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Marine protected areas (MPAs) are among the most widely accepted methods of marine management. MPAs are not, however, always placed such that they can maximize impact on conservation and livelihoods. Current MPA guidelines fall short in focusing primarily on biophysical criteria, overlooking interrelated socioeconomic factors. We identified 32 socioeconomic factors that influence whether MPA placement has an impact on biodiversity and/or livelihoods and weighted the quality of evidence using a novel “Evidence for Impact” Score. Results suggest that stakeholder engagement, poverty, population density, and strong leadership have most potential to positively impact biodiversity and/or livelihoods, but the direction of impact (i.e., positive or negative) can be context-dependent. We found a generally poor evidence base for impact evaluation of socioeconomic factors: though some factors were highly cited, few studies actually evaluate impact. Results indicate the need for a more interdisciplinary approach to MPA placement and more empirical studies that assess impact.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) – or sections of the ocean set aside where human activities such as fishing are restricted – have been growing in popularity as a marine conservation tool. As a result, it is important to examine the socioeconomic consequences of MPAs and how they may affect nearby communities. This study explores social and equity issues surrounding the designation of the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument, an MPA that includes protections around the three most northern islands in the US territory of the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands (CNMI). We gathered oral history interviews with 40 individuals from CMNI and Guam who had connections to the waters in the newly-designated MPA and reviewed key documents in order to (1) document historical and current use of the waters in the MPA and (2) consider the implications that proposed fishing regulations in the MPA may have for the local communities. Our study documented 129 trips to visit the waters in the MPA in living memory. We found that due to distance, trips to the MPA waters were rare but culturally significant events that provided residents from CNMI and Guam with connections to their indigenous roots. Regulation of fishing in the new MPA has the potential to directly and indirectly restrict local access to these culturally important waters. This research highlights the importance of better collaboration with local partners and better consideration of social and equity concerns in the siting and regulation of MPAs.  相似文献   

南大洋海域因其特殊的地理位置、极端的气候环境和丰富的资源,具有重要的科学和经济意义。当今世界各国力争国家权益,积极参与南极海洋保护区设立的国际事务,然而我国虽对此持续关注,但相关研究甚少,在南极海洋保护区设立的适宜性评价指标和区划方法研究方面几近空白。在此背景下,通过对现有各国南极海洋保护区的提案分析,尝试构建南极海洋保护区设立的适宜性评价的多级指标体系,并基于我国南极科学考察数据,运用层次分析法和加权叠加分析,对普里兹湾海洋保护区设立的适宜性进行案例研究,以期为我国南极海洋保护区的设立和相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Inshore artisanal fishing in Malta is under intense spatial competition as the coastal zone is fragmented by multiple uses and designations including maritime transport, infrastructure, industrial fisheries, aquaculture, tourism and recreation. This research, adopting a grounded visualization methodology, explains how the artisanal fishing sector has undergone and been affected by ‘spatial squeezing’. Our results show that artisanal fishermen have been forced to give up fishing grounds or co-exist with other uses to the point where the ability to fish is becoming increasingly challenging. These difficulties might escalate with the advent of the marine protected areas (MPAs) which encompass nearly half of the inshore fishing zones. Since there does not seem to be effective MPA consultation mechanisms that elicit the real social, cultural and economic value of artisanal fishing grounds, fishermen feel threatened, alienated and disempowered. This study urges for a more holistic approach to spatial marine planning and accentuates the need of realizing the dependency of the artisanal sector on the inshore zones in the implementation of conservation measures, such that the prolonged existence of the coastal fishing communities is not jeopardized.  相似文献   

唐建业 《极地研究》2016,28(3):370-380
《南极海洋生物资源养护公约》框架下的海洋保护区建设备受国际社会关注。2009年,南极海洋生物资源养护委员会建立了第一个海洋保护区,但2012年以来,罗斯海海洋保护区提案以及东南极海洋保护区代表体系提案却一直没有进展,其中涉及了南极条约体系解读与海洋保护区定义等法律争论、保护区建设与地缘政治控制以及排斥其他国家渔业活动等政治争论。研究表明,虽然委员会有权建立海洋保护区,以实现养护南极生物资源的目标,但两个提案一定程度上超越了委员会的职责范围;且这两个提案一定程度上都与提案国的南极领土主权以及渔业活动相关联,无法排除其他国家的政治关切;提案每年变化,也体现了政治妥协。因此,为真正实现按公约养护南极生物资源的目标,应切实解决相关的法律与政治关切,提高程序的透明度,扩大参与度,并认真实施对已建立的海洋保护区的研究与监测。  相似文献   

陈琦  胡求光  沈伟腾  陈翼然 《地理科学》2021,41(8):1487-1495
在构建减船转产背景下沿海渔户生计脆弱性理论分析框架的基础上,以浙江省舟山市转产渔户为研究对象,应用模糊综合评价法比较分析了不同生计方式、不同转产时期下转产渔户生计脆弱性的变化,并实证检验了影响转产渔户生计脆弱性变化的具体因素。研究表明:① 虽然转产后的渔户生计暴露性水平下降,但生计敏感性程度提高且适应能力出现显著下降,最终使转产渔户的生计脆弱性水平上升,总体生计状态表现出恶化趋势;② 不同生计方式下的转产渔户生计脆弱性变化存在差异,其中转产后从事休闲渔业的渔户生计脆弱性水平下降,其余4种生计方式下的转产渔户生计脆弱性水平均有所上升;③ 2个不同转产时期下的渔户生计脆弱性水平均上升,但2015年以前转产的渔户生计脆弱性水平增加幅度更小;④ 受教育程度、减船转产补贴、转产转业时间以及是否参加过转产技能培训对生计脆弱性变化具有显著的负向影响,其中减船转产补贴对生计脆弱性变化的影响最小。  相似文献   

This paper argues for a multidisciplinary framework to assess the relationship between environmental processes and social sciences that can be adapted to any geographic location. This includes both physical (earthquake hazard) and human (social vulnerability) dimensions in the context of disaster risk reduction. Disasters varies drastically depending on the local context. Indeed, the probability of a natural disaster having more devastating effects in one place than in another depends on the local vulnerability components of the affected society (cultural, social and economic). Therefore, there is an important correlation between the potential risk and the social resistance and resilience of a specific place, thus the disaster response varies according to the social fabric. In this context, the evaluation of social vulnerability is a crucial point in order to understand the ability of a society (studied at individual, household or community level) to anticipate, cope with, resist and recover from the impact of natural disaster events. Within this framework, the paper discusses how it is possible to integrate social vulnerability into the seismic risk analysis in Italy. Specifically, socioeconomic indicators were used to assess and mapping social vulnerability index. Afterwards, a Geographic Information System (GIS) approach was applied to identify the spatial variability of social vulnerability to seismic hazard. Through the use of a risk matrix, the classes of a social vulnerability index map were combined with those of a seismic hazard map proposed by INGV (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology). Finally, a qualitative social vulnerability exposure map to an earthquake hazard was produced, highlighting areas with high seismic and social vulnerability levels. Results suggest the importance of the integration of social vulnerability studies into seismic risk mitigation policies, emergency management and territorial planning to reduce the impact of disasters.  相似文献   

Current, spatially explicit, and high-resolution assessments of population vulnerability to climate change and variability in developing countries can be difficult to create due to lack of data or financial and technical capacity constraints. We propose a comparative, multiple-approach framework to assess the spatial variation of population vulnerability to climatic changes using several high-resolution variables related to climate, topography, and socioeconomic conditions with an objective to detect the spatial variability of climate vulnerability in Nepal. Nepal is one of the most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate change due to frequent climatic hazards and poor socio-economic capacity. We used a climate vulnerability index (CVI) approach to derive climate vulnerability maps at the one-kilometer resolution and test an additive and a principal components-based composite method of data aggregation. In this work, we attempt to answer three questions. 1) How do different methods of assessment inform the spatial variation of the climate vulnerability in Nepal? 2) How do different variables interact to shape climate vulnerability in Nepal? 3) What proportions of the population in Nepal are vulnerable to climatic disasters and why? Our analysis uncovered significant spatial variations in population vulnerability to climate change across Nepal, with the highest vulnerability being experienced by the High Mountain region followed by the regions in the lower elevations. We find that although the lack of adaptive capacity is the biggest cause of population vulnerability to climate change in Nepal, a resilient community is shaped by both biophysical and socioeconomic characteristics. By performing an iterative sensitivity analysis of our thirteen variables both at the aggregate level (nationally) as well as at the more disaggregated (physiographic region) level, we contribute to identifying important, multi-scalar driving factors for vulnerability that can be employed as leverage points for lowering vulnerability at different scales. After performing analyses at multiple regions, we conclude that region-specific variable selection is needed for more detailed assessments and in order to prioritize adaptation strategies at scales that go beyond the hierarchy of administrative divisions.  相似文献   

This study evaluates new multi-scale, multi-indicator methods for assessing the vulnerability of crop production to drought at a national and regional scale. It does this by identifying differences across and within ten regions of Ghana, a country that faces many climate and crop production challenges typical of sub-Saharan Africa. In particular, we illustrate how a quantitative national and regional study is a critical first step in assessing differences in the drought sensitivity of food production systems and show how such an assessment enables the formulation of more targeted district and community level research that can explore the drivers of vulnerability and change on a local-scale. Finally, we propose methodological steps that can improve drought sensitivity and vulnerability assessments in dynamic dryland farming systems where there are multiple drivers of change and thresholds of risk that vary in both space and time. Results show that the vulnerability of crop production to drought in Ghana has discernible geographical and socioeconomic patterns, with the Northern, Upper West and Upper East regions being most vulnerable. Partly, this is because these regions have the lowest adaptive capacity due to low socioeconomic development and have economies based on rain-fed agriculture. Within these regions we find considerable differences between districts that can be explained only partly by socioeconomic variables with further community and household-scale research required to explain the causes of differences in vulnerability status. Our results highlight that national and regional scale multi-indicator vulnerability assessments are a vital (and often ignored) first step in assessing vulnerability across a large area. These inputs can guide both local-level research and also demonstrate the need for region-specific policies to reduce vulnerability and to enhance drought preparedness within dryland farming communities.  相似文献   

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is characterized by high population growth, degraded and fragile nat-ural ecosystems, and a limited amount of arable lands. It is one of the most water-sc...  相似文献   

This article assesses the vulnerability to climatic and socioeconomic stresses in the Reef Islands, Solomon Islands, an atoll island group in the Southwest Pacific. Climate change and the associated sea-level rise are often seen as the most pressing challenges to atoll communities, yet this study aims at critically re-assessing this view by placing climate in the context of a range of other internal and external stressors affecting local livelihoods, including population growth, inadequate land use practices, and lack of economic potential, as well as external factors such as poorly developed infrastructure, economic marginalization and weak governance of Solomon Islands. Findings suggest that some of these non-climatic stresses are currently – and in the short term – more important determinants of local vulnerability than climate change and sea-level rise. Certainly, these stresses are likely to be exacerbated by different elements of climate change in the short, medium and long term, but generally speaking climate change does not appear to be a major driver of the current changes in the islands. On the basis of these observations, the possible adaptation options, relevant to different time scales, are discussed.  相似文献   

传统时期太湖流域的渔民群体分为陆上定居的兼业渔民(仍属农民身份)和水上流动的专业渔民,其生产与生活方式因水环境和鱼资源的分布而存在区域差异。太湖周边低地湖荡区的兼业渔民从事捕鱼的环境支持度和资源便利程度较高,渔业在农村副业序列中占有重要地位。东部河网地区水鱼资源欠丰,捕鱼技术简单,农民捕鱼生产的季节性和流动性较大。太湖上流动捕鱼的专业渔民生产技术高,具有规模化和互助性,构成自然捕捞商品鱼生产的主力大军。流动于东部内河上的专业渔民以单家独户生产为主,产量低收入少,缺乏互助合作。各类渔民共同具有的流动性和人口来源的复杂性,使其成为社会安全管理的重灾区,也是促成20世纪60,70年代政府彻底实施渔民上岸定居的重要原因。  相似文献   

杭州市农民工生计脆弱性特征与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农民工是我国大城市中的弱势群体之一,极易受到失业、生产事故、经济波动等社会风险的冲击,其生计日益成为影响我国经济社会转型期国计民生的重要问题之一。本文从脆弱性视角出发,建立了符合城市农民工生计特征的生计资本评估指标体系,并结合实地调查资料对杭州市农民工生计脆弱性特征及成因进行了分析。研究认为,杭州农民工生计资本具有典型的脆弱性特征,突出表现在教育培训缺失、人力资本不足,租房生活为主、物质资本薄弱,收入水平低下、金融资本虚化,边缘感较强、社会资本匮乏。最后,探讨了可持续生计分析框架在大城市农民工生计问题研究中的适用性,并结合实证研究结果提出了增强大城市农民工生计资本降低其生计脆弱性的调控对策,以期为杭州市及我国其他大城市农民工生计可持续性研究提供新的分析思路和实践参考。  相似文献   

中国农户可持续生计研究进展及趋向   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
开展农户可持续生计研究,对于解决农村贫困问题,促进农村社会经济可持续发展具有重要意义。在查阅大量相关文献的基础上,本文首先阐述了可持续生计的概念,并对国外农户可持续生计研究概况进行了简介;然后从生计资产(资本)研究、生计脆弱性分析、生计策略研究、政策、机构和过程对农户生计影响研究、农户生计与生态环境的相互关系研究等5 个方面对近年来国内农户生计的主要研究进展进行了归纳总结。最后,提出了中国农户可持续生计研究的主要趋向:跨学科综合性、系统性研究,新技术方法的综合与动态研究,农户可持续生计与贫困问题研究,城乡转型期农户可持续生计研究,重点区域的农户可持续生计研究。  相似文献   

高温热浪作为一种常见的气象灾害,对人们的生产、生活、健康产生很大的影响。为探索福建省沿海与内陆城市高温热浪脆弱差异性及其形成机制,本文构建了包含暴露性、敏感性、适应性3个维度的高温热浪脆弱性评估模型(Vulnerability Scoping Diagram, VSD)。利用1994-2013年逐日极端高温数据和经济社会统计数据,分别对处于沿海和内陆的福州和南平市辖区进行高温热浪脆弱性及其3个维度(暴露性、敏感性、适应性)的评估与比较,并试图解释分析福州市辖区与南平市辖区高温热浪脆弱性的差异及其原因。结果显示:由于地理环境与社会经济系统的显著差异,近20年来,沿海地区高温热浪的脆弱性低于内陆地区,但随着经济发展导致的敏感性增加,前者不断攀升的脆弱性可能会超越后者;内陆地区的人类活动对环境的干扰程度相对较弱,其敏感性不断降低而适应性有所上升,使得其高温热浪的脆弱性不断降低。降低高温热浪脆弱性的关键在于同时增强区域适应性与降低敏感性,这对制定适应性措施具有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

岩溶地区人类活动的水文效应研究现状及展望   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
在全球气候变化背景下,加之岩溶生态系统的脆弱性及敏感性,地表水与地下水交换迅速,岩溶水动力系统对人类活动及其造成的生态环境变化反馈敏感。岩溶地区人类活动导致的植被退化、石漠化等环境问题已对岩溶地区的水文水循环过程造成了严重影响,水资源问题已成为岩溶地区发展的重要限制因素。本文在对岩溶生态系统及水文环境特性分析的基础上,从土地利用变化的水文效应,人类活动对降水—径流的影响、岩溶水资源的开发利用、岩溶地下水污染及水文模型在岩溶地区的应用等方面,概述了岩溶地区人类活动水文效应的相关研究现状与不足,总结了未来岩溶地区人类活动水文效应的5个研究趋势,并探讨了研究中的重点及难点问题。  相似文献   

西沙群岛和南沙群岛土地名源流及其历史文化价值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘南威  张争胜 《热带地理》2015,35(2):162-169
中国海南渔民在长期的渔业生产和航海实践过程中,以海南方言命名了西沙群岛和南沙群岛及其附近海域内的岛礁,这些土地名多以书面或口头形式记载于《更路簿》及相关图籍中。文章分析了西沙群岛和南沙群岛土地名产生的文化背景,阐述土地名是海南渔民对西沙群岛和南沙群岛岛礁的称谓,厘清了西沙群岛和南沙群岛具体岛屿、沙洲、暗礁、暗沙和暗滩等141处土地名的来源,从土地名与古地名的历史渊源论证了土地名起源于明朝初期。详细阐明了西沙群岛和南沙群岛土地名具有历史悠久、全面系统、乡土气息浓郁、分类科学和方便实用等特点。最后指出,土地名是由海南渔民创造的,保存了大量历代海南渔民耕耘和管理西沙、南沙群岛及其附近海域的文化信息,是西沙、南沙群岛及其附近海域主权属于中国的铁证。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情给农户生计发展带来了重大风险,而生计资本是抵御疫情冲击、阻断返贫危机的关键。论文以重点疫区湖北省及周边地区为研究区域,基于可持续生计分析框架,从生计资本“结构—存量”多维视角出发,采用内生转换回归模型分析疫区465户农户生计资本对疫情风险的抵御作用。研究发现:① 重点疫区农户生计资本总量不高,疫情可能诱发生计脆弱性但不是唯一要素,基层公共卫生建设也极为重要;② 生计资本对疫情风险有显著抵御效应,人力资本维度作用更为凸显,物质资本占比过高反而会削弱疫情应对能力;③ 农户生计资本结构与存量分布不均,家庭劳动力、健康投入、财富积累、居住环境、社会阅历等是核心要素;④ 疫后生计恢复主要依赖于人力与金融资本的积累,而帮扶关键在于应急和兜底保障,要根据区域农户生计特征拟定差异化的疫情常态防控举措。  相似文献   

Urban poverty is invariably linked to sociospatial dimensions of livelihood strategies. Gendered social relations, for example, have been seen to impact the ability of females to access resources, to gain assets, and to engage in viable income‐generating activities. Focussing on the livelihood strategies of the urban poor as they intersect with neoliberal economic reforms in contemporary Ghana, this paper draws on a field‐based survey of porters in Accra, mostly migrants from rural agricultural northern Ghana, whose primary livelihoods derive from transporting goods for clients in congested market areas of the urban industrial south. The paper highlights the gendered aspects of porters' livelihood experiences such as differences in migration patterns, reliance on physical labour and living conditions, which relatively few analyses have examined, especially as these relate to wider socioeconomic processes. The study illustrates how this perspective is important to understand the intersection of livelihood strategies, gender and national economic reforms in promoting both rural and urban development.  相似文献   

This article investigates the complexities of fisher livelihoods and their interactions with the tourism industry on the Kenyan coast, to better understand how the prospects for alternative livelihoods, such as tourism, reduce fishing pressure. Data were derived from a questionnaire of 123 households and 30 interviews. Results showed that fishers cover the whole socioeconomic spectrum and that the role of fishing in livelihoods is heterogeneous both between individuals and for individuals over time. The majority of fishers do not combine tourism and fishing simultaneously, but livelihoods are characterized by a process of moving in and out of various activities as opportunities present themselves. There was no evidence of systematic or permanent displacement of fishers as a result of tourism. Given that fishing is not only an occupation carried out by those with no alternatives, prospects for alternative livelihoods systematically reducing fishing effort, predicated on this assumption, are questioned.  相似文献   

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