是高度的多形复合类群的江蓠属通过研究探索一些江蓠属分关学上的问题。 本文研究用的江蓠属标本2)共1090号,包括少量国外江蓠标本(详见本文有关种类的讨论)腊叶标本达七千余张及相应的液浸标本;全部切面图除另有注明者外,都是以液浸标本用冰冻切片机制成切片,再以描绘器画成。尽管标本数量较大,采集地区遍及南北,但由于我国海岸线很长,采集地区仍有一定的局限性,在研究的标本中还有少量缺少生殖器官或疑难待决的标本,再加以我们虽然作了一些工作,但认识还有待于深化,今后还需要继续深入调査研究,以便随时补充修正。  相似文献   

分析了我国沿海几种常见的江蓠属(Gracilaria)海藻的18S rRNA 基因、cox2-3间隔区以及RUBISCO间隔区的分子序列,并结合GenBank现有的相关数据进行了分子系统学关系分析,为江蓠属的系统进化和分类地位提供了新的佐证。结果表明,基于cox2-3间隔区、以及 RUBISCO间隔区序列构建的MP (Maximum parsimony)进化树较为相似,而与基于18S rRNA构建的进化树略有不同。这主要是由于18S rRNA更为保守的原因;扁江蓠与脆江蓠在3个系统树中均聚合成支,显示了它们之间具有较近的亲缘关系;龙须菜与江蓠属海藻具有较远的遗传距离,在3个进化树中,龙须菜也均位于进化树的基部,单独成支,证实龙须菜并不隶属于江蓠属,且分化相对较早。  相似文献   

在2011~2013年间对粤东地区进行了20余次野外大型海藻资源调查,采集了大量标本。利用形态特征,对部分标本进行了分类学研究。经鉴定,标本中包含江蓠属5个种及变种,即芋根江蓠Gracilaria blodgettii Harvey、异枝江蓠G.bailinae Chang et Xia、细基江蓠G.tenuistipitata Chang et Xia、细基江蓠繁枝变种G.tenuistipitata var.liui Zhang et Xia、长喙江蓠G.longirostris Zhang et Wang。它们的主要鉴定特征分别为:芋根江蓠的分枝基部明显缢缩;异枝江蓠的藻体暗绿色,初级分枝围绕主轴互生、偏生或叉分;细基江蓠的藻体主轴基部纤细,分枝简单;细基江蓠繁枝变种的藻体纤细,分枝繁多;长喙江蓠的囊果具有明显的长喙状突起。其中,芋根江蓠和异枝江蓠在粤东地区属首次报道,文章对其进行了较详细的介绍。该研究结果丰富了粤东江蓠属的物种多样性,为粤东地区江蓠属物种资源的保护和利用提供了分类学依据。  相似文献   

丹麦海藻学家B?rgesen〔1953)在研究印度洋的毛里求斯岛产的海藻标本时,发现了一种具有精子囊窠成群的江蓠类海藻,但他由于没有见到窠孔, 因此不敢十分肯定是否即精子囊窠,同时,也没有采到四分孢子体和雌配子体。他根据精子囊窠成群的这一特点把它定作江蓠属的一个新种,命名为Gracilaria multifurcata B?rgesen。 其后,近江彦荣( 1958 )检查加纳产的Gracilaria henriquesiana Hariot 时,也发现了这一种江蓠的精子囊窠呈球状,切面观为3-6 个集生在一起,囊窠也同样没有开口;他认为这种构建是异于江蓠属中其他种类的。 我们最近在研究中国南海江蓠属的种类时,也遇到了一些具有这种特点的标本,外形上有些象Gracilaria edulis (Gmel.) Silva 和G. coronopifolia J. Ag.。我们从许多的藻体切片中看到了集生成群的精子囊窠,随着藻体的成熟,窠壁也有不同程度的溶化,最后溶合为两个大的囊窠,囊窠顶端也有相应数目的放散精子的开口。因此,可以肯定这些集生的球状物为精子囊窠。当我们进一步检查采自不同地点和不同时期的5号约50个以上的蜡叶和液浸标本后,进一步发现了这类海藻的囊果内具有带状且多分歧的滋养丝,这些丝几乎成一规律,完全向囊果的基部伸展,在目前已掌握的标本中,还没有看到滋养丝伸向果被方向的任何痕迹。在孢子体的标本中,其围绕四分孢子囊的皮层相胞变态为长圆形。此外,在外形上,藻体的基部具有匍匐部分,上生数个直立部分,其下常有盘状固着器。关于江蓠属的种类是否具有匍匐部分,就我们所看到的文献,除Harvey (1849,pl. 65 )认为G. verrucosa 的盘状固着器附有假根和G.M. Smith (1944 : 266)认为江蓠属的藻体自匍匐的根状茎生出外,其他作者,在描述江蓠属的特征时,都只提到固着器为一盘状。Rosenvinge (1931:602)曾讨论过G. verrucosa 的固着器,他认为丹麦标本的固着器完全为盘状。Dawson (1961 : 218)在最近的研究中,描述了Gracilariopsis sjoestedtii(Kylin) Dawson 的盘状固着器连半宇根状茎枝,而G. M. Smith 报告的种类中,本种被列在江蓠属中。因此,他对江蓠属的藻体直立部分是由匍匐的根状茎部分长出的描述,很可能是受了本种的影响。我们检查了我国南北沿岸各地所产的各种江蓠属的标本,迄今也没有发现匍匐部分。我们考虑了上述这些异于江蓠属的特点后,认为这些标本应作为江蓠科的一个新属,根据其精子囊呈多穴状,新属被命名为多穴藻属,拉丁学名为希腊文poly(多)和cavernosa(穴)二字组成。  相似文献   

江蓠琼胶产率、物理性质和化学组成的季节变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
六十年代以前,我国主要用石花菜作琼胶原料,为弥补石花菜资源的不足,我们开展了用江蓠制造琼胶的研究,并取得了成功,使江蓠也成了制造琼胶的良好原料。但是,由于江蓠的种类、生长环境和采集季节等的不同,所含琼胶的数量及其物理化学性质变化很大,有的产琼胶率高、质量好,有的则很差。1946年美国的DeLoach分析了江蓠(G.verrucosa)的琼胶产率和凝胶强度的季节变化。其后,John等人研究了加纳齿江蓠(G.dentata)。Hoyle研究了夏威夷的脆江蓠(G.bursapastoris)和伞房江蓠(G.coronpifolia)的琼胶产率和凝胶强度的季节变化。Oza除测定了印度的皮江蓠(G.corticata)  相似文献   

利用形态学和解剖学方法, 对采自海南省东南和西南沿海的大型海洋红藻江蓠属(Gracilaria)进行了分类学研究。经鉴定, 共发现4个物种, 即凤尾菜G. eucheumoides、芋根江蓠G. blodgettii、缢江蓠G. salicornia和刺边江蓠G. spinulosa。文章对此4种江蓠的内、外部形态特征进行了较详细描述与介绍。结合生物冷冻切片技术, 获得了各个物种的比较清晰的解剖学特征图片。其中, 缢江蓠藻体表面瘤状突出物, 与其他文献报道的同体蓠生藻Gracilariophila deformans Weber-van Bosse相一致。  相似文献   

外源添加剂水杨酸对菊花江蓠抗寒性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过室内实验生理生态学的方法研究了外源添加剂水杨酸(SA)对菊花江蓠(Gracilaria lichevoides)抗寒性的影响.研究表明,通过添加0.5 mmol/L的SA,可以明显降低(实验组)江蓠的丙二醛(MDA)积累量、电解质渗透率;其脯氨酸含量、特定生长率(RsG)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(PO...  相似文献   

在杭州湾上海金山海域进行了真江蓠(Gracilaria verrucosa)栽培试验并在实验室内研究了温度、盐度和光照强度对真江蓠生长的影响。结果表明,温度、盐度和光照强度对真江蓠的生长影响极显著(P0.01)。真江蓠生长适宜温度为20~30℃;适宜盐度为15~25;适宜光照强度在90μmol/(m2.s)左右。温度、盐度和光照强度对真江蓠生长存在显著的交互效应(P0.05),三者的最佳组合为温度25℃、盐度20和光照强度90μmol/(m2.s)。海区栽培实验表明真江蓠可在杭州湾海域正常生长,全年平均特定生长率(RSG)为9.42%/d。  相似文献   

Current knowledge of the biodiversity of the symbiotic marine siphonostomatoids from South African waters (136 species) is sparse compared to that globally (1 388 species). The difference is especially apparent when taking into account the diversity of fish (more than 2 000 species) and invertebrates (approximately 12 914 species) found in South African waters, all of which are all potential hosts of symbiotic siphonostomatoids. Most reports of symbiotic siphonostomatoids from South African waters are from Chondrichthyes and represent 80% of the currently known families and about 66% of the known genera. Taxonomic studies on the siphonostomatoids also provide information about their morphology, biology, habitat preference and host association, as well as the distribution of species and their associated host taxa. Molecular analysis, especially sequencing, provides additional information on the existence of cryptic species and population structure, but has high financial costs and a very low success rate in DNA isolation and PCR amplification. Reported declines in abundance of piscivorous fish species, for example, as a result of fishing pressure, with possible synergistic effects of environmental changes, and also the reported potential effects of anthropogenic and climate change on the broader coastal biota, may result in the loss of siphonostomatoid species before they can be described. Furthermore, in South Africa, there is a lack of professional taxonomists to study poorly known groups and this situation will not improve while research emphasis remains on commercially important groups and while taxonomic studies are not recognised for their value in research programmes.  相似文献   

Quantitative trends in sponge ecology research   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Abstract It is almost dogmatic that sponges are one of the most relevant groups in benthic marine communities, a statement generally based upon their diversity and abundance in natural communities. But beyond their conspicuousness, do we really know the role that sponges play in nature? Using a series of productivity indicators, this review evaluates the relevance of sponge research to the general scientific community, particularly the contribution of sponge ecology to the broader science of ecology. The relevance of sponge research ranked second out of eight taxonomic groups. Ecology accounted for most of the sponge research output but it ranked poorly compared to the relative importance of the ecological literature in the remaining taxonomic groups. Sponge ecology focused primarily on the species level of organization even though the relevance of these studies fell well below expected. This review suggests that the ecological relevance of sponges is insufficiently supported by ecological data and would benefit from better scientific support. Sponge ecology has the opportunity to contribute to the broader science of ecology in numerous topics where sponge research may be particularly relevant. Broader ecological contributions will help verify the ecological relevance that the great diversity and abundance of sponges suggest.  相似文献   

玻璃虾总科隶属于甲壳动物亚门十足目,真虾下目,生物多样性高,形态和栖息环境变化大,世界性海洋分布,从潮下带到千米深海,从极地到赤道海域均有发现,动物地理学特征显著。该总科物种是海洋生态系统和生物群落的重要组成部分,具有重要的生态学和生物多样性价值;是研究真虾类起源与进化的重要阶元;部分物种更是传统渔业捕捞对象。然而该总科也是真虾下目中缺乏系统研究的类群,其生物多样性和分类学研究不完善,所含很多阶元的单系性受到质疑,同物异名等问题突出,更有许多非正式种组有待修订。我国海域玻璃虾总科的生物多样性研究更是匮乏,其种属组成,海域分布,区系特点等鲜为人知。未来可在收集和掌握大量文献与标本的基础上,以形态分类学为基础,结合现代分子系统学和生物地理学,研究其在中国海的种属组成,资源分布和区系特点,进而系统研究其动物地理学特征。  相似文献   

Polar marine ecosystems have global ecological and economic importance because of their unique biodiversity and their major role in climate processes and commercial fisheries, among others. Portugal and Spain have been highly active in a wide range of disciplines in marine biology of the Antarctic and the Arctic. The main aim of this paper is to provide a synopsis of some of the results and initiatives undertaken by Portuguese and Spanish polar teams within the field of marine sciences, particularly on benthic and pelagic biodiversity (species diversity and abundance, including microbial, molecular, physiological and chemical mechanisms in polar organisms), conservation and ecology of top predators (particularly penguins, albatrosses and seals), and pollutants and evolution of marine organisms associated with major issues such as climate change, ocean acidification and UV radiation effects. Both countries have focused their polar research more in the Antarctic than in the Arctic. Portugal and Spain should encourage research groups to continue increasing their collaborations with other countries and develop multi-disciplinary research projects, as well as to maintain highly active memberships within major organizations, such as the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR), the International Arctic Science Council (IASC) and the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), and in international research projects.  相似文献   

中国海草的“藻”名更改   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海草(Seagrasses)是地球上可完全生活在海水中的被子植物,是由陆地植物演化到适应海洋环境的高等植物。然而,高等植物海草在中国经常被冠以低等植物"藻"的名称。中国海草现有22种,隶属于4科10属,其中科名、属名和种名分别有3科、7属和16种是以"藻"命名的,易让人们把海草误以为是海藻(Seaweed),造成混乱,同时给中国海草的研究、保护和利用带来不利影响。值此"第十一次国际海草生物学研讨会"(The 11th International Seagrass Biology Workshop)首次在中国举行之际,国内众多的海草研究专家得以共聚,有机会共同探讨中国海草的"藻"名更改。经过研讨,专家们形成一致意见,建议将这些被命名为"藻"的海草统一命名为"草",以期促进我国海草研究与保护的全面推进。随着未来中国海草种类与分布的深入调查,以后新发现的海草种类名称建议也统一命名为"草"名。  相似文献   

介绍了适宜山东沿海鱼类增养殖的主要种类 ,回顾了山东省主要海水鱼类增养殖种类研究和生产发展的历史、山东省近年海水鱼类养殖概况。最后论述了今后的发展战略与对策  相似文献   

西太平洋海鲶(Ariidae)主要种类与分布的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
简述海鲶科鱼类研究概况,并结合作者的调查研究列出了西太平洋海鲶科鱼类的主要种及其检索表;又描绘各个种的地理分布区,通过分析比较认为印度—西太平洋是该科鱼类的分布区;中日海域是该区的一个分布边缘;最后讨论了有关于印度—西太平洋海鲶科鱼类的起源与分化问题。  相似文献   

Macroalgae build biogenic habitats which give shelter and provide a suitable physical environment for a great variety of organisms. Structural complexity of algal substrates may influence the composition of their attached epifauna. The aim of this study is to test whether the taxonomic relatedness of the algal hosts and the functional groups to which they belong influence the species richness and composition of their epifaunal bryozoans. We analysed 36 algal genera from the Atlantic coast of South America between 42°S and Cape Horn. Changes in bryozoan species richness (number of species) among different algal functional groups (filamentous algae, foliose algae, corticated foliose algae, corticated macrophytes) were non-significant. The composition of the epifaunal assemblages differed significantly only between filamentous and foliose algae. Sheet-like bryozoans (i.e. encrusting, pluriserial colonies) were more frequent on foliose than on filamentous algae, while runner-like species (i.e. uniserial stolons) were characteristic epibionts on filamentous thallii. Similarity of bryozoan assemblages increased with increasing taxonomic relatedness of their hosts. As most filamentous seaweeds analysed in this study are members of the Order Ceramiales, the influence of algal taxonomic relatedness and functional groups on the composition of their bryozoan assemblages can be viewed as two different aspects of the same phenomenon.  相似文献   

海洋生物DNA条形码研究现状与展望   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
海洋生物种类多样,分布广泛,具有复杂性、多样性和趋同性等特点,为了对物种进行更快速、准确地鉴定,急需在传统形态分类学基础上,建立并结合便捷准确的分子鉴定手段。DNA条形码提供了可信息化的分类标准和有效的分类学手段,已成为近年来分类学与生物多样性研究中重要的技术依托。本文概述了DNA条形码当前的发展现状与趋势,并介绍了DNA条形码技术在主要海洋浮游植物(红藻、褐藻、绿藻、硅藻、甲藻)、无脊椎动物(海绵动物、刺胞动物、甲壳动物和软体动物等)和鱼类中的研究进展,以及不同条形码基因针对于不同生物类群的有效性和适用性,指出了目前条形码技术在各海洋类群中存在的主要问题,并对未来的相关工作做了展望,希望为今后我国的海洋生物DNA条形码研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

The Canadian Species at Risk Act (SARA) was implemented in 2003. Since 2003, no fully marine Atlantic Canadian fish species has been listed and some observers are seriously questioning the extent to which SARA is effectively protecting marine fish species. Three species of wolffish found in North Atlantic waters were placed onto the SARA list in 2003 when it was implemented. The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) originally listed these species in 2000 and 2001. The COSEWIC listings were based on catch-rate trends over large spatial scales from a relatively short time series of offshore research vessel survey data and status reports derived from research for an honours thesis. This case study of the wolffish listings draws on results from semi-structured interviews with key informants familiar with the listing and post-listing events, an analysis of existing documents and research on the SARA process, and on data from wolffish-focused Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK) interviews with commercial fish harvesters in the Northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. The results shed light on the wolffish listing process including perceptions of how the implementation of SARA has affected the process and prospects for listing fully marine species. The post-SARA listing developments in relation to wolffish, including harvesters' views about the listing are also explored. The results indicate mixed views about the benefits and problems associated with the requirement for public consultations and incorporation of stakeholder knowledge into the listing process under SARA. There is some evidence that the wolffish listing process has increased harvester stewardship and engagement and benefitted from their input into the safe release of wolffish. Finally, little attention has been paid by any of the stakeholder groups consulted to the potential future delisting of wolffish, arguably the most important goal of species conservation initiatives. Without delisting requirements or timelines set out in a species recovery plan it is impossible to establish concrete guidelines for recovery.  相似文献   

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