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我国油(气)田水钾资源研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是一个拥有13亿人口的农业大国,但是钾盐资源紧缺,多年来对外依存度高达50%以上。在地表盐湖增储潜力有限、海相地层找钾尚未取得突破性进展的情况下,富钾油(气)田水成为解决我国钾资源燃眉之急的首选。近年来,国内在"油钾兼探"方针的指导下对富钾油(气)田水进行了大量勘探、调查评价和研究工作并取得了丰硕的成果。从卤水特点、卤水地球化学和资源评价3个方面总结了前人对柴达木盆地、四川盆地、江汉盆地、塔里木盆地等重要钾盐前景区油(气)田水的研究成果,得出了我国不同盆地油(气)田水资源特点,评价了各盆地油(气)田水研究现状,认为应该重点加强对柴达木盆地西部地区的油(气)田水找钾及研究工作,而且各盆地在油(气)田水资源评价方面研究薄弱,亟需建立油(气)田水资源评价标准与方法。  相似文献   

盐湖卤水锂资源及其开发进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着全球资源与环境问题的日益突出,锂资源的开发和利用受到人们的高度关注.由于盐湖卤水中含有丰富的锂资源,所以对其锂资源的开发利用具有重要意义.本文在全球盐湖卤水锂资源的分布及其水化学分类特征论述的基础上,对目前盐湖卤水锂资源的提取工艺进行了比较分类,对卤水锂资源的开发进展情况进行了综述.指出我国盐湖卤水锂资源的开发利用...  相似文献   

古近纪时期,华南江汉盆地的潜江凹陷和江陵凹陷发育盐湖,沉积了巨厚的蒸发岩,并形成和储藏了富锂、钾、铷、铯、溴、碘等元素的卤水资源,这些元素含量达到工业品位或综合利用品位;富锂卤水属于深层地下卤水型锂矿资源,镁锂比值低,是非常优质的锂资源。本文总结了江汉盆地大地构造特征、火成岩及古气候背景,论述了古盐湖沉积岩相特征、富锂卤水水化学、分布及储层特征、卤水中锂的来源与富集机理、卤水型锂矿成矿模式以及富锂卤水勘查与开采技术进展,提出了卤水开发利用中存在的问题和解决途径。江汉盆地富锂卤水成因包括:古盐湖锂可能主要来自高温水岩反应产生的富锂热液流体的补给;在干旱的气候下,古湖水不断蒸发浓缩,导致卤水中锂浓缩富集;在盐湖演化末期,逐渐埋藏的盐类晶间富锂卤水被转移至裂隙、砂岩及玄武岩储层中储集;在较高的地热背景值下,埋藏卤水与储层岩石可能发生水岩反应,进一步促进了卤水中锂的富集。江汉盆地深层卤水初步勘查显示,氯化锂资源量已达到大型工业规模,展示了巨大的资源潜力。此外,卤水锂开采技术已基本形成,建议进一步加强富锂卤水的绿色开发技术研究,制定相关勘查开发规范。  相似文献   

我国柴达木盆地蕴藏着丰富且极具开发潜力的卤水钾锂资源,但随着产能的不断扩大和持续开发,浅部易开采的优质资源不断减少,走向深部开采成为必然选择。与浅部相比,盐湖深部卤水储层质量相对较差,富水性弱且不稳定,开采难度极大。本文以查明察尔汗盐湖别勒滩区段深部卤水储层特征为目的,通过分析钻孔岩性和物性数据,研究了别勒滩区段深部卤水储层的平面分布特征和厚度变化规律,结果表明研究区以东南部储层厚度最大且石盐岩储层质量最优。卤水储层三维建模研究显示,富锂卤水主要分布在研究区中北部,南部锂含量相对较低;平面上第Ⅱ含矿层在中部石盐厚度大且粉砂和黏土夹层少,有利于卤水的开采。  相似文献   

阿根廷奥布莱莫埃尔多盐湖位于南美安第斯高原"锂三角"地区,钾锂资源丰富;为了研究该盐湖卤水特征,分析其钾锂资源远景,利用遥感数据提取钾、锂异常信息,并在湖区施工浅井采集卤水样品进行验证。盐湖钾锂一般赋存于含盐细砂中,靠近盐湖中部赋存于石盐为主的盐类矿物晶体间的孔隙之中;卤水分析结果表明,KCl含量0.60%~2.11%,平均品位1.03%,LiCl含量146~4977mg/L,平均含量2407mg/L;遥感解译显示湖区存在高矿化度卤水,钾锂异常主要集中分布于湖区岛屿北部、东北部及南部靠近岛屿地带。奥布莱莫埃尔多盐湖遥感信息显示钾、锂异常,浅井卤水分析富含锂钾,部分样品达到工业品位,盐湖找矿潜力巨大。  相似文献   

锂作为一种新能源、新材料,对国民经济建设及国防安全保障具有重要的战略意义。卤水中液体锂为锂资源的主要来源之一。四川盆地自贡地区地下卤水资源丰富,但开发利用方式较为单一。前人对自流井背斜卤水中的锂资源研究较少,但已有数据均表明局部卤水中Li+含量达单独开采工业品位的2~4倍,具有较高的开采价值。近年来,对自贡地区的地下卤水资源分布情况进行了调查,对有利地区采集的样品进行了分析,结果表明: 锂资源已达边界品位的3~4倍、最低工业品位的2倍以上; Li+与Na+、K+、$NH^{+}_{4}$、Cl-含量呈明显的正相关,卤水中Na+、K+、$NH^{+}_{4}$、Cl-的含量可作为Li+含量的间接指示; 降低卤水中Mg/Li值能够有效控制提锂成本; 相比于黄卤,黑卤有较低的Mg2+和较高的Li+、Na+、K+、$NH^{+}_{4}$及Cl-。通过综合分析认为,邓井关背斜的轴部黑卤密集分布地区可作为锂资源的找矿靶区。  相似文献   

锂资源属世界稀缺性战略资源,盐湖卤水是锂的一个重要来源,玻利维亚拥有丰富的盐湖卤水资源,玻利维亚盐湖属世界罕见的特大型多元素液态锂资源宝藏。通过对玻利维亚盐湖锂资源分布特质,开发利用现状及未来合作开发前景进行分析与展望,提出玻利维亚盐湖锂资源对我国锂资源保障供应及盐湖卤水锂资源的发展策略,建议我国在合作开发玻利维亚盐湖锂资源时,采用产业换资源、投资换资源的投资方向,采取少参股多包销的股权合资合作模式,尽力争取与当地有较大影响力的企业建立战略合作联盟,开展合作。  相似文献   

世界锂资源约为8 000万t,其中矿石锂资源主要分布在澳大利亚、加拿大、刚果(金)、津巴布韦等国家,而盐湖卤水锂资源分布于南美的智利、阿根廷、玻利维亚等国家。中国也是锂资源较丰富的国家,主要赋存于我国的西部与南部。现阶段,全球锂产能严重过剩。不过随着新能源汽车续航能力的提高,预计锂的需求将会增加,专家预测2021年,世界锂(折合LCE)消费量将达到38万t,我国的锂消费量有望达到28万t,并预计几年内,锂供需将逐渐趋于平衡。  相似文献   

<正>美国地调局估计全球的锂资源为3950万吨(MT),主要有3种矿床类型:卤水、硬岩和海水,可采储量为1300万吨。盐湖卤水和花岗岩(或硬岩)是主要的商业来源。卤水锂金属产量占全世界锂产量的四分之三,而卤水矿床占世界锂资源量的66%,而且主要分布于智利、阿根廷和中国青藏高原(如图1、2)。Sociedad Quimica y Minera(SQM)和Rockwood控股公司在智利Salar de Atacama盐湖开采出了世界一多  相似文献   

中瑞合作利用“许氏法”开发盐湖卤水中锂资源   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
自 70年代以来 ,利用传统方法在青海进行的盐湖卤水提锂未见成效。利用“许氏法”(“蒸发泵原理”及“原地化学反应池法”)对青海察尔汗盐湖的高镁含锂老卤进行室内及野外提锂试验 ,均获得成功。不但富集了锂卤水 (LiCl含量自 0 .72 1 2 g/L富集至 45 .1 8g/L) ,而且还得到了大量的副产品水氯镁石 (MgCl2 ·6H2 O) ,同时查明Br、I、B、Rb、Sr、Cs等微量元素赋存在锂卤水中。“许氏法”不但成本低、效益高、方法可行、工艺合理 ,而且保护了盐湖区的生态环境 ,实为一种值得推广的盐湖卤水提锂的加工工艺  相似文献   

With a population of 1.3 billion, China is a large agricultural country. However, China is short of potash resources as the external dependence is more than 50% for many years. With the limited possibility for increasing potash reserves from surface salt lakes, and the challenge of finding potash deposit from marine strata has not been yet overcome, the oil (gas) field brine resources has become the preferred source for the urgent needs of potash. In recent years, a lot of exploration and research work on the oil (gas) field brine has been done under the guide of “oil and potash co-exploration” policy and delightful achievements have been obtained. The research achievements at Qaidam Basin, Sichuan Basin, Jianghan Basin and Tarim Basin were summarized in the present paper. All of the above basins are the most important areas with great prospects of oil (gas) field brine. This paper mainly focused on three aspects, the brine characteristics, the brine geochemistry and resource assessment. After the summary, the characteristics of oil (gas) field brine and the progress in study of that were gotten in different basins. It was suggested that the research work of (gas) field brine at Qaidam Basin should be emphasized. It was concluded that the evaluation work of oil (gas) field brine resources is insufficient at the four basins, and it is urgent to establish oil (gas) field brine resources evaluation criteria and methods.  相似文献   

锂因其在新能源领域的应用广泛性和不可替代性而备受关注。以往锂矿勘查主要集中于盐湖型和硬岩型锂矿,针对沉积型锂矿开展工作较少。本文聚焦于中国西南滇黔桂地区,以岩石和水系沉积物中锂的时空分布特征为基础,分析区域内沉积型锂矿成矿潜力。结果显示,中国西南滇黔桂地区水系沉积物锂含量平均值为46. 7×10-6,显著高于全国背景值32×10-6。以57. 0×10-6为异常下限,共圈定9个锂地球化学省,与已知的沉积型锂矿床分布具有良好的对应性。同时,锂异常浓集区与某些特定时代和岩性的地层分布密切相关。区内水系沉积物中锂元素含量受到岩石锂含量制约,以碳酸盐岩为主的构造单元水系沉积物中的锂显著次生富集,以陆源碎屑岩为主的构造单元内水系沉积物中锂富集程度较弱。综合分析认为,西南滇黔桂地区锂异常带的形成受区域岩石类型、次生富集作用和气候条件等多重因素制约。该研究对了解西南滇黔桂地区锂元素次生聚集就位机制和指导沉积型锂资源的找矿勘查具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2023,6(1):137-153
Lithium production in China mainly depends on hard rock lithium ores, which has a defect in resources, environment, and economy compared with extracting lithium from brine. This paper focuses on the research progress of extracting lithium from spodumene, lepidolite, petalite, and zinnwaldite by acid, alkali, salt roasting, and chlorination methods, and analyzes the resource intensity, environmental impact, and production cost of industrial lithium extraction from spodumene and lepidolite. It is found that the sulfuric acid method has a high lithium recovery rate, but with a complicated process and high energy consumption; alkali and chlorination methods can directly react with lithium ores, reducing energy consumption, but need to optimize reaction conditions and safety of equipment and operation; the salt roasting method has large material flux and high energy consumption, so require adjustment of sulfate ratio to increase the lithium yield and reduce production cost. Compared with extracting lithium from brine, extracting lithium from ores, calcination, roasting, purity, and other processes consume more resources and energy; and its environmental impact mainly comes from the pollutants discharged by fossil energy, 9.3–60.4 times that of lithium extracted from brine. The processing cost of lithium extraction from lepidolite by sulfate roasting method is higher than that from spodumene by sulfuric acid due to the consumption of high-value sulfate. However, the production costs of both are mainly affected by the price of lithium ores, which is less competitive than that of extracting lithium from brine. Thus, the process of extracting lithium from ores should develop appropriate technology, shorten the process flow, save resources and energy, and increase the recovery rate of related elements to reduce environmental impact and improve the added value of by-products and the economy of the process.©2023 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

The major oil and gas producing fields in Gujarat are found in Cambay basin. It is known that a huge amount of water is produced with oil and gas production which is called produced oilfield water. Some useful elements (iodine, lithium and strontium) are present with this oilfield water which may be extracted in case of their abundance. The investigation of iodine, lithium and strontium concentrations in produced oilfield water was accomplished by Ion chromatography while for other cations ICP instrument was used. In oilfield water, iodine content ranges from 0.08 to 1.89 mg/l, lithium content ranges from 0.06 to 2.90 mg/l and strontium content ranges from 0.24 to 73.5 mg/l. In addition to above element, Na, Mg, K, Ca, Al, Ba, Fe, Se, Cu, Zn, As, Cd and Hg were also analyzed. The pH and TDS of all the samples were also measured. There is considerable variation in iodine, lithium and strontium in oilfield water samples collected from oil and gas producing fields of Gujarat. There is no definite pattern of variation in iodine, lithium and strontium content.  相似文献   

盐湖锂资源开发利用及对中国锂产业发展的建议   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
宋彭生  项仁杰 《矿床地质》2014,33(5):977-992
近年来,锂及其化合物的用途日益重要而广泛,特别是电动车和各种移动电子设备对大小功率锂电池的需求急剧增长,大大带动了锂资源的开发利用。全球锂资源有80%以上蕴藏在盐湖卤水、油田水、地热水等液体矿床中。在被称为"锂三角"的南美安第斯高原的智利、阿根廷、玻利维亚交界处,分布有丰富的盐湖锂资源,当地少雨、多风、极度干燥的自然条件,对开发盐湖资源十分有利,在当今世界锂开发潮流中,已成为一大热点地区。文章介绍了世界盐湖卤水锂资源的状况和开发利用工艺流程;作为多个新兴产业交汇点的锂产业,从上游锂资源调查评价、加工利用到下游各种产品的研制,近年来在中国都取得了长足发展;最后对中国锂产业的发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

The Metallogenetic Regularities of Lithium Deposits in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lithium resources support the development of high-technology industries. China has abundant lithium resources which are mainly distributed in Tibet,Qinghai,Sichuan and Jiangxi. Salt lakes in China have significant lithium reserves,but lithium is mainly produced from hard rock lithium deposits because the extraction from salt lakes requires further improvements. The hard rock lithium deposits mainly occur in granitic pegmatite in the Altay region of Xinjiang and the Jiajika deposit in western Sichuan Province; they mainly formed in the Mesozoic and occurred in a relatively stable stage during orogenic processes. On the basis of the information from 151 lithium deposits or spots,14 lithium metallogenic series were identified,and granitic pegmatite,granite,and sedimentary types were considered to be the main prediction types of lithium resources. Twelve lithium mineralization belts were divided and a series of maps showing the lithium metallogenetic regularity in China were drawn. We conclude that the hard rock and brine type of lithium resources possibly have a similar lithium source related to magmatism. The metallogenic features of the lithium in China were related with the distinct history of tectonic-magmatic activity in China. This study benefits the assessment of,and prospecting for,lithium resources in China.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地中部湖盐、石油和天然气化工基地淡水资源极度匮乏,供水矛盾日益加剧,淡水资源不足已成为制约湖盐、石油和天然气等矿产资源开发的瓶颈。根据已有勘探资料分析,提出在柴达木盆地较大河流下游冲湖积平原浅部咸卤水分布区,深部沿古河道存在较丰富的淡承压自流水,具有良好的开发利用前景,这对缓解柴达木盆地循环经济试验区湖盐、石油和天然气化工基地供水矛盾具有重要的支撑作用。  相似文献   

高天明  范娜  代涛 《地质学报》2024,98(4):1310-1331
传统沉淀法提锂生产周期长、不适用于低锂浓度卤水,盐湖提锂产量增长缓慢,难以满足新能源产业发展的需求。因此,开发高镁锂比卤水提锂新技术是锂产业发展的迫切需求。本文概述了吸附法、萃取法、膜法和电化学法等提锂新工艺的研究现状,发现铝基吸附剂已应用于工业生产,但其吸附容量显著地小于锰基和钛基吸附剂,而后两者的溶损和长吸附平衡时间是制约其产业化的关键。中性磷类萃取剂关注最多,但其易腐蚀和出现第三相;酰胺类萃取体系无腐蚀,已用于氯化物型卤水工业化提锂,但其稳定性需长期关注;并且萃取法工艺流程较长,酸碱消耗高。膜法无法深度除镁,需与其他方法相结合提锂,其水资源消耗量大。电渗析和“摇椅式”电化学实现了连续性提锂,加速了吸附速率,避免了洗脱剂的使用,其电耗随着优化提锂体系和工作条件的降低,电化学提锂将迎来广阔的产业前景。以上卤水提锂新工艺资源消耗和环境影响小于传统沉淀法,对高镁锂比盐湖具有显著的竞争优势,但各有弊端。因此,未来盐湖卤水提锂应加强多种新技术的集成与耦合,前移提锂过程,提升全流程锂的回收率和多种资源的综合开发。  相似文献   

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