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天然气水合物是一种重要的潜在替代能源,降压法是现阶段水合物开采的首选方法。水合物降压开采涉及传热、多相渗流、分解相变和储层变形等多个相互影响的物理效应,深入理解其在降压开采过程中的演化规律,对于促进水合物开采效率、实现商业化开发具有重要的指导意义。本文基于一维实验模拟系统,开展了水合物降压开采储层多物理场演化模拟实验,在非均匀温度条件下采用过量气法合成水合物,分析了水合物非均匀性分布特征,探讨了降压过程中样品孔隙压力和温度的演化规律,对比了产气过程与传热演化过程的对应关系。结果表明:水合物合成后温度分布呈两侧高中间低的抛物线形状,水合物分布具有中间多而两侧无的非均匀性特征,且温度回升具有由两侧向中间发展的特点;降压分解产气过程与传热演化过程具有良好的对应性,稳态产气阶段由传热效应控制。控制降压模式、以对流换热替代热传导等方式有益于提升水合物开采产气效率。  相似文献   

天然气水合物开采涉及传热、水合物分解相变、多相渗流和地层变形4个物理过程。多相渗流过程伴随着对流传热,影响传热效率;多相渗流过程影响孔隙压力的消散速率,引起有效应力改变而影响地层变形;多相渗流过程影响传热的效率和孔隙压力的消散速率,使温度和压力条件发生变化,影响水合物的分解。多相渗流过程中,某相流体的有效渗透率不仅与该相流体的饱和度有关,还与地层绝对渗透率有关。地层绝对渗透率是多相渗流过程的关键参数之一。概述不同贮存状态水合物、地层孔隙率、水合物饱和度和地层有效应力对地层绝对渗透率影响的研究内容。以国内外天然气水合物地层绝对渗透率研究成果为基础,将来的研究重点主要包括粉细砂、黏土类地层和各向异性地层多相渗流研究,以及地层有效应力对绝对渗透率影响研究。  相似文献   

泥质粉砂型天然气水合物被认为是储量最大开采难度亦最大的水合物储层,2017年南海天然气水合物试采,初步验证了此类水合物储层具备可开采性。在总结前次试采认识的基础上,对试采矿体进行优选、精细评价、数值与试验模拟和陆地试验,中国地质调查局于2019年10月—2020年4月在南海水深1225 m神狐海域进行了第二次天然气水合物试采。本次试采攻克了钻井井口稳定性、水平井定向钻进、储层增产改造与防砂、精准降压等一系列深水浅软地层水平井技术难题,实现连续产气30 d,总产气量86.14×104m3,日均产气2.87×104m3,是首次试采日产气量的5.57倍,大大提高了日产气量和产气总量。试采监测结果表明,整个试采过程海底、海水及大气甲烷含量无异常。本次成功试采进一步表明,泥质粉砂储层天然气水合物具备可安全高效开采的可行性。  相似文献   

中国南海神狐海域水合物储层地质特征复杂,难以获取储层全部参数。本研究通过智能拟合手段,根据实际试采产气量拟合选择南海神狐海域作为目标区域,降压开采,结合垂直井网开采措施,提升开采效果,解决我国未来的能源紧缺问题。由于南海神狐海域水合物储层参数缺少数值模拟所需的精确值,通过历史拟合方法确定储层物性参数,并进行长期开采预测,为后续水合物开采实验做铺垫。  相似文献   

天然气水合物分布广、埋藏浅、清洁无污染、储量巨大,被视为油气领域最有潜力的替代清洁能源。全球目前有5个国家进行了8次天然气水合物试采工作,特别是2017年5月中国神狐海域天然气水合物试采取得了巨大成功,创造了产气时间和产气总量两项世界纪录,但是由于天然气水合物特殊的物理力学性质和赋存状态,技术经济开采还面临诸多难题。在分类总结天然气水合物开采方法的基础上,分析了中日两国的海域天然气水合物试采情况及试采数据,得出了如下结论与建议:(1)天然气水合物开采方法可归纳为两大类:原位分解法和地层采掘法;(2)海域天然气水合物试采数据表明:压力和温度条件都是影响产气速率的主要因素与约束条件,在生产不同阶段,影响产气能力的主要因素不同;(3)对日本第1次天然气水合物试采数据分析表明,压力驱动力、温度驱动力与产气速率均有较好的相关性,提出了表征温度压力耦合关系的指标相态平衡距,研究了产气速率与相态平衡距的分段线性关系,建立了天然气水合物储层分解动力学模型范式;(4)分析了降压开采方法中大幅快速降压与分段缓慢降压两种降压方式的优劣,提出有效供热是实现天然气水合物降压开采的长期高产的必要条件,集成页岩气开发中的水平井压裂技术与干热岩地热开发中热量对流交换循环的原理,提出对流注热降压开采方法。  相似文献   

中国高度重视天然气水合物资源的调查研究。自上世纪90年代中期开始先后经历了资源预测、调查、试采三个发展阶段,迄今已在南海神狐、东沙、琼东南、台西南斜坡及祁连山木里地区发现水合物样品5处,在南海、东海冲绳海槽及青藏高原发现地质、地球物理、地球化学等赋存标志7处,显示出良好的资源前景。综合多位学者的估算结果,中国天然气水合物的资源量约126×1012m3,是中国常规天然气资源量的2倍,资源潜力巨大。自2011年起,先后在祁连山木里地区和南海神狐地区进行了5次天然气水合物试验性开采,累计产气量达117×104m3,且使得位于“金字塔”塔基且规模巨大的细粒储层中的水合物也有可能成为开发利用对象。中国是能源短缺国家,如何尽快开发利用这一规模巨大的潜在能源,需要全方位、多层次地开展各项调查研究,并进行技术、经济和环境评价,加快商业化开发进程,使这一潜在能源能在不久的将来真正造福于社会。  相似文献   

崔伟  肖加奇 《地球科学》2022,47(5):1890-1900
2017年神狐海域第一次试开采成功后,许多学者应用数值模拟对试采数据进行研究,但模拟结果与实际试采数据存在偏差.为了探求原因,本研究建立了二维柱坐标系下水合物降压开采数学模型,开发了相应的程序,能够模拟渗透率等储层参数非均匀分布条件下开采过程,同时能够模拟开采井压力等动态参数对开采过程的影响.通过数值实验,得出偏差原因:(1)泥质粉砂型储层存在水敏性,水合物分解产生的淡水引起粘土膨胀,使渗透率下降;(2)须将开采井压力作为动态输入参量.据此,修正了渗透率模型,考虑了开采井压力随时间的变化,得到的模拟产气量与试采数据十分接近,使降压开采数值模拟更逼近实际情况.   相似文献   

钻井液侵入含天然气水合物地层的机理与特征分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
海洋含天然气水合物地层是具有渗透性的多孔介质体,钻进过程中钻井液不可避免地会与它发生能量和物质交换,从而影响测井响应、井壁稳定和储层评价。在过压钻井条件下,水基钻井液驱替侵入含天然水合物地层和温差下热传导导致的天然气水合物分解是耦合在一起的,其侵入可描述为一个包含相变的非等温非稳态渗流扩散过程。分析了天然气水合物在多孔介质中的分解特性,指出了多孔介质中天然气水合物分解的影响因素,通过钻井液侵入含天然气水合物地层与侵入常规油气地层的比较,提出了借鉴天然气水合物开采渗流模型建立钻井液侵入数值模型的思路。  相似文献   

本文基于我国第一轮海域天然气水合物试采地质模型,利用Tough+Hydrate对近井储层改造后的水合物藏进行降压开采模拟研究。探究了多孔骨架渗流通道对气/水输送、压降传播、水合物分解等的影响机制,评估了近井储层改造在不同开采层位和整个开采过程中对产能提高的贡献大小。模拟结果表明:多孔骨架渗流通道内气/水流速高,可以起到导流、防砂的作用;近井储层改造可促进压降传播,加快水合物分解,但骨架通道的增产作用随开采时间增加逐渐减弱;近井储层改造在不同开采层位起到的增产效果不同,三相层中的增产效果最明显,但由于模拟改造范围较小、形成的多孔骨架渗流通道渗透性较低,增产效果不明显,多孔骨架渗流通道高度为50 cm时,2年产气量仅提高11.7%。  相似文献   

回顾了25年来国内外水合物开采数值模拟研究的进展,分析了影响水合物开采过程的主要机理,即传热、气液流动和水合物分解。将已有的模型分为热力开采、降压开采和综合3种模型,并对各种模型所具有的特点进行了讨论。综合分析认为,TOUGH Fx/HYDRATE模型充分考虑了多相多组分并借鉴上述3类开采方式,可模拟开采过程中气液流动和相态变化,具有较高的应用价值。最后探讨了目前模型的主要问题以及发展方向,认为水合物矿藏岩石的绝对渗透率、相对渗透率、热传导系数等关键参数的测量及确定是精确模拟水合物开采过程的重要因素。  相似文献   

Natural gas hydrates (NGHs) are globally recognized as an important type of strategic alternative energy due to their high combustion efficiency, cleanness, and large amounts of resources. The NGHs reservoirs in the South China Sea (SCS) mainly consist of clayey silts. NGHs reservoirs of this type boast the largest distribution range and the highest percentage of resources among NGHs reservoirs in the world. However, they are more difficult to exploit than sandy reservoirs. The China Geological Survey successfully carried out two NGHs production tests in the Shenhu Area in the northern SCS in 2017 and 2020, setting multiple world records, such as the longest gas production time, the highest total gas production, and the highest average daily gas production, as well as achieving a series of innovative theoretical results. As suggested by the in-depth research on the two production tests, key factors that restrict the gas production efficiency of hydrate dissociation include reservoir structure characterization, hydrate phase transition, multiphase seepage and permeability enhancement, and the simulation and regulation of production capacity, among which the hydrate phase transition and seepage mechanism are crucial. Study results reveal that the hydrate phase transition in the SCS is characterized by low dissociation temperature, is prone to produce secondary hydrates in the reservoirs, and is a complex process under the combined effects of the seepage, stress, temperature, and chemical fields. The multiphase seepage is controlled by multiple factors such as the physical properties of unconsolidated reservoirs, the hydrate phase transition, and exploitation methods and is characterized by strong methane adsorption, abrupt changes in absolute permeability, and the weak flow capacity of gas. To ensure the long-term, stable, and efficient NGHs exploitation in the SCS, it is necessary to further enhance the reservoir seepage capacity and increase gas production through secondary reservoir stimulation based on initial reservoir stimulation. With the constant progress in the NGHs industrialization, great efforts should be made to tackle the difficulties, such as determining the micro-change in temperature and pressure, the response mechanisms of material-energy exchange, the methods for efficient NGHs dissociation, and the boundary conditions for the formation of secondary hydrates in the large-scale, long-term gas production.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

Since the implementation of several pilot production tests were in natural gas hydrate (NGH) reservoirs in terrestrial and marine settings, the study of NGH has entered a new stage of technological development for industrial exploitation. Prior to the industrial exploitation of any given NGH reservoir, the economic feasibility should be examined. The first step of economic evaluation of a NGH reservoir is to know whether its resource amount meets the requirement for industrial exploitation. Unfortunately, few relevant studies have been conducted in this regard. In this study, the net present value (NPV) method is employed to estimate the economic critical resources required for the industrial exploitation of NGHs under different production scenarios. Sensitivity analysis is also performed in order to specify the effects of key factors, such as the number of production wells, gas price, technological improvement and tax incentive, on the economic critical resources. The results indicate that China requires the lowest economic critical resource for a NGH reservoir to be industrially exploited, ranging from 3.62 to 24.02 billion m3 methane. Changes in gas price and tax incentives also play significant roles in affecting the threshold and timeline for the industrial exploitation of NGH.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2018,1(1):5-16
Natural gas hydrates (NGH) is one of key future clean energy resources. Its industrialized development will help remit the huge demand of global natural gas, relieve the increasing pressure of the environment, and play a vital role in the green sustainable growth of human societies. Based on nearly two decades’ studying on the reservoir characteristics in the South China Sea (SCS) and the knowledge of reservoir system, the China Geological Survey (CGS) conducted the first production test on an optimal target selected in Shenhu area SCS in 2017. Guided by the “three-phase control” exploitation theory which focused on formation stabilization, technologies such as formation fluid extraction, well drilling and completing, reservoir stimulating, sand controlling, environmental monitoring, monitoring and preventing of secondary formation of hydrates were applied. The test lasted for 60 days from May 10th when starting to pump, drop pressure and ignite to well killing on July 9th, with gas production of 3.09×105 m3 in total, which is a world record with the longest continuous duration of gas production and maximal gas yield. This successful test brings a significant breakthrough on safety control of NGH production.  相似文献   

Natural gas hydrate (NGH) is an important future resource for the 21st century and a strategic resource with potential for commercial development in the third energy transition. It is of great significance to accurately predict the productivity of hydrate-bearing sediments (HBS). The multi-phase seepage parameters of HBS include permeability, porosity, which is closely related to permeability, and hydrate saturation, which has a direct impact on hydrate content. Existing research has shown that these multi-phase seepage parameters have a great impact on HBS productivity. Permeability directly affects the transmission of pressure-drop and discharge of methane gas, porosity and initial hydrate saturation affect the amount of hydrate decomposition and transmission process of pressure-drop, and also indirectly affect temperature variation of the reservoir. Considering the spatial heterogeneity of multi-phase seepage parameters, a depressurization production model with layered heterogeneity is established based on the clayey silt hydrate reservoir at W11 station in the Shenhu Sea area of the South China Sea. Tough + Hydrate software was used to calculate the production model; the process of gas production and seepage parameter evolution under different multi-phase seepage conditions were obtained. A sensitivity analysis of the parameters affecting the reservoir productivity was conducted so that: (a) a HBS model with layered heterogeneity can better describe the transmission process of pressure and thermal compensation mechanism of hydrate reservoir; (b) considering the multi-phase seepage parameter heterogeneity, the influence degrees of the parameters on HBS productivity were permeability, porosity and initial hydrate saturation, in order from large to small, and the influence of permeability was significantly greater than that of other parameters; (c) the production potential of the clayey silt reservoir should not only be determined by hydrate content or seepage capacity, but also by the comprehensive effect of the two; and (d) time scales need to be considered when studying the effects of changes in multi-phase seepage parameters on HBS productivity.  相似文献   

天然气水合物资源量丰富,被公认为最有潜力的新型高效清洁替代能源,是未来能源革命的战略突破口。由于天然气水合物分解是伴随相变的复杂物理化学过程,安全经济地开采天然气水合物仍有许多瓶颈难题亟待解决。当前降压法是相对经济有效的开采方法,但天然气平均日产量远远达不到产业化开发的需求。在分析降压法规模化开采面临的瓶颈问题的基础上,提出了一种全新的天然气水合物开采方法原位补热降压充填开采法,重点剖析了该方法的3个基本原理,提出了该方法的开采技术方案、关键技术与工艺步骤。得出了如下结论:(1)天然气水合物降压法规模化开发需要突破“天然气水合物分解热补给”(补热)、“储层结构稳定性”(保稳)和“提高储层渗透率”(增渗)等3个方面的瓶颈难题;(2)基于“降压分解原理”、“原位补热原理”和“充填增渗原理”,提出了天然气水合物原位补热降压充填开采法,该方法将氧化钙(CaO)粉末注入天然气水合物储层,反应产生的大量热量补充天然气水合物的分解热,同时,反应生成的氢氧化钙(Ca(OH)2)既填充了天然气水合物分解后留下的空隙,多孔结构又提高了储层的渗透性;(3)提出了天然气水合物原位补热降压充填开采所涉及的具体技术方案、关键技术与工艺步骤。当前天然气水合物开采技术手段距离产业化开发的需求还有一定距离,未来需要加强国际科研合作,深度学科交叉,研发变革性技术,早日实现天然气水合物规模化开发。  相似文献   

Drilling results suggest that the thickness of natural gas hydrates (NGHs) in the Shenhu Area, South China Sea (SCS) are spatially heterogenous, making it difficult to accurately assess the NGHs resources in this area. In the case that free gas exists beneath hydrate deposits, the frequency of the hydrate deposits will be noticeably attenuated, with the attenuation degree mainly affected by pore development and free gas content. Therefore, the frequency can be used as an important attribute to identify hydrate reservoirs. Based on the time-frequency characteristics of deposits, this study predicted the spatial distribution of hydrates in this area using the frequency division inversion method as follows. Firstly, the support vector machine (SVM) method was employed to study the amplitude versus frequency (AVF) response based on seismic and well logging data. Afterward, the AVF response was introduced as independent information to establish the nonlinear relationship between logging data and seismic waveform. Then, the full frequency band information of the seismic data was fully utilized to obtain the results of frequency division inversion. The inversion results can effectively broaden the frequency band, reflect the NGHs distribution, and reveal the NGHs reservoirs of two types, namely the fluid migration pathway type and the in situ self-generation self-storage diffusion type. Moreover, the inversion results well coincide with the drilling results. Therefore, it is feasible to use the frequency division inversion to predict the spatial distribution of heterogeneous NGHs reservoirs, which facilitates the optimization of favorable drilling targets and is crucial to the resource potential assessment of NGHs.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

天然气水合物勘探开发研究新进展及发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
天然气水合物是继煤、石油和天然气等能源之后的一种潜在新型能源,本文简要介绍了天然气水合物的由来、性质和特征,根据目前国内外研究现状,概述了天然气水合物勘探开发方面的国际研究新进展,以及我国在这方面取得的研究成果,归纳了目前存在的问题并展望了发展的方向和趋势。  相似文献   

Natural gas hydrates (NGHs) are a new type of clean energy with great development potential. However, it is urgent to achieve safe and economical NGHs development and utilization. This study established a physical model of the study area using the FLAC3D software based on the key parameters of the NGHs production test area in the South China Sea, including the depressurization method, and mechanical parameters of strata, NGHs occurrence characteristics, and the technological characteristics of horizontal wells. Moreover, this study explored the law of influences of the NGHs dissociation range on the stability of the overburden strata and the casing structure of a horizontal well. The results are as follows. With the dissociation of NGHs, the overburden strata of the NGHs dissociation zone subsided and formed funnel-shaped zones and then gradually stabilized. However, the upper interface of the NGHs dissociation zone showed significant redistribution and discontinuity of stress. Specifically, distinct stress concentration and corresponding large deformation occurred in the build-up section of the horizontal well, which was thus prone to suffering shear failure. Moreover, apparent end effects occurred at the end of the horizontal well section and might cause the deformation and failure of the casing structure. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures in the build-up section and at the end of the horizontal section of the horizontal well to prevent damage and ensure the wellbore safety in the long-term NGHs exploitation.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

With the implementation of the production tests in permafrost and offshore regions in Canada, US, Japan, and China, the study of natural gas hydrate has progressed into the stage of technology development for industrial exploitation. The depressurization method is considered as a better strategy to produce gas from hydrate reservoirs based on production tests and laboratory experiments. Multi-well production is proposed to improve gas production efficiency, to meet the requirement for industrial production. For evaluating the applicability of multi-well production to hydrate exploitation, a 2D model is established, with numerical simulations of the performance of the multi-well pattern carried out. To understand the dissociation behavior of gas hydrate, the pressure and temperature distributions in the hydrate reservoir are specified, and the change in permeability of reservoir sediments is investigated. The results obtained indicate that multi-well production can improve the well connectivity, accelerate hydrate dissociation, enhance gas production rate and reduce water production as compared with single-well production.  相似文献   

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