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关于地震重点监视防御区信息公开问题的讨论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
地震重点监视防御区(以下简称“地震重防区”)制度是《防震减灾法》确立的基本法律制度之一.在《防震减灾法》的指导下,部分省制定出台了地方政府规章,进一步细化了这一法律制度.在法律实践方面,1996年国务院批准了1996-2005年全国地震重防区方案,2006年又批准了2006-2020年全国地震重防区方案.  相似文献   

<正>全国地震重点监视防御区是依据中长期地震危险性和地震风险分布确定的具有高地震风险且必须采取防震减灾强化措施的区域。全国地震重点监视防御区的空间位置和范围由国务院颁布,所采取的强化防震减灾措施由《中华人民共和国防震减灾法》和各级政府规章规定。现行全国地震重点监视防御区是2006年由国务院颁布实施的,其编制技术思路和主要工作内容已于2006年发表在本刊第22卷第3期1。为更好地实施全国地震重点监视防  相似文献   

李波  晁洪太  王伟  冯恩国  田丹 《中国地震》2014,30(3):363-372
以山东省市级防震减灾工作为研究对象,在全国范围内组织开展了两次(2007年、2012年)地震重点监视防御区制度实施情况问卷调查,根据回收的问卷从市级防震减灾组织机构、经费投入、监测预报、震害防御、应急救援和宣传教育等6个方面14项指标人手,对比地震重点监视防御区和非地震重点监视防御区防震减灾工作在两个调查年度的发展、变化,分析研究地震重点监视防御区制度在山东省(市级)的实施现状和成效.将两个调查年度描述山东省防震减灾工作进展的主要指标与全国相应指标的均值进行了对比研究.并对防震减灾工作的“山东现象”进行了分析.  相似文献   

确定全国地震重点监视防御区的研究   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
首先阐述确定地震重点监视防御区的分级原则(分为国家级和省级),突出重点原则(重点监视防御区面积占全国或省辖面积的较小部分,而其地震损失占总和的大部分)和科学技术思路(以地震危险性预测为基础,以灾害损失的预测为依据确定地震重点监视防御区)。其次,回顾了确定1996~2005年全国地震重点监视防御区的研究成果。回顾表明,在1996~2005年间,发生在我国大陆有监测能力地区的10次强震中,有8次发生在防御区内及其邻近地区,其经济和生命损失已分别占大陆的67%和92%。最后,简要介绍为确定2006-2020年全国地震重点监视防御区而开展的研究工作,包括基于地震学、地震地质学、大地测量学、地震工程学、社会学和预测学而进行的10年尺度的中长期地震危险预测研究,以及所得到的2006-2020年全国地震危险概率预测图、地震危险性(烈度)预测图、地震灾害损失预测图和地震危险性综合指数预测图等。  相似文献   

地震灾害风险是中国社会可能遭遇的重大风险之一,地震灾害产生的社会风险具有显著的风险社会特征,本文从风险社会理论的视角分析了全国地震重点监视防御区制度的作用.文中梳理并整理了全国地震重点监视防御区的概念、确定的过程、全国地震重点监视防御区制度的内涵与建构过程,并以此为基础分析了全国地震重点监视防御区制度对控制我国重大社会风险的作用.本文认为,应在风险社会理论的指导下不断完善全国地震重点监视防御区制度,并将之贯彻到政府改革和社会治理的各个环节.  相似文献   

石玉瑜  陈明金  刘强 《中国地震》2014,30(3):341-350
全国地震重点监视防御区制度是控制地震社会风险的重要法律制度.本文在对现行文献研究的基础上,通过对地震重点监视防御区政府职能现有制度安排研究,梳理政府职能及强化措施,研讨存在的主要问题.为加强地震重点监视防御区的政府职能,提出了中央和地方政府社会管理和公共服务职能的建议.  相似文献   

本文以山东省县级防震减灾工作为研究对象,对中国地震局在全国范围内开展的两次地震重点监视防御区制度实施情况调查问卷进行了统计分析,从组织机构、经费预算、监测预报、震害防御、应急救援和宣传教育等6个方面的14项具体指标展开对比分析,通过对各项指标在时间纵向的发展变化、在重防区内外的发展差异以及与全国同期水平的对比分析,详细总结了地震重点监视防御区制度在山东省县级层面的实施现状及其原因,并提出了推进地震重点监视防御区制度实施的政策建议.  相似文献   

以中国地震局在2007年和2012年组织的针对全国地震重点监视防御区的两次大规模问卷调查为依据,以东、中、西部9个省的县级防震减灾机构的工作为研究对象,在对组织机构及经费保障、监测预报能力、工程性防御能力、应急准备能力、宣传教育5个方面共16个技术指标进行统计对比的基础上,就地震重点监视防御区制度的实施情况和实施成效从时间上进行对比分析研究.结果表明,几乎所有指标均有不同程度的提高.此外,本文还针对地方防震减灾工作中存在的一些问题,给出了建议.  相似文献   

地震灾害是中国社会稳定和经济发展的重大风险源,而地震风险控制是社会多元主体参与的复合型风险治理模式.本课题以风险理论为基础,在调查问卷、访谈、座谈、考察调研和现行文献研究的基础上,通过对地震重点监视防御区政府职能履行现状的研究,分析影响地震重点监视防御区制度实施的各种因素,进而提出加强地震重点监视防御区中央和地方政府社会管理和公共服务职能的政策性措施与建议,旨在完善地震重点监视防御区地震风险管理制度,形成政府社会共同应对地震社会风险,降低社会易损性,从而达到控制地震社会风险的目的.  相似文献   

田兴海 《高原地震》2007,19(2):52-53
宁夏回族自治区平罗县地处我国南北地震带的北端,地质构造复杂,1996年以来,平罗县被国务院列为国家级地震重点监视防御区。从2005年开始,平罗县针对农民居住条件差、民居抗震性能低的实际,按照建设社会主义新农村的要求,结合贯彻执行《宁夏回族自治区地震重点监视防御区管理办法》,坚持科学规划、突出重点、因地制宜、和谐推进、务求实效的原则,积极推进“地震安全农居工程试点项目建设”。  相似文献   

Ice crystal clouds have an influence on the radiative budget of the earth; however, the exact size and nature of this influence has yet to be determined. A laboratory cloud chamber experiment has been set up to provide data on the optical scattering behaviour of ice crystals at a visible wavelength in order to gain information which can be used in climate models concerning the radiative characteristics of cirrus clouds. A PMS grey-scale probe is used to monitor simultaneously the cloud microphysical properties in order to correlate these closely with the observed radiative properties. Preliminary results show that ice crystals scatter considerably more at 90° than do water droplets, and that the halo effects are visible in a laboratorygenerated cloud when the ice crystal concentration is sufficiently small to prevent masking from multiple scattering.  相似文献   

本文分析讨论了实验地震学研究中很少论及的岩石破裂和破坏的很大差异,指出仅以岩石破坏实验模拟地震特别是前兆研究存在诸多不足.建议以岩石破裂来模拟地震特别是前兆研究,由此可给出较为完整的地震活动图像.岩石破坏前兆已研究的相当多,但大破裂前则未必出现如破坏那样的前兆.大破裂前兆特征比破坏前兆更能反映地震前兆的复杂性,其识别更难,更符合实际.同时议及以岩样的整体黏滑模拟地震研究特别是前兆研究的不足.建议加强对局部现象——大破裂(或黏滑)的前兆特征、预测方法的深入仔细研究.  相似文献   

A simple method is described, based on standard VHF wind-profiler data, where imbalances of echo power between four off-vertical radar beams, caused by mountain waves, can be used to calculate the orientation of the wave pattern. It is shown that the mountain wave azimuth (direction of the horizontal component of the wavevector), is given by the vector are radar echo powers, measured in dB, in beams pointed away from vertical by the same angle towards north, south, east and west respectively, and W is the vertical wind velocity. The method is applied to Aberystwyth MST radar data, and the calculated wave vector usually, but not always, points into the low-level wind direction. The mean vertical wind at Aberystwyth, which may also be affected by tilted aspect-sensitive layers, is investigated briefly using the entire radar output 1990–1997. The mean vertical-wind profile is inconsistent with existing theories, but a new mountain-wave interpretation is proposed.  相似文献   

地震观测数据平台体系架构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着中国地震观测网络项目的实施,我国建设了现代化的地震综合观测系统,日产出数据约40GB.如何对地震观测数据进行规划,实现有效的存储和管理,建设完善的数据管理体系,为地震观测业务系统的持续发展和新业务拓展提供支撑,发挥地震观测数据的效益,使之能更好地为国民经济建设服务,已成为地震观测数据系统建设的关键.本文基于我国地震观测系统现状,结合地震观测台网的组织结构和数据分布、产出特点,阐述了地震观测数据汇聚、存储、交换和服务模式,探讨了我国地震观测数据平台的架构体系.  相似文献   

It is proposed that a component of meteoric smoke, sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), provides particularly effective condensation nuclei for noctilucent clouds. This assertion is based on three conditions being met. The first is that NaHCO3 is present at sufficient concentration (104 cm–3) in the upper mesosphere between 80 and 90 km. It is demonstrated that there is strong evidence for this based on recent laboratory measurements coupled with atmospheric modelling. The second condition is that the thermodynamics of NaHCO3(H2O)n cluster formation allow spontaneous nucleation to occur under mesospheric conditions at temperatures below 140 K. The Gibbs free energy changes for forming clusters with n = 1 and 2 were computed from quantum calculations using hybrid density functional/Hartree-Fock (B3LYP) theory and a large basis set with added polarization and diffuse functions. The results were then extrapolated to higher n using an established dependence of the free energy on cluster size and the free energy for the sublimation of H2O to bulk ice. A 1-dimensional model of sodium chemistry was then employed to show that spontaneous nucleation to form ice particles (n > 100) should occur between 84 and 89 km in the high-latitude summer mesosphere. The third condition is that other metallic components of meteoric smoke are less effective condensation nuclei, so that the total number of potential nuclei is small relative to the amount of available H2O. Quantum calculations indicate that this is probably the case for major constituents such as Fe(OH)2, FeO3 and MgCO3.  相似文献   

本文应用特征分析综合信息矿产资源评价的原理,利用现有地质、物化探、遥感资料对香花岭地区的矿化程度进行深入分析,以汇水盆地为统计单元并通过应用数量化理论Ⅲ分别从26个统计单元中筛选出21个单元作为模型单元,从47个变量中筛选出41个变量,建立多矿种和单矿种特征分析定量模型4个,对该区不同的单元矿化程度进行定量评价和预测研究.定量地给出预测该区的Ⅰ级成矿远景区(中型矿区),Ⅱ级成矿远景区(小型矿区),Ⅲ级成矿远景区(矿点)的关联度和找矿标准.  相似文献   

Many Large Eddy Simulation (LES) models use the classic Kessler parameterisation either as it is or in a modified form to model the process of cloud water autoconversion into precipitation. The Kessler scheme, being linear, is particularly useful and is computationally straightforward to implement. However, a major limitation with this scheme lies in its inability to predict different autoconversion rates for maritime and continental clouds. In contrast, the Berry formulation overcomes this difficulty, although it is cubic. Due to their different forms, it is difficult to match the two solutions to each other. In this paper we single out the processes of cloud conversion and accretion operating in a deep model cloud and neglect the advection terms for simplicity. This facilitates exact analytical integration and we are able to derive new expressions for the time of onset of precipitation using both the Kessler and Berry formulations. We then discuss the conditions when the two schemes are equivalent. Finally, we also critically examine the process of droplet evaporation within the framework of the classic Kessler scheme. We improve the existing parameterisation with an accurate estimation of the diffusional mass transport of water vapour. We then demonstrate the overall robustness of our calculations by comparing our results with the experimental observations of Beard and Pruppacher, and find excellent agreement.  相似文献   

The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) onboard the ERS-2 satellite has been in operation since July 1995. The Norwegian ground-based total ozone network has played an important role both in the main validation during the commissioning phase and in the validation of upgraded versions of the analysis algorithms of the instrument. The ground-based network consists of various spectrometer types (Dobson, Brewer, UV filter instruments). The validation of the second algorithm version used until January 1998 reveals a very good agreement between GOME and ground-based data at solar zenith angles <60° and deviations of GOME total ozone data from ground-based data of up to ±60 DU (∼20%) at zenith angles ≥60°. The deviations strongly depend on the season of the year, being negative in summer and positive in winter/spring, The deviations furthermore show a considerable scattering (up to ±25 DU in monthly average values of 5° SZA intervals), even in close spatial and temporal coincidence with ground-based measurements, especially in the high Arctic. The deviations are also dependent on the viewing geometry/ground pixel size with an additional negative offset for the large pixels used in the backswath mode and at solar zenith angles ≥85°, compared to forward-swath pixels.  相似文献   

Numerical solution of the scalar and elastic wave equations has greatly aided geophysicists in modeling seismic wave fields in the complicated geologic structures containing hydrocarbons and hence increases the geologic interpretation. Finite-difference method offers a versatile approach to compute synthetic seismograms numerically for given subsurface complex geological structures. To avoid the spatial derivative of the elastic parameters and density, elastodynamic equation (first-order hyperbolic equation) has been solved using the Lax-Wendroff scheme. A numerical finite-difference modeling program has been developed for the P-SV wave using the above solution. A line source with a time delay of 0.015s and dominant frequency of 120 Hz has been utilized in the simulation. In order to avoid the large values of the displacement vector in the source region,Alterman andKaral's method (1968) has been utilized. Horizontal and vertical component synthetic seismograms have been computed for two different geological models with and without oil and gas bearing zones. It has been concluded from the response that a finite-difference technique not only yields the relative arrival times but also accounts for the variation in amplitude and phase according to the elastic impedance contrast across the interfaces. It should come as no surprise to learn that in spite of the limitation of this numerical method, the scheme has provided a valid response for the thin layer, high acoustic impedance contrast and the pinch out.  相似文献   

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