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寒潮冷堆增强的动力原因   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文利用动力学诊断方法分析了1979年11月一次东亚寒潮过程,证明500毫巴冷中心在南移过程中不断增强是由于寒潮冷空气堆中存在上升运动使空气绝热膨胀冷却所致。文中还从动力学观点解释了寒潮过程中垂直反环流的成因。指出对流层高层(300毫巴)急流核上游(入口区)和下游(出口区)存在相反的铅直环流,上游为正环流,下游为反环流。急流核两侧存在强大的正负切变涡度平流是使急流核上,下游存在性质相反的铅直环流的原因。文中近似计算了这次寒潮过程中槽后偏北急流核两侧空气的12小时二维轨迹,证明槽后偏北急流核左侧强大的正切变涡度中心及其相应的下游正涡度平流引起了寒潮冷空气堆上空质量辐散。因此在寒潮分析和预报时应注意围绕西风槽的急流分布的不均匀性,特别是300毫巴槽后偏北急流中急流核的存在及其活动对预报寒潮冷空气堆的增强是十分重要的。  相似文献   

利用ECMWF的0.75°×0.75°再分析资料对2016年2月14日的寒潮冷堆增强过程进行了分析,结果发现,寒潮冷堆增强过程中等熵面位涡守恒,315 K等熵面上寒潮冷堆表现为6 PVU的高位涡中心,垂直方向上寒潮冷堆区域高位涡下传到低层形成高位涡柱,冷堆的运动对应高位涡柱的运动。分析500 hPa寒潮冷堆变化发现,寒潮冷堆中存在上升运动使空气绝热冷却,导致寒潮冷堆的增强。从动力学角度分析冷堆空气抬升冷却的原因,寒潮冷堆主要位于两支高空急流核的左前方,受到两支高空急流次级环流上升支的共同影响,上升运动导致的绝热冷却使寒潮冷堆增强。此外在冷堆移动过程中,由于冷堆与低压中心相对位置发生变化,冷堆温度最低处绝对涡度增加,根据位涡守恒原理,气柱拉伸,冷堆的冷空气变得更加深厚,寒潮冷堆增强。  相似文献   

利用1998-2014年20场北疆典型寒潮天气过程的高空、地面和数值预报产品资料,对北疆寒潮天气进行了环流分型和区域分型,总结了环流型与冷空气路径、区域类型的对应关系,重点统计了不同季节北疆寒潮爆发前一天内500hPa脊前北风急流、锋区强度、中低空冷空气强度、地面冷高压等特征量的平均值和最大、最小值,并检验欧洲ECMWF数值预报产品在北疆寒潮天气预报中的预报能力,为北疆寒潮精细化预报提供了技术参考。  相似文献   

2005年3月一次寒潮天气过程的诊断分析   总被引:44,自引:3,他引:44  
许爱华  乔林  詹丰兴  牛星球 《气象》2006,32(3):49-55
利用NECP1°×1°的6小时分析资料和常规观测等资料,对2005年3月10~13日一次全国性寒潮天气过程的环流背景、影响天气系统及成因进行了分析。结果表明:这次寒潮及寒潮天气主要成因是(1)西欧上空500hPa强暖平流致使在西伯利亚地区形成阻塞高压,建立横槽,横槽北侧的东北气流引导超极地冷空气和西路冷空气合并加强;形成了异常强的冷高压、锋区、冷温度中心和冷温度平流。(2)两个短波槽东移侵入阻塞高压,使得横槽两次建立和转为竖槽,导致强冷空气大举南侵。(3)寒潮带来大范围强降温、700hPa西南急流与冷空气交汇、1000hPa以上层气温在0℃以下的垂直分布,为南方大到暴雪提供了动力、水汽和凝结的温度条件。  相似文献   

“2007.4.1”四川盆地强寒潮天气过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用T2131°×1°和欧洲中心实时资料,对2007年4月1~3日四川盆地区域性寒潮天气过程的环流背景及影响系统进行了分析,结果表明:500hPa乌拉尔山到贝加尔湖以东为宽广深厚的低压带,地面上巴湖附近为冷高压,此冷高压在500hPa脊前西北气流的引导下东移南压,是造成此次寒潮大风天气的主要原因;而且低空急流也对降温有一定的作用。  相似文献   

利用T213 1°×1°和欧洲中心实时资料,对2007年4月l~3日四川盆地区域性寒潮天气过程的环流背景及影响系统进行了分析,结果表明:500 hPa乌拉尔山到贝加尔湖以东为宽广深厚的低压带,地面上巴湖附近为冷高压,此冷高压在500 hPa脊前西北气流的引导下东移南压,是造成此次寒潮大风天气的主要原因;而且低空急流也对降温有一定的作用.  相似文献   

一次台风变性并入东北冷涡过程的动力诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁钊明  王东海 《大气科学》2015,39(2):397-412
台风北移变性并入东北冷涡是造成东北地区夏季大范围暴雨的主要形式之一, 但其中的热动力结构变化特征及其物理机制尚不清晰。本文利用美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)的再分析资料对一次台风变性并入东北冷涡过程进行动力诊断分析, 分析结果显示:冷涡冷空气的不断侵入以及台风移动形成的相对冷平流使得台风暖心结构消亡, 其低层低压辐合和高层高压辐散结构消失, 变性并入东北冷涡后气旋整层偏冷, 低层出现冷中心。台风变性并入东北冷涡过程中, 冷涡中心附近高空急流南侧的反气旋切变抑制气旋直接往高空发展, 而急流轴左侧的热动力分布特征有利于垂直涡度的发展, 变性后的气旋环流向冷涡的移近有利于急流轴维持倾斜, 从而促进气旋向高空冷涡倾斜发展。同时, 冷空气在气旋低层附近堆积导致等假相当位温线发生倾斜, 造成垂直涡度在气旋中层倾斜发展。台风变性并入东北冷涡后, 高空冷涡槽底的正垂直涡度平流促进气旋由中层直接向高层发展, 而高空冷涡槽底急流促进正垂直涡度平流的维持。气旋高空环流的发展反过来削弱了东北冷涡的高层环流, 导致高空冷涡中心出现北撤。  相似文献   

一次北上江南气旋的结构特征与演变机理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭达烽  熊秋芬  张昕 《气象》2017,43(4):413-424
利用常规的高空、地面观测、NCEP的1°×1°再分析资料和FY-2E水汽图像等资料,分析了一次北上的江南气旋降水分布、生成环境、结构特征及气旋发展和移动的成因。结果表明:(1)气压场形状和强降水落区的演变类似于Shapiro-Keyser气旋模型。(2)江南气旋发生并向北发展,表现为250 hPa高空辐散,500 hPa西北槽与高原东部槽东移合并、下游脊加强环流的背景。(3)这次气旋虽然没有出现Shapiro-Keyser气旋模型中明显的暖锋后弯现象,但在低压中心附近存在弱的暖核,该核主要位于850 hPa以下层次。(4)当正相对涡度区随高度向西倾斜、地面气旋中心西侧的冷锋锋区增强、高层相对涡度值增大时,气旋处于快速加深过程中;当高低层正相对涡度中心几乎垂直重合、且对流层低层冷锋锋区减弱,则气旋缓慢发展。(5)暖湿气流向北发展和垂直于暖锋的次级环流加强使得暖锋附近的降水增强。(6)用准地转ω运动方程诊断得到,在气旋的初生阶段,地面气旋上空垂直上升速度几乎为0,气旋基本不发展;但其下游暖平流和高低层涡度平流差值大,有利于气旋快速向东北方向移动。在气旋发展阶段,地面气旋上空垂直上升速度加大,气旋快速发展,但其下游暖平流和高低层涡度平流差值减小使得气旋移速缓慢。在气旋发展停滞阶段,地面气旋上空垂直上升速度微弱,气旋发展趋于停止,且其下游暖平流和高低层涡度平流差值继续减小,气旋移速进一步变缓。  相似文献   

利用地面观测、高空探测常规资料、NCEP 1°×1°再分析以及FY-2G红外云图,综合分析2016年11月10—13日北疆北部的暖区暴雪过程成因,结果表明:此次暴雪天气是在"单阻型"经向环流和有利的高低空天气系统配置下发生的,主要表现为500 hPa东欧阻塞高压脊稳定,西西伯利亚低涡和冷槽东南下至北疆境外的中亚地区,200~500 hPa低涡和冷槽系统深厚且呈前倾结构,低涡底部极锋锋区加强并压至北疆上空,700~850 hPa北疆北部有暖平流和暖脊发展,地面气压场呈"两高夹一低"形势,北疆在地面冷锋前部和暖锋后部的暖区内。中高层西北急流、低层偏西气流和偏东气流3支气流在暴雪区上空汇合,暴雪区位于高空低涡底部西北急流、低层暖平流和切变线、地面暖低压南部的高低空重叠区域内。500 hPa以下仅有一条西方水汽输送路径,最强水汽输送在600~700 hPa,最强水汽辐合位于850 hPa附近,最大暴雪中心(裕民)的水汽输送强度更强、厚度更厚、时间更长,其平均云顶黑体亮温TBB值较富蕴偏高10℃左右。  相似文献   

利用地面观测、高空探测常规资料、NCEP 1°×1°再分析以及FY-2G红外云图资料,综合分析了2016年11月10—13日北疆北部的暖区暴雪过程成因,结果表明,此次暴雪天气是在“单阻型”经向环流和有利的高低空天气系统配置下发生的,主要表现为500 hPa东欧阻塞高压脊稳定,西西伯利亚低涡和冷槽东南下至北疆境外的中亚地区,200~500 hPa低涡和冷槽系统深厚且呈前倾结构,低涡底部极锋锋区加强并压至北疆上空,700~850 hPa北疆北部有暖平流和暖脊发展,地面气压场呈“两高夹一低”形势,北疆在地面冷锋前部和暖锋后部的暖区内。中高层西北急流、低层偏西气流和偏东气流三支气流在暴雪区上空汇合,暴雪区位于高空低涡底部西北急流、低层暖平流和切变线、地面暖低压南部的高低空重叠区域内。500 hPa以下仅有一条西方水汽输送路径,最强水汽输送在600~700 hPa,最强水汽辐合位于850 hPa附近,最大暴雪中心(裕民)的水汽输送强度更强、厚度更厚、时间更长,其平均云顶黑体亮温TBB值较富蕴偏高10℃左右。  相似文献   

东亚寒潮高压的位涡诊断研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
用位势涡度方程对1980年1月26—30日东亚寒潮高压的演变做了诊断研究,表明高压中心地区低层是低值位涡区,位涡值随高压增强(减弱)而变小(变大);随着高压的发展加强,位涡最小值由对流层中层降到近地面层,随着高压的减弱,最小值中心又上升;对流层高层的位涡值随着地面高压的增强而加大,反映高空冷槽、地面高压同时在发展。位涡收支方程各项对高压发展、减弱有着不同的作用。作用最大的是地转风水平平流项和地转偏差风的散度项,其次是地转偏差风的平流项和辐射项,扭转项和热成风偏差项均甚小,可忽略不计。  相似文献   

冬季西伯利亚高压动力结构的研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
本文研究了冬季西伯利亚高压建立时期的动力结构。研究得到,在高压建立前期,对流层中以正涡度为主。低层和高层有弱的辐合,中层是辐散;相应在700hPa以下是上升,以上是下沉。但当反气旋发展时,高层为正涡度和辐合气流,低层为负涡度和辐散气流,整层为下沉运动。这表明对流层中、上层的强质量辐合是导致西伯利亚高压发展的一个重要因子。涡度方程的诊断表明,西伯利亚高压区负涡度的出现和加强是对流层中、上层负涡度平流和低层散度项的作用。 另外,西伯利亚高压热平衡计算表明,对流层有深厚的冷却层(热汇)。这种非绝热冷却将在对流层中导致深厚的下沉运动,从而引起中高层的辐合,低层的辐散,有利于高压的加强。因而西伯利亚高压是在动力和热力因子共同作用下形成的。  相似文献   

This study investigates the climatological aspects and temporal characteristics of wintertime Ural-Siberian blocking (USB, centered over 30°–100°E), for the period 1980/1981–2009/2010. Sixty-eight events are identified and their physical structure is diagnosed using thermodynamic and geostrophic vorticity tendency equations. In climatology, horizontal advections play a fundamental role in constructing a USB event, in which the anticyclonic center is a warm core in the troposphere and a cold core in the lower stratosphere. The decay of the thermal structure is related to diabatic cooling along the vertical structure and warm advection in the lower stratosphere. Meanwhile, the collapse of the height structure is caused primarily by cyclonic vorticity advection. A strong interrelationship exists between the intensity and extension of USB events. The temporal characteristics of USB events are analyzed by examining strong and weak events, which are of high and low intensity. The strong events are probably preceded by an open ridge over Europe and a cyclogenesis over the Mediterranean Sea, and their formation is followed by the stronger amplification of a Rossby wave packet across Eurasia. On the other hand, the weak events are likely to be triggered by surface cold anomalies over Siberia. Overall, the evolution of a USB event forms a dynamic linkage with the Siberian high, in which the decay stage of the USB event is accompanied by a southeastward migration of the Siberian high and a subsequent cold air outbreak in East Asia. These results advance our understanding of USB and its relationship with East Asian winter monsoon activities.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper discusses the build-up, the air mass transformation and the propagation of the Siberian high as well as its relations to the development of cold surges in East Asia. It has been found that (1) the genesis and development of the Siberian high result from the combined effects of the mass convergence at middle and upper-level and the radiative cooling; (2) the apparent transformation of the Siberian high over land is observed in winter, which is caused by the upward sensible heat and latent heat flux from the underlying surface; (3) the Siberian high and its attendant cold air outbreaks usually undergo a marked low-frequency, southward propagation with the period of 10–20 days; (4) activity of cold surge over the East China Sea and the South China Sea is closely related to the intensity of the Siberian high. The active cold surge occurs when the Siberian high is usually strong.With 12 Figures  相似文献   

东北冷涡加强减弱过程的涡度收支和动能诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对东北冷涡加强和减弱阶段的涡度和动能的收支进行诊断分析。结果表明:无论在加强还是减弱阶段,冷涡区域范围整层的涡度变化均很明显;涡度平衡方程中,散度项、水平平流项及余项均是主要项,正涡度的增长和减弱对冷涡加强和减弱有重要贡献;动能收支方程中的各项也有明显差异,且在对流层中上层均有较强的能量交换过程。  相似文献   

一次东亚寒潮过程的等熵位涡分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文用等熵位涡(IPV)图分析了1983年1月3—8日东亚寒潮过程的动力学特征。在寒潮酝酿阶段,IPV平流过程(特别是东北急流的作用),东北急流与其南面西偏北气流构成的东西向切变线与IPV极大值线相配合,以及西偏北气流沿等熵面的绝热上升冷却,这三者对于对流层中层横槽形成、加强和南下,以及中层冷堆和地面冷高压的加强起着重要作用。我们认为,用IPV图分析大尺度天气过程的动力学性质比较实用,是一种有很大潜力的分析和预报工具。  相似文献   

2018年和2021年末我国南方分别发生了一次大范围的低温雨雪天气,对生活、生产造成了严重影响,因此对比分析这两次低温雨雪天气成因具有重要意义。结果表明:两次过程期间,对流层中层中高纬阻塞流场显著,阻高位于贝加尔湖西侧,脊前偏北气流在下游横槽后部堆积,使得西伯利亚高压强度增强。东传的Rossby波在阻高区域发生能量频散,利于阻高减弱、崩溃,横槽转竖引导槽后冷空气南下,导致地面强烈降温,同时在西伯利亚高压东侧和南侧,低频风温度平流是造成强降温的主要原因。低纬南支槽活跃,向北的暖湿空气与中高纬南下的冷空气汇合,造成我国南方大范围的低温雨雪、冻雨天气。与2018年过程相比,2021年过程持续时间较短,降水范围小,关键区降温幅度更大,是因为2021年过程期间Rossby波能量频散更快,阻高维持时间较短,冷空气从中高纬地区直接南下侵袭我国,而2018年冷空气在贝加尔湖附近发生堆积、西折,向南渗透时势力减弱。  相似文献   

The NCEP Global Data Assimilation System analysis of grid data, satellite products of Naval Research Laboratory, conventional meteorological data and observations of automatic weather stations in Guangdong province were used together with environmental conditions, atmospheric circulation, and physical characteristics to diagnose the cause and mechanism of the intensification of tropical cyclone Higos in Southern China. The results showed that favorable environmental conditions of high temperature, humidity of the underlying surface, strong upper divergence, weak vertical wind shear, and the persistence of a southwest jet stream beside the southern Higos were the necessary ingredients that contributed to the maintenance of intensity and re-intensification of Higos. The sinking intrusion of cold air from the lower troposphere was the critical condition for its intensification over land. The frontal genesis caused by weak cold air increased the lower tropospheric convergence and updraft, and the condensation latent heat released by heavy rains promoted convergence. From this positive feedback process, Higos obtained an increasing of positive vorticity and re-intensified over land. The re-intensification was due not only to the build-up of wind and the reduction of pressure but also to the simultaneous warm-up of its warm core.  相似文献   

The formation of a tropical cyclone is the result of a process in which an initial disturbance evolves into a warm-core low-pressure system; however, the origin of the initial disturbance and the features of the initial fields are overlooked in most existing theories. In this study, based on FY-2C brightness temperature data and the Japan reanalysis dataset, the origin and evolution of the tropical disturbance that became Typhoon Fung-Wong (2008) were examined. The results demonstrated that the initial disturbance emerged within a saddle-type field with large vertical tropospheric wind shear. The vertical wind shear decreased with the adjustment of the upper circulation; moreover, accompanied by convection over the warm section around the upper cold vortex, it provided favorable thermal and dynamic conditions for the development of a tropical vortex. During its development, the zone of associated positive relative vorticity strengthened and descended from the mid-troposphere to lower levels. This rapid strengthening of lower-level vorticity was due to increasing convergence related to the intensification of the pressure gradient southwest of the subtropical high. This indicated that the upper cold vortex and West Pacific subtropical high played very important roles in this case.  相似文献   

This study examines the vorticity budgets, turbulent extended exergy and kinetic energy evolution equations to investigate the major dynamical and energy conversion processes contributing to the initiation and intensification of the cold vortex over Northeast China that occurred during June 19–22, 2009. The results show that the cyclonic vorticity was initiated in the lower troposphere due to the intense convergence of horizontal winds. The growth of cyclonic vorticity in the middle troposphere is mainly due to the vertical transportation of the vorticity, yet the increase of cyclonic vorticity in the upper troposphere primarily results from the horizontal advection of vorticity. Of special interest in this study is the evaluation of the role of thermal advections in the baroclinic development of the cold vortex. The results indicate that the rising of the air over relatively warm areas and the sinking of the air in relatively cold regions are favorable for releasing turbulent extended exergy $ \left( {e_{\text{t}} } \right) $ , which is later converted to turbulent kinetic energy $ \left( {k_{\text{t}} } \right) $ , and this process occurs during the initiation and intensification of the cold vortex. In addition, barotropic energy conversion is another important process that contributes to the growth of k t, and it strengthens gradually after the initiation of the cold vortex. Other than frictional consumption, the flux of k t in the vertical direction also depletes some of k t. The fluxes of e t, baroclinic energy conversions and diabatic generations are favorable factors for the growth of e t, whereas it decreases with time as a result of a large amount of e t that is released. Most of the energy conversion processes, including the baroclinic and the barotropic energy transformations and the energy conversions from e t to k t, as well as the fluxes of e t, are stronger in the lower troposphere than the other areas during the formation of the cold vortex. This accounts for the initiation of the cyclonic vorticity in the lower troposphere. Finally, the fact that the turbulent extended exergy releases primarily in the middle troposphere through the vertical thermal circulation is consistent with our understanding based on the vorticity budget analyses.  相似文献   

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