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东海沉积物中铁(Ⅲ)氧化物还原活性的动力学表征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
运用还原性溶解动力学实验和活性连续体(reactive continuum)模型表征了东海表层和柱状沉积物中铁(Ⅲ)氧化物的还原活性及反应进程中的动力学行为,通过动力学数据拟合得到了活性铁氧化物理论含量m0、表观速率常数k'和活性非均匀度γ。结果表明,表层沉积物中铁氧化物的m0在26.14~60.51 μmol/g之间,变化较小;表征高活性铁氧化物还原动力学行为的标准化初始还原速率(J/m0=k')变化也较小,最大相差仅7.25倍;但不同站位沉积物中铁氧化物活性的非均匀度变化较大,当铁氧化物溶解达到90%时,其速率与初始速率相差2~4个数量级。表层沉积物中铁氧化物的m0,k'和γ 3个动力学参数之间不存在相关性;柱状沉积物中m0,k'和γ 3个动力学参数都随深度的增加呈总体减小的趋势,且三者之间存在良好的线性关系,这是沉积物早期成岩作用中铁成岩循环的结果。与传统的化学提取相比,活性连续体模型得到3个动力学参数(m0,k'和γ)能从多个角度表征铁氧化物还原活性和动力学行为的细微差别。  相似文献   

急性CO2酸化对菲律宾蛤仔钙壳和呼吸作用的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于渤海表层典型的碳酸盐系统,通过实验室密闭培养实验,分析急性CO2酸化条件对菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum) CaCO3形成速率(G)和CO2呼吸速率(RC)的影响,以探讨局部海域CO2酸化的底层海水在潮流或者风海流等因素的驱动下,脉冲式影响贝类栖息地时养殖贝类可能的响应。结果表明,菲律宾蛤仔在急性CO2酸化条件下发生轻微的钙壳溶解和显著的呼吸抑制。CO2酸化和菲律宾蛤仔的呼吸作用共同驱动钙壳溶解,溶解速率随Ω文石下降而升高,G(μmol/(FWg·h))=0.14 × Ω文石-0.49 (n=12, r=0.95, p<0.01)。活体菲律宾蛤仔钙壳保持稳定的Ω文石临界值为3.5,而在Ω文石=1.0的条件下,每天溶解的钙壳相当于贝壳总重的2‰。相较于钙壳溶解,Ω文石改变对菲律宾蛤仔呼吸作用的影响更大,RC(μmol/(FWg·h))=0.27 × Ω文石+0.90 (n =12, r=0.82, p<0.01)。由于呼吸代谢决定了摄食等各种耗能行为的效率,因此本研究的结果表明,尽管菲律宾蛤仔可以通过摄食等自身调节机制来抵御造成钙壳溶解的环境胁迫,然而这一机制本身就可能受到酸化环境的不良影响。  相似文献   

文章利用经验台风风场模型(TCWPM)和美国环境预测中心的气候预测系统再分析风场资料(NCEP/CFSR)对台风“康森(Conson)”进行数值模拟, 并将模拟的台风带入平板模式(slab model)模拟台风产生的海洋近惯性流。对比实测数据表明, 模拟结果与真实风场、近惯性流场均比较一致, 台风“康森”在近海面的风场不对称结构非常明显, 台风中心两侧的速度大小相差可达10m·s-1。台风“康森”在台风中心后方产生强烈的海洋近惯性振荡, 且持续时间超过4d。海洋近惯性动能沿着台风路径呈显著的不对称分布, 表明台风“康森”在共振作用下主要在路径右侧激发强烈的近惯性振荡。研究不同强度的热带气旋产生的海洋近惯性能量, 发现热带风暴产生的海洋近惯性能量较小, 平均近惯性动能不超过35J·m-3。随着气旋强度的增大, 热带气旋激发的近惯性能量呈指数增长, 而台风的影响面积与最大风速半径的变化相对比较一致, 当最大风速半径(R0)增大一半(1.5R0)时, 其产生的最大平均近惯性动能从81J·m-3增大到631J·m-3, 影响面积从大约600km2增加到大于900km2。  相似文献   

基于1996—2012年西北太平洋Argo剖面浮标盐度观测资料,利用合成分析方法研究了海表面盐度对台风的响应特征。结果表明海表面盐度对台风的响应具有明显的非对称性:台风过后其路径右侧的海表面盐度显著上升;左侧的则在R50内上升,R50外区域普遍下降。进一步分析显示台风强度、移动速度和海洋混合层深度对海表面盐度响应特征均有较大影响。强度大或移动缓慢的台风能造成大范围的海表面盐度上升;强度小或移动快速的台风只在路径右侧造成海表面盐度上升,左侧的则普遍下降。夏季(6-9月)台风过后,海表面盐度在混合层浅的区域普遍大幅上升,在混合层深的区域则在台风路径左右两侧2R50范围内小幅上升,在远离台风路径左侧区域下降。  相似文献   

为准确模拟台风路径和强度,采用WRF模式比较不同微物理过程和积云对流过程参数化方案对台风路径和强度模拟的影响,并基于集合预报方法考虑对台风预报系统误差进行优化。选用4种微物理过程方案和3种积云对流参数化方案,针对1213号台风“启德”进行模拟,结果表明不同的参数化方案对台风路径和强度的预报结果有明显影响,积云对流过程参数化方案相对于微物理过程参数化方案更加敏感。基于不同参数化方案扰动成员的集合平均预报方法,对于台风路径和强度的模拟误差均有明显改善,台风路径误差随时间增幅较小,其结果优于全部12个单方案试验的模拟结果;从台风强度方面来看,基于集合预报方法模拟得到的台风强度变化趋势与实况结果一致,且误差较小,优于大多数试验方案。结果表明:采用不同微物理过程和积云对流过程参数化方案的组合构建的集合预报模型,对于台风路径和强度的模拟均有一定程度改善,减小了采用不同参数化方案产生的路径不确定性,使其在台风“启德”的路径模拟上与实况更为接近,可为提升台风预报能力提供科学参考。  相似文献   

利用MPAS-A模式,针对模式中的New-Tiedtke,Grell-Freitas和Kain-Fritsch 3种积云对流参数化方案,选取2016—2017年期间的10个西北太平洋台风个例,研究了不同积云对流参数化方案对西北太平洋台风路径与强度模拟效果的影响,并讨论了其影响的物理机制。试验结果表明:3种积云对流参数化方案对MPAS-A台风模拟效果存在一定差异,New-Tiedtke方案模拟的路径和强度总体效果与观测最接近。影响机制分析表明,不同积云对流参数化方案使得模拟西太副高的位置不同,即引导西北太平洋台风的环境气流不同是造成路径差异的原因;而不同积云对流参数化方案模拟的台风中心对流不稳定高度不同,即潜热输送和释放不同,是造成台风强度不同的原因。  相似文献   

采用分辨率为1(°)×1(°)的NCEP全球格点再分析资料,基于WRF模式结合典型台风个例,研究了不同积云对流参数化方案以及边界层方案的参数化方案组合对东海区14个台风的台风路径与强度模拟的敏感性,并比较分析了不同参数化方案组合对大尺度环流场以及潜热释放的影响。结果表明,虽然东海区台风路径模拟对于参数化方案组合的选择具有一定的"个例依赖性",即不同台风个例的最佳参数化方案组合有所变化,但综合来看,依然能够较为清晰地揭示KF积云对流方案与MYJ边界层方案的参数化方案组合模拟台风路径效果最佳。东海区台风强度模拟对于参数化方案组合的选择没有"个例依赖性"的特点。研究发现,KF积云对流方案与YSU边界层方案的参数化方案组合模拟台风强度效果最佳。通过对台风典型个例的研究发现,KF积云对流方案与MYJ边界层方案的参数化方案组合模拟大尺度环流场效果最佳。对于强度"迅速加强"的台风,KF积云对流方案与YSU边界层方案组合模拟更加准确,KF积云对流方案与MYJ边界层方案组合敏感性稍差;对于强度"逐渐加强"的台风,KF积云对流方案与YSU边界层方案组合则敏感性过强,致使台风强度偏低,误差增大。此时,KF积云对流方案与MYJ边界层方案组合模拟敏感性较好,强度模拟更加准确。  相似文献   

邓丹  周泉  马磊  李锐祥 《海洋与湖沼》2023,54(6):1529-1536
南海北部海域夏季台风活动频繁,对海上生产活动和人民生命财产安全造成极大威胁,由于台风路径的不确定性,其中心附近区域的风浪观测资料十分稀少。中国气象局(China Meteorological Administration, CMA)热带气旋最佳路径数据显示2017年10月强台风“卡努”中心经过南海北部陆坡的SF301浮标,该浮标完整记录了台风过境的风浪数据。利用浮标观测资料,分析了强台风“卡努”过境期间的风和海浪特征。观测结果表明,“卡努”经过浮标时,中心气压为959.9 hPa,风速随时间呈双峰分布,前、后眼壁区的10 min平均风速分别为30.2 m/s和24.9 m/s, 1 s极大风速分别为44.2和38.6 m/s。海浪以风浪为主,观测有效波高和最大波高最大值分别为10.8和14.3 m,滞后最大风速30 min,波向和风向变化趋势一致。台风过境期间,有效波高与海面10 m风速接近线性关系,非台风期间二者呈二次多项式关系。海浪无因次波高和周期呈幂指数关系,无论是台风期间还是非台风期间二者关系十分接近Toba提出的3/2指数律。  相似文献   

基于时序相关性分析方法的浮标异常数据识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋生态浮标异常数据的实时早期监测识别是保证观测数据质量的关键。本研究通过对浙江沿海浮标多年数据的分析,发现了与传统跳变异常数据不同的渐变异常数据类型。该异常类型呈现出在时序变化过程中连续平稳,但随时间逐渐偏移,最后整体偏离正常的分布特征,并且单一参数的分析方法无法对此异常进行有效识别。因此本研究利用海洋环境参数中酸碱度(pH)、溶解氧(DO)和叶绿素(Chla)三者的多参数相关性规律,提出了在一定时序上两两参数间相关性是稳定甚至是一致的假设,将8 天时间窗口的两两相关系数(R8 d)和前后两天R8 d之差的绝对值(ΔR)作为相关性和稳定性核心指标,建立了基于相关性的渐变异常数据自动识别方法。为浮标传感器渐变异常的早期识别提供了一个新的思路,有助于提升海洋生态浮标异常数据的自动化监测能力。  相似文献   

台风对海洋叶绿素a浓度影响的定量遥感初探   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
研究台风对海洋水色环境的影响,是目前海洋遥感技术又一应用领域。由于台风期间天气恶劣,遥感资料较少,国际上主要针对个别典型台风,研究其对海表温度、海洋叶绿素a浓度及初级生产力的影响,很少通过遥感资料系统地对这一影响进行定量分析和建模。自2000到2007年,过境中国近海以及西北太平洋海域台风近百次,作者通过系统地分析这期间MODIS,SeaWiFS的3A级叶绿素a浓度数据,结果发现:(1)台风促进了相应海域叶绿素a浓度的大幅增长,总体上平均增长约1.426倍,个别区域在5倍以上,同时,该增长一般延后3~6d,在7~10d后恢复到原来的水平;(2)进一步对这些数据进行一元统计线性回归,发现叶绿素a浓度增长比(Rchl-a)与台风影响因子(Tsub>w)满足如下关系:Rchl-a=0.0012Tsub>w+1.017,其相关系数达0.8;(3)台风期间叶绿素a浓度与无台风时叶绿素a浓度之间有很强的线性关系,其关系满足:Cchl-a=1.2367C0chl-a+0.0636,且相关系数高达0.98。这一初步研究结果对进一步通过遥感手段深入研究台风对海洋水色环境的影响有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

史剑  蒋国荣 《海洋与湖沼》2015,46(6):1255-1262
风浪状态参数常用于对海面粗糙度的参数化。中等风速条件下考虑风浪状态参数影响的海面粗糙度参数化方案常存在自相关效应,本文通过分析实测数据得到了无量纲粗糙度随波陡变化的参数化方案,该方案能够有效去除自相关效应;高风速下风浪状态对海面粗糙度仍存在影响,文中基于新得出的中等风速下的海面粗糙度参数化方案,考虑海面飞沫悬浮层的影响,建立了适用于高风速条件下的海面粗糙度参数化方案,该海面粗糙度方案同样考虑了波陡的作用,将该方案计算出的理论值与实测数据进行比对,发现随着波陡的变化,理论值基本涉及测量值的覆盖范围,说明新建立的高风速条件下海面粗糙度方案对海面风浪状态具有较好的敏感性,且该方案能够较合理地描述海气界面之间动量传输。将新提出的适用于高风速下的海面粗糙度方案加入到海浪数值模式中,模拟飓风Ivan产生的台风浪,利用浮标数据进行验证,结果显示模拟的有效波高相对模式默认方案具有较高的精度,说明采用本文新建立的适合高风速的海面粗糙度方案能够改进海浪模式的台风浪有效波高模拟结果。  相似文献   

Using data from the European remote sensing scatterometer(ERS-2) from July 1997 to August 1998,global distributions of the air-sea CO2 transfer velocity and flux are retrieved.A new model of the air-sea CO2 transfer velocity with surface wind speed and wave steepness is proposed.The wave steepness(5) is retrieved using a neural network(NN) model from ERS-2 scatterometer data,while the wind speed is directly derived by the ERS-2 scatterometer.The new model agrees well with the formulations based on the wind speed and the variation in the wind speed dependent relationships presented in many previous studies can be explained by this proposed relation with variation in wave steepness effect.Seasonally global maps of gas transfer velocity and llux are shown on the basis of the new model and the seasonal variations of the transfer velocity and llux during the 1 a period.The global mean gas transfer velocity is 30 cm/h after area-weighting and Schmidt number correction and its accuracy remains calculation with in situ data.The highest transfer velocity occurs around 60°N and 60°S,while the lowest on the equator.The total air to sea CO2 llux(calculated by carbon) in that year is 1.77 Pg.The strongest source of CO2 is in the equatorial east Pacific Ocean, while the strongest sink is in the 68°N.Full exploration of the uncertainty of this estimate awaits further data.An effectual method is provided to calculate the effect of waves on the determination of air-sea CO2 transfer velocity and fluxes with ERS-2 scatterometer data.  相似文献   

根据1983-1989年南麂海洋站在台风影响过程中的实测风和浪资料,分析了该海域的波浪特征。结果表明,这个海域的台风波浪通常是混合浪,在台风影响过程中出现的最大值波高,既有较大波陡的风浪,也有波陡较小的清浪;各向波高的均值变化不大,各向最大波高却有较大幅度的差距;本区的台风浪以4级波高占优,风浪以NNE向、涌浪以E向为常浪向;波高为4级的风浪和涌浪,其周期分别在4.0-4.9S和7.0-7.9S之  相似文献   

Hurricane generated waves as observed by satellite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Wind-generated waves in Hurricane Juan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We present numerical simulations of the ocean surface waves generated by hurricane Juan in 2003 as it reached its mature stage (travelling from deep waters off Bermuda to Nova Scotia and making landfall near Halifax) using SWAN (v.40.31) nested within WAVEWATCH-III (v.2.22; denoted WW3) wave models, implemented on multiple-nested domains. As for all storm-wave simulations, spectral wave development is highly dependent on accurate simulations of storm winds during its life cycle. Due to Juan’s rapid translation speed (accelerating from 2.28 m s−1 on 27 September, 1200 UTC to 20 m s−1 on 29 September, 1200 UTC), an interpolation method is developed to blend observed hurricane winds with numerical weather prediction (NWP) model winds accurately. Wave model results are compared to in situ surface buoys and ADCP wave data along Juan’s track. At landfall, Juan’s maximum waves are mainly swell-dominated and peak waves lag the occurrence of the maximum winds. We explore the influence of surface waves on the wind and show that the accuracy of the wave simulation is enhanced by introducing swell and Stokes drift feedback mechanisms to modify the winds, and by limiting the peak drag coefficient under high wind conditions, in accordance with recent theoretical and experimental results.  相似文献   

Based on the 45-year (09/1957-08/2008) European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Reanalysis (ERA-40) wave reanalysis dataset, this study analyzes interannual and interdecadal variabilities and intraseasonal oscillations of sea surface wind speed (WS), wind sea wave height (Hw), swell wave height (Hs) and significant wave height (Hs) in the Roaring Forties and tropical waters of the Indian Ocean, to determine swell propagation characteristics. The results show: (1) monthly variabilities of Hs in the Roaring Forties are in good agreement with those in tropical waters of the Indian Ocean; swell plays a dominant role in mixed waves throughout most of the Indian Ocean; and WS, Hw, Hs, and Hs exhibit a significant increasing trend over the 45-year study period. (2) Hs in the Roaring Forties and tropical waters of the Indian Ocean share a common period of 9.8–10.4 years on an interdecadal scale; and WS and Hs in the Roaring Forties and Hs in the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean share a common period of approximately 8 days (weekly oscillation) on an intraseasonal scale. (3) Swell of the Roaring Forties needs approximately 30 h to fully respond to the wind in this region. Approximately 84 h are required for Hs to propagate from the Roaring Forties to the tropical waters of the south Indian Ocean, while it takes approximately 132–138 h for Hs to propagate from the Roaring Forties to the tropical waters of the north Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

Wind and wind-generated waves were measured in a wind-wave tank. A clear transition was found in the relation between the wind speed U 10 and the wind friction velocity u * near u * = 0.2 m/s, where U 10 is the wind speed at 10 m height extrapolated from the measured wind profile in a logarithmic layer, and u * = 0.2 m/s corresponds roughly to U 10 = 8 m/s in the present measurement. Quite a similar transition was found in the relation between the spectral density of high frequency wind waves and u *. These results suggest the existence of the critical wind speed for air–sea boundary processes, which was proposed by Munk (J Marine Res 6:203–218, 1947) more than half a century ago. His original idea of the critical wind speed was based on the discontinuities in such phenomena as white caps, wind stress, and evaporation, which commonly appear at a wind speed near 7 m/s. On the basis of the results of our present study and those of earlier studies, we discuss the phenomena which are relevant to the critical wind speed for the air–sea boundary processes. The conclusion is that the critical wind speed exists and it is attributed to the start of wave breaking rather than the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability, but the air–sea boundary processes are not discontinuous at a particular wind speed; because of the stochastic nature of breaking waves, the changes occur over a range of wind speeds. Detailed discussions are presented on the dynamical processes associated with the critical wind speed such as wind-induced change of sea surface roughness and high frequency wave spectrum. Future studies are required, however, to clarify the dynamical processes quantitatively. In particular, there is a need to further examine the gradual change of breaking patterns of wind waves with the increase of wind speed, and the associated change of the structure of the wind over wind waves, such as separation of the airflow at the crest of wind waves, the turbulent stress, and wave-induced stress. Studies on the dynamical structure of the high frequency wave spectrum are also needed.  相似文献   

The effects of hurricane forward speed(V) and approach angle(θ) on storm surge are important and a systematic investigation covering possible and continuous ranges of these parameters has not been done before. Here we present such a study with a numerical experiment using the Finite Volume Community Ocean Model(FVCOM).The hurricane track is simplified as a straight line, such that V and θ fully define the motion of the hurricane. The maximum surge is contributed by both free waves and a forced storm surge wave moving with the hurricane.Among the free waves, Kelvin-type waves can only propagate in the down-coast direction. Simulations show that those waves can only have a significant positive storm surge when the hurricane velocity has a down-coast component. The optimal values of V and θ that maximize the storm surge in an idealized semi-circular ocean basin are functions of the bathymetry. For a constant bathymetry, the maximum surge occurs when the hurricane approaches the coast from the normal direction when the free wave generation is minimal; for a stepped bathymetry, the maximum surge occurs at a certain acute approach angle which maximizes the duration of persistent wind forcing; a step-like bathymetry with a sloped shelf is similar to the stepped bathymetry, with the added possibility of landfall resonance when the free and forced waves are moving at about the same velocity. For other cases, the storm surge is smaller, given other parameters(hurricane size, maximum wind speed, etc.)unchanged.  相似文献   

Prediction of wave height is of great importance in marine and coastal engineering. Soft computing tools such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) are recently used for prediction of significant wave height. However, ANNs are not as transparent as semi-empirical regression-based models. In addition, neural networks approach needs to find network parameters such as number of hidden layers and neurons by trial and error, which is time consuming. Therefore, in this work, model trees as a new soft computing method was invoked for prediction of significant wave height. The main advantage of model trees is that, compared to neural networks, they represent understandable rules. These rules can be readily expressed so that humans can understand them. The data set used for developing model trees comprises of wind and wave data gathered in Lake Superior from 6 April to 10 November 2000 and 19 April to 6 November 2001. M5′ algorithm was employed for building and evaluating model trees. Training and testing data include wind speed (U10) as the input variable and the significant wave height (Hs) as the output variable. Results indicate that error statistics of model trees and feed-forward back propagation (FFBP) ANNs were similar, while model trees was marginally more accurate. In addition, model tree shows that for wind speed above 4.7 m/s, the wave height increases nonlinearly by the wind speed.  相似文献   

Utilizing the 45 a European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF)reanalysis wave data(ERA-40),the long-term trend of the sea surface wind speed and(wind wave,swell,mixed wave)wave height in the global ocean at grid point 1.5×1.5 during the last 44 a is analyzed.It is discovered that a majority of global ocean swell wave height exhibits a significant linear increasing trend(2–8 cm/decade),the distribution of annual linear trend of the significant wave height(SWH)has good consistency with that of the swell wave height.The sea surface wind speed shows an annually linear increasing trend mainly concentrated in the most waters of Southern Hemisphere westerlies,high latitude of the North Pacific,Indian Ocean north of 30 S,the waters near the western equatorial Pacific and low latitudes of the Atlantic waters,and the annually linear decreasing mainly in central and eastern equator of the Pacific,Juan.Fernandez Archipelago,the waters near South Georgia Island in the Atlantic waters.The linear variational distribution characteristic of the wind wave height is similar to that of the sea surface wind speed.Another find is that the swell is dominant in the mixed wave,the swell index in the central ocean is generally greater than that in the offshore,and the swell index in the eastern ocean coast is greater than that in the western ocean inshore,and in year-round hemisphere westerlies the swell index is relatively low.  相似文献   

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