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登陆热带气旋海马(0421)变性加强的诊断研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
程正泉  陈联寿  李英 《气象学报》2012,70(4):628-641
利用台风年鉴、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、旋转风及辐散风动能诊断方程对热带气旋海马(2004)的变性加强过程进行了诊断分析。结果表明,海马变性加强发生在向极运动过程中,与高空槽前急流发生耦合,西风槽引导冷空气侵入海马环流内部,形成半冷半热结构。进一步利用辐散风动能方程诊断分析发现,海马变性加强的主要能量来源有两个,一个是西风槽带来的冷空气下沉侵入低压环流释放的有效位能,另一个是海马与环境系统发生相互作用导致其低压环流不均匀分布的总动能通过辐散风向低压动能的转化。二者的值为同一量级。此外,此两种能量来源均可使海马低层平均风速在6h增加10m/s以上,地面摩擦和大气内摩擦是TC动能消耗的主要原因,而动能垂直通量的散度项使得动能由低层输送至高层。  相似文献   

利用常规地面观测资料、卫星和雷达资料以及NCEP再分析资料,对台风"鲇鱼"(1617)在江西引发的持续性暴雨过程的形成原因进行分析.结果表明:台风处于大陆副热带高压和西太平洋副热带高压之间的鞍型场中,系统稳定维持,移动非常缓慢,影响时间长.台风登陆后水汽输送通道仍然维持,低层一支由偏南风和偏东风汇合而成的低空急流,为台风暴雨提供充足的水汽和热量.台风暴雨过程分为两个阶段:第一阶段台风本体降水.登陆后台风暖心结构逐渐遭到破坏,但台风中心附近仍维持上下一致的垂直正涡度柱结构,中低层正涡度区位于台风低压中心和台风北侧风向辐合带,辐合带附近不断有局地中尺度对流云团生成发展.同时,台风高层的气流辐散区与低层台风中心北侧的辐合带相互配合,形成"高层辐散、低层辐合"耦合的垂直环流结构.第二阶段台风与冷空气相结合形成的降水.因冷空气锋区南压而产生的锋生作用,一方面导致台风低压的不稳定能量进一步释放,另一方面使得低层的动力抬升作用增强.台风影响期间,地形对台风降水的增幅有一定的贡献.  相似文献   

强台风“海葵”(1211)近海急剧增强的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近海台风强度急剧增强是预报中的难点。使用新一代中尺度WRF模式对台风“海葵”(1211)近海强度急剧增强过程进行数值模拟,并对数值模拟结果展开分析,研究引起台风强度突变的可能机理及相应结构变化。模拟结果表明,台风“海葵”的急剧增强与低层水汽输入的突然增加以及有利的高、低层辐散、辐合流场配置密切相关,且在“海葵”台风强度迅速增强的前6 h其高低层辐合、辐散流场呈现同时增强。台风结构变化的分析表明,在台风急剧增强时段台风结构趋于对称化,且低层眼壁范围小,高层眼壁范围向外扩展。伴随着台风强度增强,径向风速和切向风速也处在增大过程中,特别是台风急剧增强阶段,径向风速和切向风速增大更明显。另外,暖心强度逐渐加强,且暖心范围明显扩大并向低层扩展。同时随着台风强度的增强,垂直上升运动也逐渐增强。台风的这些结构变化都有利于其强度的维持和发展。   相似文献   

台风的增强过程与气旋性涡度的急剧发展相伴。使用滑动平均的空间滤波方法对WRF模式的模拟结果进行尺度分离, 进而诊断分析台风SANBA突然增强过程中垂直涡度及环流的发展演变特征。结果表明, 台风突然增强的过程中, 眼壁区上升速度增大, 暖心结构增强, 同时垂直涡度迅速增强。当SANBA从热带风暴发展为强热带风暴时, 对流层低层辐散辐合及垂直速度分布的不均匀对台风涡旋结构的增强强度相当, 在台风内部以增强区域为主同时与减弱区域交错分布; 当SANBA发展增强为强台风时, 对流层低层的散度项与倾斜项在台风中心附近均表现为强的正中心, 台风低层径向入流的增强导致低层辐合加强对台风的增强起到主要作用。台风中心区域平均环流强度随台风的不断增强而不断增大, 且从900 hPa高度不断向高层发展, 其中环流方程中的EED/EET项的发展变化可以表征台风发展初期散度项和倾斜项的主要变化。   相似文献   

杨祖芳 《气象》1978,4(4):7-8
一、引言 在西太平洋上,除了赤道辐合带中的涡旋环流加强发展成台风和东风波加深发展成台风外,对流层上部(主要是200毫巴层)的冷性低压,通过加强下传在低层诱生出一个波动或涡旋系统,以后也可增强发展成台风。 萨特勒(Sadler)曾在1967年对1964年8月15日由高空冷性涡旋变为具有暖心结构的台风“凯思”(Kathy)进行过分析。他指出:对流层上层冷中心  相似文献   

运用实况资料、NCEP/NCAR六小时再分析资料以及2014年CMA热带气旋最佳路径数据集,对1409号超强台风"威马逊"近海急剧加强的特征及成因进行探讨分析,结果表明:高空华北槽东移,引导地面冷空气南下,副高西退略北抬,与"威马逊"形成了"东高西低"和"北高南低"的形势,增大两者间梯度,使"威马逊"强度加强;近海急剧加强24h内,台风暖心对称化结构加强,强暖中心往高低层扩展,低层偏南暖湿气流输送持续加强,对流层上层辐散不断增强,台风高层环流的西侧和北侧亦是辐散的大值区,台风西行北上的过程中利于其强辐散的维持和加强;台风中心正涡度柱急剧增大,并向对流层上层扩展,配合弱的垂直切变,利于台风的急剧加强;另外,物理量的分析也表明,"威马逊"近海急剧加强前24h内,台风环流附近大气层结不稳定度有增大的趋势。  相似文献   

研究了8909(Hope)台风登陆后减弱为低压的过程中引起突发性暴雨的因素.结果表明:台风涡旋中心垂直轴线向南倾斜加大,上下层风的垂直切变加大,不稳定能量增强;在低空暖式切变辐合上升运动的激发下,对流和中大小尺度扰动得到发展,导致远离低压中心的闽北浙南突发性大暴雨.  相似文献   

研究了8909(Hope)台风登陆后减弱为低压的过程中引起突发性暴雨的因素。结果表明:台风涡旋中心垂直轴线向南倾斜加大,上下层风的垂直切变加大,不稳定能量增强;在低空暖式切变辐合上升运动的激发下,对流和中大小尺度扰动得到发展,导致远离低压中心的闽北浙南突发性大暴雨。  相似文献   

利用NCEP资料、CMA-STI热带气旋最佳路径数据和FY系列卫星云图对超强台风"威马逊"登陆前特征和突增成因进行分析。结果表明:"威马逊"强度突增期间副高西伸脊点显著东退,高低压之间维持强的气压梯度。台风急剧发展期间结构趋于对称化加强,高低层辐合辐散急剧发展,持续增强的正涡度柱不断向平流层上层发展,同时垂直速度不断增大从低层向上传播,这些结构都利于台风强度迅速增强。环境条件分析表明西太平洋高海温、弱的环境风垂直切变维持10 m/s以下速度,有利于凝结潜热聚集和台风"暖心"结构维持;850 h Pa上偏南气流显著增强,南侧水汽通道完全接通且水汽辐合与台风中心基本重合,促使水汽向台风中心辐合输入,是"威马逊"强度剧增的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

环境流场对台风发生发展的影响   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
李崇银 《气象学报》1983,41(3):275-284
本文用简单的数学模式、基于CISK理论,从动力学角度分别讨论了在对流层低层气旋性切变基本气流作用下以及对流层上层切变基本气流作用下,台风低压增长率的改变。结果表明,对流层低层的气旋性切变基本气流可以使增长率明显增大,这从动力学角度解释了赤道西风或西南季风的加强以及适中强度的冷空气影响有利于台风生成和发展的天气事实。对流层上层反气旋性切变基本气流有利于台风发展,而对流层上层气旋性切变基本气流使台风削弱。但对流层上层环境流场的影响相对比较微弱。  相似文献   

By using the data from observation on the Chinese research vessel Xiang Yang Hong No.5 and other sources during AMEX phase II, the kinetic energy budget and circulation characteristics of the tropical storm Irma were analyzed.Irma formed on the ITCZ of the Southern Hemisphere. During the formative stage of the storm, the SE trades and monsoon westerlies on both sides of the ITCZ strengthened, and more importantly, there was a strong divergent flow in upper troposphere. These contributed to the intensification of Irma. At the time when Irma formed, the Richardson number (Ri) in middle and lower troposphere was much smaller than that prior to and post the formation.When Irma intensified rapidly, the area-averaged kinetic energy in the general flow increased in the whole troposphere . The largest contribution came from kinetic energy generation term, -[v.(?)(?)] .indicates that there existed a strong ageostrophic accetration. As to the generation term , the conversion of available potential energy to kinetic energy, - |ωα|, made the largest contribution. This illustrates the importance of internal sources and of the ensemble effect of cumulus convection to the kinetic energy.To the increase of area-averaged eddy kinetic energy during the rapid intensification of Irma, the most impor tant source in the whole troposphere was the dissipation term - [E'], that should be interpreted as the. feeding of eddy kinetic energy from smaller to larger scale disturbances. Another important source was generation term, - [v' (?)(?)'], in the lower troposphere. Rather small contribution came from the energy conversion from the kinetic energy of area-mean flow to eddy kinetic energy. Therefore, the eddy kinetic energy of the developing tropical disturbance extracted both from smaller an, .arger scale motions. The former was much more important than the latter In addition, the disturbance acting as a generator and exporter, generated and exported eddy kinetic energy to the environmental atmosphere.  相似文献   

海洋风暴形成的一种动力学机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文中从观测统计学、瞬变涡动能量学和 MM5中尺度数值模拟角度 ,研究了海洋风暴 (爆发性气旋 )形成的气候特征及其可能的动力学机制 ,揭示了一幅爆发性发展的物理图像。结果表明 ,在冷季大气特别是日本以东洋面上大气特有的热力气候背景下 ,通过同海洋风暴过程相联系的涡动热通量 vθ的向极地输送 (- vθ· θm>0 ) ,将季节尺度的时间平均有效位能向瞬变涡旋时间尺度的涡动有效位能转换 ,是海洋风暴形成的主要动力机制。在该过程中转换来的具有最大贡献的涡动有效位能 ,连同具有次大贡献的积云加热制造的涡动有效位能(q3 )一起 ,通过暖异常区 (α >0 )暖湿空气上升运动 (-ω >0 )的斜压转换 (-ωα) ,促使涡动动能增长。同时 ,补充的涡动有效位能又加强了暖异常区的暖湿空气上升运动 ,进而产生积云对流活动及其潜热释放的正反馈过程 ,最终导致涡动动能急剧增长和海洋风暴的形成。海-气潜热输送的作用是在风暴形成初期提供后来积云尺度对流活动及潜热释放的水汽潜力。研究还表明 ,海洋风暴主要发生在冷季月份 1 3 0°E以东的中高纬洋面上 ,这种对特定季节和特定海域的依赖性是大气和海洋气候背景的动力 /热力共同作用的结果  相似文献   

Distinct differences of the storm track?Cjet relationship over the North Pacific and North Atlantic are investigated in terms of barotropic and baroclinic energetics using NCEP-2 reanalysis data for the period of 1979?C2008. From fall to midwinter the Pacific storm track (PST) activity weakens following the southward shift of the Pacific jet, whereas the Atlantic storm track (AST) activity remains steady in position and intensifies regardless of the slight southward shift of the Atlantic jet. This study is devoted to seeking for the factors that can contribute to this conspicuous difference between the two storm tracks on climatological subseasonal variation by analyzing eddy properties and local energetics. Different eddy properties over the two oceans lead to different contribution of barotropic energy conversion to the initiation of storm tracks. In the North Atlantic, meridionally elongated eddies gain kinetic energy efficiently from stretching deformation of the mean flow in the jet entrance. On the other hand, the term associated with shearing deformation is important for the initiation of PST. Analysis of baroclinic energetics reveals that the intensification of the AST activity in midwinter is mainly attributed to coincidence between location of maximum poleward and upward eddy heat fluxes and that of the largest meridional temperature gradient over slight upstream of the AST. The relatively large amount of precipitable water and meridional eddy moisture flux along baroclinic energy conversion axis likely provides a more favorable environment for baroclinic eddy growth over the North Atlantic than over the North Pacific. In the meantime, the midwinter minimum of the PST activity is attributable to the southward shift of the Pacific jet stream that leads to discrepancy between core region of poleward and upward heat fluxes and that of meridional thermal gradient. Weakening of eddy-mean flow interaction due to eddy shape and reduction of moist effect are also responsible for the weakening of storm track activities in midwinter when the strongest baroclinicity exists over the North Pacific.  相似文献   

冬季北大西洋风暴轴的东西变化及其能量诊断   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,定义一个风暴轴经度指数,基于这个指数做合成分析,对冬季北大西洋风暴轴63 a(1948-2010年)的东西变化特征及其能量平衡差异进行了诊断。主要结论如下:(1)北大西洋风暴轴存在明显地东扩和西退。当风暴轴向东扩展时,天气尺度瞬变波可以向下游发展至乌拉尔山以东的亚洲上空;风暴轴西退时,天气尺度瞬变波活动范围向西收缩到15°W以西的大洋上空。(2)能量诊断表明,当风暴轴向东扩展时,涡动动能在高纬度的大西洋东部及西欧上空明显增强。在0°以西的区域,涡动动能的增强主要归因于能量斜压转换过程的增强;而在0°以东区域,涡动动能的增强可能与涡动非地转位势通量引起的"下游发展效应"增强有关。风暴轴向西收缩时,变化相反。  相似文献   

仇永炎 《气象学报》1979,37(3):13-21
利用1976~1977年冬季四个月北半球500mb资料,对北半球平均动能和涡动动能波谱的中期变化、动能转换率对平均动能的增衰和对波动增衰的作用进行了研究,得到一些初步结果。指出:北半球平均动能、涡动动能以及涡动动能和平均动能之间的转换率,有准两周的周期振动。涡动动能先于动能转换率一天达到峰值,而后再过两天平均动能达到峰值。在k=3波时,动能也存在准两周的周期振动,它是对涡动动能总值贡献最大的波动,同涡动动能总值具有同位相的振动。对动能转换率总值贡献最大的还是k=3波,其转换率具有同转换率总值同位相的准两周振动。 动能转换率对平均动能整个增长阶段的贡献,大于衰退阶段,在平均动能增长阶段,动能转换率近似于同平均动能变化率平衡。这意味着平均动能的增长,正压过程在起作用。 文中还研究了动能转换率对k=1~6波增衰的作用,结果表明:它对波动的增长不起作用,但对波动的衰退起到足够的贡献。 最后,对波动的增衰同平均动能和涡动动能的中期变化之间的联系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Analysis of NCEP-NCAR I reanalysis data of 1948–2009 and ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis data of 1958–2001 reveals several significant interdecadal changes in the storm track activity and mean flow-transient eddy interaction in the extratropics of Northern Hemisphere. First, the most remarkable transition in the North Pacific storm track (PST) and the North Atlantic storm track (AST) activities during the boreal cold season (from November to March) occurred around early-to-mid 1970s with the characteristics of global intensification that has been noticed in previous studies. Second, the PST activity in midwinter underwent decadal change from a weak regime in the early 1980s to a strong regime in the late 1980s. Third, during recent decade, the PST intensity has been enhanced in early spring whereas the AST intensity has been weakened in midwinter. Finally, interdecadal change has been also noted in the relationship between the PST and AST activities and between the storm track activity and climate indices. The variability of storm track activity is well correlated with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and North Atlantic Oscillation prior to the early 1980s, but this relationship has disappeared afterward and a significant linkage between the PST and AST activity has also been decoupled. For a better understanding of the mid-1970s’ shift in storm track activity and mean flow-transient eddy interaction, further investigation is made by analyzing local barotropic and baroclinic energetics. The intensification of global storm track activity after the mid-1970s is mainly associated with the enhancement of mean meridional temperature gradient resulting in favorable condition for baroclinic eddy growth. Consistent with the change in storm track activity, the baroclinic energy conversion is significantly increased in the North Pacific and North Atlantic. The intensification of the PST and AST activity, in turn, helps to reinforce the changes in the middle-to-upper tropospheric circulation but acts to interfere with the changes in the low-tropospheric temperature field.  相似文献   

复杂地形下雷暴增强过程的个例研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
陈双  王迎春  张文龙  陈明轩 《气象》2011,37(7):802-813
本文基于多普勒雷达变分同化分析系统(VDRAS)反演的对流层低层热力和动力场,并结合多种稠密观测资料,对北京地区2009年7月22日一次弱天气尺度强迫下雷暴在山区和平原增强的机理进行了较深入的分析。研究结果表明:雷暴过程受大尺度天气系统影响不明显,对流前期地面弱冷锋,是此次雷暴新生的触发机制,高层冷平流、低层偏南暖湿气流的稳定维持和对流不稳定能量的聚集是本次雷暴增强的必要条件。雷暴从河北北部移进北京西北山区后,在下山和到达平原地区时,经历了两次明显的发展增强阶段。雷暴第一阶段下山增强,地形强迫起着主要作用,具体表现在三个方面:(1)地形斜坡使得雷暴冷池出流下山加速与稳定维持的偏南气流形成了强的辐合区;(2)地形抬升使得偏南暖湿入流强烈地上升,从而加剧了对流的发展;(3)地形抬高了冷池出流高度,使得出流与近地面偏南气流构成随高度顺转的低层垂直风切变,低层暖空气之上有冷平流叠加,使得雷暴前方的动力和热力不稳定增强。雷暴第二阶段在平原地区再次增强的主要原因是:组织完好的雷暴到达平原地区后,其冷池与低层暖舌在城区(朝阳地区)的对峙,产生了强的扰动温度梯度;强的冷池出流与势力相当的偏南暖湿气流相互作用产生了强的辐合上升气流,并与下沉气流在较长时间内共存;冷池出流形成的负涡度与低层切变产生的正涡度达到近似平衡状态。运用RKW理论,三者导致雷暴前方低层的辐合抬升最强,最有利于雷暴的维持发展。  相似文献   

利用欧洲中期预报中心再分析数据和中国气象局提供的降水数据分析了2008年1月到2月初东亚急流对我国南方雨雪冰冻灾害的影响,并给出东亚急流变化可能的原因。东亚急流强度和位置的变化引起其入口区的垂直运动的变化,从而使得我国南方降雨的位置和强度发生改变。为了研究灾害发生期间东亚急流变化的原因,利用扰动动能方程分析了与东亚急流有关扰动动能以及方程各项的变化,结果表明:扰动动能的变化能够很好的表示东亚急流的变化;扰动位势平流对扰动动能的发展至关重要。东亚急流北部弱风区存在较小的扰动动能中心,位势通量矢量将这个中心的扰动动能输送到东亚急流的入口区并辐合,使得东亚急流增强。  相似文献   

A T_(42)L_9 GCM integration is adopted to investigate in detail the effect of Northwest Pacific seasurface temperature anomaly(SSTA)on the Pacific storm track(PST)during winter.Resultsshow that warm(cold)Northwest Pacific SSTA can give rise to significantly increased(decreased)baroelinicity on the north side of the anomaly area and its downstream in such a way asto make the Pacific storm track strengthen(weaken)in its entrance where the 500 hPa synopticperturbation height variance,kinetic energy,and low-level upward and poteward transient eddytemperature fluxes who exhibit similar features to those of mid-latitude barolinic waves in theirdeveloping phases,show great enhancement for the warm case,suggesting that the Pacific trackcan be reconstructed in its west side only as a result of an external forcing,viz.,warm NorthwestPacific SSTA during winter.  相似文献   

Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) temperature profiles during the period 2003–2013 are used to examine the warm core structures and evolution characteristics associated with the formation and development of western North Pacific (WNP) tropical cyclones (TCs). The warm core with a steady 1.5-K warming in the layer of 500–300 hPa occurs 24 h prior to tropical storm formation. Apparent eye warming extends upward to upper troposphere and downward to near surface after tropical storm formation. TC intensity shows a robust positive correlation with the warm core strength and has a weaker but still significant positive correlation with the warm core height (the weaker correlation is primarily attributed to the scattered warm core heights of weak TCs). Future 24-h intensity change of TCs has little correlation with the warm core height while it has a significant negative correlation with the warm core strength. Weak to moderate warm core at 500–200 hPa may be a necessary but not sufficient initial condition for TC rapid intensification. AIRS-observed warm core structures, in combination with other environmental factors, have the potential to improve the prediction of tropical storm formation and rapid intensification of WNP TCs.  相似文献   

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