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江鳕和大头鳕头颅骨骼特征的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对江鳕(Lota lota Linnaeus)和大头鳕(Gadus macrofephalus Tilesius)的头颅骨骼进行了描述和比较。研究结果表明:2种鱼均有发达的鼻骨、额骨、后耳骨和鳞片骨,上颌口缘由前颌骨构成,犁骨上具齿,上枕骨与额骨相接,左右顶骨分离。无眶蝶骨、基蝶骨、伪头中骨和辅上颌骨。2种鱼的区别主要在于骨块的形状、大小差异及嵴的发达程度的不同。  相似文献   

四种鳕鱼的形态学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对蓝鳕 (Micromesistius poutassou)、远东宽突鳕 (Eleginusgracilis)、大西洋鳕(Gadusmorhua)和太平洋鳕 (G. macrocephalus)等 4种经济鳕鱼类进行了细致的观察 ,对其分节及量度特征进行了测定分析 ,发现所测数据与国内外资料存在一些差异 ;并补充描述了各种的鼻孔、牙齿等形态特征。统计检验表明 :蓝鳕的第 1臀鳍鳍条数、鳃耙数与其他鳕鱼存在显著差异 ;远东宽突鳕的脊椎骨数与其他鳕鱼存在显著差异 ;大西洋鳕和太平洋鳕在上述性状上的差异不明显 ,但 2者的体色有明显差异。从形态特征聚类分析图得知宽突鳕属与鳕属亲缘关系近 ,而蓝鳕属与鳕属亲缘关系远。  相似文献   

黄海大头鳕胚胎发育过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
驯化野生大头鳕(Gadus macrocephalus Tilesius)作为亲鱼,通过自然受精和人工授精两种方法获得受精卵,自然受精卵通过虹吸法收集。受精卵孵化条件为水温6~8℃,盐度32~33,pH7.8~8.2,微充气。在奥林巴斯SZ61解剖镜下对大头鳕的胚胎发育进行了观察,并使用CCD图像传感器拍照,描述了各发育时期的发育时序和形态特征。大头鳕受精卵为圆球形端黄卵,弱黏性,无油球,卵膜上具龟裂结构,卵子直径0.95~1.12mm,n=30,卵黄均匀透明。类似于大部分硬骨鱼类,其胚胎发育可分为胚盘形成期、卵裂期、桑椹期、囊胚期、原肠期、神经胚期、器官发生期、尾芽期、肌肉效应期。在水温6~8℃,盐度32~33的条件下,受精卵历时约336h完成胚胎发育过程,孵化出膜。在大头鳕胚胎发育过程中,具有4个不同于其他硬骨鱼类的地方:(1)发现早期分裂球具有不规则现象;(2)很多胚胎发育过程不出现柯氏囊,有柯氏囊的胚胎仅占10%左右,且出现晚,消失快;(3)胚胎孵化为仔鱼与发育进程关联性不大,孵化的仔鱼有3种主要形态;(4)胚胎各个时期都有较高死亡率,以原肠期最为严重。  相似文献   

采用分步降温法冷冻保存太平洋鳕(Gadus macrocephalus)精液,并用扫描电镜和透射电镜技术研究了精子的超微结构损伤。分析了添加剂(蛋黄)及五种抗冻剂(PG(丙二醇)、DMSO(二甲基亚砜)、EG(乙二醇)、GLY(甘油)、MeOH(甲醇))不同浓度(8%、10%、12%、14%、16%、18%)对太平洋鳕精子冷冻保存效果的影响。实验结果表明,蛋黄能够显著提高太平洋鳕冷冻保存效果(P0.05);12%PG中添加10%蛋黄保存的冻融精子运动率最高(85.87%±1.6%),显著高于其他冻存组(P0.05)。添加蛋黄的12%浓度的DMSO组解冻后精子运动速率较高,平均直线速度、平均曲线速度、平均路径速度分别达到了(120.39±20.78)μm/s、(120.39±20.78)μm/s、(155.64±12.02)μm/s,与其他各实验组差异显著(P0.05)。通过扫描电镜和透射电镜观察新鲜和冻融后的鳕鱼精子发现,鲜精中75.5%精子形态结构正常、24.5%精子形态结构异常;运动率最高的冻精中67%精子形态结构正常、33%精子形态结构异常。超低温保存对太平洋鳕精子结构产生了显著影响,细胞膜破裂、线粒体肿胀变形,鞭毛脱落、断裂。  相似文献   

作为黄海的代表性冷温性鱼类,大头鳕(Gadus macrocephalus)的资源量近年逐渐上升趋势,其中幼鱼所占比重较大,种群丰度及补充都受到黄海冷水团的影响,作为2龄性成熟鱼种,探究其当年生和非当年生幼鱼分布和生长的季节变化及与黄海冷水团的关系对了解大头鳕的资源变动有重要意义。本研究基于2016年10月、2017年5和8月的调查结果,分析了黄海冷水团存在时期的海洋环境特征与大头鳕幼鱼分布及生长特征的关系。研究显示,春季,幼鱼主要分布于青海渔场、石岛渔场和连青石渔场,非当年生幼鱼和当年生幼鱼随栖息地水深分别呈东西两区块分布。夏季,幼鱼主要位于122.00°E以东、底温低于10℃的黄海中部较深海域,有少部分分布于黄海北部,这与黄海冷水团强盛时期南北低温中心的位置有关。秋季,黄海北部大头鳕幼鱼的渔获量明显减少,仅在石岛渔场和连青石渔场大头鳕的种群密度仍较高。广义相加模型(Generalized Additive Models, GAM)分析结果显示,温度和盐度对大头鳕幼鱼的资源丰度指数(单位捕捞努力量渔获量(Catch Per Unit Effort, CPUE))有显著影响,当栖息地水域盐度在31.90和32.80附近,底温在8.5℃左右时,大头鳕幼鱼的CPUE较高。体长-体重关系显示,春季,幼鱼呈负异速生长,夏秋季呈正异速生长,黄海冷水团强盛时期较高的有机质含量及初级生产力造成的丰富饵料可能是导致大头鳕夏秋季b值较高的原因,因此黄海冷水团的季节变化对大头鳕的分布和生长均有显著影响。  相似文献   

狭鳕等三种鳕鱼生态和资源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林景祺 《海洋科学》1994,18(2):25-29
据联合国粮农组织和日本水产厅等推算,世界的鱼贝类(除去深海鱼类和南极磷虾以外)最大的持续生产量将达1.5~1.8×10[8]t。如果我国以最大努力能从世界鱼、贝类最大持续生产量中取得或接近取得按人口分配应得的份额,那当然是解决食物和营养问题办法中的较好的一个。这个最大努力包括对已经开发利用的重要种类和蕴存量大且有开发利用前途的种类,有选择地加以深入认识,然后按其数量分布和变动规律制定正确途径进行合理捕捞生产。现在先从狭鳕、大西洋鳕和黑斑鳕开始。1狭鳕( Theragra chalcogramma)1.…  相似文献   

通过对江鳕仔鱼幼体发育及生长的研究探索江鳕全人工养殖仔鱼幼体的发育生长规律,本实验培育水温为自然温度,随机抽取并固定一缸仔鱼作为研究对象,每隔24h取30条仔鱼解剖镜下观察其发育情况,用显微测微尺对其体长进行测量,结果表明:江鳕仔鱼的体长增长缓慢,具有阶段性,并且不是匀速的,生长期与生长停止期交替.得出了江鳕仔鱼体长和...  相似文献   

大头鳕和半滑舌鳎是我国重要的两种经济鱼类,本论文以大头鳕和半滑舌鳎基因组DNA为模板,对RAPD分析中的DNA模板浓度进行了优化,确定最适浓度。并分别筛选出20条和18条扩增结果稳定性好、多态性强的随机引物用于大头鳕以及半滑舌鳎的RAPD遗传变异分析。  相似文献   

狭鳕主要栖息在太平洋远东海域,是上层鱼类较大的资源种类,主要分布在颚霍次克海、白令海、堪察加及千岛海域。对狭鳕生态及饵料系列的研究以往较少,本文着重对狭鳕鱼胃含物进行调查,约测定鱼2.0万尾。 1 狭鳕鱼体大小的摄食特性 刚孵化不久体长为3.5~5.5毫米的仔鱼就开始摄取外部饵料,即0.1~0.3毫米的桡足类无节幼体、少量的小型藻类及桡足类卵。随  相似文献   

澳洲鳕鲈(Maccullochella peelii peelii)为澳大利亚国宴用鱼,已引入国内开始工厂化养殖,但人工繁殖还有若干问题未解决。为实现其全人工繁殖,本研究就澳洲鳕鲈精卵同步、精子存活时间延长、选取室内工厂化养殖培育的个体作为亲本进行繁殖等人工繁殖过程中关键步骤进行了研究。结果表明精子样本常温保存6h后精子动性降低,存活时间显著缩短,96h后未发现游动精子。添加2.5%葡萄糖或1.25%葡萄糖+2.25‰氯化钠激活精子动性升高,存活时间得以延长,提示葡萄糖可能能够充当外源性能量来源,显著增强精子活力、提高繁殖效率。实验选取6-8龄室内工厂化养殖澳洲鳕鲈作为繁殖亲本,运用该方法最终获得50万尾鱼苗,证明了用室内工厂化养殖的个体作为亲本进行人工繁殖是可以满足工厂化养殖苗种需求的。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to assess the role of trophic relations of the dominant pelagic fishes capelin and polar cod in the Barents Sea with regard to distribution and accessibility as prey for the Atlantic cod in warm years (2004–2005). Unlike in the previous period, during these warm years a dramatic increase of the polar cod population resulted in a northwards expansion of the feeding grounds where overlapping of polar cod and capelin concentrations was observed. This caused an increased competition for copepods, which are the main food item for young fish. In the areas dominated by polar cod the shortage of copepods forced immature capelin to switch to the chaetognath Sagitta, which affected their fatness negatively.During the warm years the feeding grounds of Atlantic cod also expanded, to a large degree caused by the shortage of their main food, the capelin. In 2004–2005 the cod formed feeding concentrations in the north and northeast Barents Sea where they fed on the capelin. In this area the consumption of polar cod by cod increased, and in some local areas the polar cod practically replaced the capelin in the diet of cod. In general polar cod in the diet of Atlantic cod were more important in the northern than in the southern part of the Barents Sea. The fatness of cod was extremely low during the whole spring–summer period (until August), and after the feeding period the fatness index of the Atlantic cod became lower than the average long-term autumn value.  相似文献   

The species composition and trophic structure of the Barents Sea fish assemblage is analysed based on data from research survey trawls and diet analyses of various species. Atlantic cod was the dominant fish species encountered, accounting for more than 55% by abundance or biomass. Only five fish species (long rough dab, thorny skate, Greenland halibut, deepwater redfish and saithe) were sufficiently abundant to be considered as possible food competitors with cod in the Barents Sea. However, possible trophic competition is not high, due to low spatial and temporal overlap between cod and these other species. Analyses of fish assemblages and trophic structures of the Barents Sea and other areas (North Sea, Western Greenland, Newfoundland-Labrador shelf) suggest that Barents Sea cod is the only cod stock for which the ability to recover may not be restricted by trophic relations among fishes, due to a lack of other abundant predatory species and low potential for competition caused by spatial-temporal changes.  相似文献   

Mass-balance models have been constructed using inverse methodology for the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence for the mid-1980s, the mid-1990s, and the early 2000s to describe ecosystem structure, trophic group interactions, and the effects of fishing and predation on the ecosystem for each time period. Our analyses indicate that the ecosystem structure shifted dramatically from one previously dominated by demersal (cod, redfish) and small-bodied forage (e.g., capelin, mackerel, herring, shrimp) species to one now dominated by small-bodied forage species. Overfishing removed a functional group in the late 1980s, large piscivorous fish (primarily cod and redfish), which has not recovered 14 years after the cessation of heavy fishing. This has left only marine mammals as top predators during the mid-1990s, and marine mammals and small Greenland halibut during the early 2000s. Predation by marine mammals on fish increased from the mid-1980s to the early 2000s while predation by large fish on fish decreased. Capelin and shrimp, the main prey in each period, showed an increase in biomass over the three periods. A switch in the main predators of capelin from cod to marine mammals occurred, while Greenland halibut progressively replaced cod as shrimp predators. Overfishing influenced community structure directly through preferential removal of larger-bodied fishes and indirectly through predation release because larger-bodied fishes exerted top-down control upon other community species or competed with other species for the same prey. Our modelling estimates showed that a change in predation structure or flows at the top of the trophic system led to changes in predation at all lower trophic levels in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. These changes represent a case of fishery-induced regime shift.  相似文献   

Abstract. The stomach contents of poor cod, Trisopterus minutus capelanus (Lacepède), were taken at monthly intervals off the eastern coast of the Gulf of Valencia (Spain). A total of 1276 were analyzed to determine diet according to fish size and season. The basic food consists of crustaceans (Mysidacea and Decapoda) and teleosts. Feeding habits varied with size: decapods and fishes were more abundant in the stomachs of larger specimens. Little seasonal variation in food habits was recorded.  相似文献   

Inter‐decadal and geographic variations in the diets of Steller sea lion, Eumetopias jubatus, were examined based on the contents of 408 stomachs collected from coastal areas around Hokkaido Island during the periods 1994–1998 and 2005–2012. The most important prey species in the 1990s were gadid fishes (walleye pollock [Gadus chalcogrammus], Pacific cod [Gadus microcephalus] and saffron cod [Eleginus gracilis]). The frequency of occurrence and gravimetric contribution of gadids decreased in the 2000s latter period at three study sites (Rausu, Shakotan and Rebun) and were replaced by Okhotsk Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus azonus) and smooth lumpsucker (Aptocyclus ventricosus). However, analysis based on gravimetric composition indicated that the dietary diversity of prey showed only a slight inter‐decadal difference, reflecting the wide diversity of prey ingested during both study periods. These results indicate that Steller sea lions along the Hokkaido coast are opportunistic feeders that utilize a wide variety of prey, and appear to feed mainly upon prey that is easily obtained.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of a shelf morid, red cod (Salilota australis) was investigated in the Falkland Islands, in order to expand our knowledge of the reproductive strategy of this relatively unstudied family of fishes. Red cod spawn to the south and south-west of West Falkland between August and October. Length frequency and sex ratio data suggest that females arrive at the spawning grounds first. The greatest spawning activity occurred in early evening and this timing may be an adaptation to reduce predation on eggs. Ripe egg size varied from 0.95 to 1.26 mm and was not dependant on female size. There was no regulative atresia during maturation and the formation of fecundity and fecundity increased with increasing fish total length (LT) from 300,000 (42-45 cm LT) to 4.5-9.0 million eggs (75-83 cm LT). The fecundity of most of the population was between 2 and 5 million eggs. Red cod releases small batches of eggs over the spawning period. Batch size ranged from 30,000-90,000 (39-42 cm LT) in smaller animals to 400,000-800,000 (>75 cm LT) in larger animals and the batch size of first spawners was significantly higher than for advanced spawners. The study allows us to discuss the evolutionary relationships between the Gadiformes.  相似文献   

A Dutch pilot study of fully documented fisheries provided the opportunity to observe actual changes in fishing behaviour under catch quota management (CQM). Interviews with fishers in the pilot study aided in interpreting the results and giving insight in the decision making process and reasoning of fishers. The CQM pilot study entailed a fleet of small and large demersal vessels. For these vessels, all cod catches were counted against quota, including catches of individuals below minimum landings size. To obtain reliable catch data all vessels were equipped with electronic monitoring (EM) systems. These systems recorded videos of all fishing and processing activities on board. In return, fishers received a 30% quota bonus for cod and were compensated with more flexibility on effort regulations. It was hypothesized that vessels in the CQM will (i) increase their landings by 30% according to their quota bonus, (ii) increase the use of gear with large mesh size, and (iii) change effort towards fishing locations with high catch rates of large cod and avoid areas with high catch rates of undersized cod. The results showed that CQM had no effect on fishing behaviour of the small vessels. In contrast, large vessels significantly increased their cod landings (216%) and avoided undersized cod. This difference in response of different fleets suggested that implementation of CQM, for instance in the context of the European Common Fisheries Policy, should consider fleet characteristics. It seemed that larger vessels in this study more easily adapted their behaviour to new management regimes and that the quota bonus opened up new fishing strategies, that were not envisaged during the implementation.  相似文献   

Concern about future anthropogenic warming has lead to demands for information on what might happen to fish and fisheries under various climate-change scenarios. One suggestion has been to use past events as a proxy for what will happen in the future. In this paper a comparison between the responses of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) to two major warm periods in the North Atlantic during the 20th century is carried out to determine how reliable the past might be as a predictor of the future. The first warm period began during the 1920s, remained relatively warm through the 1960s, and was limited primarily to the northern regions (>60°N). The second warm period, which again covered the northern regions but also extended farther south (30°N), began in the 1990s and has continued into the present century. During the earlier warm period, the most northern of the cod stocks (West Greenland, Icelandic, and Northeast Arctic cod in the Barents Sea) increased in abundance, individual growth was high, recruitment was strong, and their distribution spread northward. Available plankton data suggest that these cod responses were driven by bottom-up processes. Fishing pressure increased during this period of high cod abundance and the northern cod stocks began to decline, as early as the 1950s in the Barents Sea but during the 1960s elsewhere. Individual growth declined as temperatures cooled and the cod distributions retracted southward. During the warming in the 1990s, the spawning stock biomass of cod in the Barents Sea again increased, recruitment rose, and the stock spread northward, but the individual growth did not improve significantly. Cod off West Greenland also have shown signs of improving recruitment and increasing biomass, albeit they are still very low in comparison to the earlier warming period. The abundance of Icelandic cod, on the other hand, has remained low through the recent warm period and spawning stock biomass and total biomass are at levels near the lowest on record. The different responses of cod to the two warm events, in particular the reduced cod production during the recent warm period, are attributed to the effects of intense fishing pressure and possibly related ecosystem changes. The implications of the results of the comparisons on the development of cod scenarios under future climate change are addressed.  相似文献   

异尖线虫病病原线虫在台湾海峡鱼类中的分布及动态   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
罗大民  方文珍 《台湾海峡》2000,19(2):218-222
自 1 996年 3月至 1 998年 1月间 ,作者对从台湾海峡中心渔场捕获的常见 80种经济鱼类感染异尖线虫病病原线虫的情况进行了调查。文中报道了该海域主要的 4种病原线虫在鱼类中的感染状况及其动态。  相似文献   

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