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<正>从青海省工信厅获悉,青海省盐湖高镁锂比卤水提锂技术取得新突破。柴达木盆地盐湖镁锂比值普遍过高,镁锂分离技术难度大,青海省科研人员通过采用吸附法、萃取法、煅烧法等工艺,有效解决了从高镁锂比盐湖中提取高纯锂和硼的世界性难题,使得青海盐湖卤水提锂技术水平处于世界领先地位。目前,青海省实现了产品产量从小规模生产到工业化量产。由于各盐湖卤水提锂工艺技术不完全成  相似文献   

中瑞合作利用“许氏法”开发盐湖卤水中锂资源   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
自 70年代以来 ,利用传统方法在青海进行的盐湖卤水提锂未见成效。利用“许氏法”(“蒸发泵原理”及“原地化学反应池法”)对青海察尔汗盐湖的高镁含锂老卤进行室内及野外提锂试验 ,均获得成功。不但富集了锂卤水 (LiCl含量自 0 .72 1 2 g/L富集至 45 .1 8g/L) ,而且还得到了大量的副产品水氯镁石 (MgCl2 ·6H2 O) ,同时查明Br、I、B、Rb、Sr、Cs等微量元素赋存在锂卤水中。“许氏法”不但成本低、效益高、方法可行、工艺合理 ,而且保护了盐湖区的生态环境 ,实为一种值得推广的盐湖卤水提锂的加工工艺  相似文献   

【研究目的】近年来,新能源发展势头强劲,锂电池需求旺盛,锂矿资源争夺激烈。相比于目前主要开发的硬岩型锂矿,盐湖卤水型锂矿有着“量大、绿色、经济”的优势,随着卤水提锂工艺的不断进步,盐湖型锂矿的产能将进一步得到释放;中国是盐湖卤水型锂矿的主要分布国家之一,占世界总资源量的比例排在第五位。在世界锂资源争夺战愈演愈烈的情况下,总结盐湖卤水型锂矿的分布特征、水化学类型分类和矿物组合,估算潜在资源量以及提出评价盐湖卤水型锂矿的方法,对合理安排勘查和开发投入,以及规划国家新能源资源具有重要意义。【研究方法】搜集已公开发表或出版的盐湖卤水型锂矿资料,从分布、成矿地质条件方面分析基本特征,并对潜在资源量估算以及开发利用潜力评价进行评述。【研究结果】全球盐湖卤水型锂矿资源丰富,但分布不均,主要集中在南美安第斯高原、美国西部高原和中国青藏高原3个盐湖聚集区,其形成主要受大地构造背景、断层活动断裂以及气候海拔等条件控制。中国青藏高原盐湖卤水型锂矿资源不同于另两大盐湖聚集区的是,其构造背景属于陆陆碰撞,而非洋壳俯冲。由南到北还可进一步分为西藏和青海两个盐湖地区,青海地区镁锂比较高,不适用于传统的蒸发沉淀法,新...  相似文献   

乜贞  卜令忠  郑绵平 《地球学报》2010,31(1):95-101
锂对国民经济和国家安全具有重要意义, 是21世纪的能源金属。近10年, 中国主要从国外进口碳酸锂产品。中国是一个多盐湖的国家, 盐湖锂占锂资源工业总储量的85%。现代第四纪盐湖主要分布在我国西北的青海、西藏、新疆和内蒙古四省区, 具有很好的开发前景。经过多年科研后, 目前国内已经在西台吉乃尔和扎布耶两个盐湖建立了卤水提锂产业。本文对比研究了这两个盐湖资源状况和地理气候条件, 以及由此而决定的盐湖资源开发工艺流程, 探讨了其工艺优化方向。并指出这两个盐湖具有锂资源储量大, 品位高的优势, 但是受盐湖类型或地理气候条件限制, 工艺上有待改善。建议继续加强对盐湖开发技术优化和对盐湖提锂产业的扶持。  相似文献   

近日,由青海盐湖科技开发有限公司和核工业北京化工冶金研究院共同承担的青海省2006年度重点科技攻关计划——“年产200吨碳酸锂工业试验”项目,一举解决了察尔汗盐湖高镁低锂卤水吸附法提锂的关键技术。察尔汗盐湖是一个大型的可溶性钾镁盐矿床,已探明的各种盐类总储量达到600多亿吨。目前,察尔汗盐湖的资源开发以氯化钾为主,并已有40多年的开发历程。随着国家西部大开发战略的实施,被列入国家西部开发首批十大重点工程之一的青海盐湖100万吨钾肥项目于2003年建成投产,并于今年实现达产达标,使青海盐湖集团的氯化钾年总产量从1958年的不足…  相似文献   

盐湖卤水锂资源及其开发进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着全球资源与环境问题的日益突出,锂资源的开发和利用受到人们的高度关注.由于盐湖卤水中含有丰富的锂资源,所以对其锂资源的开发利用具有重要意义.本文在全球盐湖卤水锂资源的分布及其水化学分类特征论述的基础上,对目前盐湖卤水锂资源的提取工艺进行了比较分类,对卤水锂资源的开发进展情况进行了综述.指出我国盐湖卤水锂资源的开发利用...  相似文献   

古近纪时期,华南江汉盆地的潜江凹陷和江陵凹陷发育盐湖,沉积了巨厚的蒸发岩,并形成和储藏了富锂、钾、铷、铯、溴、碘等元素的卤水资源,这些元素含量达到工业品位或综合利用品位;富锂卤水属于深层地下卤水型锂矿资源,镁锂比值低,是非常优质的锂资源。本文总结了江汉盆地大地构造特征、火成岩及古气候背景,论述了古盐湖沉积岩相特征、富锂卤水水化学、分布及储层特征、卤水中锂的来源与富集机理、卤水型锂矿成矿模式以及富锂卤水勘查与开采技术进展,提出了卤水开发利用中存在的问题和解决途径。江汉盆地富锂卤水成因包括:古盐湖锂可能主要来自高温水岩反应产生的富锂热液流体的补给;在干旱的气候下,古湖水不断蒸发浓缩,导致卤水中锂浓缩富集;在盐湖演化末期,逐渐埋藏的盐类晶间富锂卤水被转移至裂隙、砂岩及玄武岩储层中储集;在较高的地热背景值下,埋藏卤水与储层岩石可能发生水岩反应,进一步促进了卤水中锂的富集。江汉盆地深层卤水初步勘查显示,氯化锂资源量已达到大型工业规模,展示了巨大的资源潜力。此外,卤水锂开采技术已基本形成,建议进一步加强富锂卤水的绿色开发技术研究,制定相关勘查开发规范。  相似文献   

硫酸钠亚型富锂卤水25℃等温蒸发过程的计算机模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
卜令忠  乜贞  宋彭生 《地质学报》2010,84(11):1708-1714
我国青藏高原上分布有许多盐湖,其中扎布耶等碳酸盐型盐湖、东台吉乃尔等硫酸镁亚型盐湖是著名的富锂盐湖,已成功开发生产出碳酸锂产品。青藏高原上还有许多硫酸钠亚型盐湖,其卤水锂浓度高,钾、镁、硼等有用成分丰富。针对这些盐湖资源,目前尚未进行开发利用研究。这些卤水的等温蒸发实验研究,是必不可少的关键工作之一。本文使用我们由Pitzer电解质溶液理论建立的Li+,Na+,K+,Mg2+/Cl-,SO24--H2O体系的热力学模型,对25℃下几种硫酸钠亚型富锂卤水等温蒸发过程进行了计算机模拟,预测蒸发过程中盐类矿物的析出顺序、卤水组成变化规律、钠、钾、镁、锂盐的饱和点,并在此基础上进行卤水蒸发过程物料平衡关系的理论计算等。本文对西藏3种硫酸钠亚型卤水和国外2种硫酸钠亚型卤水25℃等温蒸发过程进行了模拟。其析盐顺序的特点是:在第一个矿物石盐饱和析出后,接着析出的含钾矿物是钾芒硝,而不是钾镁矾类矿物。其后钾盐则会以钾岩盐形式析出。锂盐饱和后则主要以复盐Li2SO4.K2SO4形式析出。美国银峰卤水的模拟结果与实验蒸发过程完全一致,并给出其继续蒸发时的析盐状况。另4种硫酸钠亚型卤水的模拟结果不仅可以作为未来实验研究的基本参考和注意点,同样也可作为其盐田设计和工艺安排的基本理论依据。本文研究为该类型卤水资源综合开发利用工艺路线的确立提供理论参考。  相似文献   

西藏拉果错盐湖属于硫酸钠亚型盐湖,卤水含有钾、锂、硼等有价值组分,针对此类盐湖资源,研究锂的富集过程非常必要。通过硫酸钠亚型盐湖卤水的变温蒸发过程,对比了锂在不同温度下富集规律和饱和点,卤水中的锂在蒸发过程中主要以硫酸锂和锂芒硝等形式结晶,在此基础上建立了锂和硫酸根浓度与温度变化关系的相关性,根据组成和温度,计算了浓度熵,模拟了锂饱和点和浓度熵的关系方程;利用浓度熵方程,控制锂盐析出,从而实现获得高锂浓度的卤水,为硫酸钠亚型盐湖卤水天然蒸发富集锂和盐湖资源高效利用提供依据。  相似文献   

锂矿主要类型、特征、时空分布及找矿潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
锂是重要的能源金属,分布高度集中。目前可开发利用的锂矿床主要有盐湖卤水型、伟晶岩型、黏土型、锂沸石型、其他卤水型(包括油气田卤水亚类和地热卤水亚类)和离子吸附型6种类型。除伟晶岩型锂矿的时代呈幕式分布,其他类型的锂矿主要集中形成于新生代。新生代锂矿占全球已查明资源量的75%,主要分布于显生宙造山带如安第斯锂三角地区、中国川藏地区、北美科迪勒拉等地区,其余锂矿则主要分布在前寒武纪克拉通如西澳克拉通、刚果克拉通、西非克拉通和加拿大地盾等区域。盐湖卤水型和伟晶岩型锂矿找矿潜力大,是目前勘探开发的主要类型。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2023,6(1):137-153
Lithium production in China mainly depends on hard rock lithium ores, which has a defect in resources, environment, and economy compared with extracting lithium from brine. This paper focuses on the research progress of extracting lithium from spodumene, lepidolite, petalite, and zinnwaldite by acid, alkali, salt roasting, and chlorination methods, and analyzes the resource intensity, environmental impact, and production cost of industrial lithium extraction from spodumene and lepidolite. It is found that the sulfuric acid method has a high lithium recovery rate, but with a complicated process and high energy consumption; alkali and chlorination methods can directly react with lithium ores, reducing energy consumption, but need to optimize reaction conditions and safety of equipment and operation; the salt roasting method has large material flux and high energy consumption, so require adjustment of sulfate ratio to increase the lithium yield and reduce production cost. Compared with extracting lithium from brine, extracting lithium from ores, calcination, roasting, purity, and other processes consume more resources and energy; and its environmental impact mainly comes from the pollutants discharged by fossil energy, 9.3–60.4 times that of lithium extracted from brine. The processing cost of lithium extraction from lepidolite by sulfate roasting method is higher than that from spodumene by sulfuric acid due to the consumption of high-value sulfate. However, the production costs of both are mainly affected by the price of lithium ores, which is less competitive than that of extracting lithium from brine. Thus, the process of extracting lithium from ores should develop appropriate technology, shorten the process flow, save resources and energy, and increase the recovery rate of related elements to reduce environmental impact and improve the added value of by-products and the economy of the process.©2023 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

The demand for lithium resources is increasing sharply with the rapid development of electric vehicles. It is of great economic significance to expand the geological resources of lithium and improve the utilization rate of lithium-containing salt lakes. In this paper, the hydrochemical types of the lithium-containing salt lakes in the Tibet Plateau were classified according to a large amount of hydrochemical data obtained from a recent investigation on the Tibet Plateau. In addition, the lithium extraction methods used in the salt lakes within each hydrochemical type area were analyzed and summarized, which provided a reference for the selection of lithium extraction processes in the same hydrochemical type of lithium-containing salt lakes in the future. The binding energies of Li(Ι) and anions in salt lakes with different hydrochemical types were calculated by density functional theory, which provides the theoretical basis for selecting the best lithium extraction technology in different salt lakes. We emphasize that the process with the combined characteristics of high efficiency, economy and environmental protection should be selected according to the hydrochemical type of different salt lakes. In the future, different salt lakes should focus on direct lithium extraction technology from the original brine.  相似文献   

高娟琴  王登红  王伟  于沨  于扬 《地质学报》2019,93(6):1489-1500
油(气)田中常伴生油(气)田水,与自然界其他水体相比常具有较高的锂含量,部分可达工业品位。我国油(气)田水储量大,锂资源量可观,但在过去却长期被忽视。近年来,在盐湖卤水型液体锂资源提取技术不断取得突破的大背景下,卤水型锂资源产量占比逐年升高,油(气)田水型锂资源也应当受到重视。本文通过研究大量国内外主要油(气)田中伴生的油(气)田水锂含量及分布特征,归纳国内外油(气)田水提锂技术现状,为我国油(气)田水中锂的综合利用提供参考。  相似文献   

Qaidam Basin is a hyperarid inland basin with an area of 121 × 103 km2 located on the northern Tibetan Plateau. Today, one fourth of the basin is covered by playas and hypersaline lakes. Nearly 80% of brine lithium found in China is contained in four salt lakes: Bieletan (BLT), DongTaijinaier (DT), XiTaijinaier (XT) and Yiliping (YLP). In the past decade, great attention was paid to improving the technology for the extraction of lithium from the brine deposits, but studies on origin and mode of formation of the brine deposits remained limited. Our recent investigations found that: (1) ~ 748.8 t of lithium was transported annually into the lower catchment of the four salt lakes via the Hongshui–Nalinggele River (H–N River), the largest river draining into the Qaidam Basin, (2) Li+-rich brines are formed only in salt lakes associated with inflowing rivers with Li+ concentrations greater than 0.4 mg/L, and (3) the water Li+ concentration is positively correlated with both the inflowing river and the associated subsurface brine, including saline lakes with low lithium concentrations. These findings clearly indicate that long-term input of Li+ from the H–N River controls the formation of lithium brine deposits. Here we determine that the source of the lithium is from hydrothermal fields where two active faults converge in the upper reach of the Hongshui River. The hydrothermal fields are associated with a magmatic heat source, as suggested by the high Li+ and As3 + content water from geysers. Based on the assumption of a constant rate of lithium influx, we estimate that the total reserves of lithium were likely formed since the postglacial period. Our data indicate that lithium reserves in each of the four salt lakes depend on the influx of Li+-bearing water from the H–N River. The data also suggest that during the progradation of the alluvial Fan I, the H–N River drained mostly into the BLT salt lake until the Taijinaier River shifted watercourse to the north and began to feed the salt lakes of the DT, XT and YLP, alongside with the Fan II progradation. The inference is consistent with stratigraphic evidence from the sediment cores of the four salt lakes. One of the major findings of our work is the importance of the contrasting hydroclimatic conditions between the high mountains containing ice caps and the terminal salt lakes. The greater than 4000 m of relief in the watershed enables a massive amount of ions, such as K+, to be weathered and transported together with detrital material from the huge, relatively wet alpine regions to the hyperarid terminal basins, where intense evaporation rapidly enriches the lake water, resulting in evaporite deposition and associated K+- and Li+-rich brine deposits.  相似文献   

碳酸盐型盐湖卤水的模拟太阳池结晶试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在碳酸盐型盐湖提锂工艺中, 太阳池是一个重要组成部分, 目的是储存太阳能能量以结晶析出碳酸锂。文章利用加热方法首次在实验室条件下进行模拟太阳池结晶试验, 试验的蒸发量随着温度的升高而加大, 但蒸发量的不同对析盐结晶影响不大。在不同时间段模拟试验中, 24 h时间段的Mg2+析盐浓度较Li+大, 且随着时间的延长逐渐降低, 而Li+则相反;Mg2+析出速率随着时间的增加而逐渐降低, 而Li+析出速率基 本保持一致。在不同温度模拟试验中, 卤水主要组分总析出率与温度的升高呈正相关, 卤水中CO32?和Li+的浓度降低速度大于其他组分, CO32?和Li+的析出率远大于其他组分, 析出主要矿物鉴定结果均为扎布耶石  相似文献   

The Metallogenetic Regularities of Lithium Deposits in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lithium resources support the development of high-technology industries. China has abundant lithium resources which are mainly distributed in Tibet,Qinghai,Sichuan and Jiangxi. Salt lakes in China have significant lithium reserves,but lithium is mainly produced from hard rock lithium deposits because the extraction from salt lakes requires further improvements. The hard rock lithium deposits mainly occur in granitic pegmatite in the Altay region of Xinjiang and the Jiajika deposit in western Sichuan Province; they mainly formed in the Mesozoic and occurred in a relatively stable stage during orogenic processes. On the basis of the information from 151 lithium deposits or spots,14 lithium metallogenic series were identified,and granitic pegmatite,granite,and sedimentary types were considered to be the main prediction types of lithium resources. Twelve lithium mineralization belts were divided and a series of maps showing the lithium metallogenetic regularity in China were drawn. We conclude that the hard rock and brine type of lithium resources possibly have a similar lithium source related to magmatism. The metallogenic features of the lithium in China were related with the distinct history of tectonic-magmatic activity in China. This study benefits the assessment of,and prospecting for,lithium resources in China.  相似文献   

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