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This paper reports on measurements of sensible and latent heat and CO2 fluxes made over an irrigated potato field, growing next to a patch of desert. The study was conducted using two eddy correlation systems. One measurement system was located within the equilibrium boundary layer 800 m downwind from the edge of the potato field. The other measurement system was mobile and was placed at various downwind positions to probe the horizontal transition of vertical scalar fluxes. Latent (LE) and sensible (H) heat fluxes, measured at 4 m above the surface, exhibited marked variations with downwind distance over the field. Only after the fetch to height ratio exceeded 75 to 1 didLE andH become invariant with downwind distance. When latent and sensible heat fluxes were measured upwind of this threshold, significant advection of humidity-deficit occurred, causing a vertical flux divergence ofH andLE.The measured fluxes of momentum, heat, and moisture were compared with predictions from a second-order closure two-dimensional atmospheric boundary layer model. There is good agreement between measurements and model predictions. A soil-plant-atmosphere model was used to examine nonlinear feedbacks between humidity-deficits, stomatal conductance and evaporation. Data interpretation with this model revealed that the advection of hot dry air did not enhance surface evaporation rates near the upwind edge of the potato field, because of negative feedbacks among stomatal conductance, humidity-deficits, andLE. This finding is consistent with results from several recent studies.  相似文献   

The turbulent heat flux from arctic leads   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The turbulent transfer of heat from Arctic leads in winter is one of the largest terms in the Arctic heat budget. Results from the AIDJEX Lead Experiment (ALEX) suggest that the sensible component of this turbulent heat flux can be predicted from bulk quantities. Both the exponential relation N = 0.14R x 0.72 and the linear relation N = 1.6 × 10–3 R x+ 1400 fit our data well. In these, N is the Nusselt number formed with the integrated surface heat flux, and R x is the Reynolds number based on fetch across the lead. Because of the similarity between heat and moisture transfer, these equations also predict the latent heat flux. Over leads in winter, the sensible heat flux is two to four times larger than the latent heat flux.The internal boundary layer (IBL) that develops when cold air encounters the relatively warm lead is most evident in the modified downwind temperature profiles. The height of this boundary layer, , depends on the fetch, x, on the surface roughness of the lead, z 0 and on both downwind and upwind stability. A tentative, empirical model for boundary layer growth is % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4baFfea0dXde9vqpa0lb9% cq0dXdb9IqFHe9FjuP0-iq0dXdbba9pe0lb9hs0dXda91qaq-xfr-x% fj-hmeGabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaadaWcaaqaaiabes% 7aKbqaaiaadQhadaWgaaWcbaGaaGimaaqabaaaaOGaeyypa0JaeqOS% di2aaeWaaeaacqGHsisldaWcaaqaaiaadQhadaWgaaWcbaGaaGimaa% qabaaakeaacaWGmbaaaaGaayjkaiaawMcaamaaCaaaleqabaGaaGim% aiaac6cacaaI4aaaaOWaaeWaaeaadaWcaaqaaiaadIhaaeaacaWG6b% WaaSbaaSqaaiaaicdaaeqaaaaaaOGaayjkaiaawMcaamaaCaaaleqa% baGaaGimaiaac6cacaaI0aaaaaaa!472D!\[\frac{\delta }{{z_0 }} = \beta \left( { - \frac{{z_0 }}{L}} \right)^{0.8} \left( {\frac{x}{{z_0 }}} \right)^{0.4} \] where L is the Obukhov length based on the values of the momentum and sensible heat fluxes at the surface of the lead, and is a constant reflecting upwind stability.Velocity profiles over leads are also affected by the surface nonhomogeneity. Besides being warmer than the upwind ice, the surface of the lead is usually somewhat rougher. The velocity profiles therefore tend to decelerate near the surface, accelerate in the mid-region of the IBL because of the intense mixing driven by the upward heat flux, and rejoin the upwind profiles above the boundary layer. The profiles thus have distinctly different shapes for stable and unstable upwind conditions.  相似文献   

Observations made on 8 and 9 May 1988 by aircraft and two ships in and around the marginal ice zone of the Fram Strait during on-ice air flow under cloudy and cloud-free conditions are presented.The thermodynamic modification of the air mass moving from the open water to the ice over horizontal distances of 100–300 km is only a few tenth of a degree for temperature and a few tenth of a gram per kilogram for specific humidity. This is due to the small temperature differences between sea and ice surfaces. During the day, the ice surface is even warmer than the sea surface. The stably stratified 200–400 m deep boundary layer is often topped by a moisture inversion leading to downward fluxes of sensible as well as latent heat.The radiation and energy balance at the surface are measured as functions of ice cover, cloud cover and sun elevation angle. The net radiationR Nis the dominating term of the energy budget. During the day, the difference ofR Nbetween clear and overcast sky is only a few W/m2 over ice, but 100–200 W/m2 over water. During the night,R Nover ice is more sensitive to cloud cover.The kinematic structure is characterized by strong shears of the longitudinal and the transversal wind component. The profile of the latter one shows an inflection point near the top of the boundary layer. Dynamically-driven roll circulations are numerically separated from the mean flow. The secondary flow patterns have wavelengths of about 1 km and contribute substantially to the total variances and covariances.  相似文献   

Measurements of atmospheric turbulence made during the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean Experiment (SHEBA) are used to examine the profile stability functions of momentum, φ m , and sensible heat, φ h , in the stably stratified boundary layer over the Arctic pack ice. Turbulent fluxes and mean meteorological data that cover different surface conditions and a wide range of stability conditions were continuously measured and reported hourly at five levels on a 20-m main tower for 11 months. The comprehensive dataset collected during SHEBA allows studying φ m and φ h in detail and includes ample data for the very stable case. New parameterizations for φ m (ζ) and φ h (ζ) in stable conditions are proposed to describe the SHEBA data; these cover the entire range of the stability parameter ζ = z/L from neutral to very stable conditions, where L is the Obukhov length and z is the measurement height. In the limit of very strong stability, φ m follows a ζ 1/3 dependence, whereas φ h initially increases with increasing ζ, reaches a maximum at ζ ≈ 10, and then tends to level off with increasing ζ. The effects of self-correlation, which occur in plots of φ m and φ h versus ζ, are reduced by using an independent bin-averaging method instead of conventional averaging.  相似文献   

We present a field investigation over a melting valley glacier on the Tibetan Plateau. In the ablation zone, aerodynamic roughness lengths (z 0M ) vary on the order of 10−4–10−2 m, whose evolution corresponds to three melt phases with distinct surface cover and moisture exchange: snow (sublimation/evaporation), bare ice (deposition/condensation), and ice hummocks (sublimation/evaporation). Bowen-ratio similarity is validated in the stably stratified katabatic winds, which suggests a useful means for data quality check. A roughness sublayer is regarded as irrelevant to the present ablation season, because selected characteristics of scalar turbulence over smooth snow are quite similar to those over hummocky ice. We evaluate three parametrizations of the scalar roughness lengths (z 0T for temperature and z 0q for humidity), viz. key factors for the accurate estimation of sensible heat and latent heat fluxes using the bulk aerodynamic method. The first approach is based on surface-renewal models and has been widely applied in glaciated areas; the second has never received application over an ice/snow surface, despite its validity in (semi-)arid regions; the third, a derivative of the first, is proposed for use specifically over rough ice defined as z 0M > 10−3 m or so. This empirical z 0M threshold value is deemed of general relevance to glaciated areas (e.g. ice sheet/cap and valley/outlet glaciers), above which the first approach gives notably underestimated z 0T,q . The first and the third approaches tend to underestimate and overestimate turbulent heat/moisture exchange, respectively, frequently leading to relative errors higher than 30%. Comparatively, the second approach produces fairly low errors in energy flux estimates both in individual melt phases and over the whole ablation season; it thus emerges as a practically useful choice to parametrize z 0T,q in glaciated areas. Moreover, we find all three candidate parametrizations unable to predict diurnal variations in the excess resistances to humidity transfer, thus encouraging more efforts for improvement.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the formation and maintenance of the North Water Polynya, Baffin Bay in winter using a multi‐category sea‐ice model coupled with the Princeton ocean model. Monthly climatological atmospheric data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis provides the forcing. An objectively‐analysed climatology provides the initial ocean temperature and salinity. Wind stress drives the ice in a cyclonic gyre around northern Baffin Bay. Localized regions of thin ice form where wind drives ice away from coastlines or fast ice. The regions of thin ice are characterized by enhanced ice growth, exceeding 1.2 m mo?1. In the regions of thin ice, surface ocean heat flux is also enhanced and is between 30–60 W m?2. Surface heat flux is, in part, attributable to convective mixing and entrainment driven by ice growth. The surface heat flux reflects advection of the warm West Greenland Current. Heat and salt balances show that horizontal advective exchange counterbalances surface fluxes of heat and salt.  相似文献   

Results from large-eddy simulations and field measurements have previously shown that the velocity field is influenced by the boundary layer height, z i , during close to neutral, slightly unstable, atmospheric stratification. During such conditions the non-dimensional wind profile, φ m , has been found to be a function of both z/L and z i /L. At constant z/L, φ m decreases with decreasing boundary layer height. Since φ m is directly related to the parameterizations of the air–sea surface fluxes, these results will have an influence when calculating the surface fluxes in weather and climate models. The global impact of this was estimated using re-analysis data from 1979 to 2001 and bulk parameterizations. The results show that the sum of the global latent and sensible mean heat fluxes increase by 0.77 W m−2 or about 1% and the mean surface stress increase by 1.4 mN m−2 or 1.8% when including the effects of the boundary layer height in the parameterizations. However, some regions show a larger response. The greatest impact is found over the tropical oceans between 30°S and 30°N. In this region the boundary layer height influences the non-dimensional wind profile during extended periods of time. In the mid Indian Ocean this results in an increase of the mean annual heat fluxes by 2.0 W m−2 and an increase of the mean annual surface stress by 2.6 mN m−2.  相似文献   

The link between the sea-ice cover of the Amundsen Gulf and the overlying atmospheric boundary layer was explored on a weekly timestep from winter to summer 2008. The total sea-ice cover was around 97% (3% leads) from 7 January to 21 April. From 28 April to 12 May, the total sea-ice cover approached 100%. From May 19, the total sea-ice declined rapidly to its July minimum of 3%. During the winter, a turbulent internal boundary layer (IBL), attributed to the upward flux of sensible heat (mean = 46 W m−2), was present in most of the mean daily potential temperature profiles. The mean latent heat flux was 1.7 Wm−2. A turbulent IBL was also present in most of the mean daily profiles for early spring. Surface fluxes were not estimated. During late spring and early summer, a stable IBL, attributed to the downward flux of sensible heat (mean = −19 W m−2), was present in most of the potential temperature profiles. Both downward and upward fluxes of latent heat occurred in this period (means = −3.3 and 1.1 W m−2). The sensible heat flux estimates are consistent with the results of others; however, the latent heat flux estimates may be too small due to condensation/deposition within the IBL. The unconsolidated nature of the pack ice in the Amundsen Gulf, and the low sea-surface temperatures following break-up, were critical factors controlling the presence and type of IBL.  相似文献   

The forcing mechanisms for Antarctic coastal polynyas and the thermodynamic effects of existing polynyas are studied by means of an air-sea-ice interaction experiment in the Weddell Sea in October and November 1986.Coastal polynyas develop in close relationship to the ice motion and form most rapidly with offshore ice motion. Narrow polynyas occur frequently on the lee side of headlands and with strong curvature of the coastline. From the momentum balance of drifting sea ice, a forcing diagram is constructed, which relates ice motion to the surface-layer wind vector v z and to the geostrophic ocean current vector c g . In agreement with the data, wind forcing dominates when the wind speed at a height of 3 m exceeds the geostrophic current velocity by a factor of at least 33. This condition within the ocean regime of the Antarctic coastal current usually is fulfilled for wind speeds above 5 m/s at a height of 3 m.Based on a nonlinear parameter estimation technique, optimum parameters for free ice drift are calculated. Including a drift dependent geostrophic current in the ice/water drag yields a maximum of explained variance (91%) of ice velocity.The turbulent heat exchange between sea ice and polynya surfaces is derived from surface-layer wind and temperature data, from temperature changes of the air mass along its trajectory and from an application of the resistance laws for the atmospheric PBL. The turbulent heat flux averaged over all randomly distributed observations in coastal polynyas is 143 W/m2. This value is significantly different over pack ice and shelf ice surfaces, where downward fluxes prevail. The large variances of turbulent fluxes can be explained by variable wind speeds and air temperatures. The heat fluxes are also affected by cloud feedback processes and vary in time due to the formation of new ice at the polynya surface.Maximum turbulent fluxes of more than 400 W/m2 result from strong winds and low air temperatures. The heat exchange is similarly intense in a narrow zone close to the ice front, when under weak wind conditions, a local circulation develops and cold air associated with strong surface inversions over the shelf ice is heated above the open water.  相似文献   

Summary As an aspect of the LINEX field studies (1996–1997; Lindenberg near Beeskow, Germany), the characteristics of the internal boundary layer (IBL) that is associated with a step change of the surface roughnesses in neutral constant stress layers was investigated and is reported in this paper. Both smooth to rough (in 1996) and rough to smooth (in 1997) types of flow, have been studied based upon the profiles of mean wind and temperature realised from a 10-m mast and eddy correlation measurements taken at two levels (2 m and 5 m). Depending upon wind direction, the fetch at the site varied between 140 m and 315 m within the wind sector (200° to 340°) used for the field investigations. The height of the IBL, δ, had been determined from the intersect of the logarithmic wind-profiles below (< 2 m) and above (> 6 ) the interface. Values of δ obtained at the experimental site compared fairly well to the existing theoretical/empirical fetch-height relationships of the form: δ=aċx b , where a, b, are empirical constants. The ratio for the friction velocities below and above the IBL as measured directly by the eddy correlation techniques showed that for fetches less than 250 m there was an increase (decrease) of about 20% of the momentum flux arising from the smooth to rough (rough to smooth) transitions. Influences of distant obstructions (e.g., bushes, pockets of trees) on the surface flow were markedly important on the examined wind profiles and such can be indicative as multiple IBLs. Received September 1, 1997 Revised August 5, 1998  相似文献   

On the determination of the height of the Ekman boundary layer   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The heighth of the Ekman turbulent boundary layer determined by the momentum flux profile is estimated with the aid of considerations of similarity and an analysis of the dynamic equations. Asymptotic formulae have been obtained showing that, with increasing instability,h increases as ¦¦1/2 (where is the non-dimensional stratification parameter); with increasing stability, on the other hand,h decreases as –1/2. For comparison, a simple estimate of the boundary-layer heighth u determined by the velocity profile is given. As is shown, in unstable stratification,h u behaves asymptotically as ¦¦–1, i.e., in a manner entirely different from that ofh .  相似文献   


Airborne measurements in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) above the marginal ice zone (MIZ) on the Newfoundland Shelf reveal strong lateral variations in mean wind, temperature and the vertical fluxes of heat and momentum under conditions of cold, off‐ice wind. Flux measurements in (and near) the surface layer indicate that the neutral 10‐m drag coefficient depends on ice concentration, ranging from 2 × 10‐3 at 10% coverage to 5 × 10‐3 at 90%. Furthermore, cross‐ice‐edge transects consistently show increasing wind speed, temperature and heat flux in the off‐ice direction, but the momentum flux may either increase or decrease, depending on the relative importance of surface buoyancy flux and roughness. For the conditions encountered in this experiment, it appears surface wave maturity does not have a significant influence on the drag coefficient in fetch‐limited regimes near the ice edge.  相似文献   

During the field experiment ARKTIS 1993 ten cases of boundary-layer modification in wintertime cold-air outbreaks from the Arctic sea ice in the Spitsbergen region were observed by aircraft over a distance ranging from about 50 km over the ice to about 300 km over the water. The modification depends decisively on the initial conditions over the ice, the boundary conditions at the bottom and top of the boundary layer and on the conditions of the large-scale flow. The modification of the bulk boundary-layer characteristics in relation to these conditions is presented.Besides the air-sea temperature contrast, the most important role for the boundary-layer modification is played by the stability on top of the boundary layer and by the divergence of the large-scale flow. According to the high variability of these conditions the observed boundary-layer modifications were very variable ranging from 100 to 300 m thick boundary layers with air temperatures between -32 and -22 °C over the ice to thicknesses between 900 and 2200 m and air temperatures between -15 and -5 °C after 300 km fetch over the open water. In most cases the large-scale flow was anticyclonic and divergent over the ice and changed to cyclonic and convergent over the water and an ice-sea breeze was superimposed on it.The sensible and latent heat fluxes are the dominant terms in the surface energy budget over the open water and ranged between 200 and 700 W m-2 whereas the net longwave radiation is the dominating term over the ice with the heat fluxes only about 10 W m-2.  相似文献   

Wind profile data within the first two kilometres of a coast have been used to study the wind field modification downstream of this surface discontinuity. The land area is generally very flat, having an overall roughness length of 0.04 m. A wind model, suitable for practical applications and inexpensive to run, has been tested against the data and was found to give satisfactory results. Knowing the climatological statistics of wind and stratification, e.g., at the coast, the model may thus be used to estimate, on a climatological basis, how the wind field is modified with distance inland, at least in areas with only minor topography. This type of information is of great importance when locating wind turbines. It is in these cases also important to know the statistics of the internal boundary-layer (IBL) height, as the turbulence intensity may be quite different in and above the IBL, which in turn may influence load and fatigue calculations. Using the wind profile data, the IBL height was clearly discernible in the majority of cases. Having very unstable stratification over land, the IBL height could, however, not be determined from the wind profiles, as the wind in these cases did not decrease inland. This result was also obtained using the wind model. A simple model of the type z IBL = a · x b, was instead tested, and was shown to give reasonable results.  相似文献   

We examine the unsteady response of a neutral atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) of depth h and friction velocity u * when a uniform surface heat flux is applied abruptly or decreased rapidly over a time scale t<inf>θ</inf> less than about h /(10u *). Standard Monin–Obukhov (MO) relationships are used for the perturbed eddy viscosity profile in terms of the changes to the heat flux and mean shear. Analytical solutions for changes in temperature, mean wind and shear stress profile are obtained for the surface layer, when there are small changes in h /|LMO| over the time scale tMO~|L MO|/(10u*) (where L MO and t MO are the length and time scales, respectively). They show that a maximum in the wind speed profile occurs at the top of the thermal boundary layer for weak surface cooling, i.e. a wind jet, whereas there is a flattening of the profile and no marked maximum for weak surface heating. The modelled profiles are approximately the same as those obtained from the U.K. Met Office Unified Model when operating as a mesoscale model at 12-km horizontal resolution. The theoretical model is modified when strong surface heating is suddenly applied, resulting in a large change in h /|L MO| (>>1), over the time scale t MO. The eddy structure is predicted to change significantly and the addition of convective turbulence increases the shear turbulence at the ground. A low-level wind jet can form, with convective turbulence adding to the mean momentum of the flow. This was verified by our laboratory experiment and direct numerical simulations. Additionally, it is shown that the effects of Coriolis acceleration diminish (rather than as suggested in the literature, amplify) the formation of the wind jets in the situations considered here. Hence, only when the surface heat flux changes over time scales greater than 1/f (where f is the Coriolis parameter) does the ABL adjust monotonically between its equilibrium states. These results are also applicable to the ABL passing over spatially varying surface heat fluxes.  相似文献   

Aircraft, surface, upper air and satellite measurements have been used to observe the evolution and growth of the convective Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer (MABL) offshore of North Carolina in close proximity to the Gulf Stream, during the intense cold air outbreak of 28 January 1986 and the moderate event of 12 February 1986, as part of the Genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment (GALE). Air mass modification processes, driven primarily by the ocean-atmosphere exchanges of surface turbulent sensible and latent heat fluxes, caused the overlying air mass to warm and moisten as it advected over the warmer waters of the eastern United States continental shelf. Maximum observed near-surface total heat fluxes were 1045 and 811 W·m–2 over the core of the Gulf Stream, for 28 January and 12 February 1986, respectively. The observed changes in the overlying air mass occurred almost instantaneously as the ambient flow traversed different underlying SST conditions.The turbulent structure showed a buoyancy-dominated MABL below approximately 0.8z/h. However, shear was also observed to be an important production term above 0.8z/h and below 0.1z/h for the 28 January 1986 event. Dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy was the dominant destruction term in the budgets, but vertical transport of energy was a strong contributor below 0.5z/h, above which this term became a source of turbulent energy. Additionally, the normalized standard deviations of the horizontal velocity components showed a near-equal contribution to the turbulence, while the vertical velocity components displayed the characteristic mid-layer maximum profile observed for a convective, well-mixed boundary layer.  相似文献   

Three aircraft-based studies of boundary-layer fronts (BLFs) werecarried out during the experiment KABEG in April 1997near the sea-ice edge over the Davis Strait. The zone of strongestcross-front horizontal gradients showed a typical length scaleof 20 km, while the along-front scale was observed to beseveral hundreds of kilometres.The observed BLFs were stronger than the few previously reportedcases. Horizontal gradients of potential temperature and specifichumidity ranged up to 3 K or 0.25 g kg-1over 20 km, respectively.Low-level winds were around 15 m s-1 parallel to the ice edge.The capping inversion sloped from between250 and 400 m over sea ice to between 400 and 700 m over ocean.For two BLF cases turbulent fluxes and energy budgets are calculated.Turbulent energy fluxes show a factor 2 to 3 contrast acrossthe ice edge and range from 15 to 50 W m-2 over sea iceand from 50 to 100 W m-1 over open ocean.The mean boundary-layer energy budgets are dominated bycold, dry horizontal advection, which is exceededby vertical heat flux convergence.The momentum budgets are dominated by pressure gradient force,Coriolis force and momentum flux divergence.  相似文献   

A warm on-ice air flow from the open water over the Arctic sea ice in the Fram Straitwas, for the first time, systematically measured on 12 March 1998 by aircraft in thelowest 3 km over a 300-km long distance. The air mass modification and the processesinvolved are discussed.Over the water, air temperature was lower than water temperature so that a convectiveboundary layer (CBL) was present as initial condition. As soon as the CBL passed theice edge, a shallow stable internal boundary layer (IBL) was formed. In the residual CBL, turbulence and pre-existing convective clouds dissolved within about 20 km. Within about the same distance, due to the transition from unstable to stable stratification, the influence of surface friction increased in the IBL and decreased above the IBL with consequent generation of a low-level jet at IBL top. The IBL was strongly stratified with respect to both temperature and wind. The wind shear was around 0.1 s-1 so that the Richardson number in the IBL was subcritical and turbulence was generated. The IBL top grew to about 145 m over 230 km distance. The growth of the IBL was not monotonic and was influenced by (a) inhomogeneous ice surface temperatures causedby both different ice thickness and changes in the cloud conditions, and (b) leads in theice deck. At the front side of the on-ice flow, the air mass boundary between the warmair and the cold Arctic air was sharp (12 K over 10 km) at low levels and tilted withheight. Observations suggest that the stratified IBL was lifted as a slab on top of thecold air.  相似文献   

利用青藏高原中部聂荣地区草地下垫面2014年7~8月近地层气象要素梯度观测及湍流观测数据,分析讨论了该地区观测期间的基本气象要素特征、能量平衡特征以及能量输送特征,主要结论如下:(1)向下、向上短波辐射和净辐射日变化规律一致,向下、向上长波辐射日变化平缓。反照率呈"U"型分布,早晚大,中午小,聂荣夏季地表平均反照率为0.20。(2)在夏季白天,聂荣地区净辐射大部分以潜热的形式加热大气。考虑了土壤浅层热储存和垂直运动引起的平流输送后,能量闭合率由0.65提高到0.80,闭合率有显著的提高。(3)在不稳定层结下,动量总体输送系数CD平均值为4.7×10~(-3)和热量总体输送系数CH平均值为3.5×10~(-3);在稳定层结下,CD平均值为3.4×10~(-3),CH平均值为1.8×10~(-3);C_D和C_H在近中性层结下的平均值分别为4.30×10~(-3)和2.39 10~(-3)。  相似文献   

The growth of a two-dimensional internal boundary layer (IBL), which develops when a neutral or unstably stratified flow over a uniform terrain encounters a step-change in surface roughness, is numerically investigated by a higher-order turbulence closure theory. It is found that the thickness of the IBL increases as ~ x n, where x is the downstream distance from the roughness-transition line. For a given set of upstream conditions, the value of the exponent n depends only on the Monin-Obukhov length L, and it is approximately independent of the roughness-change parameter M = In (z01/z02). At large fetches, increases markedly with increasing instability.NRC-NAS Resident Research Associate at AFCRL, 1973–74  相似文献   

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